I hereby give notice that an ordinary meeting of the Puketāpapa Local Board will be held on:
Date: Time: Meeting Room: Venue:
Thursday, 5 December 2024 10.00am Local Board
Office |
Puketāpapa Local Board
Chairperson |
Ella Kumar, JP |
Deputy Chairperson |
Fiona Lai |
Members |
Roseanne Hay |
Mark Pervan |
Bobby Shen |
Jon Turner |
(Quorum 3 members)
Selina Powell Democracy Advisor
29 November 2024
Contact Telephone: 021 531 686 Email: selina.powell@aucklandcouncil.govt.nz Website: www.aucklandcouncil.govt.nz
05 December 2024 |
1 Nau mai | Welcome 5
2 Ngā Tamōtanga | Apologies 5
3 Te Whakapuaki i te Whai Pānga | Declaration of Interest 5
4 Te Whakaū i ngā Āmiki | Confirmation of Minutes 5
5 He Tamōtanga Motuhake | Leave of Absence 5
6 Te Mihi | Acknowledgements 5
7 Ngā Petihana | Petitions 5
8 Ngā Tono Whakaaturanga | Deputations 5
9 Te Matapaki Tūmatanui | Public Forum 5
10 Ngā Pakihi Autaia | Extraordinary Business 6
11 Adoption of the Puketāpapa Local Board Emergency Readiness and Response Plan 7
12 Adoption of the Puketāpapa Sport and Active Recreation Facilities Plan 51
13 Welcoming Communities - Welcoming Plan for Puketāpapa 223
14 Annual Budget 2025/2026 - local board consultation content 259
15 Community lease renewal to Auckland Kindergarten Association for land at Keith Hay Park South, 660 Richardson Road, Hillsborough 271
16 Request for change to local dog access rule 279
17 Initiation Report: Ngā Tikanga Hopu Wakaahua i te Rohe o Tāmaki Makaurau - Auckland Film Protocol 331
18 Albert-Eden-Puketāpapa Ward Councillors' Updates 337
19 Chairperson's Report 339
20 Board Member Reports 343
21 Record of Puketāpapa Local Board Workshop Notes 347
22 Hōtaka Kaupapa/Governance Forward Work Programme Calendar 357
23 Te Whakaaro ki ngā Take Pūtea e Autaia ana |
Consideration of Extraordinary Items
1 Nau mai | Welcome
At the close of the agenda no apologies had been received.
3 Te Whakapuaki i te Whai Pānga | Declaration of Interest
Members are reminded of the need to be vigilant to stand aside from decision making when a conflict arises between their role as a member and any private or other external interest they might have.
4 Te Whakaū i ngā Āmiki | Confirmation of Minutes
That the Puketāpapa Local Board: a) whakaū / confirm the ordinary minutes of its meeting, held on Thursday, 21 November 2024 as true and correct. |
5 He Tamōtanga Motuhake | Leave of Absence
At the close of the agenda no requests for leave of absence had been received.
6 Te Mihi | Acknowledgements
At the close of the agenda no requests for acknowledgements had been received.
7 Ngā Petihana | Petitions
At the close of the agenda no requests to present petitions had been received.
8 Ngā Tono Whakaaturanga | Deputations
Standing Order 7.7 provides for deputations. Those applying for deputations are required to give seven working days notice of subject matter and applications are approved by the Chairperson of the Puketāpapa Local Board. This means that details relating to deputations can be included in the published agenda. Total speaking time per deputation is ten minutes or as resolved by the meeting.
At the close of the agenda no requests for deputations had been received.
9 Te Matapaki Tūmatanui | Public Forum
A period of time (approximately 30 minutes) is set aside for members of the public to address the meeting on matters within its delegated authority. A maximum of three minutes per speaker is allowed, following which there may be questions from members.
At the close of the agenda no requests for public forum had been received.
10 Ngā Pakihi Autaia | Extraordinary Business
Section 46A(7) of the Local Government Official Information and Meetings Act 1987 (as amended) states:
“An item that is not on the agenda for a meeting may be dealt with at that meeting if-
(a) The local authority by resolution so decides; and
(b) The presiding member explains at the meeting, at a time when it is open to the public,-
(i) The reason why the item is not on the agenda; and
(ii) The reason why the discussion of the item cannot be delayed until a subsequent meeting.”
Section 46A(7A) of the Local Government Official Information and Meetings Act 1987 (as amended) states:
“Where an item is not on the agenda for a meeting,-
(a) That item may be discussed at that meeting if-
(i) That item is a minor matter relating to the general business of the local authority; and
(ii) the presiding member explains at the beginning of the meeting, at a time when it is open to the public, that the item will be discussed at the meeting; but
(b) no resolution, decision or recommendation may be made in respect of that item except to refer that item to a subsequent meeting of the local authority for further discussion.”
05 December 2024 |
Adoption of the Puketāpapa Local Board Emergency Readiness and Response Plan
File No.: CP2024/16811
Te take mō te pūrongo
Purpose of the report
1. To adopt the Puketāpapa Local Board Emergency Readiness and Response Plan (Attachment A).
Whakarāpopototanga matua
Executive summary
2. The Puketāpapa Local Board Emergency Readiness and Response (ER&R) Plan contributes to the delivery of the Puketāpapa Local Board Plan 2023 objective ‘Communities of greatest need are a focus for support’. The local board plan also identified that the Puketāpapa Local Board would ‘support communities to be more prepared for extreme weather events by increasing local neighbourhood connections e.g. by supporting community groups that responded to the 2023 floods’.
3. The development of the local board ER&R Plan is key initiative #16 in the Tāmaki Makaurau Auckland Civil Defence and Emergency Management Group Plan 2024-2029 (the Group Plan) which states to ‘work with local boards to prepare, communicate and embed Local Board Emergency Readiness and Response Plans that identify local hazards, how to prepare for emergencies, how to evacuate and where to go and useful contacts in an emergency’.
4. The Puketāpapa Local Board ER&R Plan has been developed to provide information for people living and working in the local area on how to get ready for, and respond to, an emergency. The plan also includes information about reducing or minimising the risk of hazards and includes key information to support a community’s recovery following an emergency event.
5. The plan has been developed in conjunction with the local board, marae in the Auckland Emergency Management Whakaoranga Marae Whakaoranga Whanau Programme, emergency services, Health NZ, the Auckland Council Demographic Panels, as well as the council departments of Healthy Waters, Community Wellbeing (formerly Connected Communities), the Tāmaki Makaurau Recovery Office and key community groups with an interest in emergency readiness and response.
6. A two-stage launch strategy is proposed for the release of the ER&R Plan. The two stages include a ‘soft launch’ post ER&R Plan adoption, and a full public launch commencing in February 2025. The public launch will include promoting the plans in traditional media, on social media platforms and in hard copy.
That the Puketāpapa Local Board:
a) whai / adopt the Puketāpapa Local Board Emergency Readiness and Response Plan (Attachment A).
b) tautapa / delegate to the Puketāpapa Local Board Chairperson the ability to approve minor amendments of the document ahead of publication.
7. The Tāmaki Makaurau Auckland Civil Defence and Emergency Management Group Plan 2024-2029 identifies several key initiatives to improve community emergency readiness and response to emergencies. Group Plan Initiative #16 prioritises the preparation of Local Board ER&R Plans to meet this objective. The Puketāpapa ER&R Plan contributes to the delivery of the Puketāpapa Local Board Plan 2023 objective to ensure ‘Communities of greatest need are a focus for support’. The Puketāpapa Local Board will do this by ‘support[ing] communities to be more prepared for extreme weather events by increasing local neighbourhood connections.’ The ER&R Plan also contributes to the objective of ‘Enabling strong local leaders and networks that are resilient and support one another’. The ER&R Plan directly aids in the Puketāpapa Local Board’s vision of ‘resilient, safe and supportive communities, particularly through times of change and challenge’.
8. The purpose of the ER&R Plan is to support local emergency readiness. The development of the ER&R Plan was carried out in collaboration with the Puketāpapa Local Board over the course of 2024.
9. The ER&R Plan has been developed through three workshops with the Puketāpapa Local Board. The workshops covered the following topics:
· Workshop one (4 May 2024): The concept of the ER&R Plan was introduced, Local Board Emergency Readiness and Response Leads were nominated, and the process to develop the ER&R Plan agreed. The Puketāpapa ER&R Plan Working Group was established and includes the nominated Local Board Emergency Readiness and Response Leads, the Auckland Emergency Management Senior Community Planning and Readiness Advisor, the Community Wellbeing Advisor (formerly Connected Communities) and local board services staff. The ER&R Plan Working Group met throughout the development of the ER&R Plan and between workshops one, two and three.
· Workshop two (4 July 2024): The draft ER&R Plan template was presented, following input from the ER&R Plan Working Group. Discussion focused on identifying and/or confirming hazards specific to the Puketāpapa Local Board area, potential Civil Defence Centres and provisional Community Emergency Hubs. The local board confirmed a targeted group of community stakeholders with which to test the draft ER&R Plan.
· Workshop three (26 September 2024): Feedback from targeted stakeholder consultation was reviewed and the text of the final draft ER&R Plan was presented. The design proof from the pilot local board (Devonport-Takapuna) ER&R Plan was shared and agreement made on launch and testing activities. Final feedback was also provided during a question-and-answer session with feedback incorporated where appropriate into the ER&R Plan.
10. In addition to input from the ER&R Plan Working Group, this ER&R Plan was shaped with input from marae in the Auckland Emergency Management Whakaoranga Marae Whakaoranga Whanau Programme, emergency services (including Fire and Emergency NZ and Police), Health NZ, the Auckland Council Demographic Panels, as well as council departments of Healthy Waters, Community Wellbeing (formerly Connected Communities) and the Tāmaki Makaurau Recovery Office. Key community groups with an interest in emergency readiness and response have also been involved in the development of the plan. A summary of this feedback is provided in paragraphs 13 through 20 in this report.
11. The ER&R Plan is a foundation document to communicate local board area specific information about the top emergency hazards for the area, tips and ideas on how to reduce the risk and/or impact of these hazards, how to be emergency ready, where to go and what to do during an emergency response and key information to support a community’s recovery. The ER&R Plan will support and guide community groups in their reduction, readiness, response and recovery planning activities.
12. Figure 1 below shows the hierarchy of plans and how the different plans relate to one another. Community groups will be able to use the area specific technical information, advice and guidance in the ER&R Plan as a foundation, or guide, for forming their own community plans with assistance from the Auckland Emergency Management. The ER&R Plan also supports the household ‘Make a Plan’ resource, giving whānau additional information and guidance to help them get ready for a wide range of emergencies. It promotes personal confidence and empowerment as a tool for taking personal responsibility in getting ready for and responding to emergencies. It is a reference for households, businesses and communities to confidently base their own readiness activities on.
Figure 1: The hierarchy of plans
Tātaritanga me ngā tohutohu
Analysis and advice
Summary of feedback from the local board and the ER&R Plan Working Group
13. Feedback received at the local board workshops and from the ER&R Plan Working Group included the need to emphasise the hazards specific to Puketāpapa in the Summary section of the plan. It was also requested that the plan incorporate a strong focus on ‘be prepared and ready’ messaging given the extent that the area and community were impacted by the 2023 severe weather events.
14. The working group discussed ensuring the plan was accessible with easy to interpret visuals and graphics, given the diverse population of the local board area. Further questions sought to understand the future and ongoing engagement of Auckland Emergency Management with community groups to support skill development (so that groups can reach a point of being able to run a Community Emergency Hub).
15. Civil Defence Centre information has been gathered regarding current and possible future locations within the Puketāpapa Local Board area and will be fed into the wider review of Civil Defence Centres currently underway by Auckland Emergency Management to build better emergency response capacity for the community.
Summary of community feedback
16. Auckland Emergency Management staff engaged with key community groups who have an interest in emergency readiness and response, as recommended at local board workshop two. The purpose of engaging with key community groups was to seek feedback and input into the ER&R Plan to ensure the plan meets the needs of the community. The engagement process included community group presentations, opportunities for individual email feedback, and face-to-face meetings. The following groups were identified and provided feedback:
· Acts of Roskill Kindness (ARK)
· Masjid-e-Umar (Mount Roskill Islamic Trust)
· St John’s Presbyterian Church
· Roskill South Hub
· Global Hope Mission.
17. Feedback received from the community groups was positive, aligning well with the emergency readiness initiatives they are pursuing.
· ARK have indicated that the first look of the final draft plan ‘looks great’. There is a want for continued collaboration with Auckland Emergency Management in fostering high-value partnerships with businesses, churches and agencies to support ARK’s vital functions in supporting the community. Alongside having Wesley Primary School as one of the Community Emergency Hubs, ARK will work with Auckland Emergency Management and the local board to support an additional five locations within the ARK network resourced with civil defence survival kits and first aid kits.
· The Masjid-e-Umar (Mount Roskill Islamic Trust) was presented with the draft plan and was pleased to have Umar Mosque included as a Community Emergency Hub.
· St John’s Presbyterian Church requested that their church and community Centre in Mt Roskill be used as more than a Community Emergency Hub. They have suggested working with Auckland Emergency Management to develop and use the site for a backup incident control point or an emergency communications hub.
· Roskill South Hub indicated their interest in finding funding for a key person from within the community to take a lead role in supporting the implementation of the ER&R Plan to encourage greater community-led readiness.
· Global Hope Mission, whose kaupapa is youth focused, had positive feedback around the Community Emergency Hub being the place where community can come together during an emergency. They also provided feedback around the need for future training within the community.
18. As a result of the feedback received, the Puketāpapa ER&R Plan has a Summary section within the front pull-out of the document to add greater localised context. The Introduction section and the photos incorporated within the plan reflect Puketāpapa and the people who live in the area. A glossary has also been added to assist with understanding specific terminology and acronyms used within the ER&R Plan. Photos were also added to highlight the locations of the Urgent Care Clinics for better ease of identification.
Feedback from council’s demographic panels
19. Over June and July 2024, Auckland Emergency Management presented a draft ER&R Plan to the six Auckland Council demographic panels which represent Ethnic Communities, Pacific Peoples, Youth, Seniors, Disability and Rainbow Communities. Feedback from the panels include:
· communication of the plan post-adoption
· images within the plan to be representative of Auckland’s diversity
· training opportunities for Community Emergency Hubs to be inclusive of diversity
· the plans being condensed
· provide advice for apartment dwellers
· diverse life experiences and input from one panel is also relevant to circumstances of other communities.
20. Particular attention has been given to making the ER&R Plans representative of Auckland’s diverse communities. This includes ensuring that images are inclusive and representative, that the plan is concise and accompanied by easier to read summary documents and fact sheets. Separate from the ER&R Plan, Auckland Emergency Management is developing guidance for apartment dwellers and will build inclusiveness into future Community Emergency Hub guidance documentation.
Launch strategy for the ER&R Plan
21. A two-stage launch strategy is proposed for the release of the Local Board ER&R Plan. The two stages include a ‘soft launch’ post ER&R Plan adoption at the Puketāpapa Local Board Business Meeting and a full public launch commencing February 2025.
22. The two-stage launch strategy allows for a celebration and acknowledgement of the completion of the plan with those closely involved in its development, whilst allowing time for the printing and publication of the ER&R Plan and supporting promotional documentation, the preparation of translated and accessible versions of the documents, and the organising of any public events to support a full public launch. For further information refer to Attachment B: Local Board Emergency Readiness and Response Plan – Launch Strategy.
Update process for the ER&R Plan
23. As the ER&R Plan is a new local board and community resource, Auckland Emergency Management will conduct a first review of the ER&R Plan as part of the FY25/26 local board work programme. Whilst much of the content within the plan will remain unchanged, the initial review is a good opportunity to update any changes to contact information or identified Civil Defence Centres and/or Community Emergency Hub locations. Following this initial review, further reviews will occur on a three yearly basis (or as required) to align with the local board plan cycle.
Tauākī whakaaweawe āhuarangi
Climate impact statement
24. The ER&R Plan identifies actions that can be taken to increase individual and community readiness and resilience in the face of increased frequency and severity of weather events associated with climate change. The ER&R Plan identifies tips and activities that communities can do to reduce the risk of a climate related emergency hazard (and other non-climate hazards) or its impact.
25. Further work delivered by Auckland Emergency Management over 2025 and beyond will seek to embed the ER&R Plan by working alongside members of the Puketāpapa Local Board and their communities to reduce risks, to be emergency ready and to respond to, and recover from, future emergency events.
26. Auckland Emergency Management’s community outreach work programme forms part of a joined-up approach with other parts of Auckland Council that collectively seek to support communities in discussions around climate change, adaptation, emergency preparedness and recovery. As such, Auckland Emergency Management is collaborating with Environmental Services, the Chief Sustainability Office, Healthy Waters and the Tāmaki Makaurau Recovery Office in particular. The intention is to ensure all departments are coordinated in their approach, understand each other’s objectives and work programmes, and to provide joined-up advice to community groups.
Ngā whakaaweawe me ngā tirohanga a te rōpū Kaunihera
Council group impacts and views
27. The Puketāpapa Local Board ER&R Plan has provided an opportunity to partner and collaborate with many departments across the council group.
28. Auckland Emergency Management sought input from, and has built relationships with, Local Board Services, Community Wellbeing Department (formerly Connected Communities), the Tāmaki Makaurau Recovery Office, the Assets, Engineering and Technical Advisory Department, Healthy Waters and Flood Resilience (specifically the team delivering the Blue Green Network Programme) and the Chief Sustainability Office in particular. Governance and Engagement (local board teams) have provided advice and guidance through the development of the ER&R Plans.
29. Council Controlled Organisations such as Auckland Transport and Watercare Limited, are connected to this work through both the Coordinating Executive Group (CEG) and through the Lifelines Utilities Programme (representing electricity, cellular network, water and roading providers). The Lifelines Utilities Advisor has been consulted through the development of the ER&R Plans.
Ngā whakaaweawe ā-rohe me ngā tirohanga a te poari ā-rohe
Local impacts and local board views
30. The ER&R Plan contributes to the delivery of the Puketāpapa Local Board Plan 2023 objective ‘Communities of greatest need are a focus for support’ and that the local board would ‘support communities to be more prepared for extreme weather events by increasing local neighbourhood connections e.g. by supporting community groups that responded to the 2023 floods’. The purpose of the ER&R Plan is to support local emergency readiness. The ER&R Plan has been developed to provide information for people living and working in the local area on how to get ready for, and respond to, an emergency.
31. The development of the Puketāpapa ER&R Plan was carried out in collaboration with the local board over the course of 2024 as outlined in paragraph nine. Throughout the development of the ER&R Plan, the views of the local board were sought and the feedback received was used to shape and inform the plan’s development. Auckland Emergency Management staff also engaged with key community groups who have an interest in emergency readiness and response. The purpose of engaging with key community groups was to seek feedback and input into the ER&R Plan to ensure the plan meets the needs of the local community. Paragraphs 13 through 20 of this report summarise the feedback received and outlines how this feedback was used to shape the plan.
32. Following the adoption and publication of the plan, community groups will be able to use the area specific technical information, advice and guidance in the ER&R Plan as a foundation or guide for forming their own community plans. The ER&R Plan also supports the household ‘Make a Plan’ resource, giving whānau additional information and guidance to help them get ready for a wide range of emergencies. It promotes personal confidence and empowerment as a tool for taking personal responsibility in getting ready for and responding to emergencies. It is a reference for households, businesses and communities to confidently base their own readiness activities on.
33. The ER&R Plan provides key emergency contact information that local board members can pass on to their communities. The ER&R Plan clarifies roles and responsibilities through reduction, readiness, response and recovery. Cross boundary issues have been considered, with the maps incorporated within the plan showing hazards, Civil Defence Centres and Community Emergency Hubs both within the local board area/rohe and those areas immediately adjacent.
34. Over 2025, Auckland Emergency Management will embed key concepts of the ER&R Plan through community outreach activities. Local board members have an important role in promoting the ER&R Plan and the information it includes by referencing and promoting the ER&R Plan at community events and other community engagements that they attend throughout the year.
Tauākī whakaaweawe Māori
Māori impact statement
35. The impacts on Māori from disasters can be significant and there are real strengths in integrating kaupapa Māori, mātauranga Māori and tikanga Māori into resilience building for disasters. Auckland Emergency Management are committed to honouring Te Tiriti o Waitangi by ensuring the views and knowledge of Iwi and Māori are reflected.
36. During the North Island severe weather events of 2023, 13 marae were actively involved in the response, feeding, sheltering and comforting people who had been displaced by the event. Of those 13, eight have already become part of Auckland Emergency Management’s Whakaoranga Marae Whakaoranga Whānau Programme, which supports marae emergency readiness. These marae are listed in the ER&R Plans as places where people can turn to for support in an emergency, along with other marae who have indicated they have the resource to offer similar support in the future. Auckland Emergency Management understand that not all marae have the resources available to support the wider community in an emergency response and have only identified those who have confirmed they are able to respond and support others.
37. Auckland Emergency Management, through the Principal Iwi/ Māori Resilience Advisor, will continue to work with marae, mana whenua and mataawaka to support marae and iwi in their emergency readiness activities, with support from the Ngā Mātārae and Resilience and Infrastructure Directorate Māori Outcomes Lead. Should additional marae confirm that they are in a position to support the wider communities and wish to be included in the ER&R Plan, Auckland Emergency Management will ensure that they are included in future iterations and updates to the ER&R Plan.
Ngā ritenga ā-pūtea
Financial implications
38. The activities associated with delivering and launching the ER&R Plans and the community emergency readiness programme are funded through the Auckland Emergency Management operating budget and/or are resourced internally. This includes the printing of the ER&R Plans, the printing and translation of supporting summary documentation, the preparation of proactive media articles, social media campaigns and provision of documentation to key community information points such as the Auckland Council libraries, Citizen Advice Bureau(s), Neighbourhood Support and others. For further information refer to Attachment B.
39. Further work to embed the key messaging associated with the ER&R Plans will be funded through Auckland Emergency Management operating budget and/or are resourced internally. Continuing work to identify and support community groups who have an interest in establishing future Community Emergency Hubs will be funded through the Auckland Council Local Preparedness Storm Fund in addition to internal resourcing.
Ngā raru tūpono me ngā whakamaurutanga
Risks and mitigations
40. Key risks to the implementation of the Puketāpapa Local Board ER&R Plan include:
· A delay in adopting the ER&R Plan, or non-adoption: The ER&R Plan contains critical emergency information which people feel they do not have access to through other means. Delay in, or not adopting the ER&R Plan will mean that this local board area will not be able to succinctly provide this information to residents. The ER&R Plan is a foundation document that will underpin community emergency readiness discussions, activities and support over 2025. A delay in adopting the ER&R Plan, or non-adoption, would negatively impact the delivery of this planned community engagement and readiness programme. The opportunity to refresh Civil Defence Centres, Community Emergency Hub or marae locations in a year’s time mitigates needing to hold back the plan’s adoption for additional locations to be included.
· Response risk: Should the Emergency Coordination Centre be activated, all day-to-day work to publish, launch and embed the ER&R Plan will be temporarily put on hold to enable kaimahi to prioritise supporting the community through the emergency response period. The recommendation is that this risk is acknowledged, noting work would recommence as soon as Auckland Emergency Management’s response personnel are stood down.
· Embedding the ER&R Plans: The ability to support community groups with readiness activities using the ER&R Plan is constrained by the internal resourcing of Auckland Emergency Management. To mitigate this risk, Auckland Emergency Management is seeking to partner with departments across Auckland Council and other agencies (such as Fire and Emergency New Zealand, and Neighbourhood Support) to increase reach. Auckland Emergency Management is also seeking to fund community facilitators to run workshops and training programmes for marae and community groups to increase capacity and reach.
Ngā koringa ā-muri
Next steps
41. Auckland Emergency Management will progress the publication of the Puketāpapa Local Board ER&R Plan and commence communication and launch activities as outlined in this report. This includes a ‘soft launch’ following the adoption of the ER&R Plan and a full public launch over February and March 2025.
42. Over 2025, Auckland Emergency Management will seek to embed key concepts of the ER&R Plan through community outreach activities. Auckland Emergency Management will refocus efforts to support interested community groups in community emergency planning activities. For community groups wishing to stand-up a Community Emergency Hub, facilitated workshops will be available over 2025 which seek to empower groups to support their networks during an emergency. Community groups who do not want to become a Community Emergency Hub will also be supported with resources to help their members get ready for an emergency, together with presentations, and the promotion of key readiness messaging at events.
43. Local board members have an important role in promoting the ER&R Plan and the information it includes by referencing and promoting the ER&R Plan at community events and other community engagements that they attend throughout the year.
No. |
Title |
Page |
a⇩ |
Puketāpapa Local Board Emergency Readiness and Response Plan |
17 |
b⇩ |
Local Board Emergency Readiness and Response Plan Launch Strategy |
49 |
Ngā kaihaina
Author |
Benedict Gordon – Senior Community Planning and Readiness Advisor, Emergency Management |
Authorisers |
Adam Maggs - General Manager Auckland Emergency Management Parul Sood - Deputy Director Resilience and Infrastructure Nina Siers - Local Area Manager |
05 December 2024 |
Adoption of the Puketāpapa Sport and Active Recreation Facilities Plan
File No.: CP2024/17998
Te take mō te pūrongo
Purpose of the report
1. To adopt the Puketāpapa Sport and Active Recreation Facilities Plan which will provide strategic guidance on the provision of the local sporting facilities network.
Whakarāpopototanga matua
Executive summary
2. On 20 July 2023, the local board adopted the Customer and Community Services Work Programme for the 2023/2024 financial year [PKTPP/2023/96]. The work programme included an allocation of $50,000 Locally Delivered Initiatives operational funding for the development of a new Puketāpapa Sport and Active Recreation Facilities Plan.
3. Sport and active recreation facilities plans provide strategic guidance to inform decision-making regarding investment, advocacy, partnerships, and opportunities within the sport and recreation facility network.
4. On 21 September 2023, the local board adopted the full facility network scope that would be used to guide the development of the plan [PKTPP/2023/132].
5. The Puketāpapa Sport and Active Recreation Facilities Plan outlines the current network of sport and active recreation facilities across Puketāpapa (irrespective of ownership). It also identifies existing and future provision challenges and opportunities.
6. Following extensive community consultation and the analysis of findings, 49 projects were independently assessed and categorised, using criteria created and supported by the local board.
7. On 12 September 2024, the local board workshopped the draft plan and provided feedback which was subsequently incorporated into the final document.
8. Staff recommend that the local board adopt the Puketāpapa Sport and Active Recreation Facilities Plan.
That the Puketāpapa Local Board:
a) whai / adopt the Puketapapa Sport and Active Recreation Facilities Plan provided in Attachment A.
Puketāpapa Local Board – Customer and Community Services Work Programme 2023/2024
9. On 20 July 2023, the local board adopted the Customer and Community Services Work Programme for the 2023/2024 financial year [PKTPP/2023/96]. The work programme included an allocation of $50,000 Locally Delivered Initiatives operational funding for development of a new Puketāpapa Sport and Active Recreation Facilities Plan.
10. The Activity Description for the work programme item stated:
Develop a Sport and Active Recreation Facilities Plan to identify sport and active recreation provision requirements, prioritise future facility developments, inform potential investment decisions and ensure maximum community impact.
Sport and Active Recreation Facilities Plans
11. Sport and active recreation facilities plans provide strategic guidance to inform decision-making regarding investment, advocacy, partnerships, and opportunities within the sport and recreation facility network.
12. The Puketāpapa Sport and Active Recreation Facilities Plan outlines the current network of sport and active recreation facilities across Puketāpapa (irrespective of ownership). It also identifies existing and future provision challenges and needs.
13. Key outputs from the plan include:
· Consolidated inventory of sport and active recreation facilities
· Themes and trends of local facility needs and issues
· Assessment of potential impacts of demographic and infrastructure changes
· Identification of gaps in facility provision against current and future needs
· Prioritized list of projects/opportunities to provide clear direction to support advocacy, resource allocation and leasing decisions.
Puketāpapa Local Board Plan
14. The development and effective implementation of the Puketāpapa Sport and Active Recreation Facilities Plan relates to several outcomes, objectives, and key initiatives within the Local Board Plan as detailed below.
Table 1: Puketāpapa Local Board Plan – Strategic alignment
Outcome |
Objective and key initiative |
Our people are thriving and have a strong sense of connection to Puketāpapa and its range of multi-cultural communities.
Objective: People have access to opportunities that improve their wellbeing. Key initiative: · Promote the benefits of diverse play opportunities, active recreation, sport and exercise offered by Sport Auckland. · Invest in a sport and recreation facilities plan for Puketāpapa that highlights the needs of our growing and diverse community. |
Our communities have places and activities that enhance their lifestyles. |
Objective: Our investment in parks, facilities and programmes is focused on growing neighbourhoods, with a focus on Wesley, Waikōwhai and Three Kings suburbs. Key initiative: · Work with housing developers to ensure good future provision of facilities and open space in developing areas, which have affordable long term operational costs e.g. the Three Kings development. · Investigate current community service and facility provision and, focusing on population growth, understand any gaps of provision. |
Tātaritanga me ngā tohutohu
Analysis and advice
Scope and Methodology
15. On 21 September 2023, the local board adopted the full facility network scope that would be used to guide the development of the plan [PKTPP/2023/132].
16. The adopted scope is detailed below:
a) Geographic area
The geographic scope will focus on provision within the Puketāpapa Local Board area with consideration for neighbouring communities, rohe boundaries specifically identified by mana whenua, sub-regional facilities and/or bespoke facilities.
b) Activity type
The scope of activity type is sport and active recreation as defined within Increasing Aucklanders’ Participation in Sport: Investment Plan 2019-2039.
c) Facility model
A full facility network scope comprising all facilities providing community access for sport and active recreation irrespective of ownership or operating model.
17. The plan, guided by the adopted scope, illustrates the large variety of facility types which are owned by a range of providers including, but not limited to, council, private, Ministry of Education, clubs, and charitable trusts.
18. Following the adoption of the scope, HMR Sport Solutions were appointed to develop the plan.
Weighted Criteria
19. As part of the development of the plan, a criteria was developed to establish the weighting matrix that would be used to calculate projects by priority.
20. The criteria categories include People impact, Network impact, Strategic Importance and Do-ability.
21. On 20 June 2024, the local board workshopped the criteria categories. From this workshop, the criteria weighting system was created.
Table 2: Criteria weighting system - snapshot
Criteria category |
Weighted Criteria |
Weight |
Detail |
People impact 33.77%
Scale of participation |
10.21% |
What is the anticipated impact of the facility on increasing or sustaining the level of participation number, frequency and reach of participation? |
Low participation groups |
7.33% |
What is the anticipated impact of the facility on increasing or sustaining participation by low participant groups? |
Participation groups of importance for Puketāpapa |
7.33% |
What is the anticipated impact of the facility on increasing or sustaining participation by people groups prioritised by PUKT Local Board? |
Partnership – Multiple outcomes |
8.90% |
Will the facility deliver multiple outcomes, either through partnership or across activity? |
Network Impact 28.8%
Site/ Facility Importance |
9.16% |
What is the impact of the facility on addressing challenges/limitations in the current network? |
Facility Scale and Specification |
9.42% |
Is the proposed design of an appropriate scale and specification to meet identified needs and be fit-for-purpose? |
Operational Sustainability |
10.21% |
Does the facility project demonstrate that it will be operationally sustainable long term? |
Priority Projects
22. Following extensive community consultation and the analysis of findings, a range of capital developments, repair and maintenance, and spatial/master planning projects were prioritised.
23. In total, 49 projects were independently assessed using the weighted criteria above, to produce a list ranked by priority.
24. Prioritised projects have also been grouped into project phasing:
a) Design and build; or maintenance and renewal
b) Design and consent
c) Investigation and analysis
Table 3: High priority projects design and build; or maintenance and renewal – snapshot
Group or site |
Project or opportunity |
Weighting |
Keith Hay Park |
Improve surfacing and drainage of soil northern sports fields. |
82% |
May Road War Memorial Park |
Improve surface and drainage of field Rugby 3 as per Mt Roskill May Road War Memorial Park Master Plan. |
79% |
May Road War Memorial Park |
Install electronic booking signage (as per Mt Roskill May Road War Memorial Park Master Plan) |
78% |
Mt Roskill Intermediate School |
Support development of artificial turf at Mt Roskill Intermediate |
77% |
Margaret Griffen Park |
Provide accessible car parks and improve access from car park to fields for para-athletes in wheelchairs at Margaret Griffen Park |
74% |
Margaret Griffen Park |
Improve current floodlights |
72% |
Table 4: High priority projects design and consent – snapshot
Group or site |
Project or opportunity |
Weighting |
Keith Hay Park |
Relocate lights closer to realigned sports fields, and upgrade where required. Additional lighting is currently required for fields 4,7 and 9. |
79% |
May Road War Memorial Park |
Install additional lighting to the south of Rugby 2 and Rugby 3. |
79% |
May Road War Memorial Park |
Develop changing rooms and storage at Denny Avenue car park as per Mt Roskill May Road War Memorial Master Plan. |
76% |
Three Kings Quarry |
Design and develop new changing room facilities. Design should be female friendly. |
75% |
Seymour Park |
Install sports field lighting. |
71% |
Three Kings Reserve |
Install sports field lighting. |
71% |
Table 5: High priority projects investigation and analysis – snapshot
Group or site |
Project or opportunity |
Weighting |
Keith Hay Park |
Investigate additional lighting on northern fields of Keith Hay Park. |
79% |
Keith Hay Park |
Investigate irrigation of priority fields via reinstatement of existing bore. |
79% |
Marcellin College |
Investigate partnership opportunity with Marcellin College to enable community access to school sports fields, accompanied by sports field surface and light improvements. |
78% |
Stoddard Road/ Sandringham Road Extension |
Work with Kāinga Ora to investigate site to collocate indoor courts, with a preferred location being Wesley. |
77% |
Investigate suitable sites for artificial turf development. Potential suitable site locations include: • Hillsborough Park • Western Reserve (Three Kings Reserve Field 2) |
77% |
Cameron Pools |
Investigate Cameron Pools extensions |
76% |
25. A full list of priority projects can be found within the plan with supporting rationale, proposed project actions and commentary.
Tauākī whakaaweawe āhuarangi
Climate impact statement
26. The plan is to be used as a strategic, guiding document, there are no direct implications relating to the climate by adopting the plan.
27. Within the criteria for the prioritised projects, environmental sustainability and resilience is as a key weighted criteria with a percentage of 7.07%.
28. An environmental analysis should be undertaken within individual projects as part of the detailed planning stage.
Ngā whakaaweawe me ngā tirohanga a te rōpū Kaunihera
Council group impacts and views
29. The plan aims to provide high-level strategic guidance for mahi across the council group and key staff.
30. The draft plan was shared with staff across multiple departments. The departments were requested to provide feedback and a meeting was arranged for staff to provide commentary.
31. There was support for the plan in draft form and minor amendments were made as required following staff feedback.
Ngā whakaaweawe ā-rohe me ngā tirohanga a te poari ā-rohe
Local impacts and local board views
32. On 20 June 2024, the local board workshopped the criteria categories and provided their thoughts. These discussions ultimately supported creating the criteria weighting used to determine the priority of projects identified in the plan.
33. The draft plan was workshopped with the local board on 12 September 2024, where feedback was provided verbally during the presentation. Further questions and feedback were received following the workshop from local board members.
34. Following local board feedback, several amendments or additions have been made and are now illustrated in the final plan.
35. The adoption of the Puketāpapa Sport and Active Recreation Facilities Plan will offer the local board strategic guidance to inform decision-making regarding investment, advocacy, partnerships, and opportunities within the sport and recreation facility network.
Tauākī whakaaweawe Māori
Māori impact statement
36. The plan provides a strategic view of sport and active recreation facilities provision, intended to be used as a guiding document. There are no direct implications relating to Māori outcomes by adopting the plan.
37. Mana whenua engagement should be undertaken within individual projects as part of the detailed planning stage.
38. For council-led projects mana whenua will be engaged on a project-by-project level through the relevant staff lead who will report on Māori outcomes.
Ngā ritenga ā-pūtea
Financial implications
39. On 20 July 2023, the local board adopted the 2023/2024 Customer and Community Services Work Programme. The work programme included an allocation of $50,000 Locally Delivered Initiatives operational funding for the development of a new Puketāpapa Sport and Active Recreation Facilities Plan.
40. There are no financial implications from adopting the Puketāpapa Sport and Active Recreation Facilities Plan.
Ngā raru tūpono me ngā whakamaurutanga
Risks and mitigations
41. There is minimal risk in the decision to adopt the Puketāpapa Sport and Active Recreation Facilities Plan. The plan will however have public visibility and is therefore at risk of ongoing misunderstanding as explained below.
Table 6: Key risks and mitigation
Risk |
Mitigation |
Community sport stakeholders misinterpret the intent of this plan as a funding commitment by Puketāpapa Local Board or Auckland Council. |
The following statement has been added in the beginning of the purpose of the plan in order to mitigate the risk of misinterpretation:
The recommendations and prioritised projects identified later in this plan are not guarantees of funding but serve as guidance for the local board, funders, and other decision-makers on where to focus resources and investment.
Community sport stakeholders challenge prioritisation of the projects within the plan |
Local board developed the weighted criteria which produced the priority ranking. |
Ngā koringa ā-muri
Next steps
42. Staff will thank key contributors to the development of the plan, with a special acknowledgment to HMR Sport Solutions.
43. Staff will share the final plan with key stakeholders within the Puketāpapa sport and recreation sector.
44. Staff will work with council and non-council stakeholders to ensure the plan is used to inform the FY26 work programme.
No. |
Title |
Page |
a⇩ |
Puketāpapa Sport and Active Recreation Facilities Plan 2024 |
59 |
Ngā kaihaina
Author |
Yvaan Hapuku-Lambert - Sport & Recreation Lead |
Authorisers |
Pippa Sommerville - Manager Sport & Recreation Nina Siers - Local Area Manager |
05 December 2024 |
Welcoming Communities - Welcoming Plan for Puketāpapa
File No.: CP2024/18098
Te take mō te pūrongo
Purpose of the report
1. To adopt a Welcoming Plan for the Puketāpapa Local Board area and seek accreditation as a Committed Welcoming Community.
Whakarāpopototanga matua
Executive summary
2. Welcoming Communities is an international programme led in Aotearoa New Zealand by the Ministry of Business, Innovation and Employment to assist councils and their communities to create more welcoming and inclusive environments for newcomers to their area.
3. The Puketāpapa Local Board has participated in the Welcoming Communities programme since March 2023, following a decision to join in August 2022, alongside four other local boards.
4. As part of the programme, the local board can adopt a Welcoming Plan and seek accreditation as a Welcoming Community.
5. The draft Welcoming Puketāpapa Plan is included in Attachment A. Its purpose is to guide the local board’s decision making to ensure that the local board’s work programme activities consider the needs of new residents, using the programme’s Welcoming Communities Standard as a benchmark.
6. The objectives and actions in the draft Welcoming Plan were shaped through a desktop review of existing activities and engagement with iwi and community stakeholders. The objectives and actions were then shared with the local board for input at workshops.
7. Accreditation as a Welcoming Community will recognise the local board’s commitment to fostering a welcoming and inclusive environment for newcomers at the national and international level. To attain the first stage of accreditation as a Committed Welcoming Community, the local board is required to sign a Statement of Commitment, which is included in Attachment 2.
That the Puketāpapa Local Board:
a) whai / adopt the Welcoming Puketāpapa Plan set out in Attachment A to this report
b) whakaae / approve and sign the Statement of Commitment set out in Attachment B to this report
c) tono / request that staff apply for accreditation as a Committed Welcoming Community on behalf of the local board
d) tautapa / delegate to the local board chair approval of minor changes to the Welcoming Puketāpapa Plan prior to publication.
Welcoming Communities programme
8. Immigration New Zealand (INZ) / Ministry of Business, Innovation and Employment (MBIE) is leading a Welcoming Communities – Te waharoa ki ngā hapori programme (Welcoming Communities) under the guidance of the New Zealand Migrant Settlement and Integration Strategy and the New Zealand Refugee Resettlement Strategy.
9. Welcoming Communities is part of Welcoming International, a coalition of initiatives currently in seven countries such as Australia, Canada, France and the United Kingdom to advance inclusion and belonging in localities worldwide.
10. Welcoming Communities supports local authorities and their communities to create welcoming and inclusive environments for newcomers, i.e. recent migrants, former refugees, international students and people coming from other parts of Aotearoa New Zealand.
11. The Puketāpapa Local Board, alongside the Kaipātiki, Whau, Otara-Papatoetoe and Albert-Eden Local Boards joined the Welcoming Communities programme in March 2023, following a decision in August 2022 to submit an expression of interest.
12. The Welcoming Communities programme for Puketāpapa has been part of the local board’s work programme since the financial year 2023/2024. A key milestone of the programme in 2024/2025 is the adoption by the local board of a Welcoming Plan, and a decision to apply for accreditation as a Welcoming Community. In 2024/2025, the local board also allocated $5,000 towards trialling innovative activities that contribute to achieving objectives of the Welcoming Plan.
13. Ministry of Business, Innovation and Employment contributes $50,000 per year per local board to the programme for three years (March 2023 to March 2026), which is allocated towards the remuneration of a coordinator and supporting iwi engagement and activities in the Welcoming Plan. In addition, the Community Innovation team allocated $25,000 in 2022/2023 and $60,000 in 2023/2024 of regional funding for the development of programme resources, partnerships and seed funding for innovative and impactful activities that respond to priorities that are common to all local boards.
14. Welcoming Communities is resourced with four Welcoming Communities coordinators leading the programme in each local board area and two staff from the Community Innovation team (Community Impact unit, Community Wellbeing department) co-managing the programme regionally.
Welcoming Communities Standard (the Standard)
15. At the heart of Welcoming Communities is the outcomes-based Welcoming Communities Standard (the Standard). The Standard’s elements are:
· Inclusive Leadership
· Welcoming Communications
· Equitable Access
· Connected and Inclusive Communities
· Economic Development, Business and Employment
· Civic Engagement and Participation
· Welcoming Public Spaces
· Culture and Identity.
16. Across these eight elements, the Standard provides local authorities and communities with a benchmark for what a successful welcoming and inclusive community looks like. Each member council or local board develops its own Welcoming Plan of activities and initiatives to achieve the Standard’s outcomes.
Tātaritanga me ngā tohutohu
Analysis and advice
Welcoming Plan
17. Since April 2023, staff have undertaken a stocktake of policies, programmes and activities relevant to the Welcoming Communities Standard for each of the local board areas and for the Auckland region. They compiled information on what is taking place, either led by the council and the local board, by community groups or by community services providers.
18. Staff engaged with iwi and community stakeholders. Through conversations they assessed how well the Standard is currently being met and identified current challenges and opportunities for more successful settlement outcomes for newcomers. This informed Welcoming Plan options that were presented to the local board at a workshop on 9 April 2024.
19. The Welcoming Communities standards touch on a broad range of outcomes. As options are considered for activities in the welcoming plans, a focus was put on those that:
· respond to needs identified by iwi and communities
· influence systems and practices that create barriers to participation for newcomers
· align with priorities in local board plans adopted in 2023 and help achieve local board objectives
· align with the council’s key strategies, and particularly Thriving Communities, Kia Ora Tāmaki Makaurau and Ara Moana strategic outcomes
· build on existing partnerships and programmes with community partners
· can be implemented within existing budget and staff resources and be sustained once MBIE funding for the programmes ceases.
20. These informed Welcoming Plan options were presented to the local board at a workshop on 9 April 2024. The local board expressed agreement with the options and sought further information on funding available from central government to implement the suggested activities.
21. A more detailed draft Welcoming Plan was then developed, which was shared with community stakeholder for feedback, and with the local board at a workshop on 29 August 2024. The final version of this plan is attached in Attachment A to this report.
22. The purpose of the plan is to provide guidance to the council, the local board, iwi and community partners on what actions can be pursued so newcomers feel welcome, included and connected as they settle in their new neighbourhood. The plan outlines three-year objectives and short-term activities.
Welcoming Community accreditation
23. As a member of the programme, the local board can choose to become accredited as a Welcoming Community through a four-stage accreditation model. Accreditation formally recognises that the local board and community are working to achieve the outcomes in the Welcoming Communities Standard.
24. The four stages are:
· Stage one – Committed
· Stage two – Established
· Stage three – Advanced
· Stage four – Excelling
25. As noted on the Welcoming Communities website (Immigration New Zealand), accreditation as a Committed Welcoming Community formally recognises that a council (or a local board) with its community:
· values newcomers
· is committed to building welcoming and inclusive communities
· has taken active steps to create an environment where all residents can thrive and belong.
26. There are no additional financial benefits nor commitments to progressing through the first stage of accreditation (Committed Welcoming Community). Most requirements have already been met to progress to this stage, including a public announcement of the participation in the programme, and recruitment of a coordinator. A Statement of Commitment remains to be signed by the local board chair (see Attachment 2).
Tauākī whakaaweawe āhuarangi
Climate impact statement
27. The adoption and implementation of the Welcoming Plan will contribute to the goals of Te Tāruke-ā-Tāwhiri / Auckland’s Climate Plan in the following ways:
· increase engagement and leadership of newcomers in areas of climate action and resilience to climate impacts
· increase newcomers understanding and appreciation of indigenous values linked to the concept of interdependence of nature, people and places, through increasing connections to mana whenua culture, marae and places of significance
· support social cohesion by increasing neighbourhood connections and intercultural conversations.
Ngā whakaaweawe me ngā tirohanga a te rōpū Kaunihera
Council group impacts and views
28. The proposed objectives of the Welcoming Plan have been shared with the units/teams within the council that deliver the local board work programme, and their feedback has been taken into consideration.
29. Staff sought feedback and advice from staff of Tātaki Auckland Unlimited to ensure there is no duplication of initiatives. They also sought the views of Eke Pānuku to learn from their experience engaging with mana whenua and new communities in areas of urban regeneration.
30. Engagement with these teams and CCOs will continue as the programme progresses. The delivery of the programme is underpinned by a learning practice where new initiatives are designed collaboratively with community stakeholders and council teams and trialled to test their viability and gauge community feedback. This practice enables staff and community partners to learn and adapt their approaches to the need of the community.
Ngā whakaaweawe ā-rohe me ngā tirohanga a te poari ā-rohe
Local impacts and local board views
31. The Welcoming Plan aligns with the outcomes of the Puketāpapa Local Board Plan 2023 and is a deliverable of the local board work programme 2024/2025.
32. The local board provided direction and feedback to staff at workshops in April and August 2024 on the content of the Welcoming Plan.
Tauākī whakaaweawe Māori
Māori impact statement
33. The team approached 19 iwi mana whenua groups between June 2023 and June 2024. We had face to face or online kōrero with 10 iwi who shared their views on the programme, including:
· Ngāti Manuhiri
· Te Rūnanga o Ngāti Whātua
· Ngāti Whātua Ōrākei
· Ngāti Tamaoho
· Te Ākitai Waiohua
· Ngāti Te Ata Waiohua
· Ngāti Whanaunga
· Ngāti Maru
· Ngāti Tamatera
· Te Patukirikiri
34. Iwi were interested in the idea of orientation resources that named and educated newcomers about the iwi mana whenua of Tāmaki Makaurau Auckland and explained to people the meaning of kaitiakitanga and the role of mana whenua as kaitiaki. They provided guidance and ideas for the content and format of these resources. Staff are developing these resources and will be seeking input and endorsement from iwi before they are utilised.
35. The Welcoming Plan includes the delivery of orientation activities and a web portal. Staff are discussing with iwi how they might lead some of these activities, and how the portal may link to iwi’s own information.
36. Some of the commentary from iwi included suggestions to encourage newcomers to take part in activities that build understanding of narratives and values that are important to iwi such as
· hikoi / guided walks to places of significance
· cultural inductions led by iwi
· environmental conservation activities
· events such as Matariki or Te Matatini, or name gifting events as part of Te Kete Rukuruku
· learning basic te reo and pronunciation of place names
· visits to local marae
· treaty education to build understanding of the relevance and significance of Te Tiriti to people in contemporary Tāmaki Makaurau.
37. Staff will continue to engage with iwi in the development and implementation of activities in the Welcoming Plan.
Ngā ritenga ā-pūtea
Financial implications
38. The Welcoming Plan is a guide to assist the local board’s decision-making process when developing their annual work programme. It does not have direct financial implications on the local board’s budget.
39. The local board has allocated $5,000 in the financial year 2024/2025 towards the trial of initiatives in the Welcoming Plan.
40. In addition, funding from MBIE and Auckland Council regional budget is allocated towards the delivery of the programme as described in paragraph (13).
41. Staff will make recommendations to the local board on potential activities through the 2025/2026 work programme development.
42. The implementation of the Welcoming Plan is currently reliant upon the work of the Welcoming Communities coordinator and resourcing for mana whenua engagement which are funded until March 2026 by MBIE.
43. Beyond March 2026, support for the delivery of the plan will need to be met by local board and regional budgets and staff resources. This will be considered when planning, delivering and assessing the benefits of activities, to ensure impactful activities can continue to be supported from 2026/2027 and beyond.
Ngā raru tūpono me ngā whakamaurutanga
Risks and mitigations
44. There are no significant risks associated with the adoption of the Welcoming Plan. The objectives of this plan align with policies that are embedded in the local board and Auckland Council’s plans and strategies.
Ngā koringa ā-muri
Next steps
45. Progress in the delivery of Welcoming Plan activities will be reported in quarterly work programme updates to the local board. Staff will also report on successes and learnings at a workshop with the local board to inform decisions on work programme activities for the financial year 2025/2026.
46. Staff will apply for accreditation to MBIE as a Committed Welcoming Community on behalf of the local board.
No. |
Title |
Page |
a⇩ |
Welcoming Plan for Puketāpapa |
229 |
b⇩ |
Statement of Commitment by the Puketāpapa Local Board |
257 |
Ngā kaihaina
Authors |
Lisa Diggins – Specialist Advisor Claire Liousse - Empowered Communities Specialist, Community Innovation |
Authorisers |
Kenneth Aiolupotea - General Manager Community Wellbeing Nina Siers - Local Area Manager |
05 December 2024 |
Annual Budget 2025/2026 - local board consultation content
File No.: CP2024/19115
Te take mō te pūrongo
Purpose of the report
1. To approve local consultation document content and supporting information as part of the Annual Plan 2025/2026 process, along with a local engagement event.
Whakarāpopototanga matua
Executive summary
2. Each financial year, Auckland Council must have a local board agreement that is agreed between the Governing Body and the local board in each local board area. These agreements set out local board priorities and the local activities to be provided for the year. The 21 local board agreements for 2025/2026 will be included in the Annual Plan 2025/2026.
3. Consultation on the Annual Plan 2025/2026 is planned to take place from late February – late March 2025. Content relating to each local board agreement must be included as part of that consultation.
4. This report seeks approval from the local board for local consultation content. It also seeks approval of a Have Your Say event to be held in the local board area to give Aucklanders an opportunity to provide face-to-face feedback during the consultation period.
5. The Governing Body will approve regional items for consultation on 4 December 2024. The regional and local consultation items will then be incorporated into the Annual Plan 2025/2026 consultation document and supporting information, which is planned to be adopted by the Governing Body on 19 February 2025.
That the Puketāpapa Local Board:
a) whakaae / approve local consultation document content (Attachment A) and local supporting information content (Attachment B) for inclusion in the Annual Plan 2025/2026 consultation material.
b) tautapa / delegate authority to the local board Chair to approve any changes required to finalise the local consultation document and supporting information content for the Puketāpapa Local Board for the Annual Plan 2025/2026.
c) whakaae / approve the following Have Your Say event in the local board area during the Annual Plan 2025/2026 consultation period:
i) Have your Say event, Tuesday 11 March 2025, Mt Roskill Library, 546 Mt Albert Road, Three Kings, 5.00pm – 6.00pm
d) tautapa / delegate authority to the local board Chair to approve any changes required to the Have Your Say event.
e) tautapa / delegate to the following elected members and staff the power and responsibility to hear from the public through “spoken (or New Zealand sign language) interaction” in relation to the local board agreement at the council’s public engagement events during the consultation period for the Annual Plan 2025/2026:
i) local board members and Chair
ii) General Manager Governance and Engagement, Local Area Manager, Local Board Senior Advisor, Local Board Advisor, Local Board Engagement Advisor.
iii) any additional staff approved by the General Manager Governance and Engagement or the Group Chief Financial Officer.
6. The Annual Budget 2025/2026 will contain the budget and funding impact statement for the year, identify any variations from the financial statements and funding impact statement in the 10-year plan for the relevant year, and provide for integrated decision-making and coordination of the council’s resources. The Governing Body is responsible for adopting the annual plan and will be adopting the Annual Plan 2025/2026 in June 2025.
7. Auckland Council is required to consult on the Annual Plan 2025/2026. The Budget Committee will be deciding on items for consultation for the Annual Plan 2025/2026 on 4 December 2024. Local Boards have the opportunity to provide input into the regional topics for consultation for consideration by the Budget Committee.
8. For each financial year, Auckland Council is required to have a local board agreement (as agreed between the Governing Body and the local board) for each local board area. These local board agreements are included in each year’s annual plan, or the 10-year plan (every three years).
9. Local board agreements set out how the council will reflect the priorities and preferences in the local board’s plan through the local activities to be provided in the local board area.
10. Content relating to each local board agreement must be included in the Annual Plan 2025/2026 consultation document and supporting information.
11. Public consultation on the Annual Plan 2025/2026 is planned to take place from late February to late March 2025.
12. Aucklanders will be able to provide feedback during the consultation period through a variety of channels, which include face-to-face (for spoken and New Zealand sign language interaction), written and social media.
Tātaritanga me ngā tohutohu
Analysis and advice
13. Local boards held workshops during November 2024 to determine their proposed priorities for their 2025/2026 local board agreement. Each local board is now requested to approve its local consultation document content and supporting information content for inclusion in the consultation material for the Annual Plan 2025/2026 (Attachments A and B respectively).
14. Should changes be required to the local consultation content during the document production, they will be provided to the local board chair for approval.
15. Aucklanders who wish to have their views on the proposed content of the local board agreement 2025/2026 and Annual Plan 2025/2026 considered by Auckland Council should be provided a reasonable opportunity to present those views in a manner and format that is appropriate to their preferences and needs.
16. The recommended Have Your Say events, along with the recommended delegation to elected members and staff to hear from the public ensures that the council is meeting its obligations relating to consultation.
17. The Have Your Say event recommended to be held in the Puketāpapa Local Board area is:
· Have your Say event, Tuesday 11 March 2025, Mt Roskill Library, 546 Mt Albert Road Three Kings, 5.00pm – 6.00pm.
18. Other Have Your Say events will also take place across the region along with a range of ways for people to engage with the council during the consultation period. There will also be online information available and the opportunity to submit written or digital feedback. Note that the proposed date for the Have Your Say event will be checked with Ward Councillor/s to ensure they are able to attend.
19. The consultation period does not begin for a couple of months. If circumstances change between now and the consultation period requiring any changes to the approved Have Your Say event, these will be provided to the local board chair for approval in line with the recommended delegation.
20. There are unavoidable material increases in the cost of delivering existing services in 2025/2026. The exact amount of cost pressures the local board is facing is currently unknown and will depend on final Governing Body decisions on allocation of funding to local boards. The local board may need to prioritise what they do and where they invest so that they manage spend within the available funding.
Tauākī whakaaweawe āhuarangi
Climate impact statement
21. The decision to consult is procedural in nature and the small scale of the Have Your Say events means any climate change impacts will be negligible. These decisions are unlikely to result in any identifiable changes to greenhouse gas emissions. The effects of climate change will not impact the decisions.
22. However, where practicable, events proposed will be in locations accessible by public transport, to reduce private vehicle travel and increase opportunities for attendance.
23. Some of the proposed initiatives or projects included in the consultation content may have climate change impacts. The impacts of any initiatives or projects Auckland Council chooses to progress as a result of this consultation will be assessed as part of the relevant reporting requirements.
Ngā whakaaweawe me ngā tirohanga a te rōpū Kaunihera
Council group impacts and views
24. The Annual Plan 2025/2026 is an Auckland Council group document and will include budgets at a consolidated group level.
25. Consultation items and updates to budgets to reflect decisions and new information may include items from across the group. This will be reflected in the report on regional consultation items going the Budget Committee on 4 December 2024.
Ngā whakaaweawe ā-rohe me ngā tirohanga a te poari ā-rohe
Local impacts and local board views
26. Local board chairs have been invited to be involved in the development of the regional topics for consultation by attending Budget Committee workshops. Local board members were provided recordings of the Budget Committee workshops for the Annual Plan 2025/2026.
27. Local boards will have further opportunities to provide information and views as the council progresses through the Annual Plan 2025/2026 process.
28. Aucklanders will have the opportunity to give feedback on regional and local proposals through the public consultation on the Annual Plan 2025/2026. All feedback received from submitters that indicate that they reside in the local board area will be analysed by staff and made available for consideration by the local board, prior to the local board finalising its local board agreement.
Tauākī whakaaweawe Māori
Māori impact statement
29. Many local board decisions are of importance to and impact on Māori. The local board agreement and Annual Plan 2025/2026 are important tools that enable and can demonstrate the council’s responsiveness to Māori. The local board plan adopted in November 2023 forms the basis for local priorities.
30. The approach to Māori engagement for Annual Plan 2025/2026 will be finalised once consultation topics are confirmed, including development of bespoke materials.
31. There is a need to continue to build local board relationships with iwi and the wider Māori community. Ongoing conversations will assist the local board and Māori to understand each other’s priorities and challenges.
Ngā ritenga ā-pūtea
Financial implications
32. There may be marginal costs associated for Have Your Say events including venue hire (where council premises cannot be utilised).
33. After consultation local boards will make decisions on local spending in the local board agreement with financial impacts that affect local communities.
Ngā raru tūpono me ngā whakamaurutanga
Risks and mitigations
34. The Local Government (Auckland Council) Act 2009 requires content relating to each local board agreement to be included in the Annual Plan 2025/2026 consultation document. Under the Local Government Act 2002, the consultation document for the Annual Plan must be audited. The draft consultation document (including local consultation content) will be prepared by staff and audited in December and January ahead of adoption by the Budget Committee in mid-February. Therefore, local boards need to approve their local consultation content for inclusion in the draft consultation document by the beginning of December 2024.
Ngā koringa ā-muri
Next steps
35. The Budget Committee will agree items for consultation and approve the consultation approach for the Annual Plan 2025/2026 on 4 December 2024.
36. Following the decisions of the local board to approve local consultation content, and the decisions of the Budget Committee on regional items for consultation, staff will prepare the consultation document and supporting information for the Annual Plan 2025/2026. These will be adopted by the Budget Committee in mid-February 2025.
37. Following consultation, the Governing Body and the local board will make decisions on the Annual Plan 2025/2026 and local board agreements respectively in June 2025.
No. |
Title |
Page |
a⇩ |
Puketāpapa Local Board Consultation Document content |
265 |
b⇩ |
Puketāpapa Local Board Supporting Information content |
267 |
Ngā kaihaina
Author |
Phoebe Peguero - Senior Advisor Operations and Policy |
Authorisers |
Lou-Ann Ballantyne - General Manager Governance and Engagement Nina Siers - Local Area Manager |
05 December 2024 |
Community lease renewal to Auckland Kindergarten Association for land at Keith Hay Park South, 660 Richardson Road, Hillsborough
File No.: CP2024/17640
Te take mō te pūrongo
Purpose of the report
1. To seek approval to grant a renewal of the community lease to the Auckland Kindergarten Association for land at Keith Hay Park South, 660 Richardson Road, Hillsborough.
Whakarāpopototanga matua
Executive summary
2. Auckland Kindergarten Association (the group) seeks a community lease renewal to continue occupation and operation from the tenant-owned building at Keith Hay Park South, 660 Richardson Road, Hillsborough.
3. The group currently holds a ground lease which commenced on 1 April 2015 with one right of renewal of 10 years. The lease will reach final expiry on 31 March 2035.
4. The renewal of this lease was identified and approved by the local board as part of the Community Facilities: Community Facilities: Community Leases Work Programme 2024/2025 at their 27 June 2024 local board meeting (resolution PKTPP/2024/115).
5. The group aims to provide early childhood education services to young children between the ages of 2 and 5 years of age. The group aims to create nurturing, stimulating environments where children can thrive and develop a love for learning, setting a strong foundation for their future education and personal growth. These activities align with the Puketāpapa Local Board Plan 2023 outcome, ‘Our community - People can access places and services that cater for their need.’
6. The group has provided all required information, including financials showing that it has sufficient funds and is being managed appropriately. The group has all the necessary insurance cover, including public liability and building insurance, in place.
7. Staff have assessed the renewal application and all conditions of the renewal have been met by the applicant. A site visit was undertaken on the 27 June 2024 and the facility appears to be in good condition and is well maintained.
8. The lease renewal for the group was discussed at a workshop with the local board on the 13 June 2024.
9. This report recommends that a community lease renewal be granted to Auckland Kindergarten Association for a term of 10 years commencing from 1 April 2025.
10. If the local board decides to grant the lease renewal, staff will work with the lessee to finalise the lease agreement.
That the Puketāpapa Local Board:
a) karaati / grant under Section 61 (2B) of the Reserves Act 1977, a community lease renewal to Auckland Kindergarten Association for 1117 square metres (more or less) located at Keith Hay Park South, 660 Richardson Road, Hillsborough on the land legally described as Allot 120 Section 13 suburbs of Auckland (Sec1 SO 518562) (as per Attachment A – Site Plan - Keith Hay Park South, 660 Richardson Road, Hillsborough), subject to the following terms and conditions:
i) term – 10 years, commencing 1 April 2025
ii) rent – $1,300 plus GST per annum
b) whakaae / approve all other terms and conditions to be in accordance with the Reserves Act 1977, the Auckland Council Community Occupancy Guidelines 2012 (updated July 2023), and the Auckland Council standard form community lease agreement.
11. Local boards have the allocated authority relating to local recreation, sport and community facilities, including community leasing matters.
12. The Puketāpapa Local Board approved the Community Facilities: Community Leases Work Programme 2024/2025 at their 27 June 2024 local board meeting (resolution PKTPP/2024/115).
13. The renewal of this lease to Auckland Kindergarten Association at Keith Hay Park South, 660 Richardson Road, Hillsborough was part of the approved work programme. This report considers the community lease renewal as approved on the work programme.
Land, buildings, and lease
14. Keith Hay Park South is located at 660 Richardson Road, Hillsborough (refer to Attachment A Site Plan - Keith Hay Park South, 660 Richardson Road, Hillsborough). The land is legally described as Allot 120 Section 13 suburbs of Auckland (Sec1 SO 518562).
15. Allot 120 Section 13 suburbs of Auckland (Sec1 SO 518562) is held in fee simple by Auckland Council as a classified local purpose (community buildings) reserve under the Reserves Act 1977.
16. Auckland Kindergarten Association holds a community ground lease for the group owned building at Keith Hay Park South.
17. The area proposed to be leased is 1117 square metres (more or less) as outlined in Attachment A – Site Plan - Keith Hay Park South, 660 Richardson Road, Hillsborough.
18. For a group owned building, all operational and maintenance costs are borne by the lessee. These costs are funded from membership fees, fundraising and sponsorships.
19. The building is primarily used by the group to provide early childhood education (ECE) services to young children between the ages of 2 and 5 years of age.
20. These programmes provide nurturing, stimulating environments where children can thrive and develop a love for learning, setting a strong foundation for their future education and personal growth.
Auckland Kindergarten Association
21. Auckland Kindergarten Association was established in October 1908 and its primary objective is to provide free kindergarten services to Auckland.
22. The group has a total of 5127 children between the ages of 2 and 5 years of age enrolled, and operates from Monday to Friday.
23. The group has 410 paid full-time staff and 546 part-time staff.
24. The group engages in fundraising activities and seeks community donations to sustain and supplement their income.
25. The tenant has been operating from this site since April 2015. The building was affected by the 2023 flooding events and has since been refurbished.
Tātaritanga me ngā tohutohu
Analysis and advice
Assessment of the application
26. The group has submitted a comprehensive application supporting the lease renewal request and is able to demonstrate its ability to deliver early childhood education services.
27. The group has provided financials which show that accounting records are being kept, funds are being managed appropriately and there are sufficient funds to meet liabilities.
28. The group has all necessary insurance cover, including public liability and building insurance, in place.
29. A site visit has been undertaken by staff and the facility is well managed and maintained.
30. The group have also undertaken improvements since the 2023 Auckland Anniversary Weekend floods including sealing, recladding and painting of the building walls.
31. The group provides a valuable service to the local community by providing early ECE services to young children between the ages of 2 and 5 years of age. The Auckland Kindergarten Association aims to create nurturing, stimulating environments where children can thrive and develop a love for learning, setting a strong foundation for their future education and personal growth.
32. Auckland Council’s Community Occupancy Guidelines 2012 (updated July 2023) sets out the requirements for community occupancy agreements.
33. Staff recommend that a community lease renewal be granted to Auckland Kindergarten Association for a term of 10 years commencing 1 April 2025.
Tauākī whakaaweawe āhuarangi
Climate impact statement
34. It is anticipated that activation of the building and park will not result in an increase of greenhouse gas emissions. The shared space will enable people to enjoy positive healthy lifestyles and will increase capability and connections within the local community.
35. To improve environmental outcomes and mitigate climate change impacts, the council advocates that the lease holder:
· use sustainable waste, energy and water efficiency systems
· use eco labelled products and services
· seek opportunities to reduce greenhouse gas emissions from lease-related activities.
36. All measures taken are aimed at meeting the council’s climate goals, as set out in Te Tāruke-ā-Tāwhiri: Auckland’s Climate Plan, which are:
· to reduce greenhouse gas emissions to reach net zero emissions by 2050 and
· to prepare the region for the adverse impacts of climate change.
37. Climate change has a likely potential to impact the lease, as part of the leased area is located in a flood-sensitive zone.
Graph 1: Community lease location of a flood plain area
Ngā whakaaweawe me ngā tirohanga a te rōpū Kaunihera
Council group impacts and views
38. Healthy Waters has completed a flood risk assessment and provided recommendations for progressing the lease renewal. The renewal will be granted on the condition that this will be the AKA's final renewal term. Upon the lease's expiry, the AKA must identify and relocate to an alternative site, with ample time given for the transition. Additionally, the AKA has been advised to develop an asset management plan for the building, which they have agreed to implement.
39. Council staff from within the Community Directorate (Parks and Community Facilities Operational Management, Specialist Operations, Active Recreation and Community Empowerment) have been consulted. They are supportive of the proposed lease renewal as it will provide early childcare services to benefit the community.
40. The community lease renewal has no identified impact on other parts of the council group. The views of council-controlled organisations were not required for the preparation of this report’s advice.
Ngā whakaaweawe ā-rohe me ngā tirohanga a te poari ā-rohe
Local impacts and local board views
41. The proposed lease will benefit the community by enabling initiatives that promote early childhood education activities that will be delivered from the Keith Hay Park South. The Auckland Kindergarten Association aims to create nurturing, stimulating environments where children can thrive, for the Puketāpapa Local Board area and its surrounding communities.
42. The assessment of the application was workshopped with the local board on 13 June 2024. The local board indicated its in principle support of the lease proposal.
43. The delivered activities align with the Puketāpapa Local Board Plan 2023 priority area, ‘Our community - People can access places and services that cater for their need.’
Tauākī whakaaweawe Māori
Māori impact statement
44. Auckland Council is committed to meeting its responsibilities under Te Tiriti o Waitangi and its statutory obligations and relationship commitments to Māori. The council recognises these responsibilities are distinct from the Crown’s Treaty obligations and fall within a local government Tāmaki Makaurau context.
45. These commitments are articulated in the council’s key strategic planning documents the Auckland Plan, the Long-term Plan 2021-2031, the Unitary Plan, individual local board plans and in Whiria Te Muka Tangata, Auckland Council’s Māori Responsiveness Framework.
46. Community leasing aims to increase Māori wellbeing through targeted support for Māori community development projects.
47. Community leases support a wide range of activities and groups. Leases are awarded based on an understanding of local needs, interests and priorities. The activities and services provided by leaseholders create benefits for many local communities, including Māori.
Ngā ritenga ā-pūtea
Financial implications
48. Staff have consulted with the Financial Strategy and Planning Department of the council. No concerns were raised regarding the financial implications on this lease renewal to the group.
49. On 8 June 2023, the 2023/2024 Annual Budget was approved by the Governing Body. This included changes to the Community Occupancy Guidelines of the rent fee for a community ground lease from $1 per annum to $1,300 plus GST per annum effective from 1 July 2023.
50. The group’s lease agreement allows for rent to be reviewed on the lease renewal date. Staff have recommended the new rent ($1300 plus GST per annum) to be implemented from the lease renewal date in accordance with the lease and the Community Occupancy Guidelines.
51. If the local board chooses to retain the level of rent at $1, there will be no requirement for the local board to top up the community lease revenue budget. However, the local board will not have the benefit of the additional revenue of $1,299 plus GST per annum over the remaining period of the lease.
52. Ongoing maintenance of the asset will be covered by the lessee.
Ngā raru tūpono me ngā whakamaurutanga
Risks and mitigations
53. Should the local board resolve not to grant the proposed lease renewal to Auckland Kindergarten Association at Keith Hay Park South, 660 Richardson Road, Hillsborough, the group’s ability to undertake all current and future activities will be negatively impacted. This will have an adverse impact on the achievement of the desired local board plan outcomes.
54. The lease renewal affords the groups security of tenure, enabling them to attend to the scheduled maintenance of the facility.
Ngā koringa ā-muri
Next steps
55. If the local board resolves to grant the community lease renewal, staff will work with the Auckland Kindergarten Association to finalise the lease agreement in accordance with the local board decision.
No. |
Title |
Page |
a⇩ |
Site Plan - Keith Hay Park South, 660 Richardson Road, Hillsborough |
277 |
Ngā kaihaina
Author |
Malinda Naidoo - Community Lease Specialist |
Authorisers |
Kim O’Neill - Head of Property & Commercial Business Nina Siers - Local Area Manager |
05 December 2024 |
Request for change to local dog access rule
File No.: CP2024/16843
Te take mō te pūrongo
Purpose of the report
1. To seek a decision on whether to propose changes to local dog access rules in the local board area for the purposes of public consultation.
Whakarāpopototanga matua
Executive summary
2. The council has received requests to change local dog access rules in the local bord area.
3. An assessment against criteria in the Dog Control Act 1996 and Auckland Council Kaupapa mo ngā Kuri | Policy on Dogs 2019 found structural problems with the current rules in relation to some (not all) requests. Structural problems place responsible dog owners, their dogs, other people, animals or property at significant risk or unreasonably restrict responsible dog owner access.
4. The assessment findings of structural problems means the regulatory criteria has been met and the local board can consider whether to change local dog access rules related to those requests. Findings of no structural problems means no further consideration of those requests are required by the local board.
5. To enable the local board to decide whether to change local dog access rules in response to findings of structural problems, staff identified and assessed two options against legislative and Policy criteria. For requests with findings of no structural problems, staff nevertheless undertook a similar options assessment.
· Option one (Status quo, no change to current local dog access rule)
· Option two (Amend local dog access rule).
6. Staff recommend Option two (Amend local dog access rule) in response to findings of structural problems and have prepared a Statement of Proposal in Attachment A for the local board to adopt for public consultation. Staff recommend Option one (Status quo) in response to findings of no structural problems. Taking this approach will better achieve the Policy to balance the needs of dogs, people, animals, the environment and property.
7. There is a medium reputational risk that people may feel the proposed changes do not reflect their views. This can be mitigated by communicating the reasons for the proposed changes and that the local board will consult the public before making a final decision.
8. If approved, staff will commence the public consultation process alongside other proposed changes to the council’s Policy and Bylaw on dogs by the Governing Body and other local boards in early 2025. The consultation will include an online feedback form and regional Have Your Say events. The local board will consider any public feedback, deliberate, and make a final decision by mid-2025.
That the Puketāpapa Local Board:
a) ohia / endorse the assessment findings of structural problems with the local dog access rules in Attachment B of this agenda report.
b) whakaae / agree that Option two (Amend local dog access rule) for requests with structural problems and Option one (Status quo) for requests with no structural problems, as identified in Attachment B of this agenda report, is the most appropriate response to the assessment findings.
c) whai / adopt the Statement of Proposal in Attachment A of this agenda report that contains proposed amendments to local dog access rules for public consultation using the Local Government Act 2002 special consultative procedure, to the extent it applies to locations within the local board area.
d) whakaū / confirm that the proposed amendments to local dog access rules in the Statement of Proposal in Attachment A of this agenda report, to the extent it applies to locations within the local board area:
i) are consistent with the policy, principles and criteria for deciding dog access rules in the Auckland Council Kaupapa mo ngā Kuri | Policy on Dogs 2019
ii) are not inconsistent with any decision in relation to region-wide dog access rules contained in the Auckland Council Kaupapa mo ngā Kuri | Policy on Dogs 2019
iii) are in accordance with all relevant legislative requirements, in particular the Local Government Act 2002 and Dog Control Act 1996.
e) appoint a chair and two Local Dog Access Panel members from the local board to attend relevant ‘Have Your Say’ events and to deliberate and make recommendations to the local board on public feedback to the proposal in Attachment A of this agenda report.
f) delegate authority to the local board chair to make replacement appointments to the Local Dog Access Panel if a Panel member is unavailable.
g) delegate authority through the Chief Executive to a manager responsible for bylaws to:
i) appoint staff to receive public feedback at ‘Have Your Say’ events where attendance from Panel members is not necessary (for example, an informal ‘drop-in’ session)
ii) make any amendments to the proposal in Attachment A of this agenda report to correct errors, omissions, insert maps or reflect decisions made by the local board.
h) tuhi ā-taipitopito / note that the local board would need to fund any bespoke public consultation initiatives and allocate funding for estimated costs in Attachment B of this agenda report (for example for signage) to implement any local dog access rule changes.
Council has received requests to change local dog access rules
9. Council has received requests to change local dog access rules in the local board area.
10. A summary of the requests is provided in Attachment B.
Local dog access rules provide spaces for dogs and their owners that are safe for everyone, are adopted by local boards and enforced by council staff
11. The Auckland Council Kaupapa mo ngā Kuri | Policy on Dogs 2019 (Policy) contains dog access rules that seek to provide a balanced use of public places for dogs and their owners that is safe for everyone. This includes people, animals, the environment and property.
12. The local board has delegated authority to decide dog access rules on local park, beach and foreshore areas in their local board area (GB/2012/157).
13. Council’s Animal Management Team enforces dog access rules with the power to issue $300 infringement fines. In practice, Animal Management adopts a modern regulator approach that focuses more on education than penalties to increase voluntary compliance, including through website information, signage and interactions with dog owners during patrols.
Deciding how to respond to a request requires assessments against criteria
14. A local board decision to change a local dog access rule must meet regulatory criteria in their delegated authority, Policy on Dogs 2019, Dog Control Act 1996 and Local Government Act 2002 (See Attachment C). For example, the local board cannot change any regional rule that applies on a local park (for example the ‘no dogs on playgrounds’ rule).
15. To assist the local board in deciding how to respond to requests for changes to local dog access rules, staff complete a two-part assessment against regulatory criteria to:
· find whether evidence associated with the request[1] relates to structural problems
· identify and assess options in response to the structural problems.
16. The focus on structural problems recognises that:
· dog access rules in Auckland have been established since 1996 with the opportunity for a comprehensive local board review occurring between 2013 and 2016.
· the focus now is on managing change that supports responsible dog ownership, for example:
o identifying new opportunities for dog friendly access in neighbourhoods with limited off-leash areas
o only restricting access for new park developments, more people, increased presence of protected wildlife or new threats to natural habitat where the presence of dogs creates significant risk to people, stock, poultry, domestic animals, protected wildlife, natural habitat or property
· this approach means changes to local dog access rules are not used to address the actions of irresponsible dog owners or to reconsider previous decisions[2]
· the actions of irresponsible dog owners (for example failure to control their dog) are addressed by animal management officers (for example patrols, education and fines).
Any decision to change a current rule must use the special consultative procedure
17. Any decision to change a current local dog access rule must first be adopted as a proposal for public consultation using the Local Government Act 2002 special consultative procedure before a final decision is made (See Next Steps for further details).
18. To assist the local board, staff have drafted a proposal for public consultation (Attachment A) where a change to the current rule is the recommended option.
Tātaritanga me ngā tohutohu
Analysis and advice
An assessment has found possible structural problems with current local dog access rules
19. An assessment of the evidence against regulatory criteria included the identification of structural changes and significant risk factors or opportunities to determine whether there is a structural problem with current local dog access rules related to a request.
20. The assessment findings identified structural problems with current local dog access rules for some (not all) requests.
21. The assessment findings of structural problems means the regulatory criteria has been met and the local board can consider whether to change local dog access rules related to those requests.
22. Findings of no structural problems means no further consideration of those requests are required by the local board.
23. A summary of the assessment is provided in Attachment B.
An options assessment recommends changes to current local dog access rules
24. Two options are identified that respond to the assessment findings, including for those requests with no structural problems:
· Option one: Status quo – no change to current local dog access rule
· Option two: Amend local dog access rule
25. A comparative options assessment against criteria included a description of each option and its implementation, effectiveness, efficiency, validity and risks, and a recommendation.
26. Staff recommend Option two (Amend local dog access rule) in response to findings of structural problems and Option one (Status quo) in response to findings of no structural problems. This approach better achieves the Policy to balance the needs of dogs, people, animals, the environment and property.
27. A summary and detailed options assessment is provided in Attachment B.
Staff recommend adopting a proposal to implement the changes for public consultation
28. Staff have prepared a Statement of Proposal in Attachment A to give effect to Option two (Amend local dog access rules). A proposal is not required to retain the status quo (Option one). The proposal has been drafted to comply with relevant statutory requirements.[3]
29. Staff recommend the local board adopt the proposal for public consultation. Taking this approach will commence the statutory process to improve local dog access rules.
30. The local board is requested to appoint a Local Dog Access Panel to attend ‘Have Your Say’ events as appropriate, deliberate and make recommendations to the local board on public feedback to the proposal.
31. It is also recommended that staff be delegated authority to receive public feedback at ‘Have Your Say’ events as appropriate or in case a Panel Member cannot attend.
Tauākī whakaaweawe āhuarangi
Climate impact statement
32. Environmental impacts were considered as part of the findings and options assessment. No climate impact was found relating to the change requests or the Proposal.
Ngā whakaaweawe me ngā tirohanga a te rōpū Kaunihera
Council group impacts and views
33. Input from relevant council teams was sought to inform the findings and options assessment, and those teams are aware of the impacts of the Proposal and their implementation role.
Ngā whakaaweawe ā-rohe me ngā tirohanga a te poari ā-rohe
Local impacts and local board views
34. Local impacts of any change to dog access rules were examined during the findings and options assessment, and any notable impacts are discussed in Attachment B.
35. Local boards have delegated authority to decide local dog access rules in their area. This means local boards are the final decisions makers and must consider all public feedback with an open mind before making a final decision.
36. Staff will support the local board to use the special consultative procedure to seek public feedback, deliberate and to make and implement a final decision.
Tauākī whakaaweawe Māori
Māori impact statement
37. Local dog access rules support whanaungatanga (vibrant communities), manaakitanga (quality of life) and kaitiakitanga (sustainable futures) in Houkura | the Independent Māori Statutory Board’s Māori Plan for Tāmaki Makaurau and Schedule of Issues of Significance by helping to protect the safety of people and the environment.
38. No particular impact on mana whenua and mataawaka have been identified. Staff will engage with mana whenua and mataawaka during the public consultative process to ensure Māori are able to provide their views on the proposal.
Ngā ritenga ā-pūtea
Financial implications
39. The cost of the special consultative procedure will be met within existing budgets. This is possible because staff will combine any proposed changes to local dog access rules with public consultation on the Governing Body’s proposed changes from its review of council’s Policy on Dogs 2019 and Dog Management Bylaw 2019 (See Next Steps).
40. The local board would need to fund any bespoke public consultation initiatives, and (similar to any new alcohol bans) allocate funding for estimated costs in Attachment B of this agenda report (for example for signage) to implement any local dog access rule changes.
Ngā raru tūpono me ngā whakamaurutanga
Risks and mitigations
41. The following risks have been identified.
If … |
Then … |
Mitigation |
… the proposed change does not reflect people’s views |
… those people may think the proposal is unreasonable (medium risk) |
Communication of the reasons for the proposal and that public feedback will be sought before making a final decision. |
Ngā koringa ā-muri
Next steps
42. If the proposed changes are adopted, the next steps will be public consultation prior to making a final decision in mid-2025.
43. Note, the Governing Body and other local boards will also make decision in December 2024 on proposed changes to the Policy and Bylaw on dogs for public consultation.
44. All Governing Body and local board proposed changes will be combined into a single public consultation process to commence in early 2025.
45. The consultation will include an online feedback form and regional Have Your Say events.
No. |
Title |
Page |
a⇩ |
Statement of Proposal to amend the Kaupapa mo nga Kuri Policy on Dogs 2019 |
285 |
b⇩ |
Assessment of dog access rule change requests against regulatory criteria |
313 |
c⇩ |
Regulatory criteria related to local dog access rule change requests |
329 |
Ngā kaihaina
Authors |
Nancy Chu - Principal Policy Analyst |
Authorisers |
Louise Mason - General Manager Policy Nina Siers - Local Area Manager |
05 December 2024 |
Initiation Report: Ngā Tikanga Hopu Wakaahua i te Rohe o Tāmaki Makaurau - Auckland Film Protocol
File No.: CP2024/18431
Te take mō te pūrongo
Purpose of the report
1. To provide a project initiation briefing to local boards on the Auckland Film Protocol Refresh, including the approach to engagement.
Whakarāpopototanga matua
Executive summary
2. The Auckland Film Protocoloutlines the commitments, conditions and guidelines for filming in Tāmaki Makaurau. The objective of the Auckland Film Protocol is to create a film-friendly culture within Auckland Council, council-controlled organisations, and Tāmaki Makaurau to support, attract and retain screen production business. It provides a one-stop shop and a comprehensive reference document for filming in Tāmaki Makaurau, including all the information needed to understand the requirements for filming and meet the needs of several audiences.
3. The refresh commenced in September 2024 and will take approximately 12 months. Screen Auckland will seek final approval of the refreshed protocol from the Policy and Planning Committee in July 2025. Local board views will inform any recommended changes when committee considers approving refreshed Auckland Film Protocol.
4. The refresh does not seek to change the requirements for filming. It will focus on outdated or missing information, including any new requirements, and identify opportunities for streamlining the document to clarify responsibilities and commitments.
5. Given the short timeframe for the refresh and budget constraints, Screen Auckland is seeking to engage with local boards in clusters rather than individually. This approach will provide sufficient opportunity for input recognising the limited scope of the refresh.
a) That the Puketāpapa Local Board:
a) whiwhi /receive the initiation report on the Auckland Film Protocol Refresh
b) whakarite / provide any views on the engagement plan, including a local board cluster approach.
Purpose of Auckland Film Protocol
6. Originally developed in 2013 and revised in 2019, the objective of the Auckland Film Protocol is to create a film-friendly culture within Auckland Council, council-controlled organisations, and Tāmaki Makaurau to support, attract and retain screen production business. It provides a one-stop shop and a comprehensive reference document for filming in Tāmaki Makaurau, including all the information needed to understand the requirements for filming and meet the needs of several audiences. The Auckland Film Protocol outlines the commitments, conditions and guidelines for filming in Tāmaki Makaurau.
7. A key role of the Auckland Film Protocol is to set out the rules for filming in public places supporting the film permit requirements established under Te Ture ā-Rohe Tauhokohoko Whakahaerenga me te Tango Kiriata Tūmatanui - Public Trading, Events and Filming Bylaw, which was updated in 2022. A total of 687 film permits were issued in 2022/2023 and 631 in 2023/2024.
8. Screen Auckland, as part of Tātaki Auckland Unlimited, operates as Auckland’s Regional Film Office supporting New Zealand’s film industry and administers the film permit process to enable filming in public places. Screen Auckland is responsible for the Auckland Film Protocol and will lead the refresh.
Tātaritanga me ngā tohutohu
Analysis and advice
Reasons for refresh
9. When the current Auckland Film Protocol was adopted in 2019, it was agreed to review it at least every five years to ensure it remains up to date with relevant policies and regulations.
10. A refresh is required to incorporate new processes around consultation and permitting that have emerged from collaborative work with mana whenua and the screen industry around filming on Sites and Places of Significance to Mana Whenua.
11. The refresh will involve stakeholder engagement and buy-in to support the aspirations of the Auckland Film Industry. Engagement will be undertaken with the screen industry, iwi and hapū, wider Auckland Council whānau and the public.
12. A timeframe of 12 months is identified for the refresh, which commenced in September 2024. Engagement with local boards is required as part of the refresh because the Auckland Film Protocol guides filming in public places. Local boards decide on landowner approvals for filming in public places.
13. The Auckland Film Protocol was last reviewed in 2017/2018 with a focus on updating the content and style as well as strategic requirements. The current refresh does not seek to change the requirements for filming which are working well. It will focus on outdated or missing information, including any new requirements, and identify opportunities for streamlining the document to clarify responsibilities and commitments.
14. Refreshing the document will address the following matters:
a) clarify purpose and objectives
b) streamline the document (e.g. translating content into diagrams or flow charts)
c) remove or update outdated information
d) provide clear language and reduce detail
e) strengthen Māori lens to include Māori outcomes and Sites and Places of Significance to Mana Whenua
f) reflect recent policy or regulatory changes.
15. The refresh will not alter the current film permit process, including local board engagement and landowner approval requirements.
16. In addition, the following matters are identified as out of scope for the refresh because they have been considered through different processes or formed part of the previous review:
a) overall purpose of the document
b) requirement to obtain film permits under the Bylaw
c) Tūpuna Maunga Authority film permit process
d) film permit fees
e) the requirements for filming
f) the process for filming on Sites and Places of Significance
g) international and national comparators review
h) alterations to council bylaws, policies and plans.
Timeline and approach to engagement
17. The refresh commenced in September 2024 and will take approximately 12 months. Table 1 outlines the key milestones and indicative timing of engagement.
Table 1 Auckland Film Protocol Refresh Engagement Milestones
Milestones |
Indicative timing |
Engage with key internal and external stakeholders to inform the refresh |
September – November 2024 |
Brief the Policy and Planning Committee and local boards of the refresh |
November - December 2024 |
Workshops and report to Policy and Planning Committee for approval of documentation for public consultation |
February 2025 |
Consult with public and key stakeholders |
February – April 2005 |
Report back to local boards |
May – June 2025 |
Report back to Policy and Planning Committee |
July 2025 |
Close the loop – communicate the outcomes of the refresh and promote the refreshed Auckland Film Protocol |
August 2025 |
Evaluate |
August 2025 |
18. Engagement will utilise a range of methodologies to ensure opportunity for input from key stakeholders and the public. An engagement plan is being prepared by Tātaki Auckland Unlimited.
19. A survey went out in early October to those who have applied for a film permit in the last two years, seeking feedback on how the Auckland Film Protocol is used and what’s working and what’s not working. An update on the responses to this survey will be provided at the initiation meeting. Screen Auckland intends to go out for public consultation in February 2025.
Local board engagement approach
20. Given the short timeframe for the refresh and budget constraints, Screen Auckland is seeking to engage with local boards in clusters rather than individually. This approach will provide sufficient opportunity for input recognising the limited scope of the refresh. The previous review required engagement with each of the 21 local boards, including workshops and meetings, significantly adding to the time and costs of the project.
21. Screen Auckland is in the initial phase of the refresh, seeking feedback from internal stakeholders on what information needs to be updated. Screen Auckland is providing an update to local boards on the refresh content and process prior to the public consultation phase. Local board feedback will be sought on recommended amendments prior to seeking approval from the Policy and Planning Committee to adopt the refreshed protocol in July 2025.
Tauākī whakaaweawe āhuarangi
Climate impact statement
22. The New Zealand screen sector recognises its role in addressing climate change, with Screen Auckland serving as a vital connector, focusing on strategy development, implementation tools and practical steps for the sector.
23. Following a study by Arup in 2022 on New Zealand’s baseline emissions of the screen sector, the sector embraces a vision that aligns with te ao Māori worldview for a sustainable, low-carbon future. This commitment extends beyond local environmental stewardship to international production competitiveness, as the sector implements six key recommendations ranging from purposeful climate action to developing a detailed carbon reduction roadmap and maintaining robust data collection systems.
24. Refreshing the Auckland Film Protocol will provide an opportunity to address any potential policy gaps in the current framework and integrate Te Tāruke-ā-Tāwhiri: Auckland’s Climate Plan priorities for climate change mitigation and adaptation.
Ngā whakaaweawe me ngā tirohanga a te rōpū Kaunihera
Council group impacts and views
25. Staff from the following business units and council-controlled organisations will be engaged through the refresh to ensure they are aware of the impact of the Auckland Film Protocol and have the opportunity to input:
· Planning and Resource Consents (including Heritage)
· Building Consents
· Environmental Services
· Parks and Community Facilities (including Co-governance and Tūpuna Maunga Authority)
· Regulatory Practice (bylaws)
· Auckland Transport (including Harbourmaster)
· Eke Panuku Development Auckland
· Screen Auckland.
26. Initial contact has been made with some of these business units with engagement progressing through October and November 2024.
Ngā whakaaweawe ā-rohe me ngā tirohanga a te poari ā-rohe
Local impacts and local board views
27. The Auckland Film Protocol outlines the code of conduct that enables filming in public places. A core commitment of the document is that Auckland Council and members of the wider council organisation will say yes to filming unless there are good reasons not to.
28. Local boards decide on landowner approvals for filming in public places. Authority to grant film permits under the Public Trading, Events and Filming Bylaw is delegated to Screen Auckland.
29. Once approved, a film permit grants use of a public place to an agreed level of access. Continued public access, to the extent that is possible and reasonable, while filming is underway is required. Screen Auckland acts as the ‘go-between’ for production companies and the local boards to obtain landowner approvals.
30. A survey of Auckland Council’s People’s Panel in June 2023 indicates the Auckland Film Protocol is working well:
a) 87 per cent agreed filming creates job opportunities
b) 81 per cent agreed it’s good for tourism
c) Seven out of 10 (70 per cent) would like more professional film productions in Auckland
d) 85 per cent of those who encountered filming were either not impacted or positively impacted by the most recent filming encountered
e) For those negatively impacted, common pain points were limited access to a public area (46 per cent), road closures/having to use alternative route (44 per cent), and parking being blocked (43 per cent)
f) Comments for reducing negative impacts included improved signage, more notice, and taking up less parking
g) Residents identified that they would like to be contacted with information on days/times the production will be there (91 per cent), contact details if there are any issues (76 per cent), what impacts to expect (76 per cent).
Tauākī whakaaweawe Māori
Māori impact statement
31. Refreshing the Auckland Film Protocol will provide an opportunity to:
· strengthen the Māori lens to reflect mana whenua consultation requirements
· incorporate the new film permit process developed for filming on Sites and Places of Significance to Mana Whenua.
32. Engagement with mana whenua will continue in the collaborative manner undertaken to develop Proposed Plan Change 106 Filming on Sites and Places of Significance to Mana Whenua notified on 26 September 2024. Through engagement on the plan change, a new process has been established for consultation with mana whenua for film permit applications, with supporting email templates to notify mana whenua of all filming activities and require engagement on certain filming activities. Further refinement of the specific film permit process for Sites and Places of Significance will be an outcome of this refresh.
33. Many Māori are involved in the screen industry both in front and behind the camera, and the film industry provide opportunities for Māori to share their stories both locally and internationally. Engagement with the screen industry will include Ngā Aho Whakaari Māori in Screen.
34. Screen Auckland has been working with Te Kawerau ā Maki to develop a cultural competency course as a pilot programme to support Māori location/production managers in engaging with local iwi and hapū. This course helps to support better outcomes for mana whenua by ensuring that appropriate tikanga is followed.
Ngā ritenga ā-pūtea
Financial implications
35. The refresh will be undertaken within current budgets and includes budget for a consultant to assist in the refresh including engagement.
Ngā raru tūpono me ngā whakamaurutanga
Risks and mitigations
36. Potential risks and mitigations are outlined below:
If… |
Then… |
Level |
Possible mitigations |
Engagement focus takes a long time |
Increases the timeframe for completing the project Likelihood rating is unlikely |
Moderate |
· a well-developed approach including indicative timeframe goals that are articulated to all parties · remain flexible in approach due to nature of engagement |
Stakeholders do not agree with the merits and/or timing of a refresh |
Scope of the refresh increases requiring more time, engagement and resources to complete the project Likelihood rating is possible
Moderate |
· a well-developed vision proposition and communications planning · a clear stakeholder engagement plan · be clear on scope and deliverables · important that a change process is followed with all required approvals |
Ngā koringa ā-muri
Next steps
37. Screen Auckland will attend a local board briefing in December 2024. A draft document will be taken to Policy and Planning Committee for approval prior to going out for public consultation. Local boards will be engaged to provide formal feedback on any changes to the film protocol before final approval by the Policy and Planning Committee in July 2025.
There are no attachments for this report.
Ngā kaihaina
Author |
Marie Jenkins – Project Manager Screen Auckland |
Authoriser |
Lou-Ann Ballantyne - General Manager Governance and Engagement |
05 December 2024 |
Albert-Eden-Puketāpapa Ward Councillors' Updates
File No.: CP2024/18452
Te take mō te pūrongo
Purpose of the report
1. To provide an opportunity for the Albert-Eden-Puketāpapa Ward Councillors to update the local board on Governing Body issues they have been involved with since the previous local board meeting.
Whakarāpopototanga matua
Executive summary
2. Standing Orders 5.1.1 and 5.1.2 provides provision in the local board meeting for Governing Body members to update their local board counterparts on regional matters of interest to the local board.
Recommendation/s That the Puketāpapa Local Board: a) whiwhi / receive Albert-Eden-Puketāpapa Ward Councillors updates. |
There are no attachments for this report.
Ngā kaihaina
Author |
Selina Powell - Democracy Advisor |
Authoriser |
Nina Siers - Local Area Manager |
05 December 2024 |
Chairperson's Report
File No.: CP2024/18803
Te take mō te p,ūrongo / Purpose of the report
1. To provide the Chairperson, Ella Kumar, with an opportunity to update local board members on the activities she has been involved with since the last meeting.
Whakarāpopototanga matua / Executive summary
2. It is anticipated that the Chairperson will speak to the report at the meeting.
Ngā tūtohunga / Recommendation/s That the Puketāpapa Local Board: a) whiwhi / receive Ella Kumar’s Chairperson’s update for the 01 November – 21 October 2024.
Ngā tāpirihanga / Attachments
No. |
Title |
Page |
a⇩ |
Ella Kumar Chairperson Report |
341 |
Ngā kaihaina / Signatories
Authors |
Selina Powell - Democracy Advisor |
Authorisers |
Nina Siers - Local Area Manager |
05 December 2024 |
Board Member Reports
File No.: CP2024/18807
Te take mō te pūrongo / Purpose of the report
1. To provide an update to the local board members on the activities they have been involved with since the last meeting.
Whakarāpopototanga matua / Executive summary
2. It is anticipated that Local Board members will speak to their reports at the meeting.
Ngā tūtohunga / Recommendation/s That the Puketāpapa Local Board: a) whiwhi / receive the member reports. |
Ngā tāpirihanga / Attachments
No. |
Title |
Page |
a⇩ |
Fiona Lai - Board member report |
345 |
Ngā kaihaina / Signatories
Author |
Selina Powell - Democracy Advisor |
Authoriser |
Nina Siers - Local Area Manager |
05 December 2024 |
Record of Puketāpapa Local Board Workshop Notes
File No.: CP2024/18805
Te take mō te pūrongo
Purpose of the report
1. To provide a summary of Puketāpapa Local Board (the Board) workshop notes.
Whakarāpopototanga matua
Executive summary
2. The attached summary of workshop notes provides a record of the Board’s workshops held in November 2024.
3. These sessions are held to give informal opportunity for board members and officers to discuss issues and projects and note that no binding decisions are made or voted on at workshop sessions.
4. For openness and transparency the Puketāpapa Local Board hold Open by Default Workshops a decision agreed at their 15 August 2024 business meeting [PKTPP/2024/1] The agenda and presentation material from workshops held can be viewed at this link: https://infocouncil.aucklandcouncil.govt.nz/
Recommendation/s That the Puketāpapa Local Board: a) whiwhi / receive the Puketāpapa Local Board workshop notes for: 14 November 2024 and 21 November 2024. |
No. |
Title |
Page |
a⇩ |
Workshop record 14 November 2024 |
349 |
b⇩ |
Workshop record 20 November 2024 |
353 |
Ngā kaihaina
Author |
Selina Powell - Democracy Advisor |
Authoriser |
Nina Siers - Local Area Manager |
05 December 2024 |
Hōtaka Kaupapa/Governance Forward Work Programme Calendar
File No.: CP2024/18806
Te take mō te pūrongo
Purpose of the report
1. To present the Puketāpapa Local Board with its updated Hōtaka Kaupapa/governance forward work programme calendar (the calendar).
Whakarāpopototanga matua
Executive summary
2. The calendar for the Puketāpapa Local Board is in Attachment A. The calendar is updated monthly reported to business meetings and distributed to council staff.
3. The calendar was introduced in 2016 as part of Auckland Council’s quality advice programme and aims to support local boards’ governance role by:
· ensuring advice on meeting agendas is driven by local board priorities
· clarifying what advice is expected and when
· clarifying the rationale for reports.
4. The calendar also aims to provide guidance for staff supporting local boards and greater transparency for the public.
Recommendation/s That the Puketāpapa Local Board: a) whiwhi / receive the Hōtaka Kaupapa/governance forward work programme calendar as at 29 November 2024.
No. |
Title |
Page |
a⇩ |
Governance Forward Work Programme as at 29 November 2024 |
359 |
Ngā kaihaina
Author |
Selina Powell - Democracy Advisor |
Authoriser |
Nina Siers - Local Area Manager |
[1] Evidence could include information provided in the request and from site visits and readily available data and insights from specialised teams across council including Animal Management, Natural Environment, Parks and Community Facilities, Environmental Services and Regional Services and Strategy.
[2] While not everyone may agree with a rule, a local dog access rule is only made after public consultation. This means unless there is a structural problem, there is no need to review the rule.
[3] In particular s10(8) Dog Control Act 1996, s83 and s87 Local Government Act 2002