Date: Time: Meeting Room: Venue:
Wednesday 5 February 2025 10.00am Kumeu Meeting
Room |
Rodney Local Board Workshop
Chairperson |
Brent Bailey |
Deputy Chairperson |
Louise Johnston |
Members |
Michelle Carmichael |
Mark Dennis |
Tim Holdgate |
Colin Smith |
Geoff Upson |
Ivan Wagstaff |
Guy Wishart |
Will Wilkinson Democracy Advisor
30 January 2025
Contact Telephone: 0277760786 Email: Website:
1 Ngā Tamōtanga | Apologies 2
2 Te Whakapuaki i te Whai Pānga | Declaration of Interest 2
3 Local Board
Agenda Items
1 Ngā Tamōtanga | Apologies
At the close of the agenda no apologies had been received.
2 Te Whakapuaki i te Whai Pānga | Declaration of Interest
Members are reminded of the need to be vigilant to stand aside from decision making when a conflict arises between their role as a member and any private or other external interest they might have.
05 February 2025 |
Local Board Workshop
File No.: CP2025/00431
Note 1: This workshop has been called by the chairperson in consultation with the staff.
Note 2: No working party/workshop may reach any decision or adopt any resolution unless specifically delegated to do so.
Te take mō te pūrongo
Purpose of the report
1. To present the Rodney Local Board workshop agenda for 5 February 2025.
Whakarāpopototanga matua
Executive summary
2. Most workshops are open to the public to attend as observers in person or online.
3. Some sessions may not be open to the public. The staff / chairperson and deputy chairperson decide which sessions are open to the public, depending on the sensitivity of the information being discussed. If a session is not open, a reason will be provided below.
4. Local board workshops provide an opportunity for local boards to carry out their governance role in the following areas:
a) Accountability to the public.
b) Engagement.
c) Input to regional decision-making.
d) Keeping informed.
e) Local initiative / preparing for specific decisions.
f) Oversight and monitoring.
g) Setting direction / priorities / budget.
5. Workshops do not have decision-making authority.
6. Workshops are used to canvass issues, prepare local board members for upcoming decisions and to enable discussion between elected members and staff.
7. Members are respectfully reminded of their Code of Conduct obligations with respect to conflicts of interest and confidentiality.
8. The following will be covered in the workshop:
Item 1 – 10.00am |
PCF monthly udate and Muriwai memorial project Presenters: Claire Bodmin - Senior Project Manager Geoff Pitman – Manager Area Operations Genevieve McGirr – Work Programme Lead Governance role: Keeping informed Proposed outcome: Receive an update on Parks and Community Facilities projects in Rodney and the Muriwai memorial project |
Item 2 – 10.45am |
Warkworth Library - weather-tightness renewal work Presenters: Aaron Pickering – Senior Project Manager Geoff Pitman – Manager Area Operations Governance role: Keeping informed Proposed outcome: Receive an update on weather-tightness renewal work at Warkworth Library |
Item 3 – 11.15am |
Draft Rodney Play Plan Presenters: Jacquelyn Collins – Play Portfolio Lead Governance role: Keeping informed Proposed outcome: Receive an update on the draft Rodney Play Plan |
Item 4 – 12.30pm |
Annual Business Improvement Districts update Presenters: Danielle Hancock - Manager North West Country Murray Chapman - Manager One Mahurangi Governance role: Keeping informed Proposed outcome: Receive an update on the Rodney Local Board Business Improvement Districts |
Item 5 – 1.15pm |
Milldale/Ara Hills wastewater infrastructure Presenters: Ben Halliwell – Elected Member Relationship Manager Tim Scheirlinck – Head of Water Planning Governance role: Keeping informed Proposed outcome: Receive an update on the Milldale wastewater infrastructure |
Note: At this point in proceedings, the workshop will close to the public for the following reasons:
This workshop item is non-public as it contains sensitive information.
Item 6 – 1.45pm (Non-public) |
Watercare: Long term water supply in Muriwai |