Devonport-Takapuna Local Board Workshop






Minutes of a meeting of the Devonport-Takapuna Local Board Workshop  held in the Devonport-Takapuna Local Board Office, 1 The Strand, Takapuna on Tuesday, 3 December 2024 at 9.30am.


Te Hunga kua Tae mai | present



Toni van Tonder


Deputy Chairperson

Terence Harpur (online)



Peter Allen



Gavin Busch



Melissa Powell



George Wood, CNZM


Devonport-Takapuna Local Board Workshop

03 December 2024






2          Te Whakapuaki i te Whai Pānga | Declaration of Interest


Members are reminded of the need to be vigilant to stand aside from decision making when a conflict arises between their role as a member and any private or other external interest they might have.


There were no declarations of interest.




Local Board Workshop

Item 1 – 9.30 – 11.00

LPMP Purpose of plan and guide to classifications, content of classifications report

Presenter/s:                  Tommo Cooper-Cuthbert Service and Asset Planner

Nicki Malone XYST Consultant


Governance role:          Work programme updates

Proposed Outcome/s:   Provide direction on preferred approach


The local board was provided with an update on the local parks management plan.

·        Recap session prior to reviewing the draft plan in February 2025

·        Member P Allen joined the workshop at 10.39am.


The local board raised the following points and questions in response to the presentation:

·        Clarified the difference between Parks and Reserves;

o   Parks are held under the Local Government Act and do not require a management plan.

o   Reserves are held under reserves act.

o   Parks can be reclassed as reserves, and vice-versa.

·        Clarified commercial lease options are easier to establish for local purpose reserves

·        Concern that the timeline for the plan adoption is optimistic with other ongoing factors. If the plan is not adopted before the end of the current political term, the next term’s board members will be approving a plan they may not have had any input into.

·        Questioned the availability of previous management plans. Staff note they are exploring options for them to be made easily available to the public.

·        Clarified options around managing the land parcels with attached houses at Devonport Domain (King Edward Parade), including revocation of the land status, noting it is a complex site but are open to all options.

·        Supportive of reclassifying Mount Victoria cemetery from a recreation reserve to a local purpose (historic cemetery) reserve.

·        Request business meeting report includes advice on options for hearings panel at consultation stage.


Next Steps

·        Continue mana whenua engagement on classifications

·        Board to review the draft plan from February 2025

·        Notify plan for public consultation April/May 2025


Item 2 – 11.00 – 12.30

Community Wellbeing Update

Presenter/s:                  Deb Doyle Community Broker


Governance role:          Work programme updates

Proposed Outcome/s:   Receive update on progress


The local board was provided with an update on year in review

·        High-level census data review

·        Community Houses

·        Digital Seniors

·        Ethnic Communities

·        Food Security – Grow Forrest Hill

·        ANCAD

·        Arts Partners – Devonport Museum, MKWC, Lake House, Rose Centre, DEPOT, Pumphouse

·        Community Grants


The local board raised the following points and questions in response to the presentation:

·        Clarified the impact of the Anniversary Weekend Floods on census data, noting specifically the number of unoccupied houses in Milford and Sunnynook.

·        Suggest low-density housing contributing to declining population sizes on the Devonport peninsula.

·        Acknowledge the work of the Activators and request a possible site visit to be arranged with them in the future

·        Concern the Michael King Writers Centre need to diversify their funding support given the uncertainties of the local board’s funding in future years.


30 Minute Break

Item 3 – 1.00 – 2.00

Parks & Community Facilities Update

Presenter/s:                  Sarah Jones Area Operations Manager


                                      Trish Kirkland-Smith Volunteering & Programmes Team Manager

Theo Jaycox Community Park Ranger


Governance role:          Work programme updates

Proposed Outcome/s:   Receive update on progress


The local board was provided with an update from Parks & Community Facilities.

·        Ventia Q&A

·        Park Ranges update – 2024 winter planting season



The local board raised the following points and questions in response to the presentation:

·        Clarified Ventia contract will be up for renewal in 2027.

·        Clarified plants/trees are mostly sourced from Restoring Takarunga Hauraki, or anywhere at an acceptable eco-sourcing distance.

·        Concern for the lack of education available for the public following removal of public bins


Next Steps

·        Report back to the board before the planting season 2025.

Item 4 – 2.00 – 2.30

Takapuna Cycling Investment

Presenter/s:                  Marilyn Nicholls Elected Member Relationship Manager


Governance role:          Local initiatives

Proposed Outcome/s:   Receive update on progress


The local board was provided with an update on Annual Planning.

·        Climate Action Transport Targeted Rate funding allocated to Takapuna


The local board raised the following points and questions in response to the presentation:

·        Expressed excitement but also some hesitation around this new potential funding opportunity, noting that previously allocated funding for the local board transport aspirations has been lost before.

·        Questioned if the Francis-Esmonde link could be funded through the CATTR fund, and if not, request staff come back with other potential options for investment.

·        Clarified timeframe of funding – all construction would need to be completed by 2032.


Item 5 – 2.30 – 3.00

Vauxhall Road Intersection/pedestrian project

Presenter/s:                  Jun Park Principal Transportation Engineer

Marilyn Nicholls Elected Member Relationship Manager


Governance role:          Oversight and monitoring

Proposed Outcome/s:   Receive update on progress


The local board was provided with an introduction to the Vauxhall Rd/Tainui Rd intersection safety improvements project.


The local board raised the following points and questions in response to the presentation:


·        Questioned what surface of raised table would be. Staff assumed concrete but would confirm.

·        Questioned why this safety project was determined as a priority. Staff explained the project was chosen due to its priority matrix score and budget available for delivery in the current financial year.

·        Questioned project costings. Staff note they will provide costings in writing once they are available.

·        Suggested that the issue is not the intersection, but the cars coming too fast down the hill towards the crossing. Questioned why the need for a raised table crossing when speedbumps on the hill would achieve the same speed-calming effect.

·        Acknowledged that, during the previous term, local residents campaigned for intervention at this intersection.


Item 6 – 3.00 – 4.30

Local Board Transport Capital Fund Projects

Presenter/s:                  Marilyn Nicholls Elected Member Relationship Manager


Governance role:          Setting direction

Proposed Outcome/s:   Provide direction on preferred approach


The local board was provided with an update on Transport Capital Fund Projects.


·        Recap and update on previous local boards resolved Forrest Hill Road Signals and Narrow Neck Beach Crossing projects

·        Upcoming Contingency Projects and other Project Ideas

·        An indicative additional budget including cost savings totalling $556k is now available to the board for the remainder of the 3-year term.


The local board raised the following points and questions in response to the presentation:


·        Clarity regarding the responsibilities of the bollards installation on Hurstmere road and that the board cannot fund the investigation of the works under the Local Board Transport Capital Fund Projects.

·        Concerns raised about the halted projects from East Coast Road and Campbell Bays Primary School.

·        Concerns raised for Castor bay crossing, but storm waters improvements are required. Works will be done for any crossing will be in collaboration

·        Agree that Aberdeen Road takes a priority due to the school safety concerns

·        Agree that Auburn street can be flush with the road rather than raised and use the 250k for Auburn street and remaining for Aberdeen street.


Next Steps

·        Auckland Transport to bring a report to the February/March 2025 business meeting.