I hereby give notice that an ordinary meeting of the Ōrākei Local Board will be held on:




Meeting Room:



Thursday, 21 November 2024


St Chads Church and Community Centre
38 St Johns Road


Ōrākei Local Board










Scott Milne, JP


Deputy Chairperson

Sarah Powrie



Troy Churton



Angus McPhee



Penny Tucker



Margaret Voyce



David Wong, JP



(Quorum 4 members)




Monique Rousseau

Democracy Advisor


15 November 2024


Contact Telephone: 027 203 2107

Email: monique.rousseau@aucklandcouncil.govt.nz

Website: www.aucklandcouncil.govt.nz





Ōrākei Local Board

21 November 2024




1          Nau mai | Welcome                                                                  5

2          Ngā Tamōtanga | Apologies                                                   5

3          Te Whakapuaki i te Whai Pānga | Declaration of Interest                                                               5

4          Te Whakaū i ngā Āmiki | Confirmation of Minutes              5

5          He Tamōtanga Motuhake | Leave of Absence                      5

6          Te Mihi | Acknowledgements                              5

7          Ngā Petihana | Petitions                                       5

8          Ngā Tono Whakaaturanga | Deputations           5

8.1     Deputation - Claudia Elze and Buddy Carson - Dingle Dell renewal                     5

9          Te Matapaki Tūmatanui | Public Forum                                6

9.1     Public Forum - Eric Walton - Off-leash dogs in Churchill Park                                6

9.2     Public Forum - Jacqus Losken - Dogs in Tahuna Torea Nature Reserve                   6

9.3     Public Forum - Terry Moore - Ellerslie Community Patrol                                       7

10        Ngā Pakihi Autaia | Extraordinary Business     7

11        Ngā Pānui mō ngā Mōtini | Notices of Motion   8

12        Notice of Motion - Chair Scott Milne - Request to reconsider immediate funding of the Gowing Drive link to Te Ara ki Uta ki Tai           9

13        The Landing Concept Plan Refresh                 11

14        Annual Plan 2025/2026 - Input on Regional Consultation Content                                         17

15        Ōrākei Quick Response and Tree Protection Round One 2024/2025 grant allocations          21

16        Pt Lot 68 DEEDS 326 Aumoe Avenue, St Heliers - Service Property Optimisation          27

17        Adoption of the Ōrākei Local Board Emergency Readiness and Response Plan    31

18        Auckland Council’s Quarterly Performance Report: Ōrākei Local Board for quarter one 2024/2025                                                             39

19        Draft Auckland Open Space, Sport and Recreation Strategy – Part 1                             47

20        Draft Auckland Open Space, Sport and Recreation Strategy – Part 2                             57

21        Local Government New Zealand (LGNZ) Electoral Reform Working Group - Issues Paper                                                                    69

22        Appointment of delegated local board member to provide feedback on stormwater activities 75

23        Disposal of Part 70-74 Abbotts Way, Remuera & 207 Main Highway, Ellerslie: consideration of public feedback following consultation under S138 Local Government Act 2002                    81

24        Governance Forward Work Calendar and Resolutions Pending Action Report                 91

25        Ōrākei Local Board Workshop Records          93

26        Chairperson and Board Members' Report       95

27        Te Whakaaro ki ngā Take Pūtea e Autaia ana | Consideration of Extraordinary Items



1          Nau mai | Welcome


            Chairperson S Milne will welcome those present with a karakia.



2          Ngā Tamōtanga | Apologies


At the close of the agenda no apologies had been received.



3          Te Whakapuaki i te Whai Pānga | Declaration of Interest


Members are reminded of the need to be vigilant to stand aside from decision making when a conflict arises between their role as a member and any private or other external interest they might have.



4          Te Whakaū i ngā Āmiki | Confirmation of Minutes


That the Ōrākei Local Board:

a)          whakaū / confirm the ordinary minutes of its meeting, held on Thursday, 17 October 2024, including the confidential section, as a true and correct record.




5          He Tamōtanga Motuhake | Leave of Absence


At the close of the agenda no requests for leave of absence had been received.



6          Te Mihi | Acknowledgements


At the close of the agenda no requests for acknowledgements had been received.



7          Ngā Petihana | Petitions


At the close of the agenda no requests to present petitions had been received.




















8          Ngā Tono Whakaaturanga | Deputations


Standing Order 7.7 provides for deputations. Those applying for deputations are required to give seven working days notice of subject matter and applications are approved by the Chairperson of the Ōrākei Local Board. This means that details relating to deputations can be included in the published agenda. Total speaking time per deputation is ten minutes or as resolved by the meeting.


8.1       Deputation - Claudia Elze and Buddy Carson - Dingle Dell renewal

Te take mō te pūrongo

Purpose of the report

1.       To provide an opportunity for individuals and groups to deliver a presentation to the board during the deputation segment of the business meeting.

Whakarāpopototanga matua

Executive summary

2.       Claudia Elze and Buddy Carson will be in attendance presenting on the renewal of Dingle Dell.

Ngā tūtohunga


That the Ōrākei Local Board:

a)      receive the presentation from Claudia Elze and Buddy Carson on the renewal of Dingle Dell and thank them for their attendance.



9          Te Matapaki Tūmatanui | Public Forum


A period of time (approximately 30 minutes) is set aside for members of the public to address the meeting on matters within its delegated authority. A maximum of three minutes per speaker is allowed, following which there may be questions from members.


9.1       Public Forum - Eric Walton - Off-leash dogs in Churchill Park

Te take mō te pūrongo

Purpose of the report

1.       To deliver a presentation to the local board during the Public Forum segment of the business meeting.

Whakarāpopototanga matua

Executive summary

2.       Eric Walton will be in attendance presenting on the impacts of off-leash dogs in Churchill Park.

Ngā tūtohunga


That the Ōrākei Local Board:

a)      receive the presentation on the impacts of off-leash dogs along in Churchill Park and thank Eric Walton for his attendance.



9.2       Public Forum - Jacqus Losken - Dogs in Tahuna Torea Nature Reserve

Te take mō te pūrongo

Purpose of the report

1.       To deliver a presentation to the local board during the Public Forum segment of the business meeting.

Whakarāpopototanga matua

Executive summary

2.       Jacques Losken will be in attendance presenting on the impacts of dogs in Tahuna Torea Nature Reserve.

Ngā tūtohunga


That the Ōrākei Local Board:

a)      receive the presentation on the impacts of dogs in Tahuna Torea Nature Reserve and thank Jacques Losken for his attendance.



9.3       Public Forum - Terry Moore - Ellerslie Community Patrol

Te take mō te pūrongo

Purpose of the report

1.       To deliver a presentation to the local board during the Public Forum segment of the business meeting.

Whakarāpopototanga matua

Executive summary

2.       Terry Moore (Secretary, Treasurer and Trustee) of Ellerslie Community Patrol will be in attendance presenting on the office and storage space requirements at Ellerslie War Memorial Hall.

Ngā tūtohunga


That the Ōrākei Local Board:

a)      receive the presentation on the office and storage space requirements at Ellerslie War Memorial Hall and thank Terry Moore for his attendance.




10        Ngā Pakihi Autaia | Extraordinary Business


Section 46A(7) of the Local Government Official Information and Meetings Act 1987 (as amended) states:


“An item that is not on the agenda for a meeting may be dealt with at that meeting if-


(a)        The local authority by resolution so decides; and


(b)        The presiding member explains at the meeting, at a time when it is open to the public,-


(i)         The reason why the item is not on the agenda; and


(ii)        The reason why the discussion of the item cannot be delayed until a subsequent meeting.”


Section 46A(7A) of the Local Government Official Information and Meetings Act 1987 (as amended) states:


“Where an item is not on the agenda for a meeting,-


(a)        That item may be discussed at that meeting if-


(i)         That item is a minor matter relating to the general business of the local authority; and


(ii)        the presiding member explains at the beginning of the meeting, at a time when it is open to the public, that the item will be discussed at the meeting; but


(b)        no resolution, decision or recommendation may be made in respect of that item except to refer that item to a subsequent meeting of the local authority for further discussion.”



11        Ngā Pānui mō ngā Mōtini | Notices of Motion


Under Standing Order 2.5.1 (LBS 3.11.1) or Standing Order 1.9.1 (LBS 3.10.17) (revoke or alter a previous resolution) a Notice of Motion has been received from Chair Scott Milne for consideration under item 12.


Ōrākei Local Board

21 November 2024



Notice of Motion - Chair Scott Milne - Request to reconsider immediate funding of the Gowing Drive link to Te Ara ki Uta ki Tai

File No.: CP2024/17661




Whakarāpopototanga matua

Executive summary https://aklcouncil.sharepoint.com/sites/how-we-work/SitePages/executive-summary-reports.aspx

1.       In accordance with clause 7.1 of the Ōrākei Local Board Standing Orders, Chair Scott Milne has submitted a Notice of Motion with the request to reconsider immediate funding of the Gowing Drive link to Te Ara ki Uta ki Tai.

2.       The notice and executive summary noting Deputy Chair Sarah Powrie as seconder is appended as Attachment A.


That the Ōrākei Local Board:

a)      request Auckland Transport and NZTA to reconsider existing budgets which have this connection not being reinstated onto the work programme until 2027 and to bring forward one portion of the project, being the underpass construction.

b)      request to develop a reshaped budget that allows for completion of the other parts of the project in a timely manner; that is the pathway connections on 92 Gowing Drive and on the northern side of the shared path.

Ngā tāpirihanga






Notice of Motion - Chair Scott Milne - Request to reconsider immediate funding of the Gowing Drive link to Te Ara ki Uta ki Tai - Written Notice



Ngā kaihaina



Monique Rousseau - Democracy Advisor


Justin Kary - Senior Local Board Advisor



Ōrākei Local Board

21 November 2024



The Landing Concept Plan Refresh

File No.: CP2024/16807




Te take mō te pūrongo

Purpose of the report

1.       To seek approval of the refreshed concept plan for The Landing, Ōkahu Bay, 8-12 Tāmaki Drive (Attachment A).

Whakarāpopototanga matua

Executive summary

2.       A refresh of the Pathways to the Sea concept plan, the guiding document for future development at The Landing, formed part of the Ōrākei Local Board’s 2020/2021 work program (resolution number OR/2020/76).

3.       The aim for refreshing the concept plan was to ensure the site is effectively utilised and meets growing community needs in terms of providing for public access to the Waitematā Harbour, marine operations, club activity, events, and passive recreation outcomes.

4.       Following two rounds of public consultation carried out in 2022 and 2023, the local board approved a refreshed concept plan design in November 2023 that incorporated the following key elements:

·    safe harbour with sea wall

·    multi-use buildings for storage

·    multi-sport paddling centre

·    park-like shared open space.

5.       In response to significant consultation feedback, the local board resolved (resolution number OR/2023/128) to make this approval subject to plan changes required to accommodate a haul-out and hardstand operation that runs for eight months of the year (May to December) over an area of 2750 square metres (approximately).

6.       Retention of a hardstand facility enables yacht and launch owners and sailing clubs to carry out maintenance on their boats and meet environmental compliance standards. The proposed refreshed draft plan (Attachment A) integrates this additional key design outcome / feature.

7.       The proposed refreshed concept is a spatial plan which will inform and shape future development at The Landing. Further refinement of the plan will be undertaken when detailed design phases are initiated and funding is secured through third party agreements, partnerships or budgets secured by the Ōrākei Local Board for the build of each of the key design outcomes. 


Ngā tūtohunga


That the Ōrākei Local Board:

a)      whakaae / approve the five key design outcomes identified in The Landing Concept Plan Refresh (Attachment A):

·    safe harbour with sea wall

·    multi-use buildings for storage

·    multi-sport paddling centre

·    passive recreation and gathering space

·    haul out and hardstand area.

b)      whakaae / approve the revised concept plan for The Landing located in Ōkahu Bay, 8-12 Tāmaki Drive as detailed in Attachment A to this agenda report.

c)       tautoko / support any potential requirements that may be identified through the detailed design process to address traffic flow and general safety issues, including in and around the washdown and hardstand area, and to allow integration of any new parking regime.      




8.       The Landing is a busy park on the seaward side of Tāmaki Drive in Ōkahu Bay that offers a variety of marine-related sport and recreation activities on the Waitematā Harbour.

9.       The Ōrākei Local Board initiated a refresh of the guiding document for The Landing (Pathways to the Sea Concept Plan 2013) as part of their 2020/2021 work programme (resolution number OR/2020/76):

Refresh The Landing Concept Plan (2013) to ensure the site is effectively utilised and meets the growing community needs in terms of providing for club requirements, access to the water, events, gathering and passive recreation spaces, plus optimal linkages between the park and Tāmaki Drive.

10.     Stakeholder consultation was carried out in May 2021 followed by the first round of public consultation in February 2022. The public consultation process sought feedback on three draft concepts that delivered options for change (status quo, rationalisation and transformation) compared to the 2013 Pathways to the Sea Concept Plan.

11.     Informed by the consultation feedback, the local board supported the following four key design elements for inclusion in the plan refresh in June 2022 (resolution number OR/2022/74):

·        a central park-like space for leisure activities and marine events

·        multi-purpose buildings for clubs and marine based recreation

·        storage space for boats and equipment

·        all abilities and safe harbour access. 

12.     A draft plan version that integrated these elements was consulted on in August/September 2023 generating 1600 individual responses. In order to address the significant consultation feedback that sought retention of a haul-out and hardstand facility, approval of this plan version in November 2023 was made subject to changes required to accommodate such a facility.

13.     The attached plan incorporates an area specifically for the running of a haul-out and hardstand operation, as per the conditions set out in the local board’s resolution (OR/2023/128) detailed as follows:

Subject to commercial viability, retain approximately 50 per cent of the 2022 managed hardstand area (about 2,750 square metres, including the washdown pad and associated existing filtration system) to establish a smaller, flexible-use site for a short-stay haul-out facility (based on the presentation in Attachment E from the Young 88 Owners’ Association) to be used from May to December each year and the site being cleared and available for activations and major events from January to April, contingent on the approved operator providing the necessary infrastructure and a commensurate commercial return to the Ōrākei Local Board and operating to the highest industry standards in respect of water and air quality management.

14.     The resolution also instructed staff to undertake an expressions of interest process to secure a provider capable of operating a small flexible short-stay haul-out and hardstand service.

15.     This process has been completed and while an agreement with a provider was not secured, discussions have continued with interested parties. The Ōrākei Local Board can continue to consider future offers of service and the plan provides for the hardstand activity should a suitable operator be identified.   

Tātaritanga me ngā tohutohu

Analysis and advice

Haul-out and hardstand services 

16.     The provision of hardstand infrastructure and services at The Landing and whether they can, or should, be accommodated in the plan refresh without compromising the key recreation outcomes sought and without significant local board investment has been a point of focus and contention throughout the plan refresh process. 

17.     A significant number of submitters to the February 2022 and September 2023 consultation processes expressed concerns that there is insufficient infrastructure in the region for boat owners to keep their hulls free of biofouling and comply with Regional Pest Management Plan 2020-2030.


18.     Informed by the consultation feedback and advice on planning and biosecurity matters, the local board instructed staff to revise the plan submitted in November 2023 in order to accommodate the establishment of a flexible-use haul-out facility operating over 50 per cent of the 2022 managed hardstand area for eight months of the year (May to December). This outcome enables yacht and launch owners to carry out maintenance on their boats and meet environmental compliance standards while also freeing up space for more shared activity and gathering areas for a wide range of users. 

19.     The attached plan has been modified to accommodate a haul-out and hardstand operation running from May to December, and with a change in use from January to April that allows for the space to be used for events and club-based activities. This has involved revising the November 2023 plan by reducing the extent of ‘shared park like space’ (identified as #20 in the proposed plan) and a reduction in the size of one of the two proposed multi-use buildings for storage (identified as #8 in the proposed plan).

20.     Some detailed planning will be required to ensure the safe establishment of a publicly accessible wash down facility. This is particularly important for the flow and movement of vehicles with trailers and pedestrians. It may warrant establishing a new vehicle access point on the eastern boundary of the main car park through to the zone marked as #17 on the plan.

Providing for paddling outcomes

21.     Staff have held huis in 2024 with Waka Ama NZ, Ocean Blue Sports Club, Ōrākei Water Sports and the Hauraki Sports Club to discuss how the historic hardstand area could support their activities in the interim (i.e. until such time when budgets are in place to deliver approved concept plan outcomes).

22.     There is recognition amongst stakeholders that freeing up some of the historic hardstand area has presented meaningful opportunity for clubs based at the site to use this space in support of their own activities and growth.

23.     The building of a multi-sport paddling centre will provide for many of the outcomes sought by the paddling clubs based at the eastern end of the site over the longer term. It is anticipated the centre will accommodate Ngāti Whātua Ōrākei’s Waka Ama Club and planned for marine research facility (building footprint identified as #11b in the proposed plan), as well as the following incumbent clubs based on site:

·        Ōrākei Water Sports

·        Hauraki Sports Club

·        Ocean Blue Sports Club

·        Auckland Canoe Club.

24.     An entity to represent the four listed groups above will need to be established and will be responsible for the design, funding and development of club facilities on the footprint identified as #11a on the plan. Ngāti Whātua Ōrākei have indicated there could be opportunity to share toilet and changing room facilities that will form part of their development, meaning that only the build of storage space is required by the four other groups listed.

25.     Commercial activity can be accommodated within the multi-sport paddling centre (lease permitting and as per the 2013 Pathways to the Sea plan), but there is also potential for this commercial activity to be accommodated in a part of one of the two building footprints identified as #8 in the plan.

26.     The park like space and safe harbour will be design elements that will be shared by all users and visitors.

Haul-out and hardstand - Expression of Interest (EOI) process 

27.     The requested EOI process to establish a haul-out and hardstand service as per the conditions of the November 2023 resolution was undertaken between February and May 2024.

28.     The open EOI was advertised through the Government Electronic Tender System (GETS). In addition, the EOI opportunity was communicated through the local board newsletter and through marine industry associations. 

29.     One interested party submitted an application, but this was withdrawn before any agreement was signed. The low level of interest generated by the EOI process is attributed to the practical and technical challenges associated with running a haul-out service at a park where there are competing community demands for space and where the operation is limited to eight months of the year while being required to generate a commercial return without subsidy.

30.     Acknowledging these factors and the additional challenge of running a commercially viable operation, the local board indicated at a workshop on 23 May 2024 that they were prepared to move away from a service that generated a significant commercial return to one based on a not-for-profit cost recovery model.

31.     The NZ Multihull Yacht Club have, with other interested volunteer organisations (Young 88 Class Association, Classic Yacht Association, etc.), expressed an interest in running a small scale ‘club yard’ on this basis over the winter season in 2025.

32.     The draft plan version being recommended for approval enables such a service outcome to be realised and the local board can consider future proposals that deliver a productive service within the condition parameters they have established. Since the service requirements are similar to those sought through the EOI process, a direct appointment, or a closed tender process (if there is more than one supplier), could be carried out in this instance.

33.     Should an agreement with a service provider not materialise, then the shared use of the site for events and club activities will be extended from four months of summer use to 12 months of year-round use.

Tauākī whakaaweawe āhuarangi

Climate impact statement

34.     The council’s climate goals as set out in Te Tāruke-ā-Tāwhiri: Auckland’s Climate Plan are:

·        to reduce greenhouse gas emissions to reach net zero emissions by 2050 and

·        to prepare the region for the adverse impacts of climate change.

35.     Staff will seek to minimise carbon and contractor emissions as much as possible when delivering components of the project and increases in sea level rise will be taken into account when detailed planning is undertaken, with structures and buildings being future proofed. 

36.     Climate change is expected to exacerbate the spread and impact of marine invasive species. This is a relevant factor in considering the benefit of retaining a hardstand for boat cleaning and antifouling.

Ngā whakaaweawe me ngā tirohanga a te rōpū Kaunihera

Council group impacts and views

37.     Parks and Community Facilities staff are working together to ensure that service agreements, leases, licences and maintenance contracts at The Landing align with any approved plan changes and intent to charge for car parking. Staff have also engaged with Auckland Transport, Healthy Waters and Environmental Services on the plan refresh.

38.     Environmental Services staff have expressed a preference for the retention of short-stay hull cleaning facilities, to help boat owners comply with Biosecurity Act 1993 requirements under the Regional Pest Management Plan 2020-2030 and forthcoming National Clean Hull Plan.

39.     As a unitary authority, Auckland Council has the duties of a regional council under the Biosecurity Act 1993 relating to pest management. The council is required to provide leadership in activities that prevent, reduce, or eliminate adverse effects from harmful organisms present in Aotearoa New Zealand. Auckland Council’s regional focus for the control of marine pests will continue to be on education, advice, enforcement, monitoring and operational research.

Ngā whakaaweawe ā-rohe me ngā tirohanga a te poari ā-rohe

Local impacts and local board views

40.     Adoption of the proposed refreshed concept plan will make the site accessible to a wide range of users and, with local board approval, allow for Ngāti Whātua Ōrākei to develop a meaningful presence at the site.

41.     The concept plan will impact directly on the following local outcomes and the local board need to consider these in their decision making:

·     Ngāti Whātua Ōrākei’s Okahu Bay Masterplan, and ability to realise take tūpuna (ancestral rights and obligations)

·     provision for all incumbent clubs based on site

·     public access to boat ramp, car park, toilets and café facilities

·     all abilities access to the harbour

·     haul out and hardstand services

·     environmental outcomes including water and air quality

·     provision for events that are both local (and regional) in scale.

Tauākī whakaaweawe Māori

Māori impact statement

42.     Ngāti Whātua Ōrākei have articulated support for the concept plan and full implementation of the shared vision for the site as designed. Their long-term aspiration is to build a permanent standalone Whare Waka at The Landing for their Waka Taua (ceremonial waka). This could in principle be accommodated in the space marked for ‘multi-use two storey building’ (identified as #8 in the plan), subject to the local board’s approval and statutory processes being followed.

43.     Landowner approval has recently been granted by the local board in May 2024 (LOA 24-082) to Ngāti Whātua Ōrākei for the placement of a temporary Whare Waka at the eastern end of the historic hardstand.

44.     Another key priority for Ngāti Whātua Ōrākei is the build of a multi-sport paddling centre to accommodate their Waka Ama Club and a marine research centre. A footprint (#11b in the plan) has been identified specifically for this outcome, with these facilities potentially being constructed as a first stage in the wider development of the multi-sport paddling centre.    

Ngā ritenga ā-pūtea

Financial implications

45.     Budget has yet to be allocated to progress the ‘refreshed’ plan noting there will be opportunities for facility partnerships and / or securing third party funding. The local board also has opportunity to utilise revenue generated from leases, easements, parking and asset optimisation. 

46.     Funding opportunities include:

·         Ngāti Whātua Ōrākei delivering a component (# 11b) of the multi-sport paddling centre and a Whare Waka

·         a trust established to finance and build the western half of the multi-sport paddling centre (#11a)

·         park like space to be funded through the allocation of budgets available to the Ōrākei Local Board

·         Auckland Council to seek funding through the Lottery Grants Board and other charitable organisations for build of the safe harbour.

Ngā raru tūpono me ngā whakamaurutanga

Risks and mitigations

47.     The risk of challenge to the concept plan is mitigated by the local board giving full consideration to the views and preferences expressed through the public consultation carried out in February 2022 and September 2023 and the advice provided by staff in the five business reports submitted on this project since 2020.

Ngā koringa ā-muri

Next steps

48.     Subject to the local board’s approval and the availability of budget, staff will work with Ngāti Whātua Ōrākei, incumbent clubs, third parties and external funders to deliver the different components of the approved refreshed concept plan.


Ngā tāpirihanga






The Landing Concept Plan - 2024



Ngā kaihaina



David Barker - Parks & Places Team Leader


Martin van Jaarsveld - Head of Specialist Operations

Glenn Boyd - Local Area Manager

Justin Kary – Senior Local Board Advisor



Ōrākei Local Board

21 November 2024



Annual Plan 2025/2026 - Input on Regional Consultation Content

File No.: CP2024/17687




Te take mō te pūrongo

Purpose of the report

1.       To provide input on regional consultation content and local board advocacy for the Annual Plan 2025/2026.

Whakarāpopototanga matua

Executive summary

2.       The Annual Plan 2025/2026 contains the proposed budget and funding impact statement for the year, identifies any variations from the financial statements and funding impact statement in the 10-year budget for the relevant year, and provides for integrated decision-making and coordination of the council’s resources. The Governing Body is responsible for adopting the Annual Plan. As part of this process, local boards develop annual local board agreements which are agreed between local boards and the Governing Body (and are included in the Annual Plan).

3.       Consultation on the Annual Plan 2025/2026 is planned to take place late February to late March 2025. These dates are yet to be confirmed and so are subject to change.

4.       This report seeks the views of the local board on priority regional topics to be included in the Annual Plan 2025/2026 consultation.

5.       The Budget Committee will approve regional items for consultation on 4 December 2024. The regional and local consultation items (adopted in separate report) will then be incorporated into the Annual Plan 2025/2026 consultation document and supporting information, which is also planned to be adopted by the Budget Committee on 19 February 2025.


Ngā tūtohunga


That the Ōrākei Local Board:

a)      whakarite / provide feedback on the draft Mayoral Proposal including potential regional consultation topics and local board advocacy for the Annual Plan 2025/2026.




6.       The Annual Plan 2025/2026 contains the proposed budget and funding impact statement for the year, identifies any variations from the financial statements and funding impact statement in the 10-year budget for the relevant year, and provides for integrated decision-making and coordination of the council’s resources. The Governing Body is responsible for adopting the Annual Plan. As part of this process, local boards develop annual local board agreements which are agreed between local boards and the Governing Body (and are included in the Annual Plan).

7.       When making decisions, the Governing Body has a statutory obligation to consider the views and preferences of the local boards if the decision affects, or may affect, the responsibilities or operations of the local board or the well-being of communities within its local board area.

8.       Public consultation on the Annual Plan 2025/2026 is planned to take place late February to late March 2025. These dates are yet to be confirmed.

9.       Aucklanders will be able to provide feedback during the consultation period through a variety of channels, which include face-to-face (for spoken and New Zealand sign language interaction), written and social media.

Tātaritanga me ngā tohutohu

Analysis and advice

10.     At the beginning of this annual plan process, the Mayor and Councillors provided direction to staff including a request for options relating to the following areas:

·        Council-Controlled Organisation Reform,

·        Planning and paying for growth, and

·        Funding major events, destination marketing and visitor attraction.

11.     Local board chairs were invited to attend the Budget Committee workshops on the development of the regional topics for consultation. Local board members were provided recordings or briefings of the Budget Committee workshops for the Annual Plan 2025/2026.

12.     The draft Mayoral Proposal is scheduled to be released the week of the local boards’ meeting to approve feedback on the Mayoral Proposal including the Annual Plan regional consultation topics. The draft Mayoral Proposal will be tabled as Attachment B when it is released. The final Mayoral proposal, which outlines the mayor’s priorities for consultation will be released toward the end of November after local boards have presented their feedback to the Budget Committee.

13.     The local board is asked to provide feedback on the draft Mayoral Proposal for the Annual Plan 2025/2026 consultation. The feedback from the local boards will be collated and provided to the Budget Committee to consider when making decisions, including agreeing regional items for consultation on 4 December 2024.

14.     Staff are also proposing to consult on the following changes to targeted rates and fees and charges:

·        changes to waste management targeted rates to reflect updated budget forecasts including a 3 per cent increase to the overall waste management targeted rate for a typical household

·        the introduction of the refuse targeted rate to the former Rodney and Franklin districts in conjunction with the rollout of rates funded refuse to these areas

·        possible changes to some Business Improvement District (BID) targeted rates (noting that relevant boards have received advice and will provide a formal recommendation in May 2025 on whether the Governing Body should set each rate depending on ballot results and compliance)

·        changes to some animal management fees including an increase in the dog adoption fee from $350 to $450 and an increase vet fee from $75 to $150

·        changes to some cemetery fees

·        changes to other fees and charges that are over and above inflationary adjustments including:

o   changing deposit levels for some regulatory services to better reflect actual final charges,

o   realigning bach fees into pricing tiers based on occupancy levels, capacity and location and

o   aligning staff charge out rates with staff pay bands for services in regional parks.

15.     More information on proposed targeted rates and fees and charges can be found in the ‘Proposed changes to targeted rates and fees and charges for Annual Plan 2025/2026’ memorandum as attachment A.

16.     Local boards may also have advocacy items they want to advocate for to the Governing Body.

Tauākī whakaaweawe āhuarangi

Climate impact statement

17.     The decision to consult is procedural in nature. These decisions are unlikely to result in any identifiable changes to greenhouse gas emissions. The effects of climate change will not impact the decisions.

18.     Some of the proposed initiatives or projects included in the consultation content may have climate change impacts. The impacts of any initiatives or projects Auckland Council chooses to progress as a result of this consultation will be assessed as part of the relevant reporting requirements.

Ngā whakaaweawe me ngā tirohanga a te rōpū Kaunihera

Council group impacts and views

19.     The Annual Plan 2025/2026 is an Auckland Council group document and will include budgets at a consolidated group level.

20.     Consultation items and updates to budgets to reflect decisions and new information may include items from across the group. This will be reflected in the report on regional consultation items going the Budget Committee on 4 December 2024.

Ngā whakaaweawe ā-rohe me ngā tirohanga a te poari ā-rohe

Local impacts and local board views

21.     Local board chairs have been invited to be involved in the development of the regional topics for consultation by attending Budget Committee workshops. Local board members were provided recordings or briefings of the Budget Committee workshops for the Annual Plan 2025/2026.

22.     Local boards will have further opportunities to provide information and views as the council progresses through the Annual Plan 2025/2026 process.

23.     Aucklanders will have the opportunity to give feedback on regional and local proposals through the public consultation on the Annual Plan 2025/2026. All feedback received from submitters that indicate that they reside in the local board area will be analysed by staff and made available for consideration by the local board.

Tauākī whakaaweawe Māori

Māori impact statement

24.     The approach to Māori engagement for Annual Plan 2025/2026 will be finalised once consultation topics are confirmed, including development of bespoke materials.

25.     There is a need to continue to build local board relationships with iwi and the wider Māori community. Ongoing conversations will assist the local board and Māori to understand each other’s priorities and challenges.

Ngā ritenga ā-pūtea

Financial implications

26.     The local board provides input to regional plans and proposals. There will be information in the council’s consultation material for each plan or proposal with the financial implications of each option outlined for consideration.

Ngā raru tūpono me ngā whakamaurutanga

Risks and mitigations

27.     Under the Local Government Act 2002, the consultation document for the Annual Plan must be audited.  The draft consultation document (including local consultation content) will be prepared by staff and audited in December and January ahead of adoption by the Budget Committee in mid-February.

Ngā koringa ā-muri

Next steps

28.     The Budget Committee will agree items for consultation and approve the consultation approach for the Annual Plan 2025/2026 on 4 December 2024.

29.     Following the decisions on consultation content, staff will prepare the consultation document and supporting information for the Annual Plan 2025/2026.  These will be adopted by the Budget Committee on 19 February 2025.

30.     Following consultation, the Governing Body and the local board will make decisions on the Annual Plan 2025/2026 and local board agreements respectively in June 2025.


Ngā tāpirihanga






Proposed changes to targeted rates and fees and charges for Annual Plan 2025/2026’ memorandum



Draft Mayoral Proposal for consultation on the Annual Plan 2025/2026 (To Be Tabled)



Ngā kaihaina



Phoebe Peguero - Senior Advisor Operations and Policy


Lou-Ann Ballantyne - General Manager Governance and Engagement

Justin Kary - Senior Local Board Advisor



Ōrākei Local Board

21 November 2024



Ōrākei Quick Response and Tree Protection Round One 2024/2025 grant allocations

File No.: CP2024/16439




Te take mō te pūrongo

Purpose of the report

1.       To fund, part-fund or decline the applications received for Ōrākei Quick Response and Tree Protection round one 2024/2025.

Whakarāpopototanga matua

Executive summary

2.       This report presents applications received in the Ōrākei Quick Response and Tree Protection round one 2024/2025 (Attachment A).

3.       The Ōrākei Local Board adopted the Ōrākei Local Board Community Grant Programme 2024/2025 on 16 May 2024. The document sets application guidelines for contestable grants (Attachment B).

4.       The local board has set a total community grants budget of $198,796.00 for the 2024/2025 financial year.

5.       Fifteen applications have been received for the Ōrākei Quick Response round one 2024/2025, requesting a total of $37,057.68.


Ngā tūtohunga


That the Ōrākei Local Board:

a)      agree to fund, part-fund or decline each application received in the Ōrākei Quick Response and Tree Protection round one, listed in the following table:


Table One: the Ōrākei Quick Response and Tree Protection round one 2024/2025 grant applications

Application ID


Main focus

Requesting funding for

Amount requested



Alliance Française d'Auckland Incorporated

Arts and culture

Towards the cost of five historic wall prints




Bach Musica NZ Incorporated

Arts and culture

Towards the cost of Music and Artistic director fees




Blue Light Ventures Incorporated


Towards the cost of 462 Street Smart handbooks




Crescendo Entertainment Group Limited

Arts and culture

Towards the cost of administration, project management, marketing costs and facilitator fees




Disability Sport Auckland Incorporated

Sport and recreation

Towards the cost of wages and equipment for the 2025 Water Day




Eastern Bays Community Patrol Incorporated


Towards the cost of street signs




Ellerslie Combined Probus Club


Towards the cost of venue hire at the Ellerslie War Memorial Community Centre




Ellerslie Residents Association Incorporated


Towards the cost of electronic waste disposal




Judith Bristol


Towards the cost of weed removal and maintenance at residence 124C Gowing Drive




MG & CA Brooks


Towards the pruning of two oak trees at 47 Entrican Ave, Remuera




Oceania Literacy Trust

Arts and culture

Towards the cost of 30 Reading Warrior gift boxes




Playdays (Orakei Presbyterian Church) Charitable Trust


Towards the cost of a wall divider




St Heliers Community Centre Limited


Towards the cost of venue hire, marketing costs, printing, face painters, entertainers, wages, gifts for volunteers and prizes




St Heliers Glendowie Residents Association Incorporated


Towards the cost of technical development for the St Heliers Glendowie Residents Association Incorporated website




Ts Achilles Unit Branch Scanz

Sport and recreation

Towards the cost of a new Crown boat trailer















6.       The local board allocates grants to groups and organisations delivering projects, activities and services that benefit Aucklanders and contribute to the vision of being a world class city.

7.       Auckland Council Community Grants Policy supports each local board to adopt a grants programme.

8.       The local board grants programme sets out:

·   local board priorities

·   lower priorities for funding

·   higher priorities for funding

·   exclusions

·   grant types, the number of grant rounds and when these will open and close

·   any additional accountability requirements.


9.       The Ōrākei Local Board adopted the Ōrākei Local Board Community Grants Programme 2024/2025 on 15 May 2024. The document sets application guidelines for contestable grants.

10.     The community grant programmes have been extensively advertised through the council grants webpage, local board webpages, local board e-newsletters, Facebook pages, council publications, radio, and community networks

Tātaritanga me ngā tohutohu

Analysis and advice

11.     The aim of the local board grant programme is to deliver projects and activities which align with the outcomes identified in the local board plan. All applications have been assessed utilising the Community Grants Policy and the local board grant programme criteria. The eligibility of each application is identified in the report recommendations.

Tauākī whakaaweawe āhuarangi

Climate impact statement

12.     The Local Board Grants Programme aims to respond to Auckland Council’s commitment to address climate change by providing grants to individuals and groups for projects that support and enable community climate action. Community climate action involves reducing or responding to climate change by local residents in a locally relevant way. Local board grants can contribute to expanding climate action by supporting projects that reduce carbon emissions and increase community resilience to climate impacts. Examples of projects include local food production and food waste reduction; increasing access to single-occupancy transport options; home energy efficiency and community renewable energy generation; local tree planting and streamside revegetation; and educating about sustainable lifestyle choices that reduce carbon footprints.

Ngā whakaaweawe me ngā tirohanga a te rōpū Kaunihera

Council group impacts and views

13.     Based on the main focus of an application, a subject matter expert from the relevant department will provide input and advice. The main focus of an application is identified as arts, community, events, sport and recreation, environment or heritage.

14.     The grants programme has no identified impacts on council-controlled organisations and therefore their views are not required.

Ngā whakaaweawe ā-rohe me ngā tirohanga a te poari ā-rohe

Local impacts and local board views

15.     Local boards are responsible for the decision-making and allocation of local board community grants.  The Ōrākei Local Board is required to fund, part-fund or decline these grant applications in accordance with its priorities identified in the local board grant programme.

16.     The local board is requested to note that section 48 of the Community Grants Policy states “We will also provide feedback to unsuccessful grant applicants about why they have been declined, so they will know what they can do to increase their chances of success next time”.

17.     A summary of each application received through the Ōrākei Quick Response and Tree Protection round one 2024/2025 (Attachment A) is provided.

Tauākī whakaaweawe Māori

Māori impact statement

18.     The local board grants programme aims to respond to Auckland Council’s commitment to improving Māori wellbeing by providing grants to individuals and groups who deliver positive outcomes for Māori. Auckland Council’s Māori Responsiveness Unit has provided input and support towards the development of the community grant processes.

Ngā ritenga ā-pūtea

Financial implications

19.     The allocation of grants to community groups is within the adopted Long-term Plan 2021-2031 and local board agreements.

20.     The local board has set a total community grants budget of $198,796.00 for the 2024/2025 financial year.

21.     On the 23 October 2024 twenty-four applications from the Local Grant round one 2024/2025 received a total of $103,000.00. The remaining budget amount for 2024/2025 is $95,976.00.

22.     Fifteen applications have been received for the Ōrākei Quick Response round one 2024/2025, requesting a total of $37,057.68.

23.     Relevant staff from Auckland Council’s Finance Department have been fully involved in the development of all local board work programmes, including financial information in this report, and have not identified any financial implications.

Ngā raru tūpono me ngā whakamaurutanga

Risks and mitigations

24.     The allocation of grants occurs within the guidelines and criteria of the Community Grants Policy and the local board grants programme. The assessment process has identified a low risk associated with funding the applications in this round.

Ngā koringa ā-muri

Next steps

25.     Following the Ōrākei Local Board allocation of funding for the Quick Response round one, Grants staff will notify the applicants of the local board’s decision.


Ngā tāpirihanga






Ōrākei Quick Response Round One 2024/2025 - application summary



Ōrākei Community Grant Programme 2024/2025



Ngā kaihaina



Arna Casey - Grants Advisor


Pierre Fourie - Grants & Incentives Manager

Justin Kary - Senior Local Board Advisor



Ōrākei Local Board

21 November 2024



Pt Lot 68 DEEDS 326 Aumoe Avenue, St Heliers - Service Property Optimisation

File No.: CP2024/17004




Te take mō te pūrongo

Purpose of the report

1.       To approve the disposal of Pt Lot 68 DEEDS 326 Aumoe Avenue, St Heliers, under the service property optimisation framework.

Whakarāpopototanga matua

Executive summary

2.       Pt Lot 68 DEEDS 326 Aumoe Avenue is an unformed accessway that cannot be connected between Aumoe Avenue and Tamaki Drive due to the contours of the land. It is subject to the Reserves Act 1977. Its reserve status will need to be revoked to enable the proposed disposal.

3.       The property is not required to meet the council’s provision for open space as there are no targets for connection-linkage reserves. A connection cannot be feasibly made with this land given the topography of the property. The proposed disposal is supported by relevant council business units.

4.       The property is currently zoned Residential – Mixed Housing Suburban Zone and does not require a plan change.

5.       As Pt Lot 68 DEEDS 326 Aumoe Avenue is a local service asset, it can be sold in accordance with the service property optimisation framework, with proceeds of sale proposed for reinvestment in either of these projects:

•     The development of sports fields at Thomas Bloodworth Park and Shore Road Reserve

•     Capital works at Tagalad Reserve, Mission Bay

•     Capital works at The Landing, Okahu Bay

Ngā tūtohunga


That the Ōrākei Local Board:

a)      approve the proposed disposal of Pt Lot 68 DEEDS 326 Aumoe Avenue, St Heliers, in accordance with the service property optimisation framework.

b)      support commencement of the reserve revocation process for Pt Lot 68 DEEDS 326 Aumoe Avenue, St Heliers;

c)       support the proceeds of sale from Pt Lot 68 DEEDS 326 Aumoe Avenue, St Heliers being allocated towards:

i)       The development of sports fields at Thomas Bloodworth Park and Shore Road Reserve

ii)       Capital works at Tagalad Reserve, Mission Bay

iii)      Capital works at The Landing, Okahu Bay




6.       In 1926, 364m2 of land was originally vested as a ‘public reserve’ in His Majesty the King on deposit of the Deeds Plan 326 by virtue of Section 16 of the Land Act 1924.

7.       In 1928 the property was transferred to the Tamaki Road District by Conveyance and a new title NA593/187 (limited as to parcels and title) was issued in the name of the Auckland City Council (ACC) in 1936.

8.       Under the service property optimisation policy (adopted by Finance and Performance Committee, March 2015 - FIN/2015/16) council owned property assets that are currently used to deliver a local council service can be redeveloped or sold with the sale proceeds reinvested in eligible projects to improve service delivery in the same local board area.

9.       Eligible reinvestment projects are projects contemplated in current or future years of the Long-term Plan (LTP), noted in the relevant Asset Management Plan (AMP), or are consistent with qualifying business strategies or plans formally adopted to guide council’s future service provision and to inform LTP/AMP processes (for example, Community Facilities Network Plan).

10.     On 28 September 2017, the Governing Body delegated final decision-making authority on local asset disposal and reinvestment, under the service property optimisation policy, to local boards, providing all criteria have been met.

Tātaritanga me ngā tohutohu

Analysis and advice

11.     The subject property adjoins five privately owned properties with two of the properties owned by one party. Council’s Land Advisory Services team were made aware that adjoining owners are encroaching on the property in 2020. All five adjoining owners have enquired with Eke Panuku about purchasing the property.

12.     In February 2021, Community and Social Policy staff assessed the property and recommended disposal as ‘the site provides no practicable open space outcomes as it is covered by the properties of neighbouring sites. The property contains no known significant management layers as identified in the Auckland Unitary Plan. The site makes no contribution to the wider open space network in the locality.’

13.     Retaining the property in public ownership was considered. However, it is an unformed walkway with no public benefit, is encroached by the adjoining owners and does not provide any recreational provision.

14.     The property meets the criteria for service property optimisation as it was intended to be part of the open space network. Given that the land has subsequently been encroached on by private parties, is not accessible to the public and has no future use requirement, there is greater value in selling the property and redirecting the funds to another priority within the local board area.

15.     Public consultation and approval from the Minister of Conservation is required to revoke the reserve status of the property.

16.     Due to the size and shape of the property, it can only be sold to an adjoining owner/s. The property cannot be sold until completion of the reserve revocation process.  

17.     If the service property optimisation proposal is not approved or an agreement cannot be reached, then the preferred option is to hold the property in the current state.

Tauākī whakaaweawe āhuarangi

Climate impact statement

18.     It is anticipated that should the property be developed on by the adjoining owner/s, there could be a potential short-term increase in emissions due to the emissions associated with development and construction.

19.     While an overland flow path runs through a very small part of the property, it is not located in a flood prone area or subject to other environmental instabilities.

Ngā whakaaweawe me ngā tirohanga a te rōpū Kaunihera

Council group impacts and views

20.     Staff from relevant council business units have contributed to the assessment of this opportunity including council’s Land Advisory Services team, Community and Social Policy team and Eke Panuku.

21.     On 25 February 2022, Eke Panuku undertook consultation with council departments and CCOs to identify any issues or feedback relating to the proposed sale of this property. The consultation process closed on 18 March 2022. No feedback was received.

Ngā whakaaweawe ā-rohe me ngā tirohanga a te poari ā-rohe

Local impacts and local board views

22.     At a workshop with the local board in May 2024, staff set out the statutory processes required to enable the proposed disposal of the property and discussed the proposed outcomes sought through the sale of the property. The local board verbally advised support for the opportunity and the next steps required to enable the sale. This report provides an opportunity for the local board to formalise its views.

Tauākī whakaaweawe Māori

Māori impact statement

23.     On the 11 February 2022, Mana Whenua were informed of the intention to dispose of the property for the purpose of service property optimisation. No feedback was received.

24.     Mana Whenua will be engaged as part of the reserve revocation process.

Ngā ritenga ā-pūtea

Financial implications

25.     Proceeds from the proposed sale of Pt Lot 68 DEEDS 326 Aumoe Avenue would provide partial funding for all or any of the following projects:

•        The development of sports fields at Thomas Bloodworth Park and Shore Road Reserve

•        Capital works at Tagalad Reserve, Mission Bay

•        Capital works at The Landing, Okahu Bay

Ngā raru tūpono me ngā whakamaurutanga

Risks and mitigations

26.     The following table outlines the main risks and mitigations associated with the recommendations in this report.



Market fluctuations could negatively affect property values at the time the transaction is concluded.

Conclude and execute a sale and purchase agreement based on independent property valuations.

Submissions opposing the sale through the public consultation process as part of the Reserves Act 1977.

Include the benefits/outcomes to be achieved within the public notification material such as the ability to ringfence funds for another local project that will benefit the community.

Ngā koringa ā-muri

Next steps

27.     Subject to approval, Eke Panuku will commence the reserve revocation process to enable the proposed disposal.


Ngā tāpirihanga






Images - Aumoe Ave, St Heliers



Ngā kaihaina



Moira Faumui - Strategic Property Specialist, Eke Panuku Development Auckland


Letitia Edwards - Head of Strategic Property Optimisation - Eke Panuku Development Auckland

Marian Webb - General Manager Assets and Delivery, Eke Panuku

Justin Kary - Senior Local Board Advisor



Ōrākei Local Board

21 November 2024



Adoption of the Ōrākei Local Board Emergency Readiness and Response Plan

File No.: CP2024/16335




Te take mō te pūrongoPurpose of the report

1.       To adopt the Ōrākei Local Board Emergency Readiness and Response Plan (Attachment A).

Whakarāpopototanga matua

Executive summary

2.       The Ōrākei Local Board Emergency Readiness and Response (ER&R) Plan aligns with the Ōrākei Local Board Plan 2023 under the objective ID# 3972 ‘Community and business emergency response plans and resilience programme’.

3.       The development of the Ōrākei Local Board ER&R Plan is a key initiative identified in the Auckland Emergency Management Group Plan 2024-2019. Group Plan Initiative #16 is to “work with Local Boards to prepare, communicate and embed Local Board Emergency Readiness and Response Plans that identify local hazards, how to prepare for emergencies, how to evacuate and where to go and useful contacts in an emergency.”

4.       The Ōrākei Local Board ER&R Plan has been developed to provide information for people living and working in the local area on how to get ready for, and respond to, an emergency. The plan also includes information about reducing or minimising the risk of hazards and includes key information to support a community’s recovery following an emergency event.

5.       The plan has been developed in conjunction with the local board, marae in the Auckland Emergency Management Whakaoranga Marae Whakaoranga Whanau Programme, emergency services, Health NZ, the Auckland Council Demographic Panels, as well as the council departments of Healthy Waters, Community Wellbeing (formerly Connected Communities), the Tāmaki Makaurau Recovery Office and key community groups with an interest in emergency readiness and response.

6.       A two-stage launch strategy is proposed for the release of the Ōrākei Local Board ER&R Plan. The two stages include a ‘soft launch’ post ER&R Plan adoption and a full public launch commencing in February 2025. The public launch will include promoting the plans in traditional media, on social media platforms and in hard copy.


Ngā tūtohunga


That the Ōrākei Local Board:

a)      whai / adopt the Ōrākei Local Board Emergency Readiness and Response Plan (Attachment A).

b)      tautapa / delegate to the Ōrākei Local Board Chairperson the ability to approve minor amendments of the document ahead of publication.




7.       The Tāmaki Makaurau Auckland Civil Defence and Emergency Management Group Plan 2024-2029 identifies several key initiatives to improve community emergency readiness and response to emergencies. Group Plan Initiative #16 prioritises the preparation of Local Board ER&R Plans to meet this objective.

8.       The Ōrākei Local Board ER&R Plan also aligns with the Ōrākei Local Board Plan 2023 key initiative ‘Community and business emergency response plans and resilience’.

9.       The purpose of the Ōrākei Local Board ER&R Plan is to support local emergency readiness. The development of the ER&R Plan was carried out in collaboration with the Ōrākei Local Board over the course of 2024.

10.     The Local Board ER&R Plan has been developed through three workshops with the Ōrākei Local Board. The workshops covered the following topics:

·        Workshop one (23 May 2024): The concept of the Local Board ER&R Plan was introduced, Local Board Emergency Readiness and Response Lead(s) were nominated, and the process to develop the ER&R Plan agreed. The Ōrākei Local Board ER&R Plan Working Group was established and included the nominated Local Board Emergency Readiness and Response Lead(s), the Senior Community Planning and Readiness Advisor, Connected Communities and local board services kaimahi. The Ōrākei Local Board ER&R Plan Working Group met throughout the development of the ER&R Plan, and between workshops one, two and three.

·        Workshop two (4 July 2024): The draft ER&R Plan template was presented, following input from the nominated ER&R Plan Working Group. Discussion focused on identifying and/or confirming hazards specific to the Ōrākei local board area, and potential Civil Defence Centres and Community Emergency Hubs locations. The local board also confirmed with AEM staff a targeted group of community stakeholders with which to test the draft ER&R Plan at this workshop.

·        Workshop three (26 September 2024): Feedback from targeted stakeholder consultation was reviewed and the text of the final draft ER&R Plan was presented. The design proof from the pilot local board (Devonport-Takapuna) ER&R Plan was shared and agreement sought on launch and testing activities.

11.     In addition to input from the Local Board ER&R Plan Working Group, this ER&R Plan was shaped with input from marae in the Auckland Emergency Management Whakaoranga Marae Whakaoranga Whanau Programme, emergency services (including Fire and Emergency NZ and Police), Health NZ, the Auckland Council Demographic Panels, as well as council departments of Healthy Waters, Community Wellbeing (formerly Connected Communities), and the Tāmaki Makaurau Recovery Office. Established Community Emergency Hubs and key community groups with an interest in emergency readiness and response have also been involved in the development of the plan. A summary of this feedback is provided in paragraphs 13 through 18 in this report.

12.     The ER&R Plan is a key foundation document to communicate local board area specific information about the top emergency hazards for the area, tips and ideas on how to reduce the risk and/or impact of these hazards, how to be emergency ready, where to go and what to do during an emergency response and the key information required to support a community’s recovery. The ER&R Plan will support and guide community groups in their reduction, readiness, response and recovery planning activities.










Figure 1: The hierarchy of plans 

A diagram of emergency management

Description automatically generated

Tātaritanga me ngā tohutohu

Analysis and advice

Summary of feedback from the local board and the ER&R Plan Working Group

13.     Feedback received at local board workshops and from the ER&R Plan Working Group has been incorporated in the plan and includes insights such as making the front section removable so it can be placed on the fridge or in the pantry. Feedback was also given on the importance of increasing community awareness, along with tools and means to embed ‘calls to action’ which will be featured on all maps, especially around flood and tsunami risks.

14.     Feedback was received at workshop two regarding specific Civil Defence Centres, which has been collated for all local board areas and will be fed into the wider review of Civil Defence Centres underway by the Business and Welfare Unit at Auckland Emergency Management. Feedback was also received regarding potential Community Emergency Hubs and community groups recommended for engagement.

Summary of community feedback

15.     Feedback received from the community groups was positive and aligned well with the emergency readiness initiatives the groups are pursuing. Examples of relevant quotes from community groups include:

·        The draft Ōrākei Plan is a great resource and will enable our community group to fit in its planning and intentions to achieve the biggest win for our community, especially to ensure increased public awareness

·        Happy for our church community to be listed as a Community Emergency Hub in the plan and will help encourage other churches in the immediate area to join us and grow the collective strength of our church (denomination) communities as a religious Community Response Group in this area”.

16.     As a result of the feedback received, the Ōrākei ER&R Plan will take into account that some of our community response groups may be a ‘consortium’ of various community groups (e.g. individual church buildings and their respective parishes) as a way to consolidate and pool resources for their communities.

Feedback from council’s demographic panels

17.     Over June and July 2024, Auckland Emergency Management presented a draft ER&R Plan for the six Auckland Council demographic panels which represent Ethnic Communities, Pacific Peoples, Youth, Seniors, Disability and Rainbow Communities. Feedback from the panels include:

·        communication of the plan post-adoption

·        images within the plan to be representative of Auckland’s diversity

·        training opportunities for Community Emergency Hubs to be inclusive of diversity

·        the plans being condensed

·        including advice for apartment dwellers

·        diverse life experiences and input from one panel is also relevant to circumstances of other communities.

18.     Particular attention has been given to making the ER&R Plans representative of Auckland’s diverse communities. This includes ensuring that images are inclusive and representative, that the plan is concise and accompanied by easier to read summary documents and fact sheets. Separate to the ER&R Plan, Auckland Emergency Management is developing guidance for apartment dwellers and will build inclusiveness into future Community Emergency Hub guidance documentation.

Launch strategy for ER&R Plan

19.     A two-stage launch strategy is proposed for the release of the Local Board ER&R Plan. The two stages include a ‘soft launch’ post Local Board ER&R Plan adoption at the Ōrākei Local Board Business Meeting and a full public launch commencing February 2025.

20.     The two-stage launch strategy allows for a celebration and acknowledgement of the completion of the plan with those closely involved in its development, whilst allowing time for the printing and publication of the ER&R Plan and supporting promotional documentation, the preparation of translated and accessible versions of the documents, and the organising of any public events to support a full public launch. For further information refer to Attachment B: Local Board Emergency Readiness and Response Plan – Launch Strategy.

Update process for the ER&R Plan

21.     As the ER&R Plan is a new local board and community resource, Auckland Emergency Management will conduct a first review of the ER&R Plan as part of the FY25/26 local board work programme. Whilst much of the content within the plan will remain unchanged, the initial review is a good opportunity to update any changes to contact information or identified Civil Defence Centre and/or Community Emergency Hub locations. Following this initial review, further reviews will then occur on a three yearly basis (or as required) to align with the local board plan cycle.

Tauākī whakaaweawe āhuarangi

Climate impact statement

22.     The ER&R Plan identifies actions that can be taken to increase individual and community readiness and resilience in the face of increased frequency and severity of weather events associated with climate change. The ER&R Plan identifies tips and activities that communities can do to reduce the risk of a climate related emergency hazard (and other non-climate hazards) or its impact.

23.     Further work delivered by Auckland Emergency Management over 2025 and beyond will seek to embed the ER&R Plan by working alongside members of the Ōrākei Local Board and their communities to provide information on actions that reduce risks, to be emergency ready and to respond to, and recover from, future emergency events. 

24.     Auckland Emergency Management’s community outreach workstream forms part of a joined-up approach with other parts of Auckland Council that collectively seek to support communities in discussions around climate change, adaptation, emergency preparedness and recovery. As such, Auckland Emergency Management is collaborating with Environmental Services, the Chief Sustainability Office, Healthy Waters and the Tāmaki Makaurau Recovery Office in particular. The intention is to ensure all departments are coordinated in their approach, understand each other’s objectives and workstreams, and to provide joined up advice to community groups.

Ngā whakaaweawe me ngā tirohanga a te rōpū Kaunihera

Council group impacts and views

25.     The Ōrākei Local Board ER&R Plan has provided an opportunity to partner and collaborate with many departments across the council group.

26.     Auckland Emergency Management sought input from, and has built relationships with, Local Board Services, Community Wellbeing Department, the Tāmaki Makaurau Recovery Office, the Assets, Engineering and Technical Advisory Department, Healthy Waters (specifically the team delivering the Blue Green Network Programme) and the Chief Sustainability Office in particular.  Governance and engagement (local board teams) have provided advice and guidance through the development of the ER&R Plans.

27.     Council Controlled Organisations such as Auckland Transport and Watercare Limited, are connected to this work through both the Coordinating Executive Group (CEG) and through the Lifelines Utilities Programme. The Lifelines Utilities Advisor (representing electricity, cellular network, water and roading providers) has been consulted through the development of the ER&R Plan.

Ngā whakaaweawe ā-rohe me ngā tirohanga a te poari ā-rohe

Local impacts and local board views

28.     The ER&R Plan contributes to the delivery of the Local Board Plan 2023 objective ‘communities live more sustainably and are prepared for the impacts of climate change.’ The purpose of the ER&R Plan is to support local emergency readiness. The ER&R Plan has been developed to provide information for people living and working in the local area on how to get ready for, and respond to, an emergency.

29.     The development of the ER&R Plan was carried out in collaboration with the local board over the course of 2024 as outlined in paragraph 9. Throughout the development of the ER&R Plan the views of the local board were sought and the feedback received was used to shape and inform the plan’ development. Auckland Emergency Management staff also engaged with key community groups who have an interest in emergency readiness and response. The purpose of engaging with key community groups was to seek feedback and input into the ER&R Plan to ensure the plan meets the needs of the local community. Paragraphs 13 through 18 of this report summarise the feedback received and outlines how this feedback was used to shape the plan.

30.     Following the adoption and publication of the plan, community groups will be able to use the area specific technical information, advice and guidance in the ER&R Plan as a foundation or guide for forming their own community plans. The ER&R Plan also supports the household ‘Make a Plan’ resource, giving whānau additional information and guidance to help them get ready for a wide range of emergencies. It promotes personal confidence and empowerment as a tool for taking personal responsibility in getting ready for and responding to emergencies. It is a reference for households, businesses and communities to confidently base their own readiness activities on.  

31.     The ER&R Plan provides key emergency contact information that local board members can pass on to their communities. The ER&R Plan clarifies roles and responsibilities through reduction, readiness, response and recovery. Cross boundary issues have been considered, with the maps incorporated within the plan showing hazards, Civil Defence Centres and Community Emergency Hubs both within the local board area/rohe and those areas immediately adjacent.

32.     Over 2025, Auckland Emergency Management will embed key concepts of the ER&R Plan through community outreach activities. Local board members have an important role in promoting the ER&R Plan and the information it includes by referencing and promoting the ER&R Plan at community events and other community engagements that they attend throughout the year.

Tauākī whakaaweawe Māori

Māori impact statement

33.     The impacts on Māori from disasters can be significant and there are real strengths in integrating kaupapa Māori, mātauranga Māori and tikanga Māori into resilience building for disasters. Auckland Emergency Management are committed to honouring Te Tiriti o Waitangi by ensuring the views and knowledge of Iwi and Māori are reflected.

34.     During the North Island severe weather events of 2023, 13 marae were actively involved in the response, feeding, sheltering and comforting people who had been displaced by the event. Of those 13, eight have already become part of Auckland Emergency Management’s Whakaoranga Marae Whakaoranga Whānau Programme, which supports marae emergency readiness. These marae are listed in the ER&R Plans as places where people can turn to for support in an emergency, along with other marae who have indicated they have the resource to offer similar support in the future. Auckland Emergency Management understand that not all marae have the resources available to support the wider community in an emergency response and have only identified those who have confirmed they are able to respond and support others.

35.     Auckland Emergency Management, through the Principal Iwi/ Māori Resilience Advisor, will continue to work with marae, mana whenua and mataawaka to support marae and iwi in their emergency readiness activities, with support from the Ngā Mātārae and Resilience and Infrastructure Directorate Māori Outcomes Lead. Should additional marae confirm that they are in a position to support the wider communities and wish to be included in the ER&R Plan, Auckland Emergency Management will ensure that they are included in future iterations and updates to the ER&R Plan.

Ngā ritenga ā-pūtea

Financial implications

36.     The activities associated with delivering and launching the ER&R Plans and the community emergency readiness programme are funded through the Auckland Emergency Management operating budget and/or are resourced internally. This includes the printing of the ER&R Plans, the printing and translation of supporting summary documentation, the preparation of proactive media articles, social media campaigns and provision of documentation to key community information points such as the Auckland Council libraries, Citizen Advice Beauraux, Neighbourhood Support and others. Refer to Appendix B: ER&R Plan – Launch Strategy for further information.

37.     Further work to embed the key messaging associated with the ER&R Plans will be funded through Auckland Emergency Management operating budget and/or are resourced internally. Continuing work to identify and support community groups who have an interest in establishing future community emergency hubs will be funded through the Auckland Council Local Preparedness Storm Fund, in addition to internal resourcing. 

Ngā raru tūpono me ngā whakamaurutanga

Risks and mitigations

38.     Key risks to the implementation of the Ōrākei Local Board ER&R Plan include:

·    A delay in adopting the ER&R Plan, or non-adoption: The ER&R Plan contains critical emergency information which people feel they do not have access to through other means. Delay in, or not adopting the ER&R Plan will mean that this local board area will not be able to succinctly provide this information to residents. The ER&R Plan is a foundation document that will underpin community emergency readiness discussions, activities and support over 2025. A delay in adopting the ER&R Plan, or non-adoption, would negatively impact the delivery of this planned community engagement and readiness programme. The opportunity to refresh Civil Defence Centres, Community Emergency Hub or marae locations in a year’s time mitigates needing to hold back the plan’s adoption for additional locations to be included.

·    Response risk: Should the Emergency Coordination Centre be activated, all day-to-day work to publish, launch and embed the ER&R Plan will be temporarily put on hold to enable kaimahi to prioritise emergency response efforts. The recommendation is that this risk is acknowledged, noting work would recommence as soon as AEM’s response personnel are stood down.

·    Embedding the ER&R Plans: The ability to support community groups with readiness activities using the ER&R Plan is constrained by the internal resourcing of Auckland Emergency Management. To mitigate this risk, Auckland Emergency Management is seeking to partner with departments across Auckland Council and other agencies (such as Fire and Emergency New Zealand, and Neighbourhood Support) to increase reach. Auckland Emergency Management is also seeking to fund community facilitators to run workshops and training programmes for marae and community groups to increase capacity and reach.

Ngā koringa ā-muri

Next steps

39.     Auckland Emergency Management will progress the publication of the Ōrākei Local Board ER&R Plan and commence communication and launch activities as outlined in this report. This includes a ‘soft launch’ following the adoption of the ER&R Plan and a full public launch over February and March 2025.

40.     Over 2025, Auckland Emergency Management will seek to embed key concepts of the ER&R Plan through community outreach activities. The Auckland Emergency Management Planning Unit will refocus efforts to support interested community groups in community emergency planning activities. For community groups wishing to stand-up a Community Emergency Hub, facilitated workshops will be available over 2025 which seek to empower groups to support their networks during an emergency. Community groups who do not want to become a Community Emergency Hub will also be supported with resources to help their members get ready for an emergency, through presentations, events and the distribution of resources. 

41.     Local Board members have an important role in promoting the ER&R Plan and the information it includes by referencing and promoting the ER&R Plan at community events and other community engagements that they attend throughout the year.


Ngā tāpirihanga






Ōrākei Emergency Readiness and Response Plan



Local Board Emergency Readiness and Response Plan - Launch Strategy



Ngā kaihaina



Kimberly Rees - Principal Advisor Strategy and Implementation

Nick FitzHerbert - Team Leader Relationship Advisory

Anna Wallace - Head of Planning

Sarah Le Claire - Waste Planning Manager


Adam Maggs - General Manager Auckland Emergency Management

Parul Sood - Deputy Director Resilience and Infrastructure

Justin Kary - Senior Local Board Advisor



Ōrākei Local Board

21 November 2024



Auckland Council’s Quarterly Performance Report: Ōrākei Local Board for quarter one 2024/2025

File No.: CP2024/18061




Te take mō te pūrongo

Purpose of the report

1.       To provide the Ōrākei Local Board with an integrated performance report for quarter one, 1 July – 30 September 2024.

2.       To approve an allocation for the Young Enterprise Scheme (YES) and associated budget of $2,000 into the 2024/2025 work programme.

Whakarāpopototanga matua

Executive summary

3.       This report includes financial performance, progress against work programmes, key challenges the board should be aware of and any risks to delivery against the 2024/2025 work programme.

4.       The key activity updates from this period are:

·        ID 305: Ōrākei local implementation of Ngā Hapori Momoho (Thriving Communities strategic action plan) – Funding towards the capability required to deliver community development activities and outcomes which are in progress.

·        ID 2987: Community Arts broker programme – Fund the community arts broker to develop Strategic relationships – Arts experiences delivered in Q1 and planned for Q2.

·        ID 315: Ōrākei Movies in Parks Delivering outdoor movie screening at Glover Park The project was approved and planning has commenced at Q1.

·        ID 1239: Eastern Bay Song Bird Project To continue funding landscape scale pest control, monitoring and advocacy activities, reaching more neighbourhoods – funding agreements in place.

·        ID 4370: Deliver the Volunteer Awards – Acknowledgement of volunteers’ work recognition event – Planning of the event began in Q1 and to be delivered in Q2.

·        ID 969: Ōrākei Ecological Restoration contracts – Maintenance contracts include pest plant within ecologically significant areas and animal pest management – focus of Q1 was consistent with the scheduled work programme.

5.       All operating departments with agreed work programmes have provided an update against their work programme delivery. Activities are reported with a status of green (on track), amber (some risk or issues which are being managed) or grey (cancelled, deferred or merged). There are no activities with a red status.

·    ID 4020: Ōrākei Splash Landing – Amber due to funding needed to be discussed with the board to ensure it is being delivered at an optimal level – Budget has been approved and will be delivered during Q2.

6.       The financial performance report compared to budget 2024/2025 is attached.

7.       Net operating performance overall for Ōrākei Local Board area is nearly $5.0 million for the quarter ended 30 September 2024. Operating revenue is 50 per cent below year-to-date budget and operating expenditure is 10 per cent below year-to-date budget. Capital expenditure is 67 per cent above budget for the quarter.   

8.       The Customer and Community Services capex budget has been revised to incorporate delayed delivery or earlier commencement of individual projects or other changes that are of material value.

9.       Funds were set aside for the Young Enterprise Scheme (YES) following the drafting of the 2024/2025 work programme. However, these were not included in the work programme when it was approved. This report provides the opportunity for the local board to approve the Ōrākei Young Enterprise Scheme (Activity ID 1269) and associated budget of $2,000 into the 2024/2025 work programme.


Ngā tūtohunga


That the Ōrākei Local Board:

a)      whiwhi / receive the performance report for quarter one ending 30 September 2024.

b)      tuhi ā-taipitopito / note that the Customer and Community Services Capex work programme has been updated to reflect financial deferrals.

c)       whakaae / approve Ōrākei Young Enterprise Scheme (Activity ID 1269) and associated budget of $2,000 into the 2024/2025 work programme from unallocated locally driven initiatives (LDI) operational budget.



10.     The Ōrākei Local Board has an approved 2024/2025 work programme for the following operating departments:

·        Customer and Community Services

·        Local Environmental

·        Auckland Emergency Management

11.     Since the approval of the work programmes, council has undergone a restructure, resulting in changes to directorates and departments. These have been updated in the work programmes and the changes are outlined in the table below.

Table 1: Changes to departments and units

Previous department / unit in work programme

Current department / unit in work programme

CCS: Active Communities – Activation

Community: Community Wellbeing - Activation

CCS: Active Communities – ECE Operations

Community: Pools & Leisure - ECE Operations

CCS: Active Communities – Leisure

Community: Pools & Leisure

CCS: Active Communities – Sport and Recreation

Community: Community Wellbeing - Sport and Recreation

CCS: Connected Communities – Arts, Culture & Heritage

Community: Community Wellbeing - Arts, Culture & Heritage

CCS: Connected Communities – Community Delivery

Community: Community Wellbeing - Community Delivery

CCS: CSI – The Southern Initiative

Community: Community Wellbeing - The Southern Initiative

CCS: CSI – The Western Initiative

Community: Community Wellbeing - The Western Initiative

CCS: CSI – Youth Empowerment

Community: Community Wellbeing - Youth Empowerment

CCS: Grants

Group Finance: Grants and Incentives

CCS: PCF – Community Leases

Community: Parks and Community Facilities - Community Leases

CCS: PCF – Operations

Community: Parks and Community Facilities - Operations

CCS: PCF – Project Delivery

Community: Parks and Community Facilities - Project Delivery

CCS: PCF – Property and Commercial

Community: Parks and Community Facilities - Property and Commercial

CCS: PCF – Specialist Operations

Community: Parks and Community Facilities - Specialist Operations

CCS: PCF – Te Waka Tai-ranga-whenua

Community: Parks and Community Facilities - Te Waka Tai-ranga-whenua

CCS: RSS – Events

Community: Community Wellbeing - Events

CCS: RSS – Māori Outcomes

Community: Community Wellbeing - Māori Outcomes

CCS: RSS – Service and Asset Planning

Policy, Planning & Governance: Policy - Service and Asset Planning

CCS: RSS – Service Strategy and Partnerships

Group Strategy & CEs Office: Service Strategy and Partnerships

CPO: Plans and Places

Policy, Planning & Governance: Planning & Resource Consents - Planning

GOV: Auckland Emergency Management

Resilience & Infrastructure: Auckland Emergency Management

GOV: Local Board Services

Policy, Planning & Governance: Governance - Local

GOV: External Partnerships

Group Strategy & CEs Office: External Partnerships

I&ES: Environmental Services – Natural Environment Delivery

Community: Environmental Services - Natural Environment Delivery

I&ES: Environmental Services – Natural Environment Design

Community: Environmental Services - Natural Environment Design

I&ES: Environmental Services – Sustainability Initiatives

Community: Environmental Services - Sustainability Initiatives

I&ES: Healthy Waters

Resilience & Infrastructure: Healthy Waters & Flood Resilience

I&ES: Resilient Land & Coasts

Resilience & Infrastructure: Engineering Assets & Technical Advisory

I&ES: Waste Solutions

Resilience & Infrastructure: Waste Solutions


12.     The graph below shows how the work programme activities meet Local Board Plan outcomes. Activities that are not part of the approved work programme but contribute towards the local board outcomes, such as advocacy by the local board, are not captured in this graph.

Graph 1: Work programme activities by outcome


Tātaritanga me ngā tohutohu

Analysis and advice

Local Board Work Programme Snapshot

13.     The graph below identifies work programme activity by RAG status (red, amber, green and grey) which measures the performance of the activity. It shows the percentage of work programme activities that are on track (green), in progress but with issues that are being managed (amber), and activities that have significant issues (red) and activities that have been cancelled/deferred/merged (grey).

Graph 2: Work programme by RAG status

14.     The graph below shows the activity status of activities which shows the stage of the activity in each departments the work programmes. The number of activity lines differ by department as approved in the local board work programmes. 

Graph 3: Work programme by activity status and department

Key activity updates

15.     ID 305: Ōrākei local implementation of Ngā Hapori Momoho (Thriving Communities strategic action plan) – Funding towards the capability required to deliver community development activities and outcomes which are in progress.

16.     ID 2987: Community Arts broker programme – Fund the community arts broker to develop Strategic relationships – Arts experiences delivered in Q1and panned for Q2.

17.     ID 315: Ōrākei Movies in Parks Delivering outdoor movie screening at Glover Park The project was approved, and planning has commenced at Q1.

18.     ID 1239: Eastern Bay Song Bird Project To continue funding landscape scale pest control and monitoring and advocacy activities, reaching more neighbourhoods – funding agreements in place.

19.     ID 4370: Deliver the Volunteer Awards – Acknowledgement of volunteers’ work recognition event – Planning of the event began in Q1 and to be delivered in Q2/

20.     ID 969: Ōrākei Ecological Restoration contracts – Maintenance contracts include pest plant within ecologically significant areas and animal pest management – focus of Q1 was consistent with the scheduled work programme.

Changes to the local board work programme

Deferred activities

21.     These activities are deferred from the 2024/2025 work programme:

·        ID 323: Ōrākei - Environmental Forum – Deferred to be delivered FY25/26 current funding to be reallocated to other programmes.

·        ID 3627: Little Rangitoto Reserve: The Scout Association of New Zealand - Saint Aidan's Scout Group – Failure to received a completed application from Scouts group  –  Informed their item was being deferred to FY2025/2026.

·        ID 4270: Churchill Park - Glendowie Bowling Club Inc. lease – Deferred as there is an intention to apply a new lease jointly with Glendowie Tennis Club. Glendowie Bowling Club will now be on a monthly rollover until FY25/26.

Young Enterprise Scheme (YES)

22.     The Ōrākei Local Board has previously funded the Ōrākei Young Enterprise Scheme (Activity ID 1269) in previous years.

23.     Funds were set aside for the Young Enterprise Scheme (YES) following the drafting of the 2024/2025 work programme. However, these were not included in the work programme when it was approved.

24.     The YES events are delivered by the Auckland Business Chamber on behalf of the Young Enterprise Trust. The responsibility within the Council for the Young Enterprise Scheme (YES) currently sits with the Auckland Council Grants team.

The proposed budget for the Ōrākei Young Enterprise Scheme (Activity ID 1269) is $2,000 of the boards locally driven initiatives (LDI) operational budget. This amount remains unallocated and can be accommodated from within the local board’s total draft budget for 2024/2025.

Tauākī whakaaweawe āhuarangi

Climate impact statement

25.     Receiving performance monitoring reports will not result in any identifiable changes to greenhouse gas emissions.

26.     Work programmes were approved in June 2024 and delivery is underway. Should significant changes to any projects be required, climate change impacts will be assessed as part of the relevant reporting requirements. Any changes to the timing of approved projects are unlikely to result in changes to emissions.

Ngā whakaaweawe me ngā tirohanga a te rōpū Kaunihera

Council group impacts and views

27.     When developing the work programmes, council group impacts and views are presented to the boards. As this is an information only report there are no further impacts identified.

Ngā whakaaweawe ā-rohe me ngā tirohanga a te poari ā-rohe

Local impacts and local board views

28.     This report informs the Ōrākei Local Board of the performance for the period ending 30 September 2024.

Tauākī whakaaweawe Māori

Māori impact statement

29.     ID 307: Māori Responsiveness – Facilitate, Encourage and Identify opportunities between local communities, Manawhenua and Matawaka – Staff are finalising the Hikoi and Māori programming funded in FY2023/2024 expected to be delivered in Q3.

30.     ID 302: Ōrākei Matariki arts and culture programme – Fund Ngāti Whātua Ōrākei towards the delivery of toi Māori workshops, and a community planting day during Matariki –This initiative will be scoped in Q3 for delivery in Q4 this year.

31.     ID 1171: Library services - Ōrākei – Both libraries during Māori Language week was celebrated, ran Māori themed children’s programme and craft activities.

32.     ID 305: Ōrakei local implementation of Ngā Hapori Momoho (Thriving Communities strategic action plan) - Liaised with business associations, community patrols and Akarana Māori Wardens towards increasing safety and perceptions of safety within the Ōrākei Local Board area.

Ngā ritenga ā-pūtea

Financial implications

33.     This report is provided to enable the Ōrākei Local Board to monitor the organisation’s progress and performance in delivering the 2024/2025 work programmes. There are no financial implications associated with this report.

34.     The proposed budget for the Ōrākei Young Enterprise Scheme (Activity ID 1269) is $2,000 and can be funded from the local board’s available locally driven initiatives (LDI) operational budget 2024/2025.

Financial Performance

35.     Net operating performance overall for Ōrākei Local Board area is nearly $5.0 million for the quarter ended 30 September 2024. Operating revenue is 50 per cent below year-to-date budget and operating expenditure is 10 per cent below year-to-date budget. Capital expenditure is 67 per cent above budget for the quarter.   

36.     Operating expenditure of $5.2 million is $490,000 above budget for the first quarter. The Asset Based Services (ABS) is $591,000 above budget and the Locally Driven Initiatives (LDI) is $101,000 below budget. A film revenue of nearly $10,2000 and LDI Opex carry forward of $25,000 for The Landing was added into this financial year.

37.     Operating revenue of $280,000 is $276,000 below budget mainly due to decreased revenues in venue hire, vacancy at a building at Colin Maiden Park and below budgeted revenue for Marina Easement.

38.     Capital expenditure of $1.2 million is 67 per cent or $485,000 above budget this quarter mainly in sports development and special projects capex. The reserve easement access fee of $190,000 excluding GST received in financial year 2023/2024 is available to be used this financial year.

39.     The financial report for the first quarter ending 30 September 2024 for the Ōrākei Local Board area is in Attachment B.

Revised Capex Budget

40.     Capex budgets are revised to reflect changes in timing of delivery for individual projects.

41.     Projects that were still in progress on 30 June 2024 have had their remaining required budget carried forward to the current or future financial years to fund the remaining works.

42.     If a multi-year capital project was completed earlier than anticipated, the budget is reduced or brought forward to 30 June 2024 to reflect early completion.

43.     Consideration is also given to the status of current capital projects and where required budgets are rephased in whole or part to outer years to reflect current timelines for delivery.

44.     The net budgetary impact of these changes is reflected in the revised budget for the board.

45.     The Customer and Community Services Capex work programme financial allocations have been updated in accordance with the carry forwards.

Ngā raru tūpono me ngā whakamaurutanga

Risks and mitigations

46.     While the risk of non-delivery of the entire work programme is rare, the likelihood for risk relating to individual activities does vary. Capital projects for instance, are susceptible to more risk as on-time and on-budget delivery is dependent on weather conditions, approvals (e.g. building consents) and is susceptible to market conditions.

47.     Information about any significant risks and how they are being managed and/or mitigated is addressed in the ‘Activities with significant issues’ section.

Ngā koringa ā-muri

Next steps

48.     The local board will receive the next performance update for quarter two (October - December 2024), at the February business meeting.


Ngā tāpirihanga






Ōrākei Q1 Work Programme update



Ōrākei Q1 Financial Summary



Ngā kaihaina



Adriana Christie – Local Board Advisor


Justin Kary - Senior Local Board Advisor



Ōrākei Local Board

21 November 2024



Draft Auckland Open Space, Sport and Recreation Strategy – Part 1

File No.: CP2024/17413




Te take mō te pūrongo

Purpose of the report

1.       To seek local board feedback on Manaaki Tāmaki Makaurau, the draft Auckland Open Space, Sport and Recreation Strategy.

Whakarāpopototanga matua

Executive summary

2.       The Parks, Arts, Community and Events Committee directed staff to refresh and consolidate five regional strategies, policies and plans that guide Auckland Council‘s planning and investment for open space, sport and recreation.

3.       In response, staff have drafted an open space, sport and recreation strategy (see Attachment A) that responds to the challenges and opportunities of a growing and changing Auckland (refer background paper reported to the Planning, Environment and Parks Committee in April 2024).

4.       The work has been guided by the Open Space, Sport and Recreation Joint Political Working Group, an advisory and Māori rōpū and key council kaimahi, as well as targeted engagement with partners and key stakeholders. Two local board members are on the Open Space, Sport and Recreation Joint Political Working Group. Local boards members have also been involved through briefings and workshops.

5.       The draft strategy aims to provide open spaces and sport and recreation opportunities to benefit all Aucklanders now and in the future to improve the health of Tāmaki Makaurau. It provides a refreshed and simplified approach to planning and investment and sets five strategic directions and four investment principles.

6.       The draft strategy also contains three supporting policies that set expectations for delivery. They are presented in a separate report on this agenda for ease of understanding and to avoid lengthy reports. This enables local boards to tailor their feedback to the different components of the draft strategy.

7.       The draft strategy reduces duplication and complexity and reflects the key challenges and opportunities Auckland currently faces, taking a holistic view to better support decision-makers to respond to the needs and preferences of local communities.

8.       Staff will include local board feedback in the agenda report when seeking approval from the Policy and Planning Committee to engage with Aucklanders on the draft strategy. If approved, engagement will take place in early 2025. Following engagement, the strategy will be finalised and presented again to local boards for consideration and to the Policy and Planning Committee for adoption.


Ngā tūtohunga


That the Ōrākei Local Board:

a)      whakarite / provide feedback on the strategic directions and investment principles in Manaaki Tāmaki Makaurau, the draft Auckland Open Space, Sport and Recreation Strategy, for consideration by the Policy and Planning Committee.

b)      ohia / endorse Manaaki Tāmaki Makaurau, the draft Auckland Open Space, Sport and Recreation Strategy, going for public consultation.




Open space, sport and recreation contribute to all six Auckland Plan 2050 outcomes

9.       Open space, sport and recreation deliver a wide range of benefits, from enhancing the physical and mental health and wellbeing of Aucklanders to climate change mitigation and resilience. They contribute to all six Auckland Plan 2050 outcomes, with activities spanning across the council’s investment areas.

10.     In addition to the council, many organisations contribute to providing open spaces and sport and recreation opportunities for Aucklanders. By enhancing collaboration and partnerships with other providers and having clear common directions for success we can focus our collective efforts to maximise benefits to Aucklanders.

Staff are delivering an approved programme of work

11.     In August 2022, the Parks, Arts, Community and Events Committee approved the development of a refreshed and consolidated open space, sport and recreation policy framework [PAC/2022/68], which currently consists of:

·     Parks and Open Spaces Strategic Action Plan (2013)

·     Parks and Open Space Acquisition Policy (2013)

·     Open Space Provision Policy (2016)

·     Auckland Sport and Recreation Strategic Action Plan 2014-2024 (2014, refreshed 2017)

·     Increasing Aucklanders’ Participation in Sport: Investment Plan 2019-39 (2019).

12.     The committee set clear expectations that the draft strategy:

·     retain Auckland Council leadership

·     enable collaboration with open space, sport and recreation interests and sectors

·     enable integration using a te ao Māori framework

·     reflect changes in Auckland Council’s legislative, strategic and fiscal environment

·     align the five documents to achieve better coordination of long-term decision-making and forward planning.

Staff have drafted a strategy underpinned by evidence and guided by an advisory structure

13.     Staff developed a strong evidence base to inform the drafting of the strategy. Evidence includes assessment of the existing policy framework, relevant legislative, strategic and fiscal documents, horizon scanning of current and future trends, relevant data, contemporary literature. Staff also undertook targeted engagement with partners and key stakeholders.

14.     This evidence base is provided in a background paper that outlines eight key challenges and opportunities for the draft strategy to consider. It was reported to the Planning, Environment and Parks Committee and local board members in April 2024.

15.     Three key themes cut across the challenges and opportunities presented:

·     focus on wellbeing and resilience: we can increase Auckland’s and Aucklanders’ oranga (wellbeing) by encouraging our communities to be more active more often and taking an ecosystem approach in the face of climate change

·     make the most of what we have: we can make better use of Auckland’s many assets to deliver multiple benefits for people and the environment

·     work within budget constraints: this calls for different responses, such as relying less on assets to deliver services, working with partners and the community and prioritising our efforts where they deliver the most value.

16.     An advisory structure made up of the Open Space, Sport and Recreation Joint Political Working Group, an advisory and Māori rōpū (with mana whenua, mataawaka and sector representatives) and council kaimahi has provided input and direction throughout work. Details of memberships and frequency of meetings are provided in Attachment B.

17.     The development of the draft strategy has been informed by local board views through the two local board members on the Open Space, Sport and Recreation Joint Political Working Group. Staff also engaged with local boards through targeted engagement on the background paper, memos, briefings and workshops (see paragraph 54).

Tātaritanga me ngā tohutohu

Analysis and advice

The draft strategy combines open space and sport and recreation, and consolidates existing policies into a single document

18.     The draft strategy brings together the domains of open space and of sport and recreation. Combining these two domains reflects the significant contribution investment in open space makes in enabling Aucklanders to live healthy, active lives. Walking, running and playing are the most popular forms of physical activity among Aucklanders.

19.     The draft strategy consolidates and simplifies all five existing strategies, policies and plans into a single document. It provides decision-makers and implementers with a single source of information and contains:

·     five strategic directions and four investment principles that set out where we are heading and how we will get there

·     supporting policies that set the council's expectations for delivery (this more technical information is presented in a separate report on this agenda).

The draft strategy connects and builds on key council strategies

20.     The draft strategy takes a te ao Māori lens. It builds on and simplifies Te Ora ō Tāmaki Makaurau, the wellbeing framework developed with the Mana Whenua Kaitiaki Forum in response to Te Tāruke-ā-Tāwhiri: Auckland’s Climate Plan.

21.     It speaks to the role that open space, sport and recreation play in contributing to four dimensions of wellbeing (oranga): tāngata, whānau, whenua and wai, all of which contribute to the health of Tamaki Makaurau.

22.     It sets five holistic strategic directions, integrating the domains of open space and sport and recreation to better recognise their interrelated nature.

23.     It also sets four investment principles to guide our investment approach. The investment principles are adapted from those adopted in Ngā Hapori Momoho: Thriving Communities Strategy 2022-32.

24.     It is underpinned by a single value that will guide implementation: manaakitanga, a te ao Māori process of showing respect, generosity and care for resources and for others. Manaakitanga was chosen by the Māori rōpū for this kaupapa as it fosters community connection, supports caring for the land and each other and promotes a spirit of unity.

25.     The draft strategy on a page is shown below.





Figure 1: Strategy on a page

Five strategic directions outline where we are heading to contribute to te ora ō Tāmaki Makaurau

26.     The draft strategy aims to provide open spaces and sport and recreation opportunities to benefit all Aucklanders now and in the future to improve the health of Tāmaki Makaurau.

27.     It contains five strategic directions that reflect the importance of Auckland’s green, blue and grey open spaces and places and take an ecosystem view of people, place and the environment.

28.     Each strategic direction is presented on a page outlining: why it matters, how we manaaki (i.e. what we will do to make it happen) and our implementation focus (see Attachment A, pages 9-14).

29.     They were developed in response to the challenges and opportunities articulated in the background paper. In addition to feedback received on the challenges and opportunities, the five strategic directions were refined iteratively based on input and direction from our advisory structure.

Four investment principles guide our approach to prioritising investment to deliver on the five strategic directions

30.     The existing policy framework contains several different approaches to prioritising investment, with little guidance about how they relate to each other.

31.     The refresh and consolidation of the existing framework provides an opportunity to design a more effective approach to investment, one that is:

·        streamlined – to reduce complexity

·        consistent – to provide a more robust approach to prioritisation and enable better comparison of options

·        flexible – to reflect and adapt to differences across communities and changes in demand over time.

32.     Staff considered a prescriptive ‘action plan’ approach to investment where specific detailed priorities are identified. However, this would maintain the risk of investment prioritisation being rigid and very ‘point in time’, failing to keep pace with change and new opportunities.  

33.     A principles-based approach was considered to better provide both the consistency and flexibility needed. It can be more easily applied across the entire scope of the draft strategy, allow for investment to be responsive to changing circumstances, and still ensure that investment is appropriately targeted.

34.     Staff reviewed existing council policies for relevant investment principles in an effort to reduce duplication.

·        The principles adopted as part of the Increasing Aucklanders’ Participation in Sport: Investment Plan 2019-2039 were viewed as specific to that context, rather than to the broader scope of the draft strategy

·        Those adopted as part of the council’s Ngā Hapori Momoho: Thriving Communities Strategy 2022-32 were regarded as well aligned to the strategic context and direction of the draft strategy. They have been slightly adapted to specifically respond to the unique open space, sport and recreation delivery and funding environment. They can support investment priorisation for sports and recreation.

35.     The four investment principles for the draft strategy (see Attachment A, pages 15-23) are:

·        take a benefits-led approach to improve the holistic wellbeing of people, places and the environment

·        invest based on evidence of need and the voices of Aucklanders

·        honour our Te Tiriti o Waitangi obligations

·        work together towards a healthy future, using all our resources.

The draft strategy supports decision-makers and delivers for Aucklanders

36.     When scoping this programme of work, two alternative approaches to refreshing and consolidating the five existing strategies, policies and plans that form the policy framework were considered: keeping the status quo or refreshing the individual documents without consolidating them. Those two options were discarded based on a technical assessment and feedback from stakeholders. The refresh and consolidation approach was approved by the Parks, Arts, Community and Events Committee.

37.     The option not to have any regional strategy for open space, sport and recreation was not considered. Having a whole of region direction is considered valuable. Having no regional strategy may provide more local flexibility but would risk not delivering equitable outcomes for all Aucklanders as well as creating inefficiencies through a less integrated network. Providing regional direction is also needed to support regional decision-making as well as to enable joint delivery with our partners and stakeholders. 

38.     The draft strategy better supports decision-makers to respond to the needs and preferences of their communities than existing plans and policies. This is because it reduces duplication and complexity. It is contemporary and reflects the key challenges and opportunities Auckland currently faces. It takes a holistic view: it reflects the interrelationship between open spaces and sport and recreation, encompasses green, blue and grey spaces, takes an ecosystem view, and has a strong focus on wellbeing, climate change, the environment and biodiversity.

39.     Delivery of the strategy will be supported by an implementation and monitoring plan. The three-yearly plan will set out what we will deliver and track progress against the five strategic directions. A key consideration is how to best support local boards in making decisions and delivering the relevant priorities expressed in their local board plans.



The draft strategy will be refined based on the views of Aucklanders

40.     Going for consultation will enable us to gather the views of Aucklanders, as well as our partners and stakeholders. This would add to the inputs from previous targeted engagement and from our advisory structure and help us refine the draft strategy.

41.     Consultation would involve running an online Have Your Say submissions campaign, a limited series of regional events, hui with partners and stakeholders, as well as a People’s Panel survey. We will work closely with local board engagement advisors to maximise our reach to local groups and residents.

Tauākī whakaaweawe āhuarangi

Climate impact statement

42.     Auckland faces significant challenges from climate change, including rising temperatures, becoming more drought prone, higher probability of extreme weather events and threats from coastal erosion, storm surges and flooding.

43.     These challenges will impact our open spaces and sport and recreation opportunities. Hotter temperatures and extreme weather events will disrupt the ability of Aucklanders to engage in play, sport and recreation. Heatwaves, drought and water restrictions will affect the health of vegetation in our open spaces and its ability to moderate temperatures and mitigate the urban heat island effect.

44.     The draft strategy considers how to adapt to these challenges and work to mitigate climate change by reducing emissions. One of the five strategic directions is to enhance our resilience to climate change and our contribution to mitigation, including through reducing carbon emissions, in line with Te Tāruke-ā-Tāwhiri: Auckland's Climate Plan.

45.     The draft strategy outlines what we will do to make this happen, including:

·        develop the blue-green network to better manage stormwater

·        accelerate the use of nature-based solutions in our open spaces and built environment to improve water capture and storage, green the city and reduce temperatures in urban areas

·        improve the performance of our open spaces and facilities to reduce negative environmental impacts, including carbon emissions

·        adapt our open spaces and facilities on the coast and in flood-prone areas.

46.     While we already contribute to this strategic direction, the draft strategy proposes a ’do more’ approach to implementation. This is in recognition of the challenges we are facing and their significant impacts on Aucklanders now and in the future.

47.     The investment approach in the draft strategy also includes a greater emphasis on identifying and quantifying the environmental benefits of our investment and designing initiatives to deliver multiple benefits, such as making recreation parks better able to support stormwater management.

Ngā whakaaweawe me ngā tirohanga a te rōpū Kaunihera

Council group impacts and views

48.     Kaimahi from across the council group have provided input throughout the development of the draft strategy (see Attachment B).

49.     This includes staff from Policy; Parks and Community Facilities; Community Wellbeing; Planning and Resource Consents; Group Strategy, Transformation and Partnerships; Healthy Waters and Flood Resilience; Engineering, Assets and Technical Advisory; Financial Advisory; Governance and Engagement; Chief Sustainability Office; Environmental Services; Māori Outcomes; Auckland Transport; Eke Panuku and Tātaki Auckland Unlimited.

50.     Implementing the draft strategy will span across the investment areas identified in the council’s performance management framework.

51.     We will continue to work closely with colleagues in planning for and supporting delivery, and monitoring progress.

Ngā whakaaweawe ā-rohe me ngā tirohanga a te poari ā-rohe

Local impacts and local board views

52.     Local boards have a role in communicating the views and preferences of their local communities. Parks and sport and recreation assets are highly valued by Aucklanders, whether they use them or not. This is reflected in outcomes and priorities expressed in local board plans. 

53.     Local boards have been represented by the two local board members on the Open Space, Sport and Recreation Joint Political Working Group: Member Sandra Coney and Member Margi Watson. The direction and input received are summarised in memos after each meeting.

54.     In addition, staff have engaged with local boards as follows:

·        November 2023: targeted engagement on the background paper

·        April 2024: memo presenting the background paper

·        June 2024: memo presenting the draft strategic directions

·        June 2024: briefing to all members on the draft strategic directions

·        July 2024: briefing to all members on the investment principles

·        July 2024: workshop with the Planning, Environment and Parks Committee, local board chairs and Open Space, Sport and Recreation Joint Political Working Group members on the investment principles and open space provision options

·        August 2024: briefing with all members on the open space provision options

·        August and September 2024: individual local board workshops on the draft strategy, including a high-level overview of the proposed policies

·        October 2024: workshop with the Policy and Planning Committee, local board chairs and Open Space, Sport and Recreation Joint Political Working Group members on the open space provision options.

55.     Both the Governing Body and local boards have a role in delivering the regional strategy in accordance with their allocated decision-making responsibilities. For local boards this includes:

·        acquisition of local parks and local sport and recreation facilities (within budget parameters agreed by the Governing Body) and their specific location and development

·        local parks improvement and place-shaping, the use of and activities within local parks (including community events and programmes) and the use of local sport and recreation facilities (including leasing and changes of use)

·        local sport and recreation programmes and initiatives and local community funding and grants.

56.     Local boards will consider how to deliver on the strategy, once adopted, as part of their local board plans and work programmes.

57.     The strategy will support local boards in their investment and priorisation decisions, as outlined in Attachment A, page 23. It represents a number of beneficial shifts for local boards including:

·        from having to navigate the application of five strategies, policies and plans to having a single coherent document to support decision-making by local boards and advocacy within annual and long-term planning processes

·        from a narrow focus on costs to a wider focus on the value created by better understanding the full range of benefits delivered by different projects

·        from having a one size fits all approach to having a consistent yet flexible approach to better reflect differences in local boards’ context and priorities and support local boards to deliver in response to local needs

·        from having multiple uncoordinated investment frameworks to ensuring investment is evidence-based in response to needs and supports equitable outcomes

·        from a focus on the council as the sole provider to strengthening the opportunity to use a wider range of potential funding sources and delivery options.

58.     Local board feedback on the draft strategy will be reported to the Policy and Planning Commitee when it considers whether to approve the draft strategy going for consultation.

59.     We will work with Governance and Engagement to ensure we reach local community groups and residents during consultation on the draft strategy.

Tauākī whakaaweawe Māori

Māori impact statement

60.     Mana whenua have special relationships to open spaces and places in Tāmaki Makaurau through whakapapa, including the tūpuna maunga and other sites and places of significance. They are kaitiaki of the whenua and wai.

61.     Open spaces and physical activities play an important role in achieving te tuakiri Māori me tōna oranga – a thriving Māori identity and wellbeing in Tāmaki Makaurau. Young Māori are active participants in play, sport and recreation, but this declines as they get older and historic inequities exist.

62.     The views of mana whenua and mataawaka have been sought throughout the development of the draft strategy including:

·        regular meetings of the advisory and Māori rōpū, which includes mana whenua and mataawaka representatives

·        Houkura representation on the Open Space, Sport and Recreation Joint Political Working Group to provide input and direction

·        invitation to mana whenua and mataawaka organisations to provide feedback as part of the targeted engagement on the background paper.

63.     All iwi were invited to join the rōpū or engage in the manner that best suited them. Mana whenua have also been kept up to date with progress via memos.

64.     The draft strategy incorporates a te ao Māori lens, one of the expectations of success set by the Parks, Arts, Community and Events Committee and one of the key themes identified in the background paper. This includes:

·        Te Ora ō Tāmaki Makaurau wellbeing framework adapted and simplified by the Māori rōpū to sit at the heart the draft strategy with four dimensions of wellbeing (oranga): tāngata, whānau, whenua and wai

·        manaakitanga as a single value to guide implementation

·        a focus on honouring our Te Tiriti o Waitangi obligations embedded in our investment approach

·        Māori as a key target group for investment in play, sport and recreation.

65.     Implementation of the draft strategy includes a focus on investing in ‘by Māori for Māori’ solutions, building the capacity and capability of mana whenua and mataawaka and partnering with mana whenua to co-design our spaces and places.

Ngā ritenga ā-pūtea

Financial implications

66.     There are no financial implications for the local board associated with providing feedback on the draft strategy.

67.     The development of, and consultation on, the draft strategy can be completed within the existing policy department budget.

68.     Each strategic direction specifies an implementation focus, from emphasising continuing to do things that work well and embedding emerging practices to delivering differently and doing more.

69.     Two strategic directions have a focus on doing more:

·        Direction 2 ‘Deliver innovative open spaces in high-density areas’ – because population growth and intensification mean we have more people living closer together with less private green space and our ability to deliver more parks is constrained

·        Direction 3 ‘Enhance our response to climate disruption’ – because significant climate change impacts and extreme weather events mean we need to make our city greener and spongier.

70.     Implementation will be enabled through available budgets set during long-term plan and annual plan processes.

71.     The draft strategy reflects the resource constraints faced by the council and the need to deliver value for money. The proposed investment approach emphasises the importance of establishing a robust evidence-based approach to investment and prioritisation to better support elected decision-makers. 

72.     Advice around investment in open space and sport and recreation will be based on a better articulation of costs and benefits, including in relation to local board plan priorities. This will be supported by a new tool to enable better identification, description and quantification of these benefits to help local boards prioritise investment.

73.     Consideration of a broad range of funding and delivery tools will support implementation, including making the most of what we have, delivering differently and partnerships.

Ngā raru tūpono me ngā whakamaurutanga

Risks and mitigations

74.     Potential risks and mitigations are outlined below:



Possible mitigations…

Aucklanders, key stakeholders and partners are not supportive of the draft strategy.

Decision-makers may be less likely to adopt the draft strategy.

Low reputational, strategic and delivery risk.

·    Stakeholders and partners were supportive of the refresh and consolidation They have been involved through the programme of work.

·    Engagement provides a further opportunity to seek the views of Aucklanders, partners and stakeholders and refine the draft strategy to reflect feedback as required.

The draft strategy does not provide clear enough direction to implementers.

The draft strategy may not be incorporated into business as usual.

Low reputational, strategic and delivery risk.

·    Implementers provided regular input into development of the draft strategy.

·    The implementation context, including financial constraints, has also informed the draft strategy.

·    Implementers will be further engaged to develop the draft strategy’s implementation and monitoring plan.

The draft strategy is perceived as unfunded.

There may be less support for the draft strategy and decision-makers may be less likely to adopt it.

Medium financial, reputational and strategic risk.

·    The draft strategy sets strategic directions and investment principles to guide prioritisation and enable better informed discussions on future budget allocation.



Ngā koringa ā-muri

Next steps

75.     Staff will include local board feedback when seeking approval from the Policy and Planning Committee in December 2024 to consult on the draft strategy.

76.     If approved, public consultation will begin in February 2025 and run for approximately one month.

77.     The findings from the public consultation and an updated draft strategy will then be reported to local board business meetings ahead of going to the Policy and Planning Committee for adoption.


Ngā tāpirihanga






Manaaki Tāmaki Makaurau: Auckland Open Space, Sport and Recreation Strategy – draft strategic directions and investment principles



Advisory structure memberships and meetings



Ngā kaihaina



Aubrey Bloomfield - Senior Policy Advisor


Carole Canler - Senior Policy Manager

Louise Mason - General Manager Policy

Lou-Ann Ballantyne - General Manager Governance and Engagement

Justin Kary - Senior Local Board Advisor



Ōrākei Local Board

21 November 2024



Draft Auckland Open Space, Sport and Recreation Strategy – Part 2

File No.: CP2024/17414




Te take mō te pūrongo

Purpose of the report

1.       To seek local board feedback on the proposed policies in Manaaki Tāmaki Makaurau, the draft Auckland Open Space, Sport and Recreation Strategy, including on two options to update the open space provision standards.

Whakarāpopototanga matua

Executive summary

2.       Staff have drafted Manaaki Tāmaki Makaurau, the Auckland Open Space, Sport and Recreation Strategy. It aims to provide open spaces and sport and recreation opportunities to benefit all Aucklanders now and in the future and improve the health of Tāmaki Makaurau. It contains:

·        five strategic directions and four investment principles (see Part 1 report on this agenda).

·        three supporting policies for making the most of our open spaces, for open space provision and acquisition, and for the council’s investment in play, sport and recreation (see Attachment A).

3.       The proposed policies are the focus of this report. They set Auckland Council’s expectations for delivery. Like Part 1, their development has been guided by an advisory structure and engagement with local boards.

4.       They build on adopted policies and plans. Proposed updated and new information is as follows:

·        new objectives to guide the development of Auckland's existing open space network

·        two options to change current open space provision standards and add to our existing open space network to continue serving the needs of a growing population:

o   Package 1 – High-density focused: provide more open space than currently enabled in high-density areas (mostly located in brownfield areas)

o   Package 2 – Capacity focused: provide more open space than currently enabled in high- and medium-density areas where residents have low or moderate levels of provision (recommended by staff as the best way to balance open space outcomes and value for money).

·        more targeted council investment in play, sport and recreation to enable more equitable participation.

5.       As a next step, staff will seek approval from the Policy and Planning Committee in December 2024 to undertake consultation on the draft strategy, including the proposed policies and the two options for open space provision standards. The committee report will include local board feedback.

6.       If approved, consultation would take place early in 2025. The policies are detailed and technical in nature and intended for use by individuals and local and regional organisations that will deliver the draft strategy. This will be reflected in our approach to consultation.


Ngā tūtohunga


That the Ōrākei Local Board:

a)      whakarite / provide feedback on the proposed policies in Manaaki Tāmaki Makaurau, the draft Auckland Open Space, Sport and Recreation Strategy, for consideration by the Policy and Planning Committee

b)      tuhi ā-taipitopito / note the two options for updated open space provision standards for consultation:

i)       Package 1 – High-density focused: provide more open space than currently enabled in high-density areas 

ii)       Package 2 – Capacity focused: provide more open space than currently enabled in high- and medium-density areas where residents have low or moderate levels of provision.




Proposed policies in the draft strategy set the council’s expectations for delivery

7.       The draft Auckland Open Space, Sport and Recreation Strategy aims to provide open spaces and sport and recreation opportunities to benefit all Aucklanders now and in the future and improve the health of Tāmaki Makaurau.

8.       It provides a refreshed and simplified approach to planning and investment and sets five strategic directions, outlining where we are heading, and four investment principles, outlining how we will get there. This material is presented in a separate report on this agenda (see Part 1).

9.       What the council will deliver is informed by three policies contained in the draft strategy. The policies set the council’s expectations for delivery through objectives, rules or guidelines. They contain detailed technical information intended for a professional audience (e.g. developers, consultants, council kaimahi, sport funding agencies).

10.     Budgets for delivery are set through the annual and long-term plan processes.

11.     The policies build on the Parks and Open Space Acquisition Policy 2013, the Open Space Provision Policy 2016 and the Increasing Aucklanders’ Participation in Sport: Investment Plan 2019-39, and propose updated and new information detailed in this report.

12.     Local boards have key decision-making responsibilities in relation to open spaces and play, sport and recreation, and the proposed policies are designed to support them to deliver for their communities.

13.     A separate three-yearly implementation and monitoring plan will detail what we will deliver. It will include priorities for delivery and track progress against key performance indicators.

Staff considered evidence and political input and direction in developing the proposed policies

14.     The proposed policies in the draft strategy have been developed using:

·        a strong body of evidence, including the background paper and a fit for purpose review of the Open Space Provision Policy 2016, options development and testing through working examples and assessment

·        input from the advisory and Māori rōpū and key council kaimahi

·        input and direction from the Open Space, Sport and Recreation Joint Political Working Group; the Planning, Environment and Parks Committee; the Policy and Planning Committee and local boards.

Tātaritanga me ngā tohutohu

Analysis and advice

Policy 1: Making the most of our open spaces

15.     Auckland has an extensive network of green, blue and grey open spaces and facilities that are much used and valued by Aucklanders.

16.     The quality, accessibility and functionality of those spaces and places are essential to drive participation and use. In addition, increasing demand from population growth and intensification, as well as financial and land availability challenges, mean we need to deliver more from our existing assets.

17.     The policy for making the most of our open spaces sets four objectives and proposes new tools and guidelines to support delivery of the objectives (see Attachment A, pages 28-41).

Proposed objectives

Proposed new tools and guidelines

1. Increase the range of benefits our open space network delivers consistent with each space’s primary purpose

·     Identification of opportunities to deliver multiple benefits from our open spaces

·     An overview of the primary and secondary purposes of different open space types to assist with identifying risks and trade-offs associated with delivering additional functions

·     A risk appetite framework to support strategic asset owners taking on more risk to realise greater benefits from the open space network

2. Improve the quality of our open spaces

·     Best practice guidance for improving the quality of our existing open spaces

3. Improve our network to provide diverse recreation opportunities accessible to all Aucklanders

·     An open space recreation opportunities tool that outlines the diverse range of opportunities we want to provide for Aucklanders to be physically active, recreate and connect with nature across the network and how we can provide them

4. Improve open spaces’ accessibility and functionality by prioritising connections and linkages across all types of open space

·     Planning and development responses to ensure the delivery of quality connections and linkages across all types of open space, including using streets and footpaths, along waterways and the coast, and in our blue-green network


18.     The policy informs the planning, development and management approach for open spaces by Auckland Council, its council-controlled organisations, private developers and external development agencies such as Kāinga Ora.

Policy 2: Open space provision and acquisition

19.     The open space provision and acquisition policy sets standards and methods for the types of open space we need, how we acquire them, and how we achieve quality outcomes from our open space network.

20.     The policy sets two objectives and proposes new rules and guidelines to support delivery of the objectives (see Attachment A, pages 42-76).

Proposed objectives

Proposed new rules and guidelines

5. Plan for the provision of a high-quality open space network that keeps pace with growth and celebrates our cultural landscapes

·     Two options for updated provision standards for pocket parks and neighbourhood parks to deliver better open space outcomes in high-density and greenfield development (see paragraphs 21 to 36)

·     New open space capacity measure to enable us to compare provision levels across areas and over time (for more details see paragraph 25)

6. Ensure the acquisition of fit for purpose open space land that provides value for money and is sustainable in the long-term

·     Updated criteria for prioritising potential acquisitions aligned with our strategic directions

·     Updated acquisition process to include the development of an open space land acquisition priority plan to provide a 10-year and 30-year view of the open space acquisition pipeline

·     Strengthened acquisitions standards (mandatory standards and site assessment criteria) to ensure acquisitions are fit for purpose and align with our strategic directions

·     Detailed qualitative standards (including location, configuration, accessibility, coastal inundation and soil contamination) to ensure we acquire quality open space land from the start

·     Emphasis on reconfiguring, redistributing or redeveloping open spaces rather than disposing of them to help us cater for growth

·     Methodology to identify future regional park acquisitions so we can continue to meet the needs of Aucklanders


21.     The policy informs developers, planners, implementers and decision-makers in their planning and investment decisions to expand Auckland’s existing open space network to best respond to Aucklanders’ needs and balance value for money and affordability considerations. It is an important consideration in regulatory and planning processes such as plan changes, structure plans and resource consents.

We propose to change provision standards for pocket and neighbourhood parks as part of Policy 2

22.     As part of Policy 2, staff are proposing updated provision standards for pocket parks and neighbourhood parks to provide better open space outcomes in high-density areas and greenfield areas (see Attachment A, page 45).

23.     Two options for updating the provision standards are outlined below. Those options reflect different ways of adding to our existing open space network across Auckland to continue serving the needs of a growing population.


​Park type

​Current provision standards

​Package 1
High-density focused

​Package 2
Capacity focused (recommended)

High-density areas or other areas developed to an equivalent density

​Pocket parks 

​1000-1500m² provided at no capital cost to the council

​1000-1500m2 acquired at cost​ to the council regardless of capacity

1000-1500m² in areas with moderate or low capacity acquired at cost to the council

Neighbourhood parks 
(within 400m walking distances)

3000m² to 5000m2

5000m2 regardless of capacity

2000m² to 5000m2 depending on capacity

Medium-density areas

Pocket parks

No pocket parks

1000-1500m² provided at no capital cost to the council

​Neighbourhood parks 
(within 400m walking distances)

​3000m² to 5000m2

No change

2000m² to 5000m2 depending on capacity

Low-density areas

Neighbourhood parks 
(within 600m walking distances)

​3000m² to 5000m2



24.     Urban density is based on the Auckland Unitary Plan zones. Varying provision standards based on planned intensification levels enables us to better provide according to the likely demand for public open space, as well as likely private open space provision levels. 

25.     The capacity measure is a proposed addition to the existing policy. While the quantity of open space provision per capita is not a meaningful metric in isolation, it provides a basis of comparison when considering future provision across Auckland’s urban areas. There is no accepted international or national capacity standards. Based on local observations and international examples, we propose that capacity is considered low when below 10m2 of open space per person, moderate when between 10 and 20m2 and high when more than 20m2.

Both Package 1 and Package 2 involve trade-offs

26.     Both options involve trade-offs, as shown below.



Package 1
High-density focused

Delivers more open space in high-density areas than current policy but larger parks might be difficult to acquire due to land ownership and cost

Is a simple standard to understand but not tailored to where provision is most needed

Package 2
Capacity focused

Is more affordable than Package 1 but does not deliver the same level of additional open spaces in high-density areas

Takes an equity lens by focusing provision where most needed but is more complicated to understand and apply


27.     Both options are included in the draft strategy (see Attachment A, page 45). The final strategy will reflect the option (or variation of) that the Policy and Planning Committee chooses through resolution after consultation. 

28.     In addition, improving open space outcomes where needed can be supported by increasing access to and functionality of existing open space, including connection, linkage and access open spaces. This is reflected in Policy 1 – Objective 4 (Improve open spaces’ accessibility and functionality by prioritising connections and linkages across all types of open space).


The current provision policy is generally consistent with good practice but could be improved

·     The proposed change to existing open space provision standards responds to a fit for purpose review of Auckland Council’s current Open Space Provision Policy 2016. The review found that it was generally consistent with good practice, but there was room for improvement and innovation. In particular, it found that the policy is not working effectively in high-density urban areas and is delivering low capacity in greenfield areas.

·     Staff investigated how to vary the quantity of open space provided to best respond to this problem. The process for revising the open space provision standards is outlined in Attachment B. It includes significant political input and direction.

Staff developed options to vary the quantity of open space and improve open space outcomes

·     To vary the quantity of open space, staff developed 12 options along a policy continum involving changes to the size, distribution and / or number of pocket and neighbourhood parks as they are the most common types of parks. The options also included increasing access to and functionality of other types of open space (e.g. riparian margins and esplanade reserves).

·     Provision standards for suburb and destination parks, civic squares, and connection, linkage and access open spaces set in the Open Space Provision Policy 2016 are unchanged.

·     After applying the 12 options in four brownfield and greenfield working examples and assessing them against a set of criteria, staff developed five packages of options that vary provision according to urban density and open space capacity.

·     This will enable investment to be targeted where it is needed most, focusing on areas with less open space per person, to respond to both Auckland’s population growth and the council’s financial constraints. The five packages of options are:   

Package 1

High-density focused

Package 2

Capacity focused

Package 3

Budget focused

Package 4

Doing things differently

Package 5

Consolidating and simplifying

Acquire pocket parks and larger neighbourhood parks in high-density areas and increase access to / functionality of existing public and private open space

Acquire pocket parks in high-density areas depending on capacity, vary the size of neighbourhood parks depending on capacity and increase access to / functionality of existing public and private open space

Do not acquire new land for open space, instead enable pocket parks in medium-density areas and increase access to / functionality of existing public and private open space

Acquire pocket parks and increase access to / functionality of existing public and private open space


Maintain existing provision standards but acquire pocket parks in high-density areas and increase access to / functionality of existing public and private open space

Based on assessment and political direction two options are presented for local board feedback

·     The five packages were assessed using four additional working examples (two greenfield areas and two brownfield areas). The results of the assessment are below.


Package 1

High-density focused

Package 2

Capacity focused

Package 3

Budget focused

Package 4

Doing things differently

Package 5

Consolidating and simplifying







Open space outcomes







Response to growth








Value for money













ü Low

üü Medium

üüü High

·     Based on this assessment and direction from the Open Space, Sport and Recreation Joint Political Working Group; the Planning, Environment and Parks Committee; and the Policy and Planning Committee, two options are presented for local board feedback: Package 1 and Package 2.

·     Both Package 1 and Package 2 scored well across the brownfield and greenfield working examples. Staff recommend Package 2 as it was the highest scoring package.

Policy 3: Auckland Council’s investment in play, sport and recreation

29.     Regular physical activity, whether it be play, sport or recreation, provides significant health and wellbeing benefits. While many Aucklanders are physically active, not everyone is getting enough physical activity in their lives and some are missing out as they face barriers to participation.

30.     The policy for Auckland Council’s investment in play, sport and recreation sets three objectives and proposes new planning and investment approaches and indicators of what success looks like to support delivery of the objectives (see Attachment A, pages 77-88).

Proposed objectives

Proposed new planning and investment approaches and indicators of success

7. Increase physical activity levels by targeting our investment to low-participating communities and addressing disparities 

Planning and investment approach:

·     balance investment to increase physical activity levels across four key groups: all Aucklanders, Māori, young people (5-17 years old) and low participation groups (based on Active New Zealand surveys, Auckland Council and Aktive information)

·     invest to enable Aucklanders to be more physically active, whether through play, recreation or community sport.

Indicators of what success looks like:

·     increasing numbers of adult Aucklanders meeting physical activity guidelines (150-plus minutes per week)

·     increasing numbers of Aucklanders aged 5-17 years meeting physical activity guidelines (420-plus minutes per week)

·     increasing numbers of Māori in Tāmaki Makaurau meeting physical activity guidelines

·     increases in specific community groups with low levels of physical activity meeting physically activity guidelines

·     increase in the proportion of the regional sport and recreation grants directed to low participation groups and emerging physical activity opportunities that target these groups.

8. Deliver a fit for purpose, future proofed facility network that makes the most of what we have

Planning and investment approach:

·     plan for a regional sport and recreation facilities network to provide opportunities for Aucklanders to be physically active through their choice of activity, focusing primarily on facilities for community sport

·     accelerate the transition to multi-use and adaptable facilities to provide more opportunities for community participation, including high-level guidance on developing multi-use facilities

·     improving the performance of our facilities to reduce negative environmental impacts and supporting the development of universally accessible facilities so more people in our community can use them.

Indicators of what success looks like:

·     increasing community satisfaction with the level of access to sport and recreation facilities and the range of opportunities provided.

9. Strengthen partnerships with mana whenua and mataawaka, local communities and other sport and recreation providers

Planning and investment approach:

·     partner with others to improve public access to existing non-council facilities and identify joint solutions for delivery of opportunities for Aucklanders

·     work with communities to understand barriers to participation, including guidance on co-designing with the community

·     support delivery of play, sport and recreation opportunities by Māori for Māori.

Indicators of what success looks like:

·     increasing number of Auckland schools and tertiary institutions making their sport and recreation facilities available for public use over time

·     increasing number of sport and recreation initiatives delivered by Māori for Māori

·     a more visible Māori presence in sport and recreation spaces, places and activities.


31.     The policy outlines how Auckland Council will fund and invest in play, sport and recreation alongside many other organisations delivering these opportunities to Aucklanders at both the local and regional level.

Tauākī whakaaweawe āhuarangi

Climate impact statement

32.     Delivering the proposed policies in the draft strategy will positively contribute to Te Tāruke-ā-Tāwhiri: Auckland's Climate Plan’s core goals of reducing greenhouse gas emissions and adapting to the impacts of climate change.

33.     The proposed policies help enable the achievement of strategic direction three in the draft strategy: ‘Enhance our response to climate disruption.’ This focuses on better planning and designing our open spaces and places network to respond to climate change and prioritising our investment to make Auckland greener and spongier.

34.     The proposed policies provide:

·        guidance on delivering multiple benefits from our open spaces (including designing or retrofitting recreation parks to contribute to water retention)

·        guidance on increasing connections between open spaces to green the city and manage stormwater (such as blue-green corridors)

·        clear qualitative standards to ensure we acquire fit for purpose land for open spaces, including relating to flood plains, overland flow paths and coastal inundation

·        a planning and investment approach focused on improving the performance of our spaces and places to reduce negative environmental impacts, including carbon emissions.

Ngā whakaaweawe me ngā tirohanga a te rōpū Kaunihera

Council group impacts and views

35.     Kaimahi from across the council group have provided input throughout the development of the draft strategy.

36.     The proposed policies were developed with detailed input from Policy; Parks and Community Facilities; Healthy Waters and Flood Resilience; Community Wellbeing and Engineering, Assets and Technical Advisory. This helps ensure that the proposed policies provide the necessary information and clarity to support implementation.

37.     Staff will continue to work closely with colleagues in planning for and supporting delivery.

Ngā whakaaweawe ā-rohe me ngā tirohanga a te poari ā-rohe

Local impacts and local board views

38.     The proposed policies are designed to support local boards to deliver open spaces and play, sport and recreation opportunities for their communities in line with their local board plan priorities.

Allocated decision-making responsibilities

Examples of proposed policies to support decision-making

Acquisition of new local parks (within budget parameters agreed by the Governing Body) and their specific location and acquisition of new local sport and recreation facilities (within budget parameters agreed by the Governing Body) and their specific location, design, build and fit out

Local parks improvement and place-shaping, the use of and activities within local parks and the use of local sport and recreation facilities

Local sport and recreation programmes and initiatives and local community funding and grants.

Standards to ensure the acquisition of fit for purpose open space land, including relating to location, configuration and accessibility

Best practice guidance for improving the quality of existing open spaces

A tool to support the provision of a diverse range of accessible recreation opportunities across the open space network

Standards to ensure the acquisition of fit for purpose open space land, including relating to location, configuration and accessibility

Guidance on developing multi-use sport and recreation facilities and maximising community benefits.


39.     Two local board members were on the Open Space, Sport and Recreation Joint Political Working Group: Member Sandra Coney and Member Margi Watson. In addition, staff have engaged with local boards on the proposed policies in workshops and briefings between July and October 2024.

40.     Local board views on the proposed policies, including on the two options for updating the open space provision standards, will be reported to the Policy and Planning Committee when staff seek approval to undertake consultation on the draft strategy.

Tauākī whakaaweawe Māori

Māori impact statement

41.     In a Māori worldview, Auckland's open spaces and places are interconnected parts of the natural world, imbued with spiritual and ancestral significance.

42.     The draft strategy puts manaakitanga, a te ao Māori way of showing respect, generosity, and care for one another and for our resources, at the forefront of open space, sport and recreation to achieve oranga tāngata, whenua, wai and whānau.

43.     The proposed policies provide:

·        guidance on delivering multiple benefits from our open spaces (including reflecting mana whenua culture and identity and drawing on mātauranga Māori to protect and enhance our environment, biodiversity and heritage)

·        best practice guidance for improving the quality of existing open spaces (including emphasis on the importance of integrating indigenous knowledge from mana whenua)

·        a planning and investment approach that targets increased participation in physical activity by Māori Aucklanders (including in traditional Māori sports) and supports the delivery of sport and recreation opportunities by Māori for Māori.

44.     The views of mana whenua and mataawaka have been sought in the development of the proposed policies. This includes input from the advisory and Māori rōpū (with mana whenua and mataawaka representatives) and input and direction from the Open Space, Sport and Recreation Joint Political Working Group (with a Houkura representative).

Ngā ritenga ā-pūtea

Financial implications

45.     There are no financial implications for the local board associated with providing feedback.

46.     The development of, and consultation on, the draft strategy can be completed within the existing policy departmental budget.

47.     Implementation will be enabled through available budgets set during the long-term plan and annual plan processes.

48.     The proposed policies reflect the resource constraints faced by the council and the need to deliver value for money. They place a greater emphasis on making the most of our open spaces and facilities, as well as recognising the need to continue to cater for a growing Auckland and to target our investment where it is needed most and will have the greatest impact.

49.     All the options for changes to the open space provision standards involve high-level trade-offs, including on cost. The recommended changes (Package 2) take an equity lens, balancing the higher cost of acquisition of larger parks in some areas to address capacity issues with acquiring smaller parks in areas that are already well served.

50.     The emphasis on reconfiguring, redistributing or redeveloping open spaces rather than disposing of them includes the opportunity to make greater use of the service property optimisation process. This means that money generated by disposing of an open space can be used by local boards to fund already-planned open space acquisition or development.

51.     The strengthened acquisition standards will help ensure that we acquire fit for purpose open space land from the outset, with a positive flow on effect to the cost of developing and managing our open spaces.

52.     The draft strategy also proposes developing an open space land acquisition priority plan every three years to provide a 10-year and 30-year view of the open space acquisition pipeline. This will support decision-makers, including local boards, in understanding the trade-offs between meeting the expectations set in the draft strategy and budgetary allocation.

53.     Our investment in sport will be primarily focused on community sport, where participation levels are higher and we can achieve the most impact. Investment will also be targeted to low-participating communities and addressing disparities.

54.     The draft strategy proposes changes to the Sport and Recreation Facilities Investment Fund to increase the proportion directed to low participation groups and emerging physical activity opportunities, with a corresponding decrease in the amount of contestable funding available.

Ngā raru tūpono me ngā whakamaurutanga

Risks and mitigations

55.     Potential risks and mitigations relating to the proposed policies are outlined below:



Possible mitigations…

The proposed policies, and open space provision options, go for consultation.

Some Aucklanders may feel unable / unwilling to provide their views due to the technical nature and complexity of the information.

Low reputational and strategic risk.

Consultation material will simplify the content of the draft strategy.


The two open space provision packages will be articulated in plain English and supported by images to explain what density could look like.


Staff will present at stakeholders’ meetings (as resources allow). This will enable us to answer questions and provide clarity where needed.


We will engage with mana whenua and mataawaka separately in a way that suits them.


Ngā koringa ā-muri

Next steps

56.     Staff will include local board feedback when seeking approval from the Policy and Planning Committee at its December 2024 meeting to consult on the draft strategy, including the proposed policies and open space provision options.

57.     If approved, public consultation will begin in February 2025 and run for approximately one month.

58.     The findings from the public consultation and an updated draft strategy will then be reported to local board business meetings ahead of going to the Policy and Planning Committee for adoption.


Ngā tāpirihanga






Manaaki Tāmaki Makaurau: Auckland Open Space, Sport and Recreation Strategy – proposed policies



Process to develop revised open space provision standards



Ngā kaihaina



Aubrey Bloomfield - Senior Policy Advisor


Lou-Ann Ballantyne - General Manager Governance and Engagement

Louise Mason - General Manager Policy

Justin Kary - Senior Local Board Advisor



Ōrākei Local Board

21 November 2024



Local Government New Zealand (LGNZ) Electoral Reform Working Group - Issues Paper

File No.: CP2024/17307




Te take mō te pūrongo

Purpose of the report

1.       To provide an opportunity for the local board to feed back its responses to the questions raised in the Electoral Reform Group’s Issues Paper.

Whakarāpopototanga matua

Executive summary

2.       Local Government New Zealand has established an Electoral Reform Working Group (ERWG) which has published an Issues Paper for public comment. Consultation closes on 19 January 2025. The paper is attached in Attachment A.

3.       The chair of the ERWG, Hon Dr Nick Smith, Mayor of Nelson, notes in the foreword:

     “This Issues Paper is about Local Government New Zealand leading a discussion on how we can strengthen the democratic mandate we have to represent communities across New Zealand.

     The decline in participation in local elections is an existential threat to local government”.

4.       The body of this report summarises the issues raised in the paper.  Members are encouraged to refer to the Issues Paper itself for further detail.

5.       The paper poses five issues. There are questions associated with each issue. The issues are:

       Issue 1: The public’s understanding of local government and why it’s important

       Issue 2: Understanding candidates and their policies

       Issue 3: Voting methods

       Issue 4: Administration and promotion of elections

       Issue 5: Four-year terms (including transition and implementation).

6.       Attached (as Attachments B, C and D) is the previous feedback from local boards on electoral matters.


Ngā tūtohunga


That the Ōrākei Local Board:

a)      provide its feedback on the questions asked in the Electoral Reform Working Group’s Issues Paper.




7.       The National Council of LGNZ set up the Electoral Reform Working Group to lead efforts to strengthen local government’s democratic mandate, with a focus on increasing participation in local elections.

8.       Members of the working group are:

·        Mayor Hon Dr Nick Smith, Nelson City (Chair)

·        Mayor Campbell Barry, Hutt City

·        Councillor Toni Boynton, Whakatāne District, Co-Chair Te Maruata

·        Professor Andrew Geddis, University of Otago

·        Mayor Susan O'Regan, Waipā District

·        Mayor Rehette Stoltz, Gisborne District.

9.       The working group’s issues paper focusses on five key topics:

·        The public’s understanding of local government and why it’s important

·        Understanding the candidates and their policies

·        Voting methods

·        Administration and promotion of elections

·        The possibility of moving to four-year terms (including how this would work).

10.     Feedback on the issues paper will help shape the group’s position paper. A draft position paper will be open for discussion from March to May 2025.

11.     The issues paper is on the LGNZ website and available to the public for their comment.

Tātaritanga me ngā tohutohu

Analysis and advice

Issue 1: The public’s understanding of local government and why it’s important

12.     Auckland Council has found this to be a key issue in terms of people’s participation in elections. More recently the Joint Governance Working Party has noted this concern through its experience with the review of representation arrangements.

13.     Options in the paper for addressing Issue 1 include:

·        Greater support for delivery of civics in schools

·        Strengthened civics education requirements in the New Zealand Curriculum

·        Partnering with community organisations to better engage people who aren’t participating

·        Nationwide promotion of local government’s work and value

·        Greater use of localism approaches by councils

·        Enhancing how councils communicate their value

·        Introduce a stewardship function that includes a role of promoting the role of councils.

14.     Issue 1 consultation questions:

i)       What should be done to improve understanding of local government and its value, and who should hold responsibility for this?

ii)       What should be done, given the decline in local media, to increase visibility of local government work and local elections?

Issue 2: Understanding candidates and their policies

15.     Auckland Council has found that a lack of knowledge of candidates has been a key reason for people choosing to not vote.

16.     Options in the paper for addressing Issue 2 include:

·        A centralised digital platform providing candidate information to voters

·        Require candidates to provide an explanation of their policies.

17.     Issue 2 consultation questions:

i)       How should voters receive better information on candidates and their policy positions and whose role should it be?

ii)       Is it important to improve candidate knowledge of local government, and if so, how should this be done?

Issue 3: Voting methods

18.     The paper notes the decline of postal voting. Staff have reported recently on the possibility of booth voting but have recommended against it because of cost and logistics.

19.     Options in the paper for addressing Issue 3 include:

·        Postal voting, booth voting, online voting (the paper lists advantages and disadvantages of each)

·        Options to improve the existing postal system, such as making it possible for voters to download voting papers rather than have them posted.

20.     Issue 3 consultation questions:

i)       Given the challenges outlined, what should be the future method (or methods) of voting in local elections, and why?

ii)       Should the voting method (or methods) be nationally consistent or decided locally, and why?

iii)      What short-term improvements should be made to the postal voting system, until a permanent solution can be implemented?

Issue 4: Administration and promotion of elections

21.     Postal voting requires equipment that is used only every three years, such as commercial grade optical scanners for processing votes. Auckland Council believes it is reasonable to contract services which provide these when required from suppliers who have experience and long-standing reputations. If such suppliers did not exist then the council would be in the position of having to run elections in-house. 

22.     Auckland Council has previously supported local elections being administered by the Electoral Commission. This would not be taking decision-making away from council elected members since elections are required to be run at arm’s length from elected members. There could be issues relating to funding. If the Electoral Commission was totally government funded it might be expected to apply a standard approach across the country, which might not be desirable. Alternatively there might be variation between councils if funding was by way of a levy, or charge for services, where the level of service might be negotiated.

23.     Options in the paper for who is responsible for the administration of local elections include:

·        Councils administer elections in-house

·        Councils outsource administration to commercial third-parties

·        Electoral Commission administers elections.

24.     Options for who could be responsible for promoting local elections include:

·        Councils (in-house)

·        A national umbrella organisation (either funded by councils or centrally)

·        The Electoral Commission.

25.     Issue 4 consultation questions:

i)       Who should administer local elections, and why?

ii)       Who should be responsible for promoting local elections, and why?

Issue 5: Four-year terms (including transition and implementation)

26.     Options in the paper for aligning local and central government four-year terms include:

·        One year apart – to allow three years with stable central and local government

·        Two years apart – every two years there is either a central government election or local government election

·        In same year or even concurrently. If concurrent this could lead to higher turnout for local elections however voting would be more challenging to the voter who would need to vote for: electorate Member of Parliament, Parliamentary political party, Mayor, ward councillor, local board members. It would also provide 4 years without elections.

27.     Ideas on transition:

·        The paper seeks views on whether changing the term from 3 years to 4 years should affect planning documents that are based on a 3 year term, such as the Long-term Plan.

·        In addition, it would make sense for the term of appointment to council-controlled organisations to move to 4 years.

28.     Noting that moving to a 4 year term could decrease elected members’ accountability to the electorate, options in the paper to address accountability include:

·        Retain status quo arrangements for Ministerial powers of intervention

·        Minister to have stronger powers of intervention, councils to have stronger codes of conduct and stronger powers for chairs of meetings

·        Recall elections – a petition can trigger a re-election in order to remove one or more members

·        An external body or stewardship agency to hold elected members to account.

29.     Issue 5 consultation questions:

i)       Which of the three timing options, for a four-year term, do you prefer?

ii)       How should councils’ budget and planning cycles be adjusted to a four-year term?

iii)      Do four-year terms for local councils require increased accountability mechanisms, and if so, which do you support?

30.     The paper invites any other ideas or options to improve participation in local elections.

Tauākī whakaaweawe āhuarangi

Climate impact statement

31.     This report deals with an Issues Paper relating to electoral processes. There are no proposals in the report which impact on climate.

Ngā whakaaweawe me ngā tirohanga a te rōpū Kaunihera

Council group impacts and views

32.     The Issues Paper deals with the election of elected members. One of proposals is to extend the electoral term from three years to four years. This could provide council-controlled organisations with a longer period of political consistency.

Ngā whakaaweawe ā-rohe me ngā tirohanga a te poari ā-rohe

Local impacts and local board views

33.     This report seeks the views of local boards which will be reported to the Governing Body and form part of the response of Auckland Council to the invitation for comments.

Tauākī whakaaweawe Māori

Māori impact statement

34.     The Issues Paper does not consider any issues specific to Māori however the overall concern in the paper is about how to improve electoral turnout. Improvements to the community’s understanding of local government and how to participate meaningfully in elections may also benefit Māori.

Ngā ritenga ā-pūtea

Financial implications

35.     While the decision to provide feedback on an Issues Paper does not in itself have any financial implications, some of the proposals in the paper will have financial implications. If elections are run every four years rather than every three years as at present, there will be a significant saving.

36.     Similarly there will be financial implications if the responsibility for elections moves to the Electoral Commission. There are no proposals for how this might be funded and so the implications are not known.

Ngā raru tūpono me ngā whakamaurutanga

Risks and mitigations

37.     A key risk this paper is trying to address is the decline in the democratic mandate. It is important to support all efforts to improve the metrics around elections.

Ngā koringa ā-muri

Next steps

38.     Feedback from local boards will be reported to the Governing Body and added to any feedback provided by Auckland Council.

Ngā tāpirihanga






Electoral Reform Working Group Issues Paper



Local board feedback on the evaluation of the 2022 elections



Local board feedback on the submission to the Justice Committee Inquiry into the 2022 elections



Local board feedback on the submission to the Future for Local Government Review report



Ngā kaihaina



Warwick McNaughton - Principal Advisor Governance


Lou-Ann Ballantyne - General Manager Governance and Engagement

Justin Kary - Senior Local Board Advisor



Ōrākei Local Board

21 November 2024



Appointment of delegated local board member to provide feedback on stormwater activities

File No.: CP2024/16851




Te take mō te pūrongo

Purpose of the report

1.       To appoint a lead to provide local board views and preferences on council’s stormwater activities that take place over local parks.

Whakarāpopototanga matua

Executive summary

2.       Section 17 Local Government (Auckland Council) Act 2009 (LGACA) requires that decision-making for activities that impact beyond a single local board area, and which are beneficial and effective to be managed and coordinated on an Auckland-wide basis must be exercised by the Governing Body. As such, decision-making responsibility for stormwater management and the stormwater network is allocated to the Governing Body.

3.       Local boards are responsible for a wide range of non-regulatory activities of the council that are deemed to be local in nature. This includes the use of and activities in local parks and reserves. However, as parks and reserves are crucial to the stormwater network, council’s allocation of non-regulatory responsibilities acknowledges that local board decision-making over parks and reserves may be constrained where decisions relate to council stormwater management activities.

4.       Prior to June 2024, staff treated all stormwater management activities on local parks as subject to local board approval. However, as part of the LTP, it was clarified that it is not appropriate to require a landowner approval from local boards for activities of the council that are required for the management of stormwater activities. This is because council’s own activities are to be undertake under the authority that already rests with the Governing Body.

5.       Although a landowner approval will not be required for the council’s own stormwater activities, LGACA requires that the Governing Body (including staff acting under delegation) consider the views and preferences of local boards when making its decisions (section 15 LGACA). Therefore, the new process now requires Healthy Waters and Flood Resilience staff to liaise directly with local boards and consider the views and preferences of local boards when making decisions (under delegation from the Governing Body). If a local board wishes to object to any decision made by staff under delegation, they can consider raising an objection with the Governing Body via the Policy and Planning Committee.

6.       Staff recommend local boards appoint a lead who can identify and communicate each local board’s views and preferences over stormwater management-related decisions that impact local parks.

Ngā tūtohunga


That the Ōrākei Local Board:

a)      kopou / appoint a lead, and an alternate, for stormwater activities feedback and delegate authority to these members to:

(i)         identify and communicate the local board views and preferences on proposed council stormwater management activities in local parks.

(ii)        represent the local board at the Policy and Planning Committee, if required, to discuss any objections to proposed council stormwater management activities in local parks.



7.       As per their legislative role and council’s allocation of non-regulatory responsibilities (pursuant to section 17 of LGACA), local boards are accountable for the range of non-regulatory activities of the council deemed to be ‘local’ in nature.

8.       On the other hand, the Governing Body is responsible for decision-making over activities that are ‘regional’ in nature i.e. that extend beyond local board areas, and which are beneficial and effective to be managed and coordinated on an Auckland-wide basis.

9.       Staff who manage local parks and reserves have relied on council’s allocation of decision-making responsibilities over local parks to require local board approval (referred to as landowner approval or landowner consents) for most activities that take place over local parks. This means that staff have been treating all stormwater management works that occur on parks, including those that the Governing Body has been allocated decision-making responsibilities for, as being subject to landowner approvals.

10.     Although local boards have generally managed to accommodate council’s stormwater management activities in local parks, a recent case where landowner approval was likely to be withheld highlighted a misalignment between council’s agreed allocation of responsibilities and operational process assumptions.

11.     Staff have now provided advice to local boards clarifying that activities allocated to the Governing Body, i.e. council’s own stormwater management activities, should not be subject to a landowner approval. They have clarified that the operational processes that facilitated this misunderstanding have been changed.

12.     This change does not affect third-party applications for works over local parks that relate to or connect to the stormwater network. Those applications will continue to require landowner approval from local boards.

Tātaritanga me ngā tohutohu

Analysis and advice

13.     Auckland Council’s allocation of non-regulatory responsibilities acknowledges that the decision making of local boards in relation to local parks may be constrained when such decisions intersect with council stormwater management activities, including the stormwater network. This provision ensures the Governing Body’s decision-making, and the effectiveness of the stormwater network, are not compromised.

14.     A well-functioning stormwater system enhances flood resilience, reduces waterway contamination, and ensures local beaches are safer for swimming. Parks and reserves play a crucial role in this system, acting as flood plains, hosting waterways, and providing essential facilities for the effective functioning of the council’s stormwater network.

15.     Decisions relating to the maintenance of the stormwater network have been delegated by the Governing Body to staff in Healthy Waters and Flood Resilience via the Chief Executive.

Process for giving input to stormwater network decisions

16.     Local boards have been advised of the new process that will see Healthy Waters and Flood Resilience, instead of Land Advisory, seeking the views of local boards before making decisions (under delegation from the Governing Body) on whether to proceed with any proposed council-led stormwater projects in local parks.

17.     The experience of local boards should not differ from the previous process, where consultations occurred over landowner approval applications while final decision-making is exercised by (Land Advisory) staff under delegation from local boards. Figure 1 shows the comparison between the current and updated processes.

Figure 1: Current and updated decision-making processes for stormwater activities on

local parks

Appointment of a lead to provide input to stormwater network decisions

18.     To enable the effective and efficient conduct of a local board’s business, LGACA provides that a local board may delegate to a committee, subcommittee, or member of the local board, or to an officer of council, any of its responsibilities, duties, or powers, except for the exceptions listed in clause 36D, schedule 7 of the Act. The responsibilities that cannot be delegated include the duty to identify and communicate the interests and preferences of the people in the local board area in relation to the content of the strategies, policies, plans and bylaws of Auckland Council.

19.     The updated process in Figure 1 requires that Healthy Waters and Flood Resilience seek input from local boards. Seeking input from local boards often requires a report and a decision at a business meeting.

20.     Appointing a lead to finalise and provide input on stormwater network decisions can enable efficiencies. While it is expected that stormwater projects on local parks may be referred for discussion to a local board workshop and may include site visits, relying on staff to identify the agreed local board view might lead to misunderstandings, especially if different views are expressed in workshops and site visits. Having a single point of contact on the local board who can be accountable for collating, finalising, and communicating the local board view can prevent confusion and avoid unnecessary delays in decision-making.

21.     If it were not possible to identify a shared view from the local board, it is open to the lead to refer the matter to the whole local board for a decision (on the local board input). This can be done at an upcoming local board meeting.

Resolving disputes and disagreements over use of local parks

22.     In circumstances where the local board does not support use of a local park for a stormwater management activity and Healthy Waters and Flood Resilience and the local board are unable to agree on reasonable conditions for the use of a local park, Healthy Waters and Flood Resilience staff are encouraged to escalate the matter to the Chief Executive for a decision. This is on the basis that the Chief Executive at an operational level may be best placed to determine issues from an organisation wide perspective and may provide some assurance to the local board that competing perspectives are being carefully balanced.

23.     It would also be open to the local board to seek the intervention of the Governing Body, via the Policy and Planning Committee.

Tauākī whakaaweawe āhuarangi

Climate impact statement

24.     This is a procedural decision and is not expected to have any impact on council’s climate commitments.

Ngā whakaaweawe me ngā tirohanga a te rōpū Kaunihera

Council group impacts and views

25.     This report recommends the appointment of a lead to ensure that local board input can be provided in a timely manner enabling the council to undertake its operational and statutory duties efficiently.

Ngā whakaaweawe ā-rohe me ngā tirohanga a te poari ā-rohe

Local impacts and local board views

26.     This report seeks to appoint a local board member to perform a specific function on behalf of the local board. Any local board member who is appointed as a lead should ensure that they represent the wider local board views and preferences on each matter before them.

Tauākī whakaaweawe Māori

Māori impact statement

27.     This procedural decision is not anticipated to have a direct impact on Māori.

Ngā ritenga ā-pūtea

Financial implications

28.     A decision of this procedural nature is not considered to have financial implications on Auckland Council.

Ngā raru tūpono me ngā whakamaurutanga

Risks and mitigations

29.     If a local board chooses not to appoint a lead, staff will need to seek input from the local board at a business meeting. This may require a report which delays input and further risk delays to council projects.

30.     Where a local board may feel dissatisfied with a proposed council stormwater project or feel that a project may adversely impact on the wellbeing of its community or other local board areas of decision making, and this cannot be resolved in discussions with Healthy Waters and Flood Resilience, staff are expected to escalate the matter to the Chief Executive. It is also open to local boards to seek intervention from the Governing Body via the relevant committee (Policy and Planning Committee)

Ngā koringa ā-muri

Next steps

31.     Healthy Waters and Flood Resilience will provide a template to help the appointed lead quickly finalise and communicate the local board’s feedback.


Ngā tāpirihanga


There are no attachments for this report.     

Ngā kaihaina



Shirley Coutts - Principal Advisor - Governance Strategy


Oliver Roberts - Planning & Operations Manager

Lou-Ann Ballantyne - General Manager Governance and Engagement

Adam Milina - Local Area Manager

Justin Kary - Senior Local Board Advisor



Ōrākei Local Board

21 November 2024



Disposal of Part 70-74 Abbotts Way, Remuera & 207 Main Highway, Ellerslie: consideration of public feedback following consultation under S138 Local Government Act 2002

File No.: CP2024/16924




Te take mō te pūrongo

Purpose of the report

1.       To report back the outcome of the s138 Local Government Act 2002 public consultation regarding the disposal of 207 Main Highway, Ellerslie and part of 70-74 Abbotts Way, Remuera (3,260 m²).

Whakarāpopototanga matua

Executive summary

2.       The Ōrākei Local Board has resolved to dispose of 207 Main Highway, Ellerslie (OR/2022/75 and OR/2023/72) and part of 70-74 Abbotts Way, Remuera (OR/2024/13) via service property optimisation, subject to the satisfactory conclusion of any required statutory processes.

3.       The proceeds of sale from the disposals will enable the acquisition of land for open space purposes to be funded. The identity of the land to be acquired is confidential so that negotiations may continue without prejudice or disadvantage.

4.       The two subject properties are not reserves; but they are public open spaces and therefore are subject to the public consultation requirements of s138 Local Government Act 2002.

5.       Eke Panuku, on behalf of Auckland Council placed public notices in the East and Bays Courier and on the Auckland Council website on 10 April 2024, and wrote to adjoining owners.

6.       There were 43 individual submissions objecting to the proposal, and a petition with 68 signatures. 31 of the signatories also sent individual submissions.

7.       There were six principal themes to the submissions. These were: the value of open space, birdlife and biodiversity, flooding risks, soil issues and subsidence, infrastructure constraints and traffic.

8.       Staff from Auckland Council and Eke Panuku have reviewed and considered the issues raised in the submissions, and are of the view that the subject properties do not need to be retained for open space purposes as:

·    There is currently no gap in the provision of neighbourhood parks in the immediate areas

·    70-74 Abbotts Way has sparse tree cover and is not a biodiverse habitat

·    The portion of Koraha Reserve to be retained by council is a natural stormwater retention basis and does flood during weather events

·    The area of Koraha Reserve approved for disposal is outside of the flood plain and is not considered a flood risk

·    The closed landfill under Koraha Street and 75-87 Koraha Street has been assessed as low risk

·    207 Main Highway and the area of Koraha Reserve approved for disposal are not required for stormwater mitigation


Ngā tūtohunga


That the Ōrākei Local Board:

a)      tuhi ā-taipitopito / note the submissions received from the public on the proposed disposal of 207 Main Highway, Ellerslie being Allot 154 Sec 12 Suburbs Auckland contained in record of title NA1824/65 and part of 70-74 Abbotts Way, Remuera (3,260 m²) being part of Allot 301 Sec 12 Suburbs Auckland contained in record of title NA51B/370; and

b)      whakaū / confirm the resolutions approving the disposal of 207 Main Highway, Ellerslie and part of 70-74 Abbotts Way, Remuera (3,260 m²) as they are not required to be retained by council for open space or recreational purposes.




9.       Service Property Optimisation seeks to maximise efficiencies from council's service assets while maintaining levels of service and releasing some or all the service property for sale or development. Council’s Finance and Performance Committee approved the service property optimisation framework in March 2015 (FIN/2015/16), enabling the sale proceeds from local service properties to be reinvested locally to advance eligible projects and activities. On 28 September 2017, the Governing Body delegated final decision-making authority on local asset disposal and reinvestment, under the service property optimisation policy, to local boards, providing all criteria have been met.

10.     The Ōrākei Local Board resolved to dispose of 207 Main Highway, Ellerslie (OR/2022/75 and OR/2023/72) and part of 70-74 Abbotts Way, Remuera (OR/2024/13) via service property optimisation, subject to the satisfactory conclusion of all required statutory processes, to enable the acquisition of land for open space purposes within the Ōrākei Local Board area.

11.     The two subject properties are not reserves; but meet the definition of a ‘park’ set out in s138 Local Government Act 2002. Therefore, public consultation on the disposal is required to be undertaken.

207 Main Highway, Ellerslie

12.     207 Main Highway, Ellerslie is held in Record of Title NA1824/65 and comprises an area of 862m² zoned Residential – Mixed Housing Suburban. The property was acquired by the Ellerslie Borough Council in 1986 for the purposes of installing a beautification area. 

13.     The property is triangular in shape, with a steep sloping contour rising from the road and dense mature planting through the centre. Due to its situation adjacent to a major intersection to State Highway One, it is unlikely to be possible to create a vehicle crossing onto the property.  

14.     Parks and Community Facilities has advised that this property is no longer required to be retained for the public open space network. Although the land was considered for rationalisation in 2014, it remained as in-service land maintained by council within the local board area. The land was maintained as garden streetscape but does not provide any recreational outcomes.

15.     The area is already well provided for pleasance, passive and active public open space and this 861m2 site is not required to augment existing provision.

Part 70-74 Abbotts Way, Remuera

16.     70-74 Abbotts Way (Koraha Reserve) is a 3.2-hectare area of public open space bordering Koraha Street and Abbots Way on the Ellerslie/Remuera boundary. The property is zoned Open Space – Informal Recreation and is prone to flooding with several overland flow paths. Auckland City Council acquired the property in 1981 from the Crown, which had acquired the land in 1959 for a public school.

17.     The property is held in two titles: the larger is Allot 301 Sec 12 Suburbs of Auckland held in Record of Title NA513/370, and the smaller is Lot 26 DP 40607 held in Record of Title NA24C/984. The latter is held as a reserve for municipal purposes and is subject to the Reserves Act 1977.

18.     The area proposed for disposal via service property optimisation is 3,260m² in the north-east corner of Allot 301 (NA513/370). This part of Koraha Reserve is not subject to the Reserves Act 1977. This piece of land is of gentle contour and is slightly elevated above the rest of the open space, therefore it is not flood plain or flood prone. It has access onto Koraha Street via a 9m wide access way. The remainder of the land is classified recreation reserve that is not proposed for disposal and will be retained as public open space.

19.     Parks and Community Facilities has advised that the 3,260m² part of this property is not required to be retained for the public open space network. The locality is already well provided for pleasance, passive and active public open space and this 3,280 m² area is not required to augment existing provision.

20.     Maps and aerial photos of the properties are in Attachment A.

21.     The subject properties are local service properties that are the responsibility of the Ōrākei Local Board. Accordingly the submissions received need to be considered by the local board, which has the mandate to decide whether to proceed with the disposal of the subject properties in light of the submissions received.

22.     Eke Panuku, on behalf of Auckland Council placed public notices in the East and Bays Courier and on the Auckland Council website on 10 April 2024 (see Attachment B). The consultation period ran from 10 April 2024 to 11 May 2024. Eke Panuku also wrote to adjoining owners to inform seek feedback on disposals (see Attachment C).

23.     There were 43 individual submissions objecting to the proposal (Attachment D), of which 13 were duplicate letters. There was also a petition with 68 signatures (Attachment E). 31 of the petition’s signatories had also sent individual submissions.

24.     All of the submissions were focussed on 70-74 Abbotts Way. Only two mentioned 207 Main Highway.

Tātaritanga me ngā tohutohu

Analysis and advice

25.     The principal themes of the submissions are:

·    The importance and value of open space

·    Birdlife and biodiversity

·    Flooding on Koraha Reserve

·    Soil issues and subsidence

·    Infrastructure constraints

·    Traffic congestion on Koraha Street

26.     A summary of the submissions is as follows:





Ana Squire

·    Address is wrong. We should all be sacked

·    Drainage


Yu-Feng Sun

·    Flooding is a problem


Peter Barrow

·    Plenty of people use that corner

·    Flooding – Waiatarua Reserve tunnel


Gavin Cummins

·    Koraha Street very busy and won’t cope with increased traffic


Matt Sims

·    It’s an outrage


Ziwei Yang

·    Flooding is a problem


Lianne Luxton

·    Mental/physical health benefits

·    Open space is valuable, especially with intensification

·    Birdlife/biodiversity


Colleen Zorn

·    Drainage

·    Don’t sell land to raise money


Libby Fletcher

·    Delicate habitats

·    Major loss of amenity for dogwalkers


Raewyn Stone

·    Loss of amenity for dogwalkers

·    Delicate habitats, loss of trees

·    Koraha Street very busy and won’t cope with increased traffic

·    Flooding and drainage


Steph Xavier

·    Diminish character and appeal

·    Flooding and drainage

·    Preserving parks is crucial


Louise Northorpe

·    Not enough time to respond


Merryn Thomas

·    Green spaces crucial for biodiversity

·    Koraha Street very busy and won’t cope with increased traffic

·    Diminish character and appeal


Nikolas Teklich

·    Flooding

·    Traffic congestion on Koraha Street


Jennifer Yu-Ching Ho

·    Koraha Street entry is used

·    Dog walking


John Hazel

·    Flooding

·    Dog walking, football, social connection


Philippa Ebdon

·    Flooding

·    Traffic congestion on Koraha Street

·    Water infrastructure

·    Loss of green space

·    Loss of dog-walking space


Tony Gallagher

·    Flooding

·    Waste and stormwater infrastructure

·    Traffic congestion on Koraha Street

·    Loss of green space


Jane Homer

·    Dog walking

·    Birdlife

·    Flooding

·    Traffic congestion on Koraha Street


Vidyut Jain

·    Noise and dust pollution for elderly person

·    Flooding

·    Infrastructure constraints

·    Traffic congestion on Koraha Street


Di Moffit

·    Flooding

·    Subsidence

·    Infrastructure constraints

·    Traffic congestion on Koraha Street


Toni Keeling

·    Open space is valuable, especially with intensification

·    Space is well-used

·    Birdlife/ecosystem/biodiversity

·    Flooding

·    Soil issues (subsidence, landfill)

·    Difficult to insure

·    Volcanic viewshafts

·    Infrastructure constraints

·    Traffic congestion on Koraha Street


Alberdina Kroef

·    Flooding

·    Subsidence

·    Infrastructure constraints

·    Traffic congestion on Koraha Street


Shereena Moy

·    Open space is well-used

·    Birdlife

·    Flooding

·    Intensification

·    Soil issues

·    Infrastructure constraints


Shane Hodgeson

·    DUPLICATE of Submission 22


Rachel Lenton

·    DUPLICATE of Submission 22


Ben Ryburn

·    DUPLICATE of Submission 22


Kevin Fitzgerald

·    DUPLICATE of Submission 22


Peter MacIntyre

·    DUPLICATE of Submission 22


Ruby Mok

·    DUPLICATE of Submission 22


Roger Simmonds

·    Flooding


Ingrid Gorter

·    DUPLICATE of Submission 22


Patricia Metcalf

·    Flooding


Sonia Chandra

·    DUPLICATE of Submission 22


Jennifer Porter

·    Birdlife/biodiversity

·    Open space is well-used

·    Intensification

·    Infrastructure constraints

·    Diminish character and appeal

·    Traffic congestion on Koraha Street

·    Flooding


Yvonne Clarke

·    Open space is well-used


Joshua Wild

·    DUPLICATE of Submission 22


Ali Izard

·    Green spaces essential

·    Flooding

·    Soil issues

·    Intensification

·    Infrastructure constraints

·    Traffic congestion on Koraha Street


Trish Humphries

·    Valuable open space

·    Biodiversity

·    Flooding

·    Infrastructure constraints

·    Traffic congestion on Koraha Street


Maree Todd

·    Valuable open space

·    Intensification

·    Soil issues/subsidence

·    Flooding

·    Traffic congestion on Koraha Street


Bruce Scott

·    DUPLICATE of Submission 22


Anna Rybackova

·    DUPLICATE of Submission 22


Ron Wong

·    DUPLICATE of Submission 22



68 signatories (31 of whom have submitted separately)


The importance and value of open space

27.     Feedback in submissions included the need to preserve open space in the context of intensification of the urban environment, the beneficial effects of open space on mental and physical health, and the fact that the open space is well used for recreation and for dog walking.

28.     Open space provision within 500 metres of Koraha Reserve is generous. In addition to the remaining 90% of Koraha Reserve (approximately 3.5 hectares) there is Waiatarua Reserve (41.22 hectares), Liston Park (4.15 hectares) and Michaels Avenue Reserve (9.24 hectares).

29.     The proportion of public green space within Auckland’s urban boundary has remained steady since the 1940s.

30.     The proceeds of the proposed disposals are to be used to fund the acquisition of other significant land for open space purposes in the Ōrākei Local Board area.

Birdlife and biodiversity

31.     There was significant concern for birdlife; although some submitters contended Koraha Reserve was one of the few places where one could walk dogs without disturbing birds and native wildlife.

32.     Most of the reserve is laid to grass. This offers no shade provision, and is generally a low-diversity habitat with little support for native species. The lack of tree cover does not encourage or support birdlife.

33.     Only 10% of the Koraha reserve is proposed for disposal.

34.     There is some tree cover along the northern boundary of the area proposed for disposal. Half of these trees are on privately owned land.

35.     It may be possible, if required, for some or all of the trees on the area proposed for disposal could be protected by a covenant in gross on the title.

36.     There will be a significant gain for urban tree cover (ngahere) through the acquisition of other open space that is to be funded through the disposal of the two subject properties.

Flooding on Koraha Reserve

37.     The Koraha Reserve was transferred from the Crown to council in 1979 for stormwater purposes. It is a natural stormwater detention basin. As such, it is meant to flood.

38.     Works were undertaken in 1981 to create a detention dam and two shallow basins to enhance the reserve’s stormwater attenuation capacity. Floodwater in the Koraha reserve drains into the Waiatarua reserve via two concrete lined channels that funnel the water into a 1.8m diameter tunnel that runs under Abbotts Way and into Waiatarua Reserve.

39.     The area proposed for disposal is above the flood plain in Koraha Reserve.

40.     While development of the northeast corner of Koraha Reserve will see an increase in impervious surfaces, resulting in more stormwater runoff into the stormwater attenuation basin, this runoff can be attenuated through the provision of stormwater detention tanks and the use of blue-green roofs.

41.     Healthy Waters has confirmed that the north-eastern corner of Koraha Reserve is not required for stormwater mitigation.

Soil issues and subsidence

42.     Several submitters raised concerns over soil instability and subsidence, and noted that there was a closed landfill on the reserve.

43.     There are several options to mitigate soil instability. These include soil nails, ground anchors, micro piling and planting.

44.     There was a landfill that was operating in the early 1950s; however, it was primarily under what is now the road and numbers 75-87 Koraha Street.

45.     The Closed Landfills team has confirmed that although the old landfill was not listed as a cleanfill site and my therefore contain garden and domestic refuse, it has been assessed as having a very low to low potential risk of affecting the environment or public health.

46.     There is no evidence of offgassing, or of leachates in the groundwater.

Infrastructure constraints

47.     In addition to concerns about the capacity of stormwater infrastructure (including the tunnel from the Waiatarua Reserve to the Ōrākei Basin), several submitters mentioned that there have been burst watermains on Koraha Street. They are attributing this to additional strain caused by residential development.

48.     There were also concerns about the additional strain on infrastructure caused by several other developments in the area.

49.     A brief summary of the hydrology of the stormwater catchment is in Attachment F.

50.     Infrastructure capacity is considered in the resource consenting process, to which Watercare and Healthy Waters both contribute.

Traffic congestion on Koraha Street

51.     Increased traffic congestion has also been attributed to increased development through infill housing in combination with a growth in car ownership.

52.     Resource consent applications are assessed by traffic planners.

Tauākī whakaaweawe āhuarangi

Climate impact statement

53.     The proposed divestment of part of 207 Main Highway, Ellerslie and part of 70-74 Abbotts Way, Remuera may result in a loss of urban ngahere (tree cover). These properties are not flood prone, nor would they be impacted by rising sea levels or coastal erosion.

54.     It is not known at this point what the potential future use of this property will be and therefore what the potential impacts could be on carbon emissions. Sale of the properties could lead to land use changes. It is acknowledged that any form of construction and development can increase carbon emissions.

55.     The impact of both these losses will be offset by the acquisition of more open space in a location where there is an existing gap in the open space network. This acquisition will enable considerable existing tree coverage to be held and protected in public ownership.

Ngā whakaaweawe me ngā tirohanga a te rōpū Kaunihera

Council group impacts and views

56.     Eke Panuku and council’s Parks and Community Facilities team collaboratively assessed properties suitable for service property optimisation. Council’s Customer and Community Services division and Healthy Waters have also been engaged with.

57.     The divestment of 207 Main Highway, Ellerslie and part of 70-74 Abbotts Way, Remuera by way of service property optimisation is supported by council’s Parks and Community Facilities team.

Ngā whakaaweawe ā-rohe me ngā tirohanga a te poari ā-rohe

Local impacts and local board views

58.     The Ōrākei Local Board resolved to dispose of 207 Main Highway, Ellerslie (OR/2022/75 and OR/2023/72) and part of 70-74 Abbotts Way, Remuera (OR/2024/13) via service property optimisation, subject to the satisfactory conclusion of all required statutory processes, to enable the acquisition of land for open space purposes within the Ōrākei Local Board area.

59.     The Ōrākei Local Board has been extensively consulted, and has the mandate to decide whether to proceed with the disposal of the subject properties in light of the submissions received.

Tauākī whakaaweawe Māori

Māori impact statement

60.     19 mana whenua iwi authorities were consulted regarding any issues of cultural significance associated with 207 Main Highway, Ellerslie and part of 70-74 Abbotts Way, Remuera. No issues of cultural significance were received in response.

61.     There are no known archaeological interests, nor Cultural Heritage Places identified on GeoMaps at 207 Main Highway and 70-74 Abbotts Way.

62.     Following completion of required statutory processes, including s40 Public Works Act 1981 offer back obligations, mana whenua will be notified and invited to participate in the open market sales process for 207 Main Highway and 70-74 Abbotts Way.

Ngā ritenga ā-pūtea

Financial implications

63.     The proposed divestment of 70-74 Abbotts Way and 207 Main Highway by way of service property optimisation is expected to realise funds to be ringfenced for the acquisition of another property for open space purposes. Any proceeds of sale not required for the acquisition of this property for open space purposes will be allocated towards other identified projects in the Ōrākei Local Board area.

Ngā raru tūpono me ngā whakamaurutanga

Risks and mitigations

64.     The following table summarises the risks and mitigations:

Risk Type

Mitigation action

Loss of open space

There is currently no gap in the provision of neighbourhood parks in the immediate area. The proceeds of the disposal are to be used for the acquisition of land for open space purposes.

Birdlife and Biodiversity

70-74 Abbotts Way has sparse tree cover and is not a biodiverse habitat.

Flooding at Koraha Reserve

The Koraha Reserve is meant to flood: it is a stormwater detention basin. The area proposed for disposal is not part of the basin and sits above the floodplain

Soil Issues and Subsidence at Koraha Reserve

The Contaminated Land and Closed Landfills team has confirmed that the closed landfill has been assessed as low risk. Information on any related issues will be available on LIM reports.


Ngā koringa ā-muri

Next steps

65.     Subject to the Ōrākei Local Board confirming the disposal of the subject properties, a Plan Change will be required for part of 70-74 Abbotts Way, Remuera. The timing for notifying the open space plan change or notices of requirements for submissions will be dependent on the scheduling of the next open space plan change tranche by council’s Plans and Places team.

66.     Eke Panuku will progress the disposal of 70-74 Abbotts Way and 207 Main Highway including s40 Public Works Act 1981 offer back obligations, where applicable. The terms and conditions of sale will be approved under appropriate financial delegation.


Ngā tāpirihanga






Property photos



Public notices



Adjoining owner letter









Ellerslie catchment area



Ngā kaihaina



Carl May - Strategic Property Specialist, Eke Panuku

Allan Christensen - Manager Land Advisory Services


Letitia Edwards - Head of Strategic Property Optimisation - Eke Panuku Development Auckland

Taryn Crewe - General Manager Parks and Community Facilities

Marian Webb - General Manager Assets and Delivery, Eke Panuku

Justin Kary - Senior Local Board Advisor



Ōrākei Local Board

21 November 2024



Governance Forward Work Calendar and Resolutions Pending Action Report

File No.: CP2024/17337




Te take mō te pūrongo

Purpose of the report

1.       To present the Ōrākei Local Board with its governance forward work calendar as at 21 November 2024.

2.       To provide the Ōrākei Local Board with an opportunity to track reports that have been requested from staff via the Resolutions Pending Action report.

Whakarāpopototanga matua

Executive summary

3.       This report contains the Governance Forward Work Calendar (attachment A), a schedule of items that will come before the Ōrākei Local Board at business meetings over the coming months. The governance forward work calendar for the local board is included in Attachment A to the agenda report.

4.       The calendar aims to support local boards’ governance role by:

a)  ensuring advice on agendas is driven by local board priorities

b)  clarifying what advice is required and when

c)  clarifying the rationale for reports.

5.       The calendar will be updated every month. Each update will be reported back to business meetings and distributed to relevant council staff. It is recognised that at times items will arise that are not programmed. Local board members are welcome to discuss changes to the calendar.

6.       The Resolutions Pending Action report (attachment B) provides the Ōrākei Local Board with an opportunity to track requests for reports that have been resolved at a business meeting. Items are updated with comments within the table as matters progress or are completed.

Ngā tūtohunga


That the Ōrākei Local Board:

a)      note the draft governance forward work calendar as at 21 November 2024.

b)      note the Ōrākei Local Board Resolutions Pending Action report as at 21 November 2024.


Ngā tāpirihanga






Governance Forward Work Calendar - November / December 2024



Resolutions Pending Action Report - November 2024



Ngā kaihaina



Monique Rousseau - Democracy Advisor


Justin Kary - Senior Local Board Advisor



Ōrākei Local Board

21 November 2024



Ōrākei Local Board Workshop Records

File No.: CP2024/17338




Te take mō te pūrongo

Purpose of the report

1.       To note the records for the Ōrākei Local Board workshops held following the previous business meeting.

·    10 October 2024

·    24 October 2024

·    31 October 2024

Whakarāpopototanga matua

Executive summary

2.       Local Board workshops are an informal forum held primarily for information or discussion purposes and at which no resolutions or decisions are made.

3.       Attached are copies of the records for the Ōrākei Local Board workshops held on the 10th, 24th and 31st October 2024.


Ngā tūtohunga


That the Ōrākei Local Board:

a)   note the records for the local board workshops held on the 10th, 24th and 31st October 2024.


Ngā tāpirihanga






Workshop Record - 10 October 2024



Workshop Record - 24 October 2024



Workshop Record - 31 October 2024



Ngā kaihaina



Monique Rousseau - Democracy Advisor


Justin Kary - Senior Local Board Advisor



Ōrākei Local Board

21 November 2024



Chairperson and Board Members' Report

File No.: CP2024/17339




Te take mō te pūrongo

Purpose of the report

1.       To provide the Ōrākei Local Board chairperson and board members with the opportunity to provide an update on projects, activities, and issues in the local board area.


Ngā tūtohunga


That the Ōrākei Local Board:

a)      receive the Ōrākei Local Board Chairperson and Board Members’ Report for October 2024. 


Ngā tāpirihanga






Chairperson and Board Members' Report - October 2024



Ngā kaihaina



Monique Rousseau - Democracy Advisor


Justin Kary - Senior Local Board Advisor