Ōrākei Local Board
Minutes of a meeting of the Ōrākei Local Board held in the Ōrākei Local Board Office, 25 St Johns Road, Meadowbank on Thursday, 12 December 2024 at 12:00 pm.
Te Hunga kua Tae mai | present
Chairperson |
Scott Milne, JP |
Deputy Chairperson |
Sarah Powrie |
Members |
Troy Churton |
Angus McPhee |
Penny Tucker |
Margaret Voyce |
David Wong, JP |
Te Hunga Kāore i Tae Mai | ABSENT
Te Hunga Āpiti kua Tae mai | ALSO PRESENT
He Hunga atu anō i Tae mai | IN ATTENDANCE
Ōrākei Local Board 12 December 2024 |
Chairperson S Milne welcomed those present with a karakia.
2 Ngā Tamōtanga | Apologies
Resolution number OR/2024/164 MOVED by Chairperson S Milne, seconded by Member M Voyce: That the Ōrākei Local Board: a) accept the apology from Member D Wong for lateness. |
3 Te Whakapuaki i te Whai Pānga | Declaration of Interest
There were no declarations of interest.
4 Ngā Tono Whakaaturanga | Deputations
There were no deputations.
5 Te Matapaki Tūmatanui | Public Forum
5.1 |
Public Forum - Julie Clayton-West - Status quo off-leash dog access |
Resolution number OR/2024/165 MOVED by Chairperson S Milne, seconded by Deputy Chairperson S Powrie: That the Ōrākei Local Board: a) receive the presentation and thank Julie Clayton-West for her attendance. |
6 Ngā Pakihi Autaia | Extraordinary Business
There was no extraordinary business.
Paul Wilson (Senior Policy Advisor) and Saana Judd (Policy Advisor) were in attendance to speak to the item. |
Resolution number OR/2024/166 MOVED by Member T Churton, seconded by Member A McPhee: That the Ōrākei Local Board: a) support the option to consult on amending local dog access rules related to Madills Farm and Glover Park subject to the following: i) The request for review is based on comprehensive advice from Council parks staff ii) The request for review indicates an opportunity to align rules with region-wide settings b) does not support the option to consult on amending local dog access rules related to Crossfield Reserve and recommends the current rule which reflects region-wide settings remain as stated as the request for review is based on a single public request, and that the additional proposed area is a narrow space bordering the fields with no definitive demarcation and would make dog control difficult. c) endorse the assessment findings of possible structural problems with the local dog access rules in Attachment B of this agenda report as regards Madills Farm and Glover Park d) agree that Option two (Amend local dog access rule) in Attachment B of this agenda report is the most appropriate response to the assessment findings as regards Madills Farm and Glover Park. e) adopt the Statement of Proposal in Attachment A of this agenda report that contains proposed amendments to local dog access rules for public consultation using the Local Government Act 2002 special consultative procedure as regards Madills Farm and Glover Park f) confirm that the proposed amendments to local dog access rules in the Statement of Proposal in Attachment A of this agenda report, as regards Madills Farm and Glover Park are: i) Consistent with the policy, principles and criteria for deciding dog access rules in the Auckland Council Kaupapa mo ngā Kuri | Policy on Dogs 2019 ii) Not inconsistent with any decision in relation to region-wide dog access rules contained in the Auckland Council Kaupapa mo ngā Kuri | Policy on Dogs 2019 iii) In accordance with all relevant legislative requirements, in particular the Local Government Act 2002 and Dog Control Act 1996. g) note local board members will be invited to attend relevant ‘Have Your Say’ events and the local board will deliberate and make decisions on public feedback to the proposal in e) above. h) delegate authority through the Chief Executive to a manager responsible for bylaws to: i) Appoint staff to receive public feedback at ‘Have Your Say’ events where attendance from Panel members is not necessary (for example, an informal ‘drop-in’ session) ii) Make any amendments to the proposal in Attachment A of this agenda report to correct errors, omissions, insert maps or reflect decisions made by the local board. i) note that the local board would need to fund any bespoke public consultation initiatives and allocate funding for estimated costs in Attachment B of this agenda report (for example for signage) to implement any local dog access rule changes |
8 |
Justin Kary (Senior Local Board Advisor) was in attendance to speak to the item. |
Resolution number OR/2024/167 MOVED by Chairperson S Milne, seconded by Deputy Chairperson S Powrie: That the Ōrākei Local Board: a) approve local consultation document content (Attachment A) and local supporting information content (Attachment B) for inclusion in the Annual Plan 2025/2026 consultation material. b) delegate authority to the local board Chair to approve any changes required to finalise the local consultation document and supporting information content for the Ōrākei Local Board for the Annual Plan 2025/2026. c) approve the following Have Your Say event in the local board area during the Annual Plan 2025/2026 consultation period: i) A town-hall style event at Tagalad Reserve, 9 Tagalad Road, Mission Bay on Tuesday 4 March 2025, 5:30pm – 7:00pm. d) delegate authority to the local board Chair to approve any changes required to the Have Your Say event. e) delegate to the following elected members and staff the power and responsibility to hear from the public through “spoken (or New Zealand sign language) interaction” in relation to the local board agreement at the council’s public engagement events during the consultation period for the Annual Plan 2025/2026: i) All Ōrākei Local Board members ii) General Manager Governance and Engagement, Local Area Manager, Local Board Senior Advisor, Local Board Advisor, Local Board Democracy Advisor, Local Board Engagement Advisor. iii) Any additional staff approved by the General Manager Governance and Engagement or the Group Chief Financial Officer. f) note that an additional point will be added into Attachment A and B under the heading “What we propose in your local board area” as follows: i) Work to enhance the Ellerslie Town Square by improving access, activation ability, safety and public amenity through improved tree management, landscaping and seating. |
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Kevin Marriott (Head of Community Delivery), Sibyl Mandow (Manager Community Programme Delivery), Bevan Chuang (Specialist Advisor Community Delivery), Rachael Rivera, and Lisa Waldner were in attendance to speak to the item. |
Resolution number OR/2024/168 MOVED by Deputy Chairperson S Powrie, seconded by Member P Tucker: That the Ōrākei Local Board: a) approve Option 1 – License to Occupy with funding agreement and the potential to progress a community lease at the beginning of FY 25/26 for Tagalad Reserve South, Mission Bay including: i) Partnering with a community organisation to pilot placemaking activities at Tagalad Reserve for a period not exceeding 12 months. ii) Reallocating $40,000 from PO2312642 - Community Programme Coordinator to Placemaking line (ID 306) for placemaking activities delivered by a community organisation at Tagalad Reserve via a funding agreement. iii) Advancing the process for establishing a community lease at Tagalad Reserve to begin after the conclusion of the license to occupy, guided by an evaluation of the outcomes achieved during the license period. b) delegate approval of the license to occupy and funding agreement to staff, in consultation with the local board chair. c) note that an updated figure of $2,000 has been added to ‘Table 1: 3-year options operational expenditure forecast’ under ‘Option 4: Status quo – community lease only’ under the ‘Operational expenditure for 1 year’ column in the report instead of the $57,000 currently stated. |
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Auckland Transport Kōkiri / Local Board Transport Agreement Quarterly Update - December 2024 |
Lorna Stewart (Elected Member Relationship Partner) was in attendance to speak to the item. |
Resolution number OR/2024/169 MOVED by Chairperson S Milne, seconded by Member A McPhee: That the Ōrākei Local Board: a) receive the December 2024 quarterly update on the Kōkiri / Local Board Transport Agreement 2024-2025. b) allocate local board capital funds to the following local board transport projects: i) $375,000 for a crossing near 85 Patteson Avenue, Mission Bay ii) $170,000 for a footpath near Churchill Park School within Churchill Park on Kinsale Avenue, Glendowie iii) $60,000 for a new bus shelter at the bus stop at 265 Saint Johns Road, St Johns c) request Auckland Transport to investigate the provision of extra safety measures at the pedestrian crossing outside Glen Taylor School, 172 West Tamaki Road, and engage with the Maungakiekie-Tamaki Local Board as part of this provision. |
Proposed policy refresh: Business Improvement District (BID) Policy (2022) |
Resolution number OR/2024/170 MOVED by Deputy Chairperson S Powrie, seconded by Member P Tucker: That the Ōrākei Local Board: a) receive the report and information regarding the proposed refresh of the BID Policy (2022) and agree to provide formal feedback on the changes proposed. b) agree with the proposed changes to the BID Policy 2022 which will endorse and strengthen the following: iv) Clarify minimum requirements, and strengthen issue resolution wording, including the ability to terminate funding agreements in cases of ongoing non-compliance where other concerns are evident. v) The requirement for clarity around accumulated or unspent targeted rate funding. vi) Confirming the targeted rate cannot be used to guarantee, secure, or repay borrowed or raised money, unless approved by resolution. vii) Changing the deadline for annual accountability reporting, which will shift from 10 March to 1 December to allow BIDs to wrap up post AGM reporting in a shorter timeframe and enable Council to confirm compliance in a timely manner, to coincide with Council annual budget/long-term plan engagement process. viii) Approve the minor changes to wording and layout. |
Initiation Report: Ngā Tikanga Hopu Wakaahua i te Rohe o Tāmaki Makaurau - Auckland Film Protocol |
Resolution number OR/2024/171 MOVED by Chairperson S Milne, seconded by Member A McPhee: That the Ōrākei Local Board: a) receive the initiation report on the Auckland Film Protocol Refresh. b) support the engagement plan, including the local board cluster approach. c) request a workshop with Screen Auckland in early 2025 on the Refresh content prior to providing formal feedback on any changes to the film protocol before final approval by the Policy and Planning Committee in July 2025. |
13 Te Whakaaro ki ngā Take Pūtea e Autaia ana | Consideration of Extraordinary Items
There was no consideration of extraordinary items.
14 Te Mōtini ā-Tukanga hei Kaupare i te Marea | Procedural motion to exclude the public |
Resolution number OR/2024/172 MOVED by Chairperson S Milne, seconded by Member M Voyce: That the Ōrākei Local Board: a) agree to exclude the public from the following part(s) of the proceedings of this meeting. b) agree that the relevant Auckland Council staff be permitted to remain for Confidential Item C1: The Landing car park, Tamaki Drive - options to provide an improved parking service after the public has been excluded, because of their knowledge of the relevant subject matter, which will help the Ōrākei Local Board in its decision-making. The general subject of each matter to be considered while the public is excluded, the reason for passing this resolution in relation to each matter, and the specific grounds under section 48(1) of the Local Government Official Information and Meetings Act 1987 for the passing of this resolution follows. This resolution is made in reliance on section 48(1)(a) of the Local Government Official Information and Meetings Act 1987 and the particular interest or interests protected by section 6 or section 7 of that Act which would be prejudiced by the holding of the whole or relevant part of the proceedings of the meeting in public, as follows:
C1 The Landing car park, Tamaki Drive - options to provide an improved parking service
The text of these resolutions is made available to the public who are present at the meeting and form part of the minutes of the meeting. |
12.58pm The public was excluded.
Resolutions in relation to the confidential items are recorded in the confidential section of these minutes and are not publicly available.
1.18pm The public was re-admitted.
It was resolved while the public was excluded:
C1 |
The Landing car park, Tamaki Drive - options to provide an improved parking service |
Zee Lasseter (Business Growth and Development Manager), Jacqui Thompson Fell (Parks and Places Specialist) and Praveen Vadakkedath (Strategic Procurement Specialist) were in attendance to speak to the item. |
Resolution number OR/2024/164 MOVED by Chairperson S Milne, seconded by Member A McPhee: That the Ōrākei Local Board: b) authorise staff to progress the contract terms and defined parking area with the selected provider and report back in February 2025. Subject to the outcome of negotiations for the Arrangement, grant a new services agreement with the third party to provide the services from the car park land at 8-12 Tamaki Drive, legally described as Lot 1 DP 175464 NA108A/49, subject to the following terms and conditions: i) Term: three years with one three-year right of renewal, commencing from the date of final approval. ii) All other terms and conditions to be in accordance with the Local Government Act and otherwise on terms consistent with these recommendations. c) note the recommendations to approve the implementation of the parking rate options as detailed in the Financial Implications section of this report: · Initial free period: First 90 minutes free. · Parking rates: Flat tariff at $3.00 per hour for vehicles, $5.00 per hour for car and trailers, capped at a maximum daily rate of $22. · Waivers and permits: Provisions for key stakeholder access, upon application. d) approve a 12-monthly review to evaluate whether parking behaviour has been positively impacted by the chosen models and price points. e) endorse reinvesting net parking and enforcement revenue retained by Auckland Council following revenue share with provider into local improvements at The Landing in alignment with community needs. f) request staff to initiate an engagement plan following contract finalisation and release a public communication detailing an update of the procurement and plans for implementation. |
1.18 pm The chairperson thanked members for their attendance and attention to business and declared the meeting closed.