Ōrākei Local Board
Minutes of a meeting of the Ōrākei Local Board held in the St Chads Church and Community Centre, 38 St Johns Road, Meadowbank on Thursday, 21 November 2024 at 3.00pm.
Te Hunga kua Tae mai | present
Chairperson |
Scott Milne, JP |
Deputy Chairperson |
Sarah Powrie |
Members |
Troy Churton |
Angus McPhee |
Penny Tucker |
Margaret Voyce |
David Wong, JP |
Te Hunga Kāore i Tae Mai | ABSENT
Te Hunga Āpiti kua Tae mai | ALSO PRESENT
He Hunga atu anō i Tae mai | IN ATTENDANCE
Ōrākei Local Board 21 November 2024 |
Chairperson S Milne welcomed those present with a karakia.
2 Ngā Tamōtanga | Apologies
3 Te Whakapuaki i te Whai Pānga | Declaration of Interest
Deputy Chair S Powrie declared an interest in Item 15 Ōrākei Quick Response and Tree Protection Round One 2024/2025 grant allocations.
4 Te Whakaū i ngā Āmiki | Confirmation of Minutes
Resolution number OR/2024/143 MOVED by Member D Wong, seconded by Deputy Chairperson S Powrie: That the Ōrākei Local Board: a) confirm the ordinary minutes of its meeting, held on Thursday, 17 October 2024, including the confidential section, as a true and correct record. |
5 He Tamōtanga Motuhake | Leave of Absence
There were no leaves of absence.
6 Te Mihi | Acknowledgements
There were no acknowledgements.
7 Ngā Petihana | Petitions
There were no petitions.
8 Ngā Tono Whakaaturanga | Deputations
8.1 |
Deputation - Claudia Elze and Buddy Carson - Dingle Dell renewal |
Claudia Elze and Buddy Carson were in attendance to speak to the item. |
Resolution number OR/2024/144 MOVED by Chairperson S Milne, seconded by Member M Voyce: That the Ōrākei Local Board: a) receive the presentation from Claudia Elze and Buddy Carson on the renewal of Dingle Dell and thank them for their attendance. b) request officers present to the board a report of the current management practice for Dingle Dell and an outline of suggested change that may alleviate the challenges presented in the deputation on Dingle Dell on November 21st, 2024. |
9 Te Matapaki Tūmatanui | Public Forum
9.1 |
Public Forum - Eric Walton - Off-leash dogs in Churchill Park |
Eric Walton was in attendance to speak to the item. |
Resolution number OR/2024/145 MOVED by Member A McPhee, seconded by Member P Tucker: That the Ōrākei Local Board: a) receive the presentation on the impacts of off-leash dogs in Churchill Park and thank Eric Walton for his attendance. |
9.2 |
Public Forum - Jacques Losken - Dogs in Tahuna Torea Nature Reserve |
Jacques Losken and Shaun Lee were in attendance to speak to the item. |
Resolution number OR/2024/146 MOVED by Chairperson S Milne, seconded by Deputy Chairperson S Powrie: That the Ōrākei Local Board: a) receive the presentation on the impacts of dogs in Tahuna Torea Nature Reserve and thank Jacques Losken and Shaun Lee for their attendance. b) request that officers record the final page of the presentation on Tahuna Torea Nature Reserve on November 21st, 2024 and incorporate it into advice when the dog bylaw review discussion comes before the board. |
9.3 |
Terry Moore was in attendance to speak to the item. |
Resolution number OR/2024/147 MOVED by Chairperson S Milne, seconded by Member D Wong: That the Ōrākei Local Board: a) receive the presentation on the office and storage space requirements at Ellerslie War Memorial Hall and thank Terry Moore for his attendance. b) request that officers work with Ellerslie Community Patrol to look at storage options for the group. |
9.4 |
Public Forum - Adrian Percival – The Landing Concept Plan Refresh |
Adrian Percival was in attendance to speak to the item. |
Resolution number OR/2024/148 MOVED by Member T Churton, seconded by Chairperson S Milne: That the Ōrākei Local Board: a) receive the presentation from Adrian Percival on The Landing Concept Plan Refresh and thank him for his attendance. |
10 Ngā Pakihi Autaia | Extraordinary Business
There was no extraordinary business.
11 Ngā Pānui mō ngā Mōtini | Notices of Motion
Under Standing Order 2.5.1 (LBS 3.11.1) or Standing Order 1.9.1 (LBS 3.10.17) (revoke or alter a previous resolution) a Notice of Motion has been received from Chair Scott Milne for consideration under item 12.
12 |
Notice of Motion - Chair Scott Milne - Request to reconsider immediate funding of the Gowing Drive link to Te Ara ki Uta ki Tai |
Resolution number OR/2024/149 MOVED by Chairperson S Milne, seconded by Deputy Chairperson S Powrie: That the Ōrākei Local Board: b) request to develop a reshaped budget that allows for completion of the other parts of the project in a timely manner; that is the pathway connections on 92 Gowing Drive and on the northern side of the shared path. c) request that these resolutions be circulated to the Transport, Resilience and Infrastructure Committee, Auckland Transport and NZTA. |
13 |
David Barker (Parks and Places – Team Leader) was in attendance to speak to the item. |
MOVED by Chairperson S Milne, seconded by Member A McPhee: That the Ōrākei Local Board: a) approve the five key design outcomes identified in The Landing Concept Plan Refresh (Attachment A): · safe harbour with sea wall · multi-use buildings for storage · multi-sport paddling centre · passive recreation, event and gathering space · haul out and hardstand area from May to December and provision of a washdown pad available all year b) approve the revised concept plan for The Landing located in Ōkahu Bay, 8-12 Tāmaki Drive as detailed in Attachment A to this agenda report. c) support any potential requirements that may be identified through the detailed design process to address traffic flow and general safety issues, including in and around the washdown and hardstand area, and to allow integration of any new parking regime. d) request officers write again to the group expressing an interest in operating a haul-out facility at The Landing asking that they either formally withdraw from the process or present a proposal within the attenuated guidelines for approval by the end of February 2025, which will be deemed the final deadline. The board notes that in November 2023, resolution OR/2023/128 was passed to ask for expressions of interest to facilitate the establishment of a flexible-use site for a short stay haul-out facility operating to the highest industry standards in respect of water and air quality management with a view to it commencing by 1 July 2024. A division was called for point d), voting on which was as follows:
The motion was declared carried by 5 votes to 2.
e) note that should at a later date a group wish to come back to the board with a proposal, then the board will entertain this.
A division was called for point e), voting on which was as follows:
The motion was declared carried by 4 votes to 3.
The substantive motion was put: Resolution number OR/2024/150 MOVED by Chairperson S Milne, seconded by Member A McPhee: That the Ōrākei Local Board: a) approve the five key design outcomes identified in The Landing Concept Plan Refresh (Attachment A): · safe harbour with sea wall · multi-use buildings for storage · multi-sport paddling centre · passive recreation, event and gathering space · haul out and hardstand area from May to December and provision of a washdown pad available all year b) approve the revised concept plan for The Landing located in Ōkahu Bay, 8-12 Tāmaki Drive as detailed in Attachment A to this agenda report. c) support any potential requirements that may be identified through the detailed design process to address traffic flow and general safety issues, including in and around the washdown and hardstand area, and to allow integration of any new parking regime. d) request officers write again to the group expressing an interest in operating a haul-out facility at The Landing asking that they either formally withdraw from the process or present a proposal within the attenuated guidelines for approval by the end of February 2025, which will be deemed the final deadline. The board notes that in November 2023, resolution OR/2023/128 was passed to ask for expressions of interest to facilitate the establishment of a flexible-use site for a short stay haul-out facility operating to the highest industry standards in respect of water and air quality management with a view to it commencing by 1 July 2024. e) note that should at a later date a group wish to come back to the board with a proposal, then the board will entertain this.
Member M Voyce left the meeting at 4.25pm.
14 |
Annual Plan 2025/2026 - Input on Regional Consultation Content |
Justin Kary (Senior Local Board Advisor) was in attendance to speak to the item. |
Two documents were tabled in support of this item. Copies of the tabled documents can be found on the Auckland Council website as minutes attachments. |
Resolution number OR/2024/151 MOVED by Chairperson S Milne, seconded by Deputy Chairperson S Powrie: That the Ōrākei Local Board: a) provide the tabled feedback on the draft Mayoral Proposal including potential regional consultation topics and local board advocacy for the Annual Plan 2025/2026. |
a 21 November 2024, Ōrākei Business Meeting: Item 14 - Annual Plan 2025/2026 Input on Regional Consultation Content - Draft Mayoral Proposal for consultation on the Annual Plan 2025/2026 - Attachment A - PDF b 21 November 2024, Ōrākei Business Meeting: Item 14 - Annual Plan 2025/2026 Input on Regional Consultation Content - Ōrākei Local Board feedback on Annual Plan 2025-2026 regional topics - Attachment B - PDF |
15 |
Ōrākei Quick Response and Tree Protection Round One 2024/2025 grant allocations |
Deputy Chair S Powrie declared an interest in the grant application for QRTP2512-114 - Eastern Bays Community Patrol Incorporated and took no part in the discussion or voting on this item. |
Resolution number OR/2024/152 MOVED by Chairperson S Milne, seconded by Member D Wong: That the Ōrākei Local Board: a) agree to fund the following applications received in the Ōrākei Quick Response and Tree Protection round one 2024/2025, listed in the following table: Table One: the Ōrākei Quick Response and Tree Protection round one 2024/2025 grant applications
b) request all successful funding applicants acknowledge Ōrākei Local Board’s support for their organisation and that the event or project include the Ōrākei Local Board logo on any marketing material or promotional products and that the board is referenced in any media statements. c) request that if funding relates to an event, an invitation needs to be extended to all Ōrākei Local Board members to attend. d) decline the following applications in the Ōrākei Quick Response and Tree Protection round one 2024/2025 grant applications, listed in the following table:
Member M Voyce returned to the meeting at 4.30pm.
16 |
Pt Lot 68 DEEDS 326 Aumoe Avenue, St Heliers - Service Property Optimisation |
Moira Faumui (Strategic Property Specialist – Eke Panuku) was in attendance to speak to the item. |
Resolution number OR/2024/153 MOVED by Member A McPhee, seconded by Member M Voyce: That the Ōrākei Local Board: a) approve the proposed disposal of Pt Lot 68 DEEDS 326 Aumoe Avenue, St Heliers, in accordance with the service property optimisation framework. b) support commencement of the reserve revocation process for Pt Lot 68 DEEDS 326 Aumoe Avenue, St Heliers; c) support the proceeds of sale from Pt Lot 68 DEEDS 326 Aumoe Avenue, St Heliers being allocated towards: i) The development of sports fields at Thomas Bloodworth Park and Shore Road Reserve ii) Capital works at Tagalad Reserve, Mission Bay iii) Capital works at The Landing, Ōkahu Bay |
Member P Tucker left the meeting at 4.41pm.
Member P Tucker returned to the meeting at 4.44pm.
17 |
Adoption of the Ōrākei Local Board Emergency Readiness and Response Plan |
Anna Wallace (Head of Planning) was in attendance to speak to the item. |
Resolution number OR/2024/154 MOVED by Deputy Chairperson S Powrie, seconded by Member P Tucker: That the Ōrākei Local Board: a) adopt the Ōrākei Local Board Emergency Readiness and Response Plan (Attachment A), subject to including in the plan Neighbourhood Support as an organisation that may support their community during or immediately after an emergency event. b) request that Auckland Emergency Management also engage Ellerslie Community Patrol, Eastern Bays Community Patrol, local churches, and local residents associations in emergency planning to include them in a future updated version of the Ōrākei Local Board Emergency Readiness and Response Plan and report back to the board by March 31st, 2025. c) request that Auckland Emergency Management work towards establishing a civil defence centre in Remuera and to include this centre in a future updated version of the plan, and revise the existing list of civil defence centres noting that the three existing centres are within two kilometres of each other and report back to the board by March 31st, 2025. d) delegate to the Ōrākei Local Board Chairperson the ability to approve minor amendments of the document ahead of publication. |
Member P Tucker left the meeting at 4.50pm.
Member P Tucker returned to the meeting at 4.53pm.
18 |
Auckland Council’s Quarterly Performance Report: Ōrākei Local Board for quarter one 2024/2025 |
Adriana Christie (Local Board Advisor) and Sugenthy Thomson (Lead Financial Advisor) were in attendance to speak to the item. |
Resolution number OR/2024/155 MOVED by Member A McPhee, seconded by Member M Voyce: That the Ōrākei Local Board: a) receive the performance report for quarter one ending 30 September 2024. b) note that the Customer and Community Services Capex work programme has been updated to reflect financial deferrals. c) approve Ōrākei Young Enterprise Scheme (Activity ID 1269) and associated budget of $2,000 into the 2024/2025 work programme from unallocated locally driven initiatives (LDI) operational budget. |
Draft Auckland Open Space, Sport and Recreation Strategy – Part 2 |
Resolution number OR/2024/156 MOVED by Member A McPhee, seconded by Chairperson S Milne: That the Ōrākei Local Board: a) provide the following feedback on the proposed policies in Manaaki Tāmaki Makaurau, the draft Auckland Open Space, Sport and Recreation Strategy, for consideration by the Policy and Planning Committee: i) The board highlight the importance of including stronger wording for developers to provide more open space when building on high density and high/medium density developments with a request for rules to enforce this requirement. ii) The board are supportive of Policy 1 but note that open space accessibility needs more focus on youth in the board area for the following: A) Cycling infrastructure and connectivity B) Pump tracks C) Basketball courts iii) The board highlight the importance of the upkeep and maintenance of local assets in the board area, like parks and playgrounds. iv) The board encourage the Orakei Local Paths (Greenways) Programme Plan to be considered. v) The board are supportive of Policy 3 but strongly advocate for a partnership and increased collaboration with assets like Barfoot and Thompson Stadium. b) note the two options for updated open space provision standards for consultation: i) Package 1 – High-density focused: provide more open space than currently enabled in high-density areas ii) Package 2 – Capacity focused: provide more open space than currently enabled in high- and medium-density areas where residents have low or moderate levels of provision. |
21 |
Local Government New Zealand (LGNZ) Electoral Reform Working Group - Issues Paper |
Resolution number OR/2024/157 MOVED by Chairperson S Milne, seconded by Member A McPhee: That the Ōrākei Local Board: a) note its concern on the drop in voting numbers, voter participation for local elections and an apparent lack of decision-making around how voting will occur from 2028 onwards acknowledging the change in postal delivery services. b) support a transition to online voting when a secure, robust, easily accessible system has been developed. c) support both local government and national government elections being held once every four years but not in the same year and implemented as soon as possible, supporting the current timeframes for recurring planning requirements. d) support central government funding to provide civics education at secondary school level across New Zealand. e) support a central government and Auckland Council community education programme on civics, local government and the role of local boards in Auckland. f) support the development of improved mechanisms to inform voters about candidates and their policies. g) support the First-Past-The-Post voting mechanism and does not support the Single Transferable Voting mechanism h) support increased contribution from the Department of Internal Affairs for the running of local elections to enable the Electoral Commission to administer local body elections |
22 |
Appointment of delegated local board member to provide feedback on stormwater activities |
Resolution number OR/2024/158 MOVED by Member T Churton, seconded by Member P Tucker: That the Ōrākei Local Board: a) appoint Member David Wong as lead and Chair Scott Milne as alternate for stormwater activities feedback and delegate authority to these members to: (i) identify and communicate the local board views and preferences on proposed council stormwater management activities in local parks. (ii) represent the local board at the Policy and Planning Committee, if required, to discuss any objections to proposed council stormwater management activities in local parks. |
23 |
Disposal of Part 70-74 Abbotts Way, Remuera & 207 Main Highway, Ellerslie: consideration of public feedback following consultation under S138 Local Government Act 2002 |
Carl May (Team Leader Portfolio Review – Eke Panuku) was in attendance to speak to the item. |
Resolution number OR/2024/159 MOVED by Chairperson S Milne, seconded by Member M Voyce: That the Ōrākei Local Board: a) note the submissions received from the public on the proposed disposal of 207 Main Highway, Ellerslie being Allot 154 Sec 12 Suburbs Auckland contained in record of title NA1824/65 and part of 70-74 Abbotts Way, Remuera (3,260 m²) being part of Allot 301 Sec 12 Suburbs Auckland contained in record of title NA51B/370; and b) confirm the resolutions approving the disposal of 207 Main Highway, Ellerslie as it is not required to be retained by council for open space or recreational purposes. c) confirm the resolutions approving the disposal of part of 70-74 Abbotts Way, Remuera (3,260 m²) as it is not required to be retained by council for open space or recreational purposes. |
Under Standing Orders 9.4 Deputy Chair S Powrie requested that her dissenting vote be recorded for point c). |
24 |
Governance Forward Work Calendar and Resolutions Pending Action Report |
Resolution number OR/2024/160 MOVED by Chairperson S Milne, seconded by Member T Churton: That the Ōrākei Local Board: a) note the draft governance forward work calendar as at 21 November 2024. b) note the Ōrākei Local Board Resolutions Pending Action report as at 21 November 2024. |
25 |
Resolution number OR/2024/161 MOVED by Chairperson S Milne, seconded by Member D Wong: That the Ōrākei Local Board: a) note the records for the local board workshops held on the 10th, 24th and 31st October 2024. |
26 |
Resolution number OR/2024/162 MOVED by Chairperson S Milne, seconded by Member P Tucker: That the Ōrākei Local Board: a) receive the Ōrākei Local Board Chairperson and Board Members’ Report for October 2024. |
27 Te Whakaaro ki ngā Take Pūtea e Autaia ana | Consideration of Extraordinary Items
There was no consideration of extraordinary items.
5.19 pm The chairperson thanked members for their attendance and attention to business and declared the meeting closed.