Te Komiti mō te Kaupapa Here me te Whakamahere / Policy and Planning Committee






Minutes of a meeting of the Policy and Planning Committee held in the Reception Lounge, Auckland Town Hall, 301-305 Queen Street, Auckland on Tuesday, 10 December 2024 at 10.02am.


Te Hunga kua Tae mai | present



Cr Richard Hills



Houkura Member Edward Ashby



Cr Andrew Baker



Cr Josephine Bartley



Mayor Wayne Brown

From 11.54am, Item 9


Cr Chris Darby

Until 2.47pm, Item 15


Cr Julie Fairey



Cr Alf Filipaina, MNZM

Via electronic link,

From 10.05am, Item 2

until 1.10pm, Items 12 and 13


Cr Christine Fletcher, QSO

Via electronic link

From 10.06am, Item 3


Cr Lotu Fuli

Via electronic link

From 10.07am, Item 3;
Until 3.43pm, Item C1


Houkura Member Hon Tau Henare

Until 2.57pm, item 15


Cr Shane Henderson



Cr Mike Lee

Via electronic link

From 10.06am, Item 3;
until 3.16pm, Item 23


Cr Kerrin Leoni



Cr Daniel Newman, JP



Cr Greg Sayers



Deputy Mayor Desley Simpson, JP



Cr Sharon Stewart, QSM

From 10.04am, Item 2


Cr Ken Turner



Cr Wayne Walker

From 10.32am, Item 6.2


Cr John Watson

From 11.26am, Item 8


Cr Maurice Williamson





Te Hunga Kāore i Tae Mai | ABSENT



Deputy Chairperson

Cr Angela Dalton




Te Hunga Āpiti kua Tae mai | ALSO PRESENT



Greg Presland

Chair – Waitākere Ranges Local Board Chair




Policy and Planning Committee

10 December 2024




1          Ngā Tamōtanga | Apologies


Resolution number PEPCC/2024/123

MOVED by Cr G Sayers, seconded by Cr J Fairey:  

That the Policy and Planning Committee:

a)         whakaae / accept the apologies from members:


Deputy Chairperson, Cr A Dalton


Mayor W Brown – on council business

Early departure

Mayor W Brown

Cr A Filipaina
Cr C Fletcher


Notes:  Subsequent apologies were received from Cr W Walker and Cr J Watson, for lateness.

Subsequently, Mayor W Brown and Cr C Fletcher did not depart early.

Electronic attendance

Cr S Stewart entered the meeting at 10.04am.
Cr M Williamson entered the meeting at 10.04am.

Resolution number PEPCC/2024/124

MOVED by Cr K Leoni, seconded by Deputy Mayor D Simpson:  

That the Policy and Planning Committee:

a)         whakaae / approve electronic attendance under Standing Order 3.3.3 for:

·         Cr A Filipaina (SO 3.3.3 b))

·         Cr C Fletcher (SO 3.3.3 b))

·         Cr L Fuli (SO 3.3.3 a))

·         Cr M Lee (SO 3.3.3 b))




Cr A Filipaina joined the meeting at 10.05am.



2          Te Whakapuaki i te Whai Pānga | Declaration of Interest


Houkura Member E Ashby declared an interest in Item 11 - Waitākere Ranges Heritage Area Deed of Acknowledgement with Te Kawerau ā Maki: Agreement in principle on key elements.




3          Te Whakaū i ngā Āmiki | Confirmation of Minutes


Resolution number PEPCC/2024/125

MOVED by Deputy Mayor D Simpson, seconded by Chairperson R Hills:  

That the Policy and Planning Committee:

a)         whakaū / confirm the ordinary minutes of its meeting, held on Thursday, 14 November 2024 as a true and correct record.




Cr M Lee joined the meeting at 10.06am.

Cr C Fletcher joined the meeting at 10.06am.

Cr L Fuli joined the meeting at 10.07am.



4          Ngā Petihana | Petitions


There were no petitions.



5          Ngā Kōrero a te Marea | Public Input




Public Input:  Economy of Advanced Technologies - Rain Forest Express


Note:   changes were made to the original recommendation, adding new clause b), with the agreement of the meeting.


Resolution number PEPCC/2024/126

MOVED by Cr K Turner, seconded by Deputy Mayor D Simpson:  

That the Policy and Planning Committee:

a)      whiwhi / receive the public input from Christopher Lock and Harvey Stewart from the Economy of Advanced Technologies regarding re-establishing the Rain Forest Express

b)      refer the presentation to the Director Community and request they provide a report to the Parks Committee at its first meeting of 2025 on options for enabling the re-establishment of the Rainforest Express.







6          Ngā Kōrero a te Poari ā-Rohe Pātata | Local Board Input



Local Board Input: Waitākere Ranges Local Board - Waitākere Ranges Heritage Area Deed of Acknowledgement


Cr W Walker entered to the meeting at 10.32am.


Resolution number PEPCC/2024/127

MOVED by Cr S Henderson, seconded by Cr K Turner:  

That the Policy and Planning Committee:

a)      whiwhi / receive Waitākere Ranges Local Board input regarding “Item 11 - Waitākere Ranges Heritage Area Deed of Acknowledgement with Te Kawerau ā Maki: Agreement in principle on key elements” and whakamihi / thank the local board for their attendance.




7          Ngā Pakihi Autaia | Extraordinary Business


There was no extraordinary business.




Principles of the Treaty of Waitangi Bill - Auckland Council's submission


Note:   changes were made to the original recommendation, adding new clause b), as a Chair’s recommendation.


Cr G Sayers left the meeting at 10.56am.


MOVED by Chairperson R Hills, seconded by Cr J Fairey:  

That the Policy and Planning Committee:

a)      whakaae / approve staff drafting a submission in opposition to the Principles of the Treaty of Waitangi Bill, that includes the following high-level themes:

i)        outline procedural issues including:

A)   development of the Bill (lack of engagement with Māori)

B)   timing of submission period

ii)       the council’s strategic commitments to work in a manner that respects and recognises the significance of Te Tiriti o Waitangi/The Treaty of Waitangi

b)      tautapa / delegate authority to the Chair and Deputy Chair of the Policy and Planning Committee to approve the final submission ahead of the 7 January 2025 deadline.

c)      tuhi ā-taipitopito / note the final submission will be circulated to members following 7 January 2025.


Cr J Watson entered the meeting at 11.26am.


MOVED by Cr C Fletcher, seconded by Cr K Turner an amendment by way of replacement of clause a):  

That the Policy and Planning Committee:

a)      whakaae / approve staff drafting a submission in opposition to on the Principles of the Treaty of Waitangi Bill, that includes the following high-level themes:

i)        outline procedural issues including:

A)   development of the Bill (lack of engagement with Māori)

B)   timing of submission period

ii)       the council’s strategic commitments to work in a manner that respects and recognises the significance of Te Tiriti o Waitangi/The Treaty of Waitangi

b)      tautapa / delegate authority to the Chair and Deputy Chair of the Policy and Planning Committee to approve the final submission ahead of the 7 January 2025 deadline.

c)      tuhi ā-taipitopito / note the final submission will be circulated to members following 7 January 2025.

A division was called for, voting on which was as follows:


Cr A Baker

Cr C Fletcher

Cr M Lee

Cr D Newman

Deputy Mayor D Simpson

Cr S Stewart

Cr K Turner

Cr W Walker

Cr J Watson

Cr M Williamson


Houkura Member E Ashby

Cr J Bartley

Cr C Darby

Cr J Fairey

Cr A Filipaina

Cr L Fuli

Houkura Member T Henare

Cr S Henderson

Chairperson R Hills

Cr K Leoni


The motion was declared EQUAL.

The chair exercised their casting vote against so the motion was Lost.


The original motion was put.


Resolution number PEPCC/2024/128

MOVED by Chairperson R Hills, seconded by Cr J Fairey:  

That the Policy and Planning Committee:

a)      whakaae / approve staff drafting a submission in opposition to the Principles of the Treaty of Waitangi Bill, that includes the following high-level themes:

i)       outline procedural issues including:

A)   development of the Bill (lack of engagement with Māori)

B)   timing of submission period

ii)      the council’s strategic commitments to work in a manner that respects and recognises the significance of Te Tiriti o Waitangi/The Treaty of Waitangi

b)      tautapa / delegate authority to the Chair and Deputy Chair of the Policy and Planning Committee to approve the final submission ahead of the 7 January 2025 deadline.

c)      tuhi ā-taipitopito / note the final submission will be circulated to members following 7 January 2025.

A division was called for, voting on which was as follows:


Houkura Member E Ashby

Cr J Bartley

Cr C Darby

Cr J Fairey

Cr A Filipaina

Cr L Fuli

Houkura Member T Henare

Cr S Henderson

Chairperson R Hills

Cr K Leoni

Deputy Mayor D Simpson


Cr A Baker

Cr M Lee

Cr D Newman

Cr S Stewart

Cr K Turner

Cr W Walker

Cr J Watson

Cr M Williamson


Cr C Fletcher

The motion was declared carried by 11 votes to 8.




The meeting adjourned at 11.48am and reconvened at 11.54am.

Houkura Member T Henare were not present.


Mayor W Brown entered the meeting at 11.54am.




Auckland Council submission on the Resource Management Act (Amendment) Bill


A PowerPoint presentation was given.  A copy has been placed on the official minutes and is available on the Auckland Council website as a minutes attachment.


Houkura Member T Henare returned to the meeting at 11.57am.


Resolution number PEPCC/2024/129

MOVED by Chairperson R Hills, seconded by Cr A Baker:  

That the Policy and Planning Committee:

a)      tautapa / delegate approval of the council’s submission on the Resource Management Act (Amendment) Bill to the Chair and Deputy Chair of the Policy and Planning Committee, and a member of Houkura – Independent Māori Statutory Board, should the submission period close before the first Policy and Planning Committee meeting in 2025.




a     10 December 2024, Policy and Planning Committee, Item 9 - Auckland Council submission on the Resource Management Act (Amendment) Bill, presentation





Thriving Rangatahi - council's plan to support thriving children and young people


A PowerPoint presentation was given.  A copy has been placed on the official minutes and is available on the Auckland Council website as a minutes attachment.


Note:   changes were made to the original recommendation, adding new clause b), as a Chair’s recommendation.


Cr D Newman left the meeting at 12.13pm.
Cr M Lee left the meeting at 12.18pm.
Cr D Newman returned to the meeting at 12.26pm.
Cr M Lee returned to the meeting at 12.34pm


Resolution number PEPCC/2024/130

MOVED by Cr S Henderson, seconded by Cr J Fairey:  

That the Policy and Planning Committee:

a)      whai / adopt Thriving Rangatahi, council’s commitment and plan to support thriving children and young people.

b)      whakamihi / thank the representatives from the Youth Advisory Panel for their attendance.




a     10 December 2024, Policy and Planning Committee - Item 10 - Thriving Rangatahi - council's plan to support thriving children and young people, presentation



Note:   Item 11 - Waitākere Ranges Heritage Area Deed of Acknowledgement with Te Kawerau ā Maki: Agreement in principle on key elements, was taken after Item 14 - Natural environment and water quality targeted rates and Regional Pest Management Plan annual report 2023/2024.



Note:   Items 12 and 13 were taken together.




Draft Auckland Open Space, Sport and Recreation Strategy - Part One


Draft Auckland Open Space, Sport and Recreation Strategy - Part Two


A PowerPoint presentation was given. 

Resolutions from the Waitākere Ranges Local Board meeting held on 5 December 2024 were tabled at the meeting.

Copies have been placed on the official minutes and are available on the Auckland Council website as a minutes attachments.


Cr M Lee returned to the meeting at 12.37pm.
Houkura Member T Henare left the meeting at 1.03pm.


Chairperson R Hills vacated the chair in favour of the Deputy Mayor D Simpson at 1.08pm.

Deputy Mayor D Simpson vacated the chair.  Chairperson R Hills returned to the meeting and resumed the chair at 1.09pm.


Cr A Filipaina retired from the meeting at 1.10pm.


Draft Auckland Open Space, Sport and Recreation Strategy - Part One


Resolution number PEPCC/2024/131

MOVED by Cr A Filipaina, seconded by Cr C Fletcher:  

That the Policy and Planning Committee:

a)      whakaae / approve staff undertaking public consultation on the strategic directions and investment principles in the draft of Manaaki Tāmaki Makaurau: Auckland Open Space, Sport and Recreation Strategy (at Attachment A of the agenda report)

b)      tuhi ā-taipitopito / note local board feedback on the draft of Manaaki Tāmaki Makaurau and that staff will work with local boards on the advice and support they need to implement the strategy.



Draft Auckland Open Space, Sport and Recreation Strategy - Part Two


Resolution number PEPCC/2024/132

MOVED by Cr A Filipaina, seconded by Cr C Fletcher:  

That the Policy and Planning Committee:

a)      whakaae / approve staff undertaking public consultation on the proposed policies in the draft of Manaaki Tāmaki Makaurau: Auckland Open Space, Sport and Recreation Strategy, including on two options to update the open space provision standards (at Attachment A of the agenda report)

b)      tuhi ā-taipitopito / note the two options for updated open space provision standards for consultation:

i)        Package one – High-density focused: provide more open space than currently enabled in high-density areas

ii)      Package two – Capacity focused: provide more open space than currently enabled in high- and medium-density areas where residents have low or moderate levels of provision.

c)      tuhi ā-taipitopito / note local board feedback on the draft of Manaaki Tāmaki Makaurau and that staff will work with local boards on the advice and support they need to implement the strategy.




a     Draft Auckland Open Space, Sport and Recreation Strategy - Part One; and Item 13 - Draft Auckland Open Space, Sport and Recreation Strategy - Part Two - presentation

b     Draft Auckland Open Space, Sport and Recreation Strategy - Part One; and Item 13 - Draft Auckland Open Space, Sport and Recreation Strategy - Part Two - Waitakere Ranges Local Board resolutions




The meeting adjourned at 1.13pm and reconvened at 1.45pm.


Mayor W Brown, Cr J Bartley, Cr C Darby and Cr K Leoni were not present.



Cr G Sayers returned to the meeting at 1.45pm.

Mayor W Brown returned to the meeting at 1.48pm.

Cr C Darby returned to the meeting at 1.50pm.




Natural environment and water quality targeted rates and Regional Pest Management Plan annual report 2023/2024


Cr J Bartley returned to the meeting at 1.53pm.
Cr K Leoni returned to the meeting at 1.53pm.


A PowerPoint presentation was given.  A copy has been placed on the official minutes and is available on the Auckland Council website as a minutes attachment.


Resolution number PEPCC/2024/133

MOVED by Cr W Walker, seconded by Chairperson R Hills:  

That the Policy and Planning Committee:

a)      tuhi ā-taipitopito / note the annual report on the natural environment and water quality targeted rate work programmes

b)      tuhi ā-taipitopito / note the annual report on the operational plan implementing the Regional Pest Management Plan 2020-2030

c)      tuhi ā-taipitopito / note the updated operational plan implementing the Regional Pest Management Plan 2020-2030.




a     10 December 2024, Policy and Planning Committee - Item 14 - Natural environment and water quality targeted rates and Regional Pest Management Plan annual report 2023/2024, presentation




Waitākere Ranges Heritage Area Deed of Acknowledgement with Te Kawerau ā Maki: Agreement in principle on key elements


Houkura Member E Ashby declared an interest in this item and took no part in the voting on the matter.


Note:   changes were made to the original recommendation, adding new clause d), as a Chair’s recommendation.


Cr C Fletcher left the meeting at 2.24pm.
Cr C Fletcher entered the meeting in-person at 2.41pm.


Resolution number PEPCC/2024/134

MOVED by Cr S Henderson, seconded by Cr W Walker:  

That the Policy and Planning Committee:

a)      whakaae / agree in principle the following key elements of a deed of acknowledgment (Deed) under the Waitākere Ranges Heritage Area Act 2008 (the Act), to be entered into by Te Kawerau ā Maki, Auckland Council and the Crown (through the Department of Conservation):

i)       an overarching strategic plan for the Heritage Area

ii)      work programmes to achieve the outcomes set out in the strategic plan

iii)     monitoring of the strategic plan outcomes, and

iv)     a joint committee of council established to undertake the elements set out in recommendations a) i, ii and iii.

b)      whakaae / approve staff to engage with the public, particularly key Waitākere Ranges stakeholder groups, on the key elements of the Deed agreed in principle under recommendation a), to inform future Auckland Council decisions on the Deed.

c)      tuhi ā-taipitopito / note that discussions are continuing between Auckland Council, the Crown and Ngāti Whātua (also recognised as tangata whenua in the Act) on a Deed, and that the position of Ngāti Whātua to participate in the arrangements under this Deed will be preserved.

d)      tuhi ā-taipitopito / note that the Deed will only relate to Crown and Council-owned land within the Heritage Area in accordance with Section 29(4) of the Act.






Auckland Unitary Plan - Private Plan Change Request from Harbour View Heights Ltd to Rezone Land at Papakura from Rural Countryside Living Zone to Residential Mixed Housing Urban Zone


Cr C Darby retired from the meeting at 2.47pm.
Houkura Member T Henare retired from the meeting at 2.57pm.
Cr G Sayers left the meeting at 3.00pm.


Resolution number PEPCC/2024/135

MOVED by Chairperson R Hills, seconded by Deputy Mayor D Simpson:  

That the Policy and Planning Committee:

a)      whakaae / agree not to reject the private plan change request under clause 25(4) of Schedule 1 of the RMA as there are no grounds of rejection available, on the basis that:

i)       the private plan change request is not frivolous or vexatious;

iii)     the substance of the private plan change request has not been considered within the last two years;

iv)     having regard to relevant caselaw, a coarse scale assessment of the private plan change request does not indicate that it is not in accordance with sound resource management practice;

v)      a preliminary assessment indicates the private plan change request will not make the Auckland Unitary Plan inconsistent with Part 5 of the RMA;

vi)     the provisions of the Auckland Unitary Plan subject to the private plan change request have been operative for at least two years;

b)      whakaae / accept the private plan change request for the following reasons:

i)       accepting the private plan change request for notification will enable a range of matters to be considered on their merits during a public participatory process

ii)      it is inappropriate to adopt the private plan change as the council has no immediate intentions or need to rezone this area for development

iii)     it is not appropriate to deal with the private plan change as if it was a resource consent application because the current Rural – Countryside Living Zone that applies to the land is not suitable for medium density residential development.

c)      tautapa / delegate authority to the Manager Central South - Planning and Resource Consents Department to undertake the required notification and other statutory processes associated with processing the private plan change request.



Note:   Under Standing Order 1.8.6, the following members requested that their dissenting votes be recorded:

·           Cr D Newman

·           Cr S Stewart

·           Cr W Walker

·           Cr M Williamson





Auckland Unitary Plan - Private Plan Change Request - Whenuapai Green


Note:   changes were made to the original recommendation, adding new clause d), as a Chair’s recommendation.


A PowerPoint presentation was given.  A copy has been placed on the official minutes and is available on the Auckland Council website as a minutes attachment.


Resolution number PEPCC/2024/136

MOVED by Chairperson R Hills, seconded by Cr J Fairey:  

That the Policy and Planning Committee:

a)      whakaae / agree not to reject the private plan change request under clause 25(4) of Schedule 1 of the Resource Management Act 1991 as there are no grounds of rejection available, on the basis that:

i)       the private plan change request is not frivolous. The Requestor has provided sufficient supporting technical information and the private plan change request has a resource management purpose as it seeks to rezone approximately 16.36 hectares of land from Future Urban Zone to Residential – Mixed Housing Urban Zone




ii)      the private plan change request is not vexatious. The Requestor is not acting in bad faith by lodging a private plan change request. The Requestor is not requiring council to consider matters in this process that have already been decided or that are the subject of extensive community engagement or investment

iii)     the substance of the private plan change request has not been considered within the last two years

iv)     having regard to relevant caselaw, a coarse level of assessment of the private plan change request does not indicate that it is not in accordance with sound resource management practice

v)      a preliminary assessment indicates that the private plan change request will not make the Auckland Unitary Plan (Operative in Part) inconsistent with Part 5 of the Resource Management Act 1991

vi)     the provisions of the Auckland Unitary Plan subject to the private plan change request have been operative for at least two years.

b)      whakaae / accept the private plan change request for processing for the following reasons:

i)       accepting the private plan change request for notification will enable a range of matters to be considered on their merits during a public participatory process

ii)      it is inappropriate to adopt the private plan change request. The council has no immediate intentions to rezone this area for urban development. A council plan change is not currently on the council’s work programme. Therefore, the associated risks and costs of a private plan change request should be met by the developer rather than the council

iii)     it is not appropriate to deal with the private plan change request as if it was a resource consent application because the current Future Urban Zone that applies to the land is not currently suitable for residential subdivision and development.

c)         tautapa / delegate authority to the Manager Planning – Regional, North, West and Islands to undertake the required notification and other statutory processes associated with processing the private plan change request.

d)        tautapa / delegate authority to the Chair and Deputy Chair of the Policy and Planning Committee, and a Member of Houkura – Independent Māori Statutory Board, to approve a council submission on Private Plan Change - Whenuapai Green:

i)       seeking to have the private plan change request declined unless Council’s concerns around the following matters are appropriately addressed:

A)     development is integrated with the provision of infrastructure (e.g. through strengthening the objectives and policies included in the private plan change)

B)     people are not exposed to unacceptable levels of noise from Whenuapai Airbase.




a     10 December 2024, Policy and Planning Committee - Item 16 - Auckland Unitary Plan - Private Plan Change Request - Whenuapai Green, presentation





Auckland Unitary Plan - Making private plan change operative - Plan Change 88 (Beachlands South)


A PowerPoint presentation was given.  A copy has been placed on the official minutes and is available on the Auckland Council website as a minutes attachment.


Cr G Sayers returned to the meeting at 3.13pm.


Resolution number PEPCC/2024/137

MOVED by Cr A Baker, seconded by Houkura Member E Ashby:  

That the Policy and Planning Committee:

a)      whakaae / approve Private Plan Change 88 – Beachlands South to the Auckland Unitary Plan (Operative in Part) as set out in Annexure B to the Plan Change 88 consent determination (Decision [2024] NZEnvC 307) at Attachment A of this agenda report, under clause 17 of Schedule 1 of the Resource Management Act 1991.

b)      tono / request staff to complete the necessary statutory processes to publicly notify the date on which Private Plan Change 88 becomes operative as soon as possible, in accordance with the requirements in clause 20(2) of Schedule 1 of the Resource Management Act 1991.

c)      tono / request staff to make consequential amendments to the Auckland Unitary Plan in accordance with paragraph [41] of the Plan Change 88 consent determination (Decision [2024] NZEnvC 307).




a     10 December 2024, Policy and Planning Committee - Item 17 - Auckland Unitary Plan - Making private plan change operative - Plan Change 88 (Beachlands South), presentation





Auckland Unitary Plan - Making operative Private Plan Change 90 - 8 Sparky Road, Ōtara


Resolution number PEPCC/2024/138

MOVED by Cr A Baker, seconded by Cr G Sayers:  

That the Policy and Planning Committee:

a)      whakaae / approve Private Plan Change 90 to the Auckland Unitary Plan (Operative in Part) under clause 17(2) of Schedule 1 of the Resource Management Act 1991 as set out in Attachments A and B to the agenda report

b)      tono / request staff to complete the necessary statutory processes to publicly notify the date on which the plan change becomes operative as soon as possible, in accordance with the requirements in clause 20(2) of Schedule 1 of the Resource Management Act 1991.








Auckland Unitary Plan - Making Operative Private Plan Change 95 - Lot 3 DP 185893 Golding Road, Pukekohe


Resolution number PEPCC/2024/139

MOVED by Cr A Baker, seconded by Cr G Sayers:  

That the Policy and Planning Committee:

a)      whakaae / approve Private Plan Change 95 to the Auckland Unitary Plan (Operative in Part) under clause 17(2) of Schedule 1 of the Resource Management Act 1991 as set out in Attachments A and B to the agenda report

b)      tono / request staff to complete the necessary statutory processes to publicly notify the date on which the plan change becomes operative in part as soon as possible, in accordance with the requirements in clause 20(2) of Schedule 1 of the Resource Management Act 1991.






Auckland Unitary Plan - Making Operative Private Plan Change 97 - Redwood Park Golf Club


Resolution number PEPCC/2024/140

MOVED by Cr A Baker, seconded by Cr G Sayers:  

That the Policy and Planning Committee:

a)      whakaae / approve Private Plan Change 97 – Redwood Park Golf Club to the Auckland Unitary Plan (Operative in Part) under clause 17(2) of Schedule 1 of the Resource Management Act 1991 as set out in Attachment A to the agenda report

b)      tono / request staff to complete the necessary statutory processes to publicly notify the date on which the plan change becomes operative as soon as possible, in accordance with the requirements in clause 20(2) of Schedule 1 of the Resource Management Act 1991.






Status Update on Action Decisions from Policy and Planning Committee – 14 November 2024


Resolution number PEPCC/2024/141

MOVED by Deputy Mayor D Simpson, seconded by Cr W Walker:   

That the Policy and Planning Committee:

a)      tuhi ā-taipitopito / note the status of decisions made at the 14 November 2024 meeting.








Summary of Policy and Planning Committee information memoranda, workshops and briefings (including the Forward Work Programme) – 10 December 2024


Resolution number PEPCC/2024/142

MOVED by Cr W Walker, seconded by Chairperson R Hills:   

That the Policy and Planning Committee:

a)      tuhi ā-taipitopito / note the progress on the forward work programme appended as Attachment A of the agenda report

b)      whiwhi / receive the Summary of Policy and Planning Committee information memoranda, workshops and briefings – 10 December 2024.





23        Te Whakaaro ki ngā Take Pūtea e Autaia ana | Consideration of Extraordinary Items


There was no consideration of extraordinary items.




Cr M Lee retired from the meeting at 3.16pm.




24        Te Mōtini ā-Tukanga hei Kaupare i te Marea | Procedural motion to exclude the public

Resolution number PEPCC/2024/143

MOVED by Cr W Walker, seconded by Chairperson R Hills:  

That the Policy and Planning Committee:

a)      whakaae / agree to exclude the public from the following part(s) of the proceedings of this meeting.

The general subject of each matter to be considered while the public is excluded, the reason for passing this resolution in relation to each matter, and the specific grounds under section 48(1) of the Local Government Official Information and Meetings Act 1987 for the passing of this resolution follows.

This resolution is made in reliance on section 48(1)(a) of the Local Government Official Information and Meetings Act 1987 and the particular interest or interests protected by section 6 or section 7 of that Act which would be prejudiced by the holding of the whole or relevant part of the proceedings of the meeting in public, as follows:










C1       CONFIDENTIAL: Regional parks acquisition opportunity

Reason for passing this resolution in relation to each matter

Particular interest(s) protected (where applicable)

Ground(s) under section 48(1) for the passing of this resolution

The public conduct of the part of the meeting would be likely to result in the disclosure of information for which good reason for withholding exists under section 7.

s7(2)(c)(i) - The withholding of the information is necessary to protect information which is subject to an obligation of confidence or which any person has been or could be compelled to provide under the authority of any enactment, where the making available of the information would be likely to prejudice the supply of similar information or information from the same source and it is in the public interest that such information should continue to be supplied.

s7(2)(h) - The withholding of the information is necessary to enable the local authority to carry out, without prejudice or disadvantage, commercial activities.

s7(2)(i) - The withholding of the information is necessary to enable the local authority to carry on, without prejudice or disadvantage, negotiations (including commercial and industrial negotiations).

In particular, the report contains information regarding the value and conditions of a potential acquisition, which, if released, would be detrimental to the process.


The public conduct of the part of the meeting would be likely to result in the disclosure of information for which good reason for withholding exists under section 7.


The text of these resolutions is made available to the public who are present at the meeting and form part of the minutes of the meeting.




3.16pm            The public was excluded.


Resolutions in relation to the confidential items are recorded in the confidential section of these minutes and are not publicly available.


4.05pm            The public was re-admitted.






It was resolved while the public was excluded:




CONFIDENTIAL: Regional parks acquisition opportunity


Resolution number PEPCC/2024/146

MOVED by Mayor W Brown, seconded by Chairperson R Hills:  

g)      whakaee / agree that there be no restatement of this confidential report, attachments, or resolutions/recommendations for the acquisition of land for a regional park until settlement, and only then is the resolution to be restated.






4.05pm                                               The chairperson thanked members for their attendance and attention to business and declared the meeting closed.









