Puketāpapa Local Board
Minutes of a meeting of the Puketāpapa Local Board held in the Local Board Office, 560 Mt Albert Road, Three Kings on Thursday, 5 December 2024 at 10.01am.
Te Hunga kua Tae mai | present
Chairperson |
Ella Kumar, JP |
Deputy Chairperson |
Fiona Lai |
Members |
Roseanne Hay |
Mark Pervan |
Bobby Shen |
Jon Turner |
Te Hunga Kāore i Tae Mai | ABSENT
Councillors’ |
Christine Fletcher (with apology) |
Julie Fairey (with apology) |
Chair Ella Kumar delivered the Welcome Message
2 Ngā Tamōtanga | Apologies
3 Te Whakapuaki i te Whai Pānga | Declaration of Interest
Deputy Chair Fiona Lai declared an interest for Item 11: Adoption of the Puketāpapa Local Board Emergency Readiness and Response Plan for her involvement with Acts of Roskill Kindness Charitable Trust.
4 Te Whakaū i ngā Āmiki | Confirmation of Minutes
Resolution number PKTPP/2024/222 MOVED by Chairperson E Kumar, seconded by Deputy Chairperson F Lai: That the Puketāpapa Local Board: a) whakaū / confirm the ordinary minutes of its meeting, held on Thursday, 21 November 2024 as true and correct. |
5 He Tamōtanga Motuhake | Leave of Absence
There were no leaves of absence.
6 Te Mihi | Acknowledgements
There were no acknowledgements.
7 Ngā Petihana | Petitions
There were no petitions.
8 Ngā Tono Whakaaturanga | Deputations
There were no deputations.
9 Te Matapaki Tūmatanui | Public Forum
9.1 |
Iain Bremner addressed the local board presenting on Monte Cecilia Park and off leash dogs.
Resolution number PKTPP/2024/223 MOVED by Chairperson E Kumar, seconded by Deputy Chairperson F Lai: That the Puketāpapa Local Board: a) mihi / thank Iain Bremner for his presentation. |
9.2 |
Jill Cooper - Proposed Changes to dog access rules Monte Cecilia Pak |
Jill Cooper addressed the local board presenting on the proposed changes to dog access rule at Monte Cecilia Park she joined via MS Teams.
Resolution number PKTPP/2024/224 MOVED by Chairperson E Kumar, seconded by Member B Shen: That the Puketāpapa Local Board: a) mihi / thank Jill Cooper for her presentation via Microsoft Teams.
10 Ngā Pakihi Autaia | Extraordinary Business
There was no extraordinary business.
11 |
Adoption of the Puketāpapa Local Board Emergency Readiness and Response Plan |
Deputy Chair Fiona Lai declared an interest in this item for her interest with Acts of Roskill Kindness. She took no part in the discussion or voting on the matter.
Benedict Gordon, Senior Community Planning and Readiness Advisor, Emergency Management was in attendance to speak to this report
Resolution number PKTPP/2024/225 MOVED by Chairperson E Kumar, seconded by Member M Pervan: That the Puketāpapa Local Board: a) whai / adopt the Puketāpapa Local Board Emergency Readiness and Response Plan (Attachment A). b) tautapa / delegate to the Puketāpapa Local Board Chairperson the ability to approve minor amendments of the document ahead of publication. c) mihi / thank Benedict Gordon for his attendance.
Adoption of the Puketāpapa Sport and Active Recreation Facilities Plan |
Yvann Hapuku-Lambert, Sport and Recreation Lead, Parks and Community Facilities was in attendance via MS Team to speak to this report.
Resolution number PKTPP/2024/226 MOVED by Chairperson E Kumar, seconded by Member R Hay: That the Puketāpapa Local Board: a) whai / adopt the Puketāpapa Sport and Active Recreation Facilities Plan, provided in Attachment A, as the current reflection of Sport and Recreation facility needs in the area. b) request the plan is reviewed and updated every three years to align with local board plan. c) note that the plan will be utilised as a strategic tool for advocacy, investment decisions and community leases. d) seek further advice on establishing a Sport and Recreation Facility Fund to support planning and Capital works. e) utilise the Puketāpapa Sport and Active Recreation Facilities Plan to guide the local board investment in work programmes. f) explore partnerships with: i) Ministry of Education - for better school community partnerships processes and outcomes and schools use of facilities for community sports. ii) Kāinga Ora - to integrate sport and active recreation facility provision within their development outcomes, including but not limited to active transport infrastructure, courts, informal lawns and sports fields. g) mihi / thank Yvann Hapuku-Lambert - Sport & Recreation Lead, for his attendance via Microsoft Teams. |
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Lisa Diggins, Specialist Advisor, Community Wellbeing was in attendance to speak to this report. |
Resolution number PKTPP/2024/227 MOVED by Member B Shen, seconded by Member J Turner: That the Puketāpapa Local Board: a) whai / adopt the Welcoming Puketāpapa Plan set out in Attachment A to this report. b) whakaae / approve and sign the Statement of Commitment set out in Attachment B to this report. c) tono / request that staff apply for accreditation as a Committed Welcoming Community on behalf of the local board. d) tautapa / delegate to the local board chair approval of minor changes to the Welcoming Puketāpapa Plan prior to publication. e) mihi / thank Lisa Diggins for her attendance. |
14 |
Mary Hay, Senior Local Board Advisor and Cathy McIntosh, Engagement Advisor were in attendance to speak to this report.
Resolution number PKTPP/2024/228 MOVED by Chairperson E Kumar, seconded by Deputy Chairperson F Lai: That the Puketāpapa Local Board: a) whakaae / approve local consultation document content (Attachment A) and local supporting information content (Attachment B) for inclusion in the Annual Plan 2025/2026 consultation material. b) tautapa / delegate authority to the local board Chair to approve any changes required to finalise the local consultation document and supporting information content for the Puketāpapa Local Board for the Annual Plan 2025/2026. c) whakaae / approve the following Have Your Say event in the local board area during the Annual Plan 2025/2026 consultation period: i) Have your Say event, Tuesday 11 March 2025, Mt Roskill Library, 546 Mt Albert Road, Three Kings, 5.00pm – 6.00pm d) tautapa / delegate authority to the local board Chair to approve any changes required to the Have Your Say event. e) tautapa / delegate to the following elected members and staff the power and responsibility to hear from the public through “spoken (or New Zealand sign language) interaction” in relation to the local board agreement at the council’s public engagement events during the consultation period for the Annual Plan 2025/2026: i) local board members and Chair ii) General Manager Governance and Engagement, Local Area Manager, Local Board Senior Advisor, Local Board Advisor, Local Board Engagement Advisor. iii) any additional staff approved by the General Manager Governance and Engagement or the Group Chief Financial Officer. f) mihi / thank Mary Hay and Cathy McIntosh for their attendance. |
15 |
Community lease renewal to Auckland Kindergarten Association for land at Keith Hay Park South, 660 Richardson Road, Hillsborough |
Malinda Naidoo, Community Lease Specialist, Parks and Community Facilities was in attendance to speak to this report.
Resolution number PKTPP/2024/229 MOVED by Chairperson E Kumar, seconded by Member M Pervan: That the Puketāpapa Local Board: a) karaati / grant under Section 61 (2B) of the Reserves Act 1977, a community lease renewal to Auckland Kindergarten Association for 1117 square metres (more or less) located at Keith Hay Park South, 660 Richardson Road, Hillsborough on the land legally described as Allot 120 Section 13 suburbs of Auckland (Sec1 SO 518562) (as per Attachment A – Site Plan - Keith Hay Park South, 660 Richardson Road, Hillsborough), subject to the following terms and conditions: i) term – 10 years, commencing 1 April 2025 ii) rent – $1,300 plus GST per annum. b) whakaae / approve all other terms and conditions to be in accordance with the Reserves Act 1977, the Auckland Council Community Occupancy Guidelines 2012 (updated July 2023), and the Auckland Council standard form community lease agreement. c) mihi /thank Malinda Naidoo for her attendance. |
16 |
Paul Wilson, Regulatory Practice and Olivia Zhang, Policy Advisor, Regulatory Practice were in attendance to speak to this report.
MOVED by Chairperson E Kumar, seconded by Deputy Chairperson F Lai: That the Puketāpapa Local Board: a) ohia / endorse the assessment findings of structural problems with the local dog access rules in Attachment B of this agenda report for Smallfield Reserve and John Moore Reserve. b) tuhi ā-taipitopito / note that Freeland Reserve and Walmsley/Underwood Reserves were identified as parks that should move to on-leash as part of the board’s ‘dog walking assessment’. c) kohuki / consider developments at Freeland Reserve and Walmsley/Underwood Reserves meet criteria of ‘structural problems’ because: i) there has been a structural change in the nature of both parks: A) Freeland Reserve – there is a smaller grass area and more public amenities including paved, wide walkways, footbridges, Māori design elements created with Mana Whenua, a viewing platform, seating, bike racks, storyboards with information about the history of the reserve, BBQ area. B) Walmsley/Underwood Reserves - there is a reduction of useable park areas with the installation of nature play facilities, community facilities, pavilions and picnic areas and flood prevention measures in place. ii) the change in the nature of the area creates a significant risk to people. d) kohuki / consider that the complaints from members of the community about off-leash dogs at Monte Cecilia Park is sufficient evidence that the decision to change the dog access rules in 2015 has created a significant risk to people. e) kohuki / consider that Option two (Amend local dog access rule) in Attachment B of this agenda report is the most appropriate response to the assessment findings for Smallfield Reserve and John Moore Reserve, the consideration in c) for Freeland Reserve and Walmsley/Underwood Reserves and consideration in d) for Monte Cecilia Park. f) whai / adopt the Statement of Proposal in Attachment A of this agenda report that contains proposed amendments to local dog access rules for public consultation using the Local Government Act 2002 special consultative procedure, to the extent it applies to locations within the local board area, subject to the following additions: i) that the current local dog access rule on Freeland Reserve, Walmsley/Underwood Reserves and Monte Cecilia Park be proposed to change from under control off a leash to under control on a leash. g) whakaū / confirm that the proposed amendments to local dog access rules in the Statement of Proposal in Attachment A of this agenda report, as amended in f) (i) above, to the extent it applies to locations within the local board area: i) are consistent with the policy, principles and criteria for deciding dog access rules in the Auckland Council Kaupapa mo ngā Kuri | Policy on Dogs 2019 ii) are not inconsistent with any decision in relation to region-wide dog access rules contained in the Auckland Council Kaupapa mo ngā Kuri | Policy on Dogs 2019 iii) are in accordance with all relevant legislative requirements, in particular the Local Government Act 2002 and Dog Control Act 1996. h) tuhi ā-taipitopito / note local board members will be invited to attend relevant ‘Have Your Say’ events and the local board will deliberate and make decisions on public feedback to the proposal in f) (i). i) delegate authority through the Chief Executive to a manager responsible for bylaws to: i) appoint staff to receive public feedback at ‘Have Your Say’ events where attendance from Panel members is not necessary (for example, an informal ‘drop-in’ session) ii) make any amendments to the proposal in Attachment A of this agenda report to correct errors, omissions, insert maps or reflect decisions made by the local board. |
MOVED by Member B Shen, seconded by Member J Turner
Member B Shen moved an amendment to the original recommendation as follows:
a) Change Clause a) to: ohia/ endorse the assessment findings of structural problems with the local dog access rules in Attachment B of this agenda report for Smallfield Reserve, John Moore Reserve, and Monte Cecilia Park.
b) Delete Clause d)
c) Change Clause e) to: kohuki / consider that Option two (Amend local dog access rule) in Attachment B of this agenda report is the most appropriate response to the assessment findings for Smallfield Reserve and John Moore Reserve, and the consideration in c) for Freeland Reserve and Walmsley/Underwood Reserves.
d) Change clause f) i) to: whai / adopt the Statement of Proposal in Attachment A of this agenda report that contains proposed amendments to local dog access rules for public consultation using the Local Government Act 2002 special consultative procedure, to the extent it applies to locations within the local board area, subject to the following additions: i) that the current local dog access rule on Freeland Reserve, Walmsley/Underwood Reserves be proposed to change from under control off a leash to under control on a leash. e) New resolution note that signage is not immediately obvious to indicate off-leash from on-leash areas in Monte Cecilia Park - this has been raised as a concern by the public - and the implementation of "Option 1: Status Quo" includes education, enforcement and the updating of the webpage and signage. f) New resolution request advice on how signage in the park could be made clearer and more obvious to differentiate the off-leash area from the rest of the park which is on-leash, particularly the pathways. A division was called for, voting on which was as follows:
The was declared lost by 2 votes to 4. The substantive motion was put:
Resolution number PKTPP/2024/230 MOVED by Chairperson E Kumar, seconded by Deputy Chairperson F Lai: That the Puketāpapa Local Board: a) ohia / endorse the assessment findings of structural problems with the local dog access rules in Attachment B of this agenda report for Smallfield Reserve and John Moore Reserve. b) tuhi ā-taipitopito / note that Freeland Reserve and Walmsley/Underwood Reserves were identified as parks that should move to on-leash as part of the board’s ‘dog walking assessment’. c) kohuki / consider developments at Freeland Reserve and Walmsley/Underwood Reserves meet criteria of ‘structural problems’ because: i) there has been a structural change in the nature of both parks: A) Freeland Reserve – there is a smaller grass area and more public amenities including paved, wide walkways, footbridges, Māori design elements created with Mana Whenua, a viewing platform, seating, bike racks, storyboards with information about the history of the reserve, BBQ area. B) Walmsley/Underwood Reserves - there is a reduction of useable park areas with the installation of nature play facilities, community facilities, pavilions and picnic areas and flood prevention measures in place. ii) the change in the nature of the area creates a significant risk to people. d) kohuki / consider that the complaints from members of the community about off-leash dogs at Monte Cecilia Park is sufficient evidence that the decision to change the dog access rules in 2015 has created a significant risk to people. e) kohuki / consider that Option two (Amend local dog access rule) in Attachment B of this agenda report is the most appropriate response to the assessment findings for Smallfield Reserve and John Moore Reserve, the consideration in c) for Freeland Reserve and Walmsley/Underwood Reserves and consideration in d) for Monte Cecilia Park. f) whai / adopt the Statement of Proposal in Attachment A of this agenda report that contains proposed amendments to local dog access rules for public consultation using the Local Government Act 2002 special consultative procedure, to the extent it applies to locations within the local board area, subject to the following additions: i) that the current local dog access rule on Freeland Reserve, Walmsley/Underwood Reserves and Monte Cecilia Park be proposed to change from under control off a leash to under control on a leash. g) whakaū / confirm that the proposed amendments to local dog access rules in the Statement of Proposal in Attachment A of this agenda report, as amended in f) (i) above, to the extent it applies to locations within the local board area: i) are consistent with the policy, principles and criteria for deciding dog access rules in the Auckland Council Kaupapa mo ngā Kuri | Policy on Dogs 2019 ii) are not inconsistent with any decision in relation to region-wide dog access rules contained in the Auckland Council Kaupapa mo ngā Kuri | Policy on Dogs 2019 iii) are in accordance with all relevant legislative requirements, in particular the Local Government Act 2002 and Dog Control Act 1996. h) tuhi ā-taipitopito / note local board members will be invited to attend relevant ‘Have Your Say’ events and the local board will deliberate and make decisions on public feedback to the proposal in f) (i). i) delegate authority through the Chief Executive to a manager responsible for bylaws to: i) appoint staff to receive public feedback at ‘Have Your Say’ events where attendance from Panel members is not necessary (for example, an informal ‘drop-in’ session) ii) make any amendments to the proposal in Attachment A of this agenda report to correct errors, omissions, insert maps or reflect decisions made by the local board. j) mihi / thank Paul Wilson and Olivia Zhang for their attendance. |
Note: Under Standing Orders: 1.9.7 Members: B Shen and J Turner requested that their dissenting votes be recorded.
Note: The Chairperson adjourned the meeting at 12.07 back 12.18pm all members were present. This was prior to voting on the Amendment. |
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Initiation Report: Ngā Tikanga Hopu Wakaahua i te Rohe o Tāmaki Makaurau - Auckland Film Protocol |
Resolution number PKTPP/2024/231 MOVED by Member M Pervan, seconded by Chairperson E Kumar: That the Puketāpapa Local Board: a) whiwhi / receive the initiation report on the Auckland Film Protocol Refresh. b) support the cluster approach to local board engagement. |
18 |
Councillors’ unable to attend due to the Auckland Council Transport, Resilience and Infrastructure committee meeting being held at the same time. |
Note: Item 18 was withdrawn.
19 |
Resolution number PKTPP/2024/232 MOVED by Member R Hay, seconded by Deputy Chairperson F Lai: That the Puketāpapa Local Board: a) whiwhi / receive Ella Kumar’s Chairperson’s update for the 01 November – 21 November 2024. |
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20.1 |
Resolution number PKTPP/2024/233 MOVED by Chairperson E Kumar, seconded by Member B Shen: That the Puketāpapa Local Board: a) whiwhi / receive the member report from Fiona Lai
21 |
The workshop record of the 28 November 2024 was tabled. A copy has been placed on the official minutes and is available on the Auckland Council website as a minutes attachment.
Resolution number PKTPP/2024/234 MOVED by Chairperson E Kumar, seconded by Member M Pervan: That the Puketāpapa Local Board: a) whiwhi / receive the Puketāpapa Local Board workshop notes for: 14 November 2024 and 21 November 2024 and 28 November 2024. |
a 05 December 2024, Puketāpapa Local Board - Item 21 Record of Puketāpapa Local Board Workshop Notes 28 November 2024 TABLED. |
22 |
Resolution number PKTPP/2024/235 MOVED by Deputy Chairperson F Lai, seconded by Member R Hay: That the Puketāpapa Local Board: a) whiwhi / receive the Hōtaka Kaupapa/governance forward work programme calendar as at 29 November 2024. |
23 Te Whakaaro ki ngā Take Pūtea e Autaia ana | Consideration of Extraordinary Items
There was no consideration of extraordinary items.
12.30pm The chairperson thanked members for their attendance and attention to business and declared the meeting closed.