Pukekohe Cemetery Committee workshop
Notes of the Pukekohe Cemetery Committee workshop held in the Leslie Comrie Board Room, Level 1 Franklin the Centre, 12 Massey Ave, Pukekohe on Tuesday, 4 February 2025 at 5.00pm.
Te Hunga kua Tae mai | present
Chairperson |
Member Makere Rikka Heke |
Members |
Member Phyllis Bhana |
Member Alan Cole |
Member Logan Soole |
Te Hunga Kāore i Tae Mai | ABSENT
Deputy Chairperson |
Member Harley Wade |
Member Janie Astle |
Member Angela Fulljames |
Member Tearepa Kahi |
Member Sonny Parata |
Member Pare Rauwhero |
He Hunga atu anō i Tae mai | IN ATTENDANCE
David Kemeys |
Pukekohe Cemetery Committee workshops 04 February 2025 |
The meeting opened with karakia from Logan Soole and a mihi from Makere Hika-Reke (Chair)
1 Ngā Tamōtanga | Apologies
That the Pukekohe Cemetery Committee workshops: a) whakaae / accept the apology from Angela Fulljames for absence on council business.
2 Te Whakapuaki i te Whai Pānga | Declaration of Interest
There were no declarations of interest.
3 |
Discussion Point 1a |
Updated project plan and budget summary Presenter: Mat Glanfield Purpose: Update on the project budget, and the project plan Governance role: Oversight and monitoring Summary of Discussions: · Site investigation scheduled for 24th Feb · Website is in planning and development stage · Design Advisor role would be spread over Phase 2, 3 and 4 up to a maximum of $25K
Discussion Point 1b |
Seeking direction: Design Advisor role Presenter: Mat Glanfield Purpose: Raise with the committee the identified need for a design advisor role Governance role: Setting direction/priorities/budget Summary of Discussions: · Discussion around the purpose of the role. · Committee gave direction to proceed with Design Advisor role, noting the budget allocation of up to $25,000.
Discussion Point 1c |
Seeking direction: Funding structure Presenter: Mat Glanfield Purpose: Discuss opportunity to enhance the funding structure of this kaupapa to simplify procurement activities. Governance role: Setting direction/priorities/budget Summary of Discussions: · Discussion about why this is necessary – to enable local and flexible procurement for small and local suppliers; council’s procurement system is complex and challenging for small suppliers. Project would be forced to use suppliers outside Pukekohe, and/or delays with procurement/payment of suppliers if only able to use approved council vendors. · Committee gave direction to transfer $50,550 to Ngā Hau E Wha Marae to enable flexible procurement. · The committee to receive monthly reporting from Ngā Hau e Wha Marae.
Discussion Point 2a |
Whaanau engagement hui Presenter/s: Carol McKenzie-Rex Purpose: Update on plan for, and promotion of whanau engagement hui, and role of committee role at whanau engagement hui Governance role: Engagement Summary of Discussions: A Promoting whanau engagement hui · Suggestions for ways hui could be promoted: o Waikato Heritage Forum o Local and tribal forums o Whanau Facebook pages o Embassies and consultants (Note Waikumete Cemetery experience) o Need to ensure diverse communities involved · Discussion around sensitivities of publishing names of people buried in the cemetery – sensitivities around this. Committee will need to provide direction in this in near future. To inform the information on the website. · Suggestion to engage with Robert Bartholomew to gain access to the records he has, noting he has access to records that others don’t have access to. · Discussion around information on names varies across sources. There is a need for more research. Suggestion this is something Auckland Council Heritage/Libraries teams could support with. · Discussion around how to help whanau find out if they have relatives buried in the cemetery. Needs a personal touch, will be a lot of work for people doing the responding. Suggestion to use similar methods iwi use for whakapapa registration. · Discussion around involvement of rangatahi, need to make sure they are involved given their ongoing involvement in murals etc, suggestion to connect with Catherine Tamihere as link to rangatahi. Carol reiterated expectation is for rangatahi to attend existing engagement hui with their whanau.
Discussion Point 2b |
Proposal for site visit – Committee roles at whanau engagement hui Presenter: Carol McKenzie-Rex Purpose: Explain purpose of site visit with Auckland Transport and Counties Energy, and seek direction on dates Governance role: Engagement Summary of Discussions: B Committee roles at whanau engagement hui: o Makere to liaise with committee members to confirm roles for whanau engagement hui on Saturday 8th February o Carol will organise a ‘run through’ on Friday 7th February. o Importance of consistency across hui – Carol will draft key bullet points for committee members for each phase of the hui o Discussion around what to ask whanau – agree that flexible approach is needed to respond to what happens at the hui – some questions that could be asked are: o What do you want to see (ie memorial style?? o Should we release the names? o Discussion around running hui: o Use simple language at hui o Summarise themes at the end of the hui o Have an attendance sheet C Stakeholder engagement: Due to time constraints, this item was deferred |
Discussion Point 3 |
Communications Presenter/s: David Kemeys, Gina Purpose: This is a standing agenda item, no papers provided. Governance role: Setting direction/priorities/budget Summary of Discussions: · David Kemeys is staying on voluntary basis. · New Local Communications Advisor for Franklin Local Board is Gina Waikeri · David is working on FAQs for the website · Use of whanau hapori as correct terminology – whanau and community.
Discussion Point 4 |
Documenting – creating archival footprint Presenter/s: Makere Rika-Heke, Teaepa Kahi Purpose: This is a standing agenda item, no papers provided. Governance role: Setting direction/priorities/budget Summary of Discussions: · There was no specific discussion on this item. It was noted in earlier discussion that additional budget would be required for Auckland Council Heritage/Libraries to do oral histories work – to be discussed as part of Item 2C above (deferred).
Discussion Point 5 |
Next workshop date Presenter: Lucy Stallworthy/Orrin Kapua Purpose: Confirm next workshop date Governance role: Keeping informed Summary of Discussions: Committee agreed to an additional workshop on Tuesday 18th February, online only, to discuss: o deferred item 2C o check in our engagement hui – reflect on two whanau engagement hui that will have happened by this date Next scheduled workshop is Tuesday 4th March. |
The workshop closed with karakia by Whaea Phyllis at 7.01 pm