I hereby give notice that an ordinary meeting of the Policy and Planning Committee will be held on:




Meeting Room:



Tuesday, 10 December 2024


Reception Lounge
Auckland Town Hall
301-305 Queen Street


Te Komiti mō te Kaupapa Here me te Whakamahere / Policy and Planning Committee








Cr Richard Hills


Deputy Chairperson

Cr Angela Dalton



Houkura Member Edward Ashby

Cr Mike Lee


Cr Andrew Baker

Cr Kerrin Leoni


Cr Josephine Bartley

Cr Daniel Newman, JP


Mayor Wayne Brown

Cr Greg Sayers


Cr Chris Darby

Deputy Mayor Desley Simpson, JP


Cr Julie Fairey

Cr Sharon Stewart, QSM


Cr Alf Filipaina, MNZM

Cr Ken Turner


Cr Christine Fletcher, QSO

Cr Wayne Walker


Cr Lotu Fuli

Cr John Watson


Houkura Member Hon Tau Henare

Cr Maurice Williamson


Cr Shane Henderson



(Quorum 11 members)




Sandra Gordon

Kaitohutohu Mana Whakahaere Matua /

Senior Governance Advisor


6 December 2024


Contact Telephone: +64 9 890 8150

Email: Sandra.Gordon@aucklandcouncil.govt.nz

Website: www.aucklandcouncil.govt.nz



Policy and Planning Committee

10 December 2024



ITEM   TABLE OF CONTENTS                                                                                         PAGE


17        Auckland Unitary Plan - Making private plan change operative - Plan Change 88 (Beachlands South)                                                                                                       5



Policy and Planning Committee

10 December 2024



Auckland Unitary Plan - Making private plan change operative - Plan Change 88 (Beachlands South)

File No.: CP2024/19918




Te take mō te pūrongo

Purpose of the report

1.       To make operative Private Plan Change 88 – Beachlands South to the Auckland Unitary Plan (Operative in Part).

Whakarāpopototanga matua

Executive summary

2.       Private Plan Change 88: Beachlands South (Plan Change 88) is a private plan change request by Beachlands South Limited Partnership (BSLP) to rezone approximately 307 hectares of Rural – Countryside Living zoned land, with a contiguous boundary to the existing coastal settlement of Beachlands, to a variety of urban zones and to Future Urban zone.

3.       Plan Change 88 also creates a new precinct, the Beachlands South Precinct, with objectives, policies and rules that seek to deliver the outcomes sought by the Plan change.

4.       Plan Change 88 was publicly notified on 26 January 2023 with the submission period initially closing on 24 February 2023. This was later extended to close on 10 March 2023. There were 383 submissions received, including submissions by Auckland Council and Auckland Transport. There were 12 further submissions received.

5.       The decision by a panel of Independent Hearing Commissioners to approve Plan Change 88: Beachlands South with modifications, was initially publicly notified on 12 April 2024 but renotified with corrections on 23 April 2024.

6.       The appeal period closed on 27 May 2024. The decision was appealed by three parties being Auckland Council (as submitter), Auckland Transport, and Whitford Residents and Ratepayers Association.  The three appeals were joined by a number of section 274 parties.

7.       The parties engaged in discussions with regards to the matters raised in the appeals and reached agreement that resolved all three appeals and all section 274 party interests in full. The agreement involved:

a)      changes to the provisions of the proposed Beachlands South precinct

b)      a Memorandum of Understanding between Whitford Residents and Ratepayers Association, BSLP, Auckland Council (as submitter) and Auckland Transport

c)      a separate side agreement between BSLP, Auckland Council (as submitter) and Auckland Transport.

8.       The parties filed a joint memorandum with the Environment Court in support of a draft consent order/determination. The consent determination was issued by the Environment Court on 28 November 2024 (Decision [2024] NZEnvC 307). The consent determination orders that the Plan Change 88 provisions are amended in accordance with Annexure B to the consent determination, and that the appeals are otherwise dismissed.

9.       As the appeals on the Council’s Plan Change 88 decision have been resolved, the Policy and Planning Committee can now approve Plan Change 88, and direct staff to undertake the necessary steps to make Plan Change 88 operative.



Ngā tūtohunga


That the Policy and Planning Committee:

a)      whakaae / approve Private Plan Change 88 – Beachlands South to the Auckland Unitary Plan (Operative in Part) as set out in Annexure B to the Plan Change 88 consent determination (Decision [2024] NZEnvC 307) at Attachment A of this agenda report, under clause 17 of Schedule 1 of the Resource Management Act 1991.

b)      tono / request staff to complete the necessary statutory processes to publicly notify the date on which Private Plan Change 88 becomes operative as soon as possible, in accordance with the requirements in clause 20(2) of Schedule 1 of the Resource Management Act 1991.

c)      tono / request staff to make consequential amendments to the Auckland Unitary Plan in accordance with paragraph [41] of the Plan Change 88 consent determination (Decision [2024] NZEnvC 307).




10.     Plan Change 88 involves a private plan change request by Beachlands South Limited Partnership (Requestor) for approximately 307 hectares of land comprising 110 Jack Lachlan Drive; and 620, 680, 682, 702, 712, 722, 732, 740, 746, 758 and 770 Whitford-Maraetai Road, Beachlands, as shown in Figures 1 and 2 below.

11.     Plan Change 88 sought to rezone approximately 307 hectares of Rural – Countryside Living zoned land with a contiguous boundary to the existing coastal town of Beachlands to a variety of urban zones and to Future Urban zone. 

12.     Plan Change 88 also creates a new precinct, the Beachlands South Precinct, with objectives, policies and rules that seek to deliver the outcomes sought by the Plan change.

13.     Plan Change 88 was publicly notified on 26 January 2023 with the submission period initially closing on 24 February 2023. This was later extended to close on 10 March 2023. There were 383 submissions received, including submissions by Auckland Council and Auckland Transport. There were 12 further submissions received.

14.     The week-long hearing commenced on November 27, 2023. The decision by a panel of Independent Hearing Commissioners to approve Plan Change 88 with modifications, was initially publicly notified on 12 April 2024 but renotified with corrections on 23 April 2024. The Commissioners were delegated authority to make this decision.

Figure 1 Plan Change Area

Figure 2 Existing AUP zoning – showing the private plan change area and wider local area

Resolutions of Auckland Council in relation to Plan Change 88

15.     There have been a number of resolutions in relation to Private Plan Change 88: Beachlands South, as follows:

a)      Decision to accept the private plan change request under clause 25 of Schedule 1, and to notify the private plan change request for submissions, and to lodge an Auckland Council submission on the private plan change request (Resolution number PEPCC/2022/11) – on 8 December 2022.

b)      Decision to lodge an appeal, by the Auckland Council (as submitter) on the Council’s decision to approve Plan Change 88 with modifications; (Resolution number PEPCC/2024/47) – on 23 May 2024, which provided:

That the Planning and Environment Committee:

a)   tono / request staff to instruct the council’s solicitors to lodge an appeal with the Environment Court against the decision made by the council’s independent hearing commissioners approving (with modifications) Private Plan Change 88 (PC88) with a focus on the following:

i)     there is a major shortfall in the funding available for the infrastructure required to support PC88 and at this stage there is no agreement regarding infrastructure funding and financing.

ii.     the decision version of PC88 includes provisions that are not robust enough to ensure the appropriate integration of development and subdivision with the necessary infrastructure, and as a result, there is a risk of poor urban development and transport outcomes (including traffic safety issues) or funding having to be diverted from other parts of the region

iii.    the decision version of PC88 applies a Future Urban Zone without sufficient assessment of the necessary infrastructure and implications for funding and financing.

c)      Decision made to resolve the Council’s appeal by consent, in agreement with the other parties to the appeal. Resolution number PEPCC/2024/97 on 12 September 2024.

Plan Change as Notified

16.     Plan Change 88 as notified proposed both a variety of ‘live’ urban zones and an area of Future Urban Zone as set out in Figure 3 below.

17.     The FUZ area, being the southern portion of land (147.58 hectares), lies to the south and south/east of the Formosa Golf Course.

18.     Plan Change 88 also creates a new precinct, the Beachlands South Precinct, with bespoke objectives, policies and rules that seek to ensure that development can proceed as envisaged and to ensure that any adverse environmental effects are appropriately avoided, remedied or mitigated in accordance with the RMA.

19.     The new Beachlands South precinct is to replace the existing Whitford precinct (and sub-precinct) provisions currently applicable to the private plan change area. The request also sought to extend the Stormwater Management Area Flow 1 control over the plan change area.


Figure 3 Proposed Rezoning in Plan Change 88 as notified


20.     Plan Change 88 was publicly notified on 26 January 2023 with the submission period initially closing on 24 February 2023. This was later extended to close on 10 March 2023. There were 383 submissions received, including submissions by Auckland Council and Auckland Transport. There were 12 further submissions received.

Council Hearing and amendments to the plan change request

21.     A panel of Independent Hearing Commissioners was delegated authority to hear and make the decision on Plan Change 88. The week-long hearing commenced on November 27, 2023.

22.     During the hearing process, Beachlands South Limited Partnership made some amendments to the plan change request in response to Council’s section 42A Hearing Report and submitters’ concerns. These included:

a)      An increase in the overall area of Business zoned land by approximately 7 hectares (from around 25 hectares to around 32 hectares) with associated adjustments to residential and open space land.

b)      A decrease in the overall area of Residential zoned land by approximately 3 hectares (from around 130 hectares to around 127 hectares).

c)      Removal of the Open Space Sport and Active Recreation zoned land (4.2 hectares), now proposed to be Business – Mixed Use zone.

Amendments to precinct plans including:

d)      Removal of Stormwater Management Area Flow 1 Control from the land to be rezoned to Future Urban zone.

e)      Precinct Plan 1 Additional Controls and Overlays Plan to identify both Height Variation Control areas are 24m.

f)       Precinct Plan 3 Structuring Elements to identify all elements are indicative and subject to detailed design and investigation as part of the resource consent process.

g)      Precinct Plan 4 Cultural Landscape to confirm indicative location of archaeological sites.

h)      Precinct Plan 5 Movement Network to only apply to the proposed live zoned area of the plan change and confirm indicative through routes to Whitford Maraetai Road.

i)        Precinct Plan 6 Transport Staging and Upgrades to identify additional upgrades including the intersection of Sommerville Road/Whitford Road/Point View Road and the Whitford Bypass.

j)        Various amendments to the precinct provisions.

23.     The final version of the precinct provisions proposed were provided with the reply legal submissions from BSLP. Figure 4 below shows the proposed AUP zoning as presented at the hearing and in the reply legal submissions.

24.     The reply provisions also include a series of related precinct plans, one of which is a plan depicting the proposed “EPAN” (Ecological Protected Area Network). This is an area which totals 88.7 ha across both the proposed live zone and Future Urban zone, and includes terrestrial revegetation and habitat enhancement, vegetation buffers, native wetland enrichment planting, and associated weed/pest control programmes.


Figure 4 Proposed Rezoning as presented at the hearing

Commissioners’ Decision

25.     The decision by a panel of Independent Hearing Commissioners to approve Plan Change 88 with modifications, was initially publicly notified on 12 April 2024 but renotified with corrections on 23 April 2024.


26.     The appeals period, following the public notification of the Plan Change 88 Decision, closed on 27 May 2024. Three appeals were lodged with Environment Court on the Plan Change 88 Decision.

27.     Auckland Council (in its capacity as a submitter on Plan Change 88), Auckland Transport, and Whitford Residents and Ratepayers Association lodged appeals with the Environment Court on 27 May 2024. Auckland Transport filed an amended appeal on 13 June 2024.

28.     Auckland Council (as submitter) appealed the entire Plan Change 88 Decision and raised concerns relating to transport network constraints, potable water supply, uncertainty around funding and delivering necessary infrastructure upgrades and the proposed Future Urban zoned land.

29.     Whitford Residents and Ratepayers Association appealed the entire Plan Change 88 Decision but raised concerns primarily relating to potential adverse effects on the character and amenity of Whitford Village, and the desire for the Whitford Bypass to be constructed before implementation of Plan Change 88.

30.     Auckland Transport’s appeal did not oppose the urban-zoned portion of Plan Change 88 on the proviso that the issues and concerns raised in its appeal, which (with the exception of the water supply issue) were similar to those raised in the Auckland Council (as submitter) appeal, are addressed satisfactorily. Auckland Transport’s appeal also opposed the Future Urban zone portion of Plan Change 88.

31.     Between 11 June 2024 and 18 June 2024, the following parties gave notice of their intention to join the Appeals as interested parties under section 274 of the RMA:

a)      Auckland Council (as submitter) (joined the AT and WRRA appeals)

b)      Auckland Transport (joined the WRRA and ACS appeals)

c)      Whitford Residents and Ratepayers Association (joined the ACS and AT appeals)

d)      BSLP (joined all three appeals)

e)      The Three Pines Trust (joined all three appeals)

f)       Manukau Quarries Limited Partnership (joined all three appeals).

Agreement Reached

32.     The parties engaged in discussions regarding the matters raised in the Appeals and reached an agreement that resolved all three appeals and all s274 party interests in full.  A joint memorandum of all parties was lodged with the Environment Court in support of a draft consent order/determination.  The draft consent order/determination set out the changes that had been agreed by all parties in relation to the proposed Beachlands South Precinct (Agreed Amendments).

33.     The key changes include those that respond to concerns raised in the Council’s appeal on the Plan Change 88 decision:

a)     Amendments to the precinct description to confirm that a plan change to rezone the Future Urban zoned land will not be lodged before 1 January 2032 to allow time for sufficient information to be obtained to understand transport patterns from development within sub precincts A-F.

b)     Amendments to the policies, rules and standards to ensure there is appropriate sequencing to align development with the provision of services and infrastructure. In particular, the agreed amendments ensure subdivision is coordinated and integrated with transport, water supply and wastewater infrastructure.


c)     Amendments to the transport provisions to ensure integration within the development and with the nearby transport network, and to provide greater certainty and clarity in the expectations around the design and timing of the transport improvements (such as road and ferry capacity upgrades) required to mitigate any effects on the transport network arising from future development.

d)     Amendments to ensure that development (except for development on the land zoned Residential – Large Lot Zone) must be serviced by a ‘reticulated’ water supply (which would exclude the use of water tanks).

e)     Amendments to include Medium Density Residential Standards (MDRS) in the proposed precinct provisions for any relevant residential zones, on the basis that the RMA still requires the MDRS to be incorporated into relevant residential zones.

34.     The Agreed Amendments were attached as Annexure A (mark-up version against the Plan Change 88 Decision version) and Annexure B (clean version) to the draft consent order presented to the Environment Court.

35.     The settlement also involved:

a)      A Memorandum of Understanding between Whitford Residents and Ratepayers Association, BSLP, Auckland Council (as submitter) and Auckland Transport (included at Attachment B to this agenda report)

b)      A separate side agreement between BSLP, Auckland Council (as submitter) and Auckland Transport. 

36.     While confidential, the side agreement represents relevant context for the settlement reached between BSLP, Auckland Council (as submitter) and Auckland Transport. As set out in the consent determination of the Environment Court at paragraph [24], the side agreement has a number of elements including:

a)      an obligation by the developer to pay a road safety improvements contribution to AT towards safety improvements on Whitford-Maraetai Road

b)      a commitment by the developer to pay a ferry services contribution to AT towards the cost of improving ferry services at Pine Harbour

c)      terms dealing with the completion of key specified roading upgrades to the transport network at the developer's cost

d)      various other terms relating to infrastructure funding and financing relating to the development of the urban-zoned land.

Resolution of Environment Court appeals

37.     On 28 November 2024, the Environment Court issued a consent determination (Decision [2024] NZEnvC 307). The consent determination orders that the Plan Change 88 provisions are amended in accordance with Annexure B to the consent determination, and that the appeals are otherwise dismissed. The consent determination resolves the appeals in their entirety.

38.     The agreed amendments to the Beachlands South precinct provisions are set out in paragraphs [25]-[40] of the consent determination.

39.     As the appeals on the Council’s decision on Plan Change 88 have now been resolved in full, the Policy and Planning Committee can approve Plan Change 88 and direct staff to undertake the necessary steps to make Plan Change 88 operative as set out in Annexure B to the consent determination provided as Attachment A of the agenda report.

40.     It is also recommended that the Policy and Planning Committee directs staff to make consequential amendments to the Auckland Unitary Plan in accordance with paragraph [41] of the Plan Change 88 consent determination (Decision [2024] NZEnvC 307).

41.     The consent determination also records that BSLP had withdrawn its application to strike out the appeal of Auckland Council.

Tātaritanga me ngā tohutohu

Analysis and advice

42.     Schedule 1 of the Resource Management Act 1991 sets out the statutory process for plan changes.

43.     Clause 17(2) of Schedule 1 of the RMA states that ‘a local authority may approve part of a policy statement or plan, if all submissions or appeals relating to that part have been disposed of’. Decisions were made on all submissions on Plan Change 88 and the appeals received on the Council’s decision on Plan Change 88 have been resolved by the consent determination of the Environment Court and thus disposed of. On this basis Plan Change 88 can now be approved under clause 17 of Schedule 1 of the RMA.

44.     Clause 20 of Schedule 1 sets out the process that is required to be undertaken for the notification of the operative date. Planning and Resource Consents Department staff will notify the operative date of Plan Change 88 as soon as possible following the Policy and Planning Committee’s resolution.

Tauākī whakaaweawe āhuarangi

Climate impact statement

45.     The council’s climate goals as set out in Te Tāruke-ā-Tāwhiri: Auckland’s Climate Plan:

·    to reduce greenhouse gas emissions to reach net zero emissions by 2050

·    to prepare the region for the adverse impacts of climate change.

46.     The consent determination Decision [2024] NZEnvC 307 does not specifically address climate change matters, other than citing extracts from the planners’ affidavits provided to the Court as part of the draft consent order documentation.

47.     Consideration of climate effects were part of the plan change process.

Ngā whakaaweawe me ngā tirohanga a te rōpū Kaunihera

Council group impacts and views

48.     Input from Watercare, Auckland Transport, Healthy Waters and Parks Planning was sought through the plan change process.

49.     Watercare and Auckland Transport submitted on the plan change.

50.     Auckland Council’s submission on Plan Change 88 addressed Healthy Waters and Parks concerns.

51.     As previously discussed, appeals on the Plan Change 88 Decision were lodged by Auckland Council (as submitter) and Auckland Transport.

Ngā whakaaweawe ā-rohe me ngā tirohanga a te poari ā-rohe

Local impacts and local board views

52.     While this report is procedural only, it is noted that the Franklin Local Board provided its views on Plan Change 88 at its August 2022 business meeting.

53.     The section 42A Hearing Report addressed the position of the Franklin Local Board by reproducing a resolution passed by the Franklin Local Board at its August 2022 meeting.

54.     The resolution noted matters raised about road infrastructure, public transport, water, ecology, visual impact, other infrastructure, provision for a high school, economic benefit, and walkways and amenities.

55.     The Chair and another representative from the Franklin Local Board appeared at the Council hearing on Plan Change 88 and spoke to these matters.

56.     The local board views were included in the council’s section 42A hearing report and were considered in the Decision on the plan change. The Chair of the Franklin Local Board was a member of the group delegated authority by the Policy and Planning Committee to agree to the final settlement of the Council’s appeal.

Tauākī whakaaweawe Māori

Māori impact statement

57.     As part of the preparation of the plan change, the Requestor contacted the mana whenua that identify the subject land as within their rohe (as described in the list below).

•     Ngāi Tai ki Tāmaki

•     Ngāti Maru

•     Ngāti Pāoa (Ngāti Paoa Iwi Trust)

•     Ngāti Pāoa (Ngāti Paoa Trust Board)

•     Ngāti Tamaterā

•     Ngāti Te Ata

•     Ngāti Whanaunga

•     Te Ahiwaru – Waiohua

•     Te Ākitai Waiohua

•     Waikato Tainui

58.     A request was made via email to the relevant contacts to request whether iwi wished to engage on the project or defer to others noting that Ngāi Tai ki Tāmaki were engaged as a development partner for the plan change. No responses were received from other iwi groups.

59.     The requestor advised that Ngāi Tai ki Tāmaki had been engaged on the project since its inception. Several hui including site visits are identified in Section 11.3.1 of the s32 evaluation report provided for the plan change.

60.     Ngāi Tai ki Tāmaki provided a Cultural Values Assessment for the plan change and state in their CVA that over the past decade, the BSLP owners have genuinely involved Ngāi Tai ki Tāmaki as the mana whenua and mana moana for the area.

61.     There were no submissions received from any mana whenua entity when Plan Change 88 was fully publicly notified on 26 January 2023.

62.     The precinct provisions provide for mana whenua values to be recognised, protected and enhanced. This commences with the precinct description including a section on the Mana Whenua Cultural Landscape.

63.     The precinct objectives state that the mana whenua cultural, spiritual and historical values and their relationship associated with the Māori cultural landscape, including ancestral lands, water, waahi tapu, and other taonga, in the Beachlands South Precinct are identified, recognised, protected, and enhanced and that  the tangible and intangible mana whenua values of the pā site identified on Precinct Plan 4 are protected and enhanced.

64.     Similarly, the precinct policies provide for recognition, protection and enhancement of the cultural, spiritual and historical values and relationships associated with the cultural landscape at Beachlands South. The precinct standards identify as a Purpose: To recognise and protect important sites associated with the cultural landscape at Beachlands South.

65.     Evidence[1] in support of the plan change was provided by Jada MacFie, the Chief Executive Officer / Te Kaiurungi of Ngāi Tai ki Tāmaki Trust (Trust) and its group of companies. Ms MacFie’s primary evidence concludes by stating:

·    Ngāi Tai acknowledge our involvement and attendances to the Site, and that discussions are ongoing. Ngāi Tai is supportive of the Structure Plan, PPC88 and subsequent development if every effort is made to preserve and protect the coastal area and waterways, pā kāinga, defensive ditch and native plant species during and after the proposed development activities. I am satisfied that the proposed Precinct Provisions achieve this.

·    Ngāi Tai are excited to be involved in this project and to see its extensive benefits delivered to our people.

66.     Ms MacFie’s rebuttal evidence conclusions include the statement

·    PPC88 will enable Ngāi Tai Ki Tāmaki to express our cultural traditions and norms in Beachlands in a way that is not currently possible.

Ngā ritenga ā-pūtea

Financial implications

67.     There are no financial implications arising from this procedural decision. Approving plan changes and amending the Auckland Unitary Plan (Operative in Part) is a statutory requirement.

68.     As a private plan change, costs associated with processing the plan change, including making it operative, are cost recoverable from the requestor who requested the private plan change.

69.     However, the Court’s decision will require significant infrastructure investment in this area and a reprioritisation of funding and resources.

Ngā raru tūpono me ngā whakamaurutanga

Risks and mitigations

70.     There are no risks associated with making the plan change operative.

71.     With respect to the plan change Decision, it is acknowledged that a primary reason for the Council’s appeals was to mitigate the risk of the Council having to fund major infrastructure upgrades in a location that is not sequenced as a growth area in its Future Development Strategy, and for which there is no specific funding available in its Long-term Plan. The amendments to Plan Change 88, achieved directly as a result of the Appeal (and the Appeal by Auckland Transport), combined with the side-agreement reached with BSPL, have gone a significant way towards addressing those risks.

Ngā koringa ā-muri

Next steps

72.     The final step in making Plan Change 88 operative is to publicly notify the date on which it will become operative, and to update the Auckland Unitary Plan (Operative in Part).

73.     Planning and Resource Consents Department staff will undertake the actions required under Schedule 1 of the Resource Management Act 1991 to make Plan Change 88 operative, including the public notice and seals.


Ngā tāpirihanga






Decision 2024 NZEnvC 307 - Plan Change 88 - consent order



Memorandum of Understanding between AC, AT, BSPL and WRRA



Ngā kaihaina



Craig Cairncross - Lead Planner


John Duguid - General Manager Planning and Resource Consents

Megan Tyler - Director Policy, Planning and Governance



Policy and Planning Committee

10 December 2024



Policy and Planning Committee

10 December 2024



[1] Statement Of Jada Tahu Ngawai Macfie On Behalf Of Beachlands South Limited Partnership (Cultural / Ngāi Tai Ki Tāmaki / Mana Whenua) 9 October 2023 and

Rebuttal Statement Of Jada Tahu Ngawai Macfie On Behalf Of Beachlands South Limited Partnership (Cultural / Ngāi Tai Ki Tāmaki / Mana Whenua) 17 November 2023