Upper Harbour Local Board
Minutes of a meeting of the Upper Harbour Local Board held in the Upper Harbour Local Board Office, 6-8 Munroe Lane, Albany, Auckland 0632 and Via Microsoft Teams on Thursday, 5 December 2024 at 9.30am.
Te Hunga kua Tae mai | present
Chairperson |
Anna Atkinson |
Deputy Chairperson |
Uzra Casuri Balouch, JP |
Members |
Callum Blair |
John Mclean |
Kyle Parker |
Sylvia Yang |
Upper Harbour Local Board 05 December 2024 |
The Chairperson, A Atkinson, opened the meeting with a Karakia .
2 Ngā Tamōtanga | Apologies
3 Te Whakapuaki i te Whai Pānga | Declaration of Interest
There were no declarations of interest.
4 Te Whakaū i ngā Āmiki | Confirmation of Minutes
Resolution number UH/2024/172 MOVED by Member C Blair, seconded by Member K Parker: That the Upper Harbour Local Board: a) whakaū / confirm the ordinary minutes of its meeting, held on Thursday, 21 November 2024, as a true and correct record.
5 He Tamōtanga Motuhake | Leave of Absence
There were no leaves of absence.
6 Te Mihi | Acknowledgements
There were no acknowledgements.
7 Ngā Petihana | Petitions
There were no petitions.
8 Ngā Tono Whakaaturanga | Deputations
8.1 |
Resolution number UH/2024/173 MOVED by Member K Parker, seconded by Member S Yang: That the Upper Harbour Local Board: a) whiwhi / receive the deputation from Jewelz Petley and Vinetta Plummer, representing Te Ohu o Onekiritea and thank them for their attendance and presentation.
8.2 |
Resolution number UH/2024/174 MOVED by Chairperson A Atkinson, seconded by Deputy Chairperson U Casuri Balouch: That the Upper Harbour Local Board: a) whiwhi / receive the deputation from Trish Best and Karen Richards, representing the Catalina Community Garden Committe, and thank them for their attendance and presentation.
8.3 |
Resolution number UH/2024/175 MOVED by Member S Yang, seconded by Chairperson A Atkinson: That the Upper Harbour Local Board: a) whiwhi / receive the deputation from Richard Casutt, General Manager and Alvin Cheung, ActiveAsian Development Manager, Harbour Sport, representing Harbour Sport and thank them for their attendance and presentation.
9 Te Matapaki Tūmatanui | Public Forum
9.1 |
Resolution number UH/2024/176 MOVED by Member C Blair, seconded by Member S Yang: That the Upper Harbour Local Board: a) receive the presentation from Kyle Parker and thank him for his attendance.
10 Ngā Pakihi Autaia | Extraordinary Business
There was no extraordinary business.
The meeting adjourned at 10.39am
The meeting reconvened at 10.47am
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Adoption of the Upper Harbour Local Board Emergency Readiness and Response Plan |
The Senior Community Planning and Readiness Advisor, Glenn Browne, was in attendance to support the item. |
Resolution number UH/2024/177 MOVED by Deputy Chairperson U Casuri Balouch, seconded by Member S Yang: That the Upper Harbour Local Board: a) whai / adopt the Upper Harbour Local Board Emergency Readiness and Response Plan (Attachment A to the agenda report) subject to the following changes: i) page 2 image of local board members to be labelled with members names left to right ii) page 4 image to be replaced with an image from the Upper Harbour local board area. b) tautapa / delegate to the Upper Harbour Local Board Chairperson the ability to approve minor amendments of the document ahead of publication.
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Proposed new sublease, variation, and lease for additional premises to Tennis Charitable Trust at Albany Tennis Centre, 361 Oteha Valley Road, Albany |
The Senior Community Lease Specialist, Chan Park, Community Lease Specialist, Angela Zafar and Land Use Advisor, Lindsay Wilson were in attendance to support the item. |
Resolution number UH/2024/178 MOVED by Member J Mclean, seconded by Member C Blair: That the Upper Harbour Local Board: a) whakaae / grant a sublease, variation of lease and lease for additional premises to the Tennis Charitable Trust for an area comprising approximately 5598m2 located at 361 Oteha Valley Road, Albany, on the land legally described as Part Allotment 28 Parish of Paremoremo (Attachment C to the agenda report – Site Map), subject to the following terms and conditions: i) term – 3 years and 7 months, commencing 1 January 2025, with two 10 – year right of renewals. ii) rent – $1 plus GST per annum if demanded. b) whakaae / approve all other terms and conditions in accordance with the Local Government Act 2002, the Auckland Council Community Occupancy Guidelines 2012 (updated July 2023) and the Auckland Council standard form community lease agreement for new sublease, variation of lease and lease for additional premises to the Tennis Charitable Trust for an area comprising approximately 5598m2 located at 361 Oteha Valley Road, Albany. c) tuhi ā-taipitopito / note that public notification for Auckland Council’s intention to grant a new sublease, variation of lease and lease for additional premises to the Tennis Charitable Trust located at 361 Oteha Valley Road, Albany has been undertaken (deadline 22 November 2024). d) tuhi ā-taipitopito / note that no objections to the notified proposal of the new sublease, variation of lease and lease for additional premises to the Tennis Charitable Trust at 361 Oteha Valley Road, Albany were received. e) tono / request consideration be given to a real living green wall rather than a faux living green wall in the Pacific Padel court area. f) tono / request the facility for Pacific Padel are designed with full accessibility requirements taken into account including step free access to the deck area and courts.
Deputy Chairperson U Casuri Balouch left the meeting at 10.52am
Deputy Chairperson U Casuri Balouch returned to the meeting at 10.57am, prior to the vote on item 12.
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Proposed policy refresh: The Business Improvement District (BID) Policy (2022) (Kaupapa Here ā-Rohe Whakapiki Pakihi). |
The BID Senior Advisor, Gill Plume, was in attendance (Via Microsoft Teams) to support the item. |
Resolution number UH/2024/179 MOVED by Chairperson A Atkinson, seconded by Member S Yang: That the Upper Harbour Local Board: a) tūtohi / receive the report and information regarding the proposed refresh of the Auckland Council Business Improvement District (BID) Policy (2022) (Kaupapa Here ā-Rohe Whakapiki Pakihi) and support the changes proposed.
Item 17: Auckland Council's Performance Report: Upper Harbour Local Board for quarter one 2024/2025 and Item 18: Initiation Report: Ngā Tikanga Hopu Wakaahua i te Rohe o Tāmaki Makaurau - Auckland Film Protocol were considered prior to Item 14: Upper Harbour Local Board Kōkiri Agreement 2024 - 2025 Quarterly Update - December 2024.
Auckland Council's Performance Report: Upper Harbour Local Board for quarter one 2024/2025 |
The Senior Local Board Advisor, Heather Skinner, was in attendance to support the item. |
Resolution number UH/2024/180 MOVED by Deputy Chairperson U Casuri Balouch, seconded by Member S Yang: That the Upper Harbour Local Board: a) whiwhi / receive the performance report for quarter one of 2024/2025 ending 30 September 2024 as outlined in Attachment A to the agenda report b) whiwhi / receive the financial performance report for quarter one of 2024/2025 ending 30 September 2024 as outlined in Attachment B to the agenda report c) tuhi ā taipitopito note that the updated Customer and Community Services Capex work programme outlined in Attachment C to the agenda report d) whakaae / approve Young Enterprise Scheme UH (Activity ID 1271) and associated budget of $2,000 into the 2024/2025 work programme from unallocated locally driven initiatives (LDI) operational budget e) whakaae / approve a minor change to Activity ID 4084 Community arts programmes Open Studios Upper Harbour (East) changing the activity name and description to “Open Art Studios Upper Harbour”.
Initiation Report: Ngā Tikanga Hopu Wakaahua i te Rohe o Tāmaki Makaurau - Auckland Film Protocol |
Resolution number UH/2024/181 MOVED by Deputy Chairperson U Casuri Balouch, seconded by Member S Yang: That the Upper Harbour Local Board: a) whiwhi /receive the initiation report on the Auckland Film Protocol Refresh b) tautoko / support the proposed engagement plan, including a local board cluster approach. c) tono / request on an annual basis a breakdown of filming permits issued and fee revenue collected be reported back to the local board.
Item 14: Upper Harbour Local Board Kōkiri Agreement 2024 - 2025 Quarterly Update - December 2024 was considered after Item 18: Initiation Report: Ngā Tikanga Hopu Wakaahua i te Rohe o Tāmaki Makaurau - Auckland Film Protocol .
Upper Harbour Local Board Kōkiri Agreement 2024 - 2025 Quarterly Update - December 2024 |
The Elected Member Relationship Partner, Owena Schuster, was in attendance to support the item. |
Resolution number UH/2024/182 MOVED by Chairperson A Atkinson, seconded by Deputy Chairperson U Casuri Balouch: That the Upper Harbour Local Board: a) whiwhi / receive the December 2024 quarterly update on the Upper Harbour Local Board Kōkiri Agreement 2024-2025 as outlined in Attachment A. b) tono / request an update on bus route 888 in Fairview Heights and Gills Road and clarity on whether there is going to be a bus stop added near Kewa Road as per resident requests. c) express disappointment in the new speed setting rule, resulting in nothing in the current Katoa, Ka Ora speed management plan being delivered and request that Auckland Transport provide an update of all roads within the Upper Harbour local board area that will have speed limits increased d) tono / request the following projects be added to the Upper Harbour Local Board Kōkiri Agreement 2024-2025 under advocacy to provide pedestrian safety improvements: i) East Coast Road/Spencer Road intersection ii) Sunset Road/Target Road/Caribbean Drive roundabout e) tono / request The Avenue / Dairy Flat highway intersection project be added to the Upper Harbour Local Board Kōkiri Agreement 2024-2025 under advocacy f) do not support the Albany Park and Ride Pre-Booking pilot project and restate resolution number UH/2024/48 clause d) vi) and vii) as follows: vi) do not support charging for parking at park and ride stations as they are critical asset for supporting public transport. vii) strongly request that Auckland Transport provide a better network of feeder bus services to manage demand at park and ride stations.
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The Principal Policy Advisor, Nancy Chu and Policy Advisor, Stacey Benioni were in attendance (Via Microsoft Teams) to support the item. |
A memo from staff dated 31 October 2024 - Update on evaluation of requests to change local dog access rules for the Upper Harbour area was tabled. A copy has been placed on the official minutes and is available on the Auckland Council website as a minute attachment. |
Resolution number UH/2024/183 MOVED by Chairperson A Atkinson, seconded by Member C Blair: That the Upper Harbour Local Board: a) table the memo from staff dated 31 October 2024 providing an update on evaluation of requests to change local dog access rules for the Upper Harbour area noting that three locations were assessed for potential changes to local dog access rules while only one location is presented in this agenda report b) ohia / endorse the assessment findings of possible structural problems with the local dog access rules in Attachment B of this agenda. c) whakaae / agree that Option 2 B (Amend local dog access rule) in Attachment B of this agenda report is the most appropriate response to the assessment findings d) whai / adopt the Statement of Proposal in Attachment A of this agenda report that contains proposed amendments to local dog access rules for public consultation using the Local Government Act 2002 special consultative procedure, to the extent it applies to locations within the local board. e) whakaū / confirm that the proposed amendments to local dog access rules in the Statement of Proposal in Attachment A of this agenda report, to the extent it applies to locations within the local board area: i) are consistent with the policy, principles and criteria for deciding dog access rules in the Auckland Council Kaupapa mo ngā Kuri | Policy on Dogs 2019 ii) are not inconsistent with any decision in relation to region-wide dog access rules contained in the Auckland Council Kaupapa mo ngā Kuri | Policy on Dogs 2019 iii) are in accordance with all relevant legislative requirements, in particular the Local Government Act 2002 and Dog Control Act 1996. f) tuhi ā-taipitopito / note local board members will be invited to attend relevant ‘Have Your Say’ events and will deliberate and make decisions on public feedback to the proposal in Attachment A of this agenda report to the extent it applies to locations within the local board area g) tautapa / delegate authority through the Chief Executive to a manager responsible for bylaws to: i) appoint staff to receive public feedback at ‘Have Your Say’ events where attendance from Panel members is not necessary (for example, an informal ‘drop-in’ session) ii) make any amendments to the proposal in Attachment A of this agenda report to correct errors, omissions, insert maps or reflect decisions made by the local board. h) tuhi ā-taipitopito / note that the local board would need to fund any bespoke public consultation initiatives and allocate funding for estimated costs in Attachment B of this agenda report (for example for signage) to implement any local dog access rule changes noting the estimated implementation costs of $3,500 are incorrect and request staff discuss the estimated costs with the project manager implementing the Rosedale dog park capital project and this be accurately reported going forward. Local Dog Access rules process i) tono / request that there be an annual process to address local dog access rules empowering local boards to exercise their delegated authority for deciding on local dog access rules. j) tono / request this annual process be implemented through the Annual Budget Special Consultative Procedure to save costs while allowing for requests for local dog access rules to be considered annually. k) tuhi ā-taipitopito / note that an annual process to consult and consider changes to local dog access rules allows local boards to respond to our growing and changing community needs and requests. For example the local board have been asked to create new off leash dog areas in Whenuapai, and should investment be prioritised to create an off leash dog park the default on-leash policy would apply with no ability or support from the organisation for the local board to amend the rules l) tono / request resolutions i) – k) on an annual local dog access rule process be circulated to all local boards. A division was called for, voting on which was as follows:
The motion was declared carried by 4 votes to 0. |
a 5 December 2024, Upper Harbour Local Board: Item 15 - Request for change to local dog access rules - Update on evaluation of requests to change local dog access rules for the Upper Harbour area memo. |
The meeting adjourned at 12.40pm
The meeting reconvened 1.15pm
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The Senior Local Board Advisor, Heather Skinner, was in attendance to support the item. |
The Upper Harbour Local Board consultation document 2025/2026 was tabled. A copy has been placed on the official minutes and is available on the Auckland Council website as a minute attachment. |
The Upper Harbour Local Board supporting information document was tabled. A copy has been placed on the official minutes and is available on the Auckland Council website as a minute attachment. |
Resolution number UH/2024/184 MOVED by Member S Yang, seconded by Chairperson A Atkinson: That the Upper Harbour Local Board: a) whakaae / approve local consultation document content and local supporting information content tabled at the 5 December 2024 business meeting for inclusion in the Annual Plan 2025/2026 consultation material b) tautapa / delegate authority to the local board chairperson to approve any changes required to finalise the local consultation document and supporting information content for the Upper Harbour Local Board for the Annual Plan 2025/2026 c) whakaae / approve a Have Your Say event in the local board area during the Annual Plan 2025/2026 consultation period as follows: · Hearing Style event available online and in person · Date: Thursday 27th March 2025 · Time: 1.30pm · Venue: Upper Harbour Local Board office, 6-8 Munroe Lane, Albany d) tautapa / delegate authority to the local board chairperson to approve any changes required to the Have Your Say event e) tautapa / delegate to the following elected members and staff the power and responsibility to hear from the public through “spoken (or New Zealand sign language) interaction” in relation to the local board agreement at the council’s public engagement events during the consultation period for the Annual Plan 2025/2026: i) local board members and Chair ii) General Manager Governance and Engagement, Local Area Manager, Local Board Senior Advisor, Local Board Advisor, Local Board Engagement Advisor, Community Broker iii) any additional staff approved by the General Manager Governance and Engagement or the Group Chief Financial Officer. f) advocate for accessible, multi-lingual, and easy-to-use engagement methods that enable our diverse residents to participate in both local and regional consultations and engagement processes.
a 5 December 2024, Upper Harbour Local Board: Item 16 - Annual Budget 2025/2026 - local board consultation content - Upper Harbour Local Board consultation document 2025/2026. b 5 December 2024, Upper Harbour Local Board: Item 16 - Annual Budget 2025/2026 - local board consultation content - Upper Harbour Local Board supporting information 2025/2026. |
Item 17: Auckland Council's Performance Report: Upper Harbour Local Board for quarter one 2024/2025 and Item 18: Initiation Report: Ngā Tikanga Hopu Wakaahua i te Rohe o Tāmaki Makaurau - Auckland Film Protocol were considered prior to Item 14: Upper Harbour Local Board Kōkiri Agreement 2024 - 2025 Quarterly Update - December 2024.
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Resolution number UH/2024/185 MOVED by Chairperson A Atkinson, seconded by Member K Parker: That the Upper Harbour Local Board: a) whiwhi / receive the Upper Harbour Local Board Hōtaka Kaupapa / governance forward work calendar for December 2024 – February 2025 (refer to attachment A to the agenda report).
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Resolution number UH/2024/186 MOVED by Member C Blair, seconded by Member K Parker: That the Upper Harbour Local Board: a) whiwhi / receive the records of the Upper Harbour Local Board workshops held on Thursday 8 and14 November 2024 (refer to attachments A and B to the agenda report).
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The Chairpersons report for the period 24 October 2024 to 5 December 2024 was tabled. A copy has been placed on the official minutes and is available on the Auckland Council website as a minute attachment. |
The response to the representation review determination as it applies to the Albany Ward and North Shore Ward in Unsworth Heights was tabled by the Chairperson. A copy has been placed on the official minutes and is available on the Auckland Council website as a minute attachment. |
Resolution number UH/2024/187 MOVED by Chairperson A Atkinson, seconded by Member S Yang: That the Upper Harbour Local Board: a) whiwhi / receive the verbal local board members reports from Member K Parker, Member S Yang, Member J Mclean, Deputy Chairperson U Casuri Balouch and written report tabled by Chairperson A Atkinson.
a 5 December 2024, Upper Harbour Local Board: Item 21 - Local Board Members' Reports - December 2024 - Chairpersons report for period 24 October 2024 to 5 December 2024. b 5 December 2024, Upper Harbour Local Board: Item 21 - Local Board Members' Reports - December 2024 - Response to the representation review determination as it applies to the Albany Ward and North Shore Ward in Unsworth Heights. |
22 Te Whakaaro ki ngā Take Pūtea e Autaia ana | Consideration of Extraordinary Items
There was no consideration of extraordinary items.
1.35 pm The chairperson thanked members for their attendance and attention to business and closed the meeting with a Karakia.