Pukekohe Cemetery Committee workshops

04 February 2025








Meeting Room:



Tuesday, 4 February 2025


Leslie Comrie Board Room
Level 1 Franklin the Centre,

12 Massey Ave


Pukekohe Cemetery Committee workshops










Makere Rikka Heke


Deputy Chairperson

Harley Wade



Janie Astle



Pyllis Bhana



Alan Cole



Angela Fulljames



Tearepa Kahi



Sonny Parata



Pare Rauwhero



Logan Soole



Tearepa Kahi









Denise Gunn

Democracy Advisor


30 January 2025


Contact Telephone: 021 981 028

Email: denise.gunn@aucklandcouncil.govt.nz

Website: www.aucklandcouncil.govt.nz













1          Ngā Tamōtanga | Apologies                                                   5

2          Te Whakapuaki i te Whai Pānga | Declaration of Interest                                                               5

3          Committee Workshop                                                                                                   7







Pukekohe Cemetery Committee workshops

04 February 2025



1          Ngā Tamōtanga | Apologies


At the close of the agenda no apologies had been received.



2          Te Whakapuaki i te Whai Pānga | Declaration of Interest


Members are reminded of the need to be vigilant to stand aside from decision making when a conflict arises between their role as a member and any private or other external interest they might have.



3          Pukekohe Cemetery Committee workshop

File No.: CP2025/00518




Note 1:             This workshop has been called by the chairperson in consultation with the staff.

Note 2:             No working party/workshop may reach any decision or adopt any resolution unless                  specifically delegated to do so.

Te take mō te pūrongo

Purpose of the report

1.       To present the Pukekohe Cemetery Committee workshop agenda for 4 February 2025.

Whakarāpopototanga matua

Executive summary

2.       The Pukekohe Cemetery Committee was established by the Franklin Local Board as a committee of the Franklin Local Board pursuant to agreement with representatives from Nga Hau E Wha Marae. 

3.       Funding has been provided through Auckland Council’s Māori Outcomes Fund for a memorial or equivalent to be built at the cemetery, with development of the memorial to led by the Pukekohe Māori community in collaboration with Auckland Council.

4.       The purpose of the Pukekohe Cemetery Committee (the Committee) is to provide governance and guidance for the memorial project in the Pukekohe Cemetery, including decision-making responsibility in relation to the allocation of Māori Outcomes funding for the project.

5.       Committee responsibilities include, but are not limited to:

·   oversight of community engagement and communication

·   commission and approving design for the memorial or equivalent (Stage 1), including decision-making on project budget

·   approving and monitoring implementation of a project plan

·   complete and approve a budget bid for Stage 2 as required

·   undertake decision-making on the budget for Stage 2

·   report to the Franklin Local Board and Māori Outcomes Fund as required.

6.       Most workshops are open to the public to attend as observers in person or online.

7.        Some sessions may not be open to the public. The staff / chairperson and deputy chairperson decide which sessions are open to the public, depending on the sensitivity of the information being discussed. If a session is not open, a reason will be provided below.

8.    The following will be covered in the workshop:

Discussion Point 1a

Updated project plan and budget summary

Presenter/s: Mat Glanfield     

Purpose:                       Update on the project budget, and the project plan

Governance role:          Oversight and monitoring

Proposed Outcome/s:   Committee are updated on the budget and plan

Attachment/s:                Pukekohe Cemetery Project Gant

                                      Pukekohe Cemetery Project Committee Budget Report

Discussion Point 1b

Seeking direction:  Design Advisor role

Presenter/s: Mat Glanfield     

Purpose:                       Raise with the committee the identified need for a design advisor role               

Governance role:          Setting direction/priorities/budget

Proposed Outcome/s:   Committee are updated on Design Advisor role

Attachment/s:                Memo Pukekohe Cemetery Project Design Advisor Role Final

Discussion Point 1c

Seeking direction:  Funding structure

Presenter/s: Mat Glanfield     

Purpose:                       Discuss opportunity to enhance the funding structure of this kaupapa to simplify procurement activities.

Governance role:          Setting direction/priorities/budget

Proposed Outcome/s:   Committee are updated on operational aspects of funding

Attachment/s:                Pukekohe Cemetery Project Funding Structure

Discussion Point 2a

Whaanau engagement hui

Presenter/s:                  Carol McKenzie-Rex

Purpose:                       Update on plan for, and promotion of whanau engagement hui, and role of committee role at whanau engagement hui

Governance role:          Engagement

Proposed Outcome/s:   Committee is aware of upcoming whanau engagement events and their role, and is encouraged to promote these hui; direction on the extent of feedback sought through engagement hui

Attachment/s:                Memo seeking Committee support to promote whanau     engagement

                                      Memo seeking direction on engagement and Committee roles




Discussion Point 2b

Proposal for site visit

Presenter/s:  Carol McKenzie-Rex    

Purpose:                       Explain purpose of site visit with Auckland Transport and Counties Energy, and seek direction on dates

Governance role:          Engagement

Proposed Outcome/s:   Committee gives direction site visit, including dates

Attachment/s:                Memo Committee direction for engagement with other key          stakeholders

Discussion Point 3


Presenter/s:   David Kemeys, Gina Waikeri  

Purpose:                       This is a standing agenda item, no papers provided.

Governance role:          Setting direction/priorities/budget

Proposed Outcome/s:  

Attachment/s:                No papers provided

Discussion Point 4

Documenting – creating archival footprint

Presenter/s:                  Makere Rika-Heke, Teaepa Kahi

Purpose:                       This is a standing agenda item, no papers provided.

Governance role:          Setting direction/priorities/budget

Proposed Outcome/s:  

Attachment/s:                No papers provided

Discussion Point 5

Next workshop date

Presenter:                     Lucy Stallworthy/Orrin Kapua          

Purpose:                       Confirm next workshop date

Governance role:          Keeping informed

Proposed Outcome/s:   Committee are updated on the next workshop date

Attachment/s:                No papers provided




Ngā tāpirihanga






Pukekohe Cemetery Project - Project Gant



Pukekohe Cemetery Project - Committee Budget Report



Memo Pukekohe Cemetery Project Design Advisor Role



Pukekohe Cemetery Project Funding Structure



Memo seeking committee support to promote whanau engagement



Memo seeking direction on engagement and Committee roles



Memo seeking direction for engagment with other key stakeholders





Pukekohe Cemetery Committee workshops

04 February 2025



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Pukekohe Cemetery Committee workshops

04 February 2025



Pukekohe Cemetery Committee workshops

04 February 2025



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Pukekohe Cemetery Committee workshops

04 February 2025



A white paper with black text

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Pukekohe Cemetery Committee workshops

04 February 2025



Pukekohe Cemetery Committee workshops

04 February 2025



Pukekohe Cemetery Committee workshops

04 February 2025