Waitākere Ranges Local Board






Minutes of an extraordinary meeting of the Waitākere Ranges Local Board held in the Waitākere Ranges Local Board Office, 39 Glenmall Place, Glen Eden on Thursday, 21 November 2024 at 2:30 pm.


Te Hunga kua Tae mai | present



Greg Presland


Deputy Chairperson

Michelle Clayton



Mark Allen



Sandra Coney, QSO



Liz Manley



Linda Potauaine



Waitākere Ranges Local Board

21 November 2024




1          Nau mai | Welcome


Chairperson G Presland opened the meeting with a karakia and welcomed those present.



2          Ngā Tamōtanga | Apologies


Resolution number WTK/2024/177

MOVED by Deputy Chairperson M Clayton, seconded by Chairperson G Presland:  

That the Waitākere Ranges Local Board:

a)          whakaae / approve the request for electronic attendance from members L Potauaine and S Coney to accommodate the members being at a place that makes their physical presence at the meeting impossible or impracticable.



Note: Pursuant to Standing Order 3.3.1, members of the local board have the right to attend meetings by means of an electronic link, provided conditions of the standing orders are met.




3          Te Whakapuaki i te Whai Pānga | Declaration of Interest


Members are reminded of the need to be vigilant to stand aside from decision making when a conflict arises between their role as a member and any private or other external interest they might have.


Specifically, members are asked to identify any new interests they have not previously disclosed, an interest that might be considered as a conflict of interest with a matter on the agenda.

The following are declared interests of the Waitākere Ranges Local Board:


Board Member


Mark Allen

-   Bethells Valley Fire – Life Member

-   Waitākere Licensing Trust – Trustee

-   West Auckland Trusts Services – Director

-   Pest Free Waitakere Alliance – Board Member

-   Te Uru Waitākere Contemprorary Gallery - Chairperson

Michelle Clayton

-   Glen Eden Residents’ Association – Member

-   Glen Eden Returned Services Association (RSA) – Member

-   Glen Eden Railway Trust – Member

-   Glen Eden Community House - Member

Sandra Coney

-   Cartwright Collective – Member

-   Women’s Health Action Trust – Patron

-   New Zealand Society of Genealogists – Member

-   New Zealand Military Defence Society – Member

-   Pest Free Piha – Partner is the Coordinator

-   Piha Tennis Club – Patron and Partner is the President

-   Piha Wetland Trust – Partner is a Trustee

-   Huia Settlers Museum - Patron

Greg Presland

-   Whau Coastal Walkway Environmental Trust – Trustee

-   Glen Eden BID – Member

-   Titirangi Ratepayers and Residents Association – Member

-   Waitākere Ranges Protection Society - Member

-   Titirangi RSA - Member

Liz Manley

-   Consumer Experiences Council, Te Toka Tumai Auckland, Te Whatu Ora - Co-chair

-   Clinical Ethics Advisory Group, Te Toka Tumai Auckland, Te Whatu Ora - Member

-   Titirangi Community Arts Council Board – Member

-   Titirangi Ratepayers and Residents Association – Member

-   Laingholm District Citizens Association – Member

-   Literacy Waitākere – Board chair

Linda Potauaine

-   Henderson Rotary – Member

-   Archtists Limited. – Director

-   Glen Eden Community Patrol - Member


            Member appointments

            Board members are appointed to the following bodies. In these appointments the board members represent Auckland Council:


External organisation



Glen Eden Business Improvement District (Glen Eden Business Association)

Michelle Clayton

Greg Presland

Aircraft Noise Community Consultative Group

Mark Allen

Liz Manley

Ark in the Park

Mark Allen

Liz Manley

Friends of Arataki and Waitākere Regional Parkland Incorporated

Michelle Clayton

Sandra Coney

Glen Eden Playhouse Theatre Trust

Mark Allen

Linda Potauaine

Te Uru Waitākere Contemporary Gallery

Linda Potauaine

Mark Allen

Glen Eden Community and Recreation Centre Incorporated

Michelle Clayton

Mark Allen















Annual Plan 2025/2026 - Input on Regional Consultation Content


Note: The motion was moved and voted on in parts.


Resolution number WTK/2024/178

MOVED by Chairperson G Presland, seconded by Member L Manley:  

That the Waitākere Ranges Local Board:


a)              provide the following feedback on the draft Mayoral Proposal including potential regional consultation topics for the Annual Plan 2025/2026:


Fairer funding for local boards


i)           do not support slowing down the introduction of Fairer Funding, however have the following concerns:  

                              A) disappointment at the timing of the advice around cost pressures for local services and hitherto unknown financial implications. It is understood that budget allocations for Parks and Facilities contracts do not represent the actual cost of service delivery and that funding has been managed across local board areas to balance that out. Around 50 percent of the local board’s budget is locked in the regionally-set contracts which means the local board is unable to make service delivery changes.

                              B) we have been “sweating” our local community assets and services, and have concern that we are about to reach crisis point.

                              C) do not accept greater responsibility for local boards being accompanied by what in effect may be lower funding because of the increased cost pressures.


ii)         recommend that local boards oversee ‘Project 27’ to negotiate new parks and facilities maintenance services / contracts. The Waitakere Ranges Local Board’s preference is for parks and facilities maintenance to be delivered in house by council staff who care about the place and know the community, rather than contracted out.   

iii)        tautoko / support the need for increased democratic accountability and transparency highlighted in the Mayoral Proposal.

iv)        tuhi ā-taipitopito / note a forecast increase in operational costs of $8-10 million is unacceptable when the board currently do not believe it is seeing value for money for maintenance of our assets which the board then have to remediate.

v)         advice from staff is that any reduction in budgets will go to the facilities and maintenance increases, negating the equity funding. Advice also points to this increase not being based on the facilities but the operational costs. Council is continuing to cut costs but we are not asking the same of contractors in order to alleviate any strain on local boards.









Resolution number WTK/2024/179

MOVED by Deputy Chairperson M Clayton, seconded by Member M Allen:  

Financial proposals


vi)        tautoko / support the following financial proposals for year 2 of the Long-term Plan:

                              A) continuing to invest in services and activities with $4 billion of capital investment.

                              B) managing the debt to revenue ratio within the limit of 270 percent, although do not support driving it down at a time when the region is in need of infrastructure investment to make the city resilient, including reducing its transport emissions.



Note:  Pursuant to Standing Order 1.9.7 Member L Potauaine requested that her dissenting vote be recorded.


Resolution number WTK/2024/180

MOVED by Chairperson G Presland, seconded by Deputy Chairperson M Clayton:  

Funding destination marketing and major events


vii)      tautoko / support Auckland Council continuing to advocate to government for a ‘bed night visitor levy’ as a funding source for major events and destination marketing.

viii)     tautoko / support consultation on funding options for major events, including finding savings from elsewhere.



Resolution number WTK/2024/181

MOVED by Deputy Chairperson M Clayton, seconded by Member L Manley:  

Council Controlled Organisation reform


ix)        tautoko / support in principle reform of the nominated council-controlled organisations (CCOs) noting that not all recommendations from the 2020 CCO review were put in place and there were lengthy delays to those that were enacted.

x)         tautoko / support the CCO reform proposal going to public consultation, noting that the complex nature of CCO functions and responsibilities presents a risk of insufficient public understanding to enable informed feedback.

xi)        tuhi ā-taipitopito / note the need to build staff capability and capacity within Auckland Council to be able to develop strategic, policy and planning direction.

xii)      tautoko / support reestablishing economic policy capability within council to support decision-making across all council activities, and aligning local board investment to enable a greater focus on local economic development.





Resolution number WTK/2024/182

MOVED by Member M Allen, seconded by Deputy Chairperson M Clayton:  

Eke Panuku


xiii)     tautoko / support option 3: to disestablish Eke Panuku and transfer its urban regeneration planning and delivery, along with property management functions to Auckland Council.



Note:  Pursuant to Standing Order 1.9.7 Member S Coney requested that her dissenting vote be recorded.


Resolution number WTK/2024/183

MOVED by Member M Allen, seconded by Deputy Chairperson M Clayton:  

xiv)     recommend urban regeneration strategy and advice should be available to local boards to enable alignment of local board investment for smaller scale town centre and neighbourhood regeneration. Bringing this capacity into Auckland Council is the best way to do that. We note that Glen Eden town centre regeneration has languished due to a lack of capacity within council to deliver projects, and the funding then being taken.



Resolution number WTK/2024/184

MOVED by Member M Allen, seconded by Member L Manley:  

Tātaki Auckland Unlimited


xv)      tautoko / support option 3: refocus Tataki Auckland Unlimited on regional facilities, with all functions being transferred to Auckland Council.

xvi)     tuhi ā-taipitopito / note that there is no current support for local economic development, as well as  minimal ability for local areas to leverage the benefits from regional events.



Resolution number WTK/2024/185

MOVED by Member S Coney, seconded by Chairperson G Presland:  

Auckland Transport


xvii)   tautoko / support Auckland Council advocating for legislative change to enable council to decide how best to organise the region’s transport functions.

xviii)  tautoko / support a variation of option 3: refocus Auckland Transport on public transport, (although consider this might also need to include arterial roads), with local roads and footpaths transferring to Auckland Council (local boards), and policy and strategy transferring to the Governing Body.

xix)     tautoko / support the proposal that Auckland Transport fully participate in the Group Shared Services programme.

xx)      recommend that the harbourmaster function be transferred to Auckland Council to better manage Auckland’s four harbours and extensive coast.



Note:  Pursuant to Standing Order 1.9.7 Member L Potauaine requested that her dissenting vote be recorded.


Resolution number WTK/2024/186

MOVED by Member M Allen, seconded by Member L Manley:  

Planning and paying for growth


xxi)     tautoko / support advocacy that Central Government’s rationale and direction for development in Auckland considers the Auckland Future Development Strategy.



Resolution number WTK/2024/187

MOVED by Member L Manley, seconded by Deputy Chairperson M Clayton:  

Other issues


xxii)   tautoko / support the review of procurement and spending.

xxiii)  acknowledge the Mayor’s initiatives for creating a safer region and note that this is a complex issue that needs to be more comprehensively addressed and extend beyond the city centre, for example, Glen Eden town centre.

xxiv)  tuhi ā-taipitopito / note its concern about how the proposed CCO reform will impact staff morale, capability and capacity, so needs to be managed with care.

xxv)   property buy-outs – tono / request early engagement with local boards and mana whenua on how sites will be managed or used.

xxvi)  tono / request number 5 of the mayor’s priorities be re-worded to take into account that Auckland has four harbours including the Manukau, Waitematā, Mahurangi and Kaipara.



Resolution number WTK/2024/188

MOVED by Chairperson G Presland, seconded by Deputy Chairperson M Clayton:  

Changes to other rates, fees and charges


xxvii) generally support consultation on increases to animal management fees.

xxviii)  encourage keeping dog adoption fee reasonable in order not to   discourage public uptake of dog adoption.

xxix)  tautoko / support consultation on changes to cemetery fees, acknowledging that existing fees are well below those charged by other providers.



Resolution number WTK/2024/189

MOVED by Deputy Chairperson M Clayton, seconded by Member M Allen:  


xxx)   whakarite / provide the following local board advocacy for the Annual Plan 2025/2026:





Marae development

Te Henga Marae. The local board initiated the transfer of a local reserve to Te Kawerau ā Maki for a marae. We are seeking the Governing Body to match this with financial support for the marae development.

Change request: that the funding and eligibility criteria for the Marae Infrastructure Development and Cultural Initiatives Fund support development of new marae; or alternative funding options be investigated.  

Waitākere Ranges Heritage Area

Increased funding for the Waitākere Ranges Heritage Area to implement the objectives of the Waitākere Ranges Heritage Area Act 2008, noting that this is required under Sections 22 and 34 of the Waitākere Ranges Heritage Area Act 2008.


Glen Eden Town Centre regeneration

Request One Local Initiative (OLI) funding for the Glen Eden business case be brought forward to maximise the benefit of completing the City Rail Link






Chairperson G Presland closed the meeting with a karakia.



3.20 pm                                              The chairperson thanked members for their attendance and attention to business and declared the meeting closed.









