I hereby give notice that an ordinary meeting of the Whau Local Board will be held on:




Meeting Room:



Wednesday, 27 September 2017


Whau Local Board Office
31 Totara Avenue
New Lynn


Whau Local Board









Tracy Mulholland


Deputy Chairperson

Susan Zhu



Derek Battersby, QSM, JP



Catherine Farmer



Duncan Macdonald, JP



Te'eva Matafai



David Whitley



(Quorum 4 members)




Glenn Boyd

(Relationship Manager)

Local Board Services (West)



Riya Seth

Democracy Advisor


26 September 2017


Contact Telephone: (09) 826 5193

Email: riya.seth@aucklandcouncil.govt.nz

Website: www.aucklandcouncil.govt.nz




Whau Local Board

27 September 2017



ITEM   TABLE OF CONTENTS                                                                                        PAGE


21        Panuku Development Auckland - Unlock Avondale update                                     5 



Whau Local Board

27 September 2017



Panuku Development Auckland - Unlock Avondale update


File No.: CP2017/20612





1.       To seek support from the Whau Local Board for the Draft Unlock Avondale High Level Project Plan (HLPP).

Executive summary

2.       Avondale represents a major intensification and revitalisation opportunity for Auckland. The town centre occupies a strategic location with good infrastructure, services and facilities. The area has a number of large development ready sites and market demand for different housing types including terraces and apartments. The Avondale Train Station is an important transport asset supporting redevelopment as it provides convenient access to the city’s train network.

3.       There is a high level of political and community support for regeneration and intensification in Avondale. In addition a recent council review of service needs in the wider area has identified a requirement to upgrade council services including replacing the existing community centre which provides an opportunity for a major catalyst project.

4.       Avondale is one of the 10 Spatial Priority Areas identified in the Auckland Plan. It will contribute to Strategic Directive 10 of the Auckland Plan by increasing the number of dwellings in the area and creating a well-connected, quality town centre that local residents take pride in.

5.       Council through its development partners has a track record of enabling quality development in Avondale. This includes the construction of 72 apartments at 24-26 Racecourse Parade, 33 homes at 1 Trent Street (including 10 affordable homes) and a proposed Housing New Zealand development at 96 St George Street to build 102 homes. To have a real and lasting strategic impact the scale of development will need to be significantly increased.

6.       Development opportunities identified within the HLPP (excluding any potential future development of the Avondale Racecourse should this be no longer required for racing) have the ability to create an estimated additional 1000 dwellings. The final number of houses will depend on design, typology and market demand. Development of these sites for housing would increase amenity, vibrancy, safety, connectivity and economic sustainability of the town centre and demonstrate to the wider development industry that quality medium density developments in a suburban location can be successfully achieved.

7.       The HLPP builds on significant work completed to date including the Whau Local Board Plan 2017 and the Avondale Action Plan. It outlines Panuku’s intention to create a high quality town centre that makes Avondale a fantastic place to live and invest.



That the Whau Local Board:

a)      endorse the Draft Unlock Avondale High Level Project Plan.



8.       The geographical scope of the project covers the central Avondale area, more specifically:

·        The primary retail area of Great North Road and the commercial area to the east between the retail strip and the Avondale Train Station;

·        The Avondale central block which contains the Central Reserve, Housing New Zealand owned land on Racecourse Parade and other key development sites;

·        The Highbury Triangle block which is bordered by Rosebank Road, Ash Street and Great North Road and contains the existing library and community centre, Housing New Zealand land and a vacant council owned residential site; and

·        The Avondale Racecourse.

9.       The Council has a number of landholdings within the Avondale town centre as illustrated on the following map. The yellow shading indicates properties owned by council, green is council owned reserves, dark pink shows large development sites owned by Housing New Zealand and the orange is important development sites currently in private ownership. The total project area is 68 ha.

Figure 1 – Project Area

10.     Avondale was chosen as an unlock location due to the suitability of the area for intensification and the potential benefits that urban development would have in this location. To achieve this potential the following issues need to be addressed:

·        The large site in the middle of the town centre (1909-1949 Great North Road also known as the Bai site) has been vacant since the late 90’s. This results in a lack of continuity of the town centre and a perception that the centre lacks vibrancy.

·        The existing community facility on Rosebank Road is not fit for purpose and the library is unlikely to be able to cater for future growth in the catchment.

·        There is a weak connection between the Avondale Train Station and the mainstreet.

·        There is a disconnected local street network.

·        There is insufficient council owned recreation space.

·        The connection between the Whau River and the town centre could be improved.

            Strategic move 1: Enliven the Height of the Avondale town centre

11.     To enable regeneration there is a need to address the identified gap in activity on Great North Road and refocus the Avondale town centre. There is also a need to encourage the development of large vacant or underutilised sites that degrade the overall quality of the town centre. The following initiatives are proposed;

i.    Ensure good development outcomes on vacant town centre development sites through negotiation or acquisition.

ii.    Support the building of a new multipurpose community facility in Avondale. This is an opportunity to create a vibrant heart where the Avondale community can access many services including the library, community centre, active recreation, and local events.

iii.   Support the upgrading of existing open space areas including considering opportunities for the relocation of open space within the Highbury Triangle area and an upgrade of facilities within the Central Reserve

iv.  Support a mainstreet/retail strategy and on-going placemaking activities.

This would much better align the town centre with the Avondale Train Station and improve the overall structure of the settlement significantly. These measures will also provide a catalyst to attract and support quality development within the wider Avondale area.

            Strategic Move 2: Strengthen community connections

12.     It is important that the town centre maximises the benefit of existing and planned investment in transport infrastructure and considers the long term development pattern for the area. The Avondale Train Station is a key strategic asset for the area and there is an opportunity to improve this linkage. There is also a need to work with key stakeholders to improve the local street network in a way that futureproofs for the development of the Avondale Racecourse if racing is discontinued. The following initiatives are proposed;

i.    Pedestrian and cycle connection improvement to the northern side of Crayford St West to strengthen legibility and access between the train station and the town centre on New North Road.

ii.    Extension of Crayford St West as a two-way street along the Central Reserve, to improve the activation of this area, support new community facilities if located here, and a potential future connection to the racecourse.

iii.   Incorporate new street links in HNZ and Council development sites to optimise the walkability of an intensified residential neighbourhood.

iv.  Pedestrian and cycle connection improvement on Wingate Street to strengthen legibility and access between the Avondale main street and Te Whau pathway.

            Strategic move 3: Support strong local businesses and enhance service offer

13.     Regeneration requires strong local business businesses and an interesting town centre that meets the needs of new and existing residents. This will be an important factor to providing a town centre that is fit for purpose and provides enduring benefits for the existing community. The following initiative is proposed;

v.   Improving the quality of the public realm including creating an upgraded town square.

vi.  Demonstrate leadership by introducing new retail and commercial spaces to activate important public spaces.

            Strategic Move 4: Provide high quality housing choices

14.     Avondale has the ability to contribute significantly to Auckland housing needs by enabling additional housing stock and demonstrating how this stock can be provided in a way that supports wider strategic aims including intensification. Primarily this will be through a medium density housing type model, which is not the current predominant form of development in the area. It will therefore be important to carefully mange the development of housing to ensure appropriate quality, support positive market conditions for developers and deliver much needed housing. Issues such as developing a delivery programme will be critical to the speed and quality of house construction.

15.     The successful regeneration of Avondale will require effective decision making by a number of key landowners. A group of council and crown agencies was assembled to work on an update of the existing concept plan work. Mode Architects were jointly instructed by Panuku and Housing New Zealand Corporation and workshops were held to better understand the needs and development aspirations of council and crown stakeholders.

16.     The process has been very useful for enabling open communication, identifying development aspirations, opportunities for collaboration, key road linkages and enabling early funding discussions.

The Avondale Racecourse

17.     The Avondale Racecourse is well located to the town centre and it provides an attractive outlook and contributes to the character of the area. The Avondale Jockey Club has subdivided and sold a number of different parcels of land from the original landholding to enable racing to continue on the site. The horse racing element of the racecourse has however been in decline for some time and may not be sustainable in the medium term.

18.     There is a risk that this land could continue to be sold and developed in a piecemeal way that wouldn’t support community aspirations or the regeneration and housing provision aims of Panuku. We would not like to see this land developed for bulk retail activities, nor would we like to see a predominantly standalone housing product on this land. It is also important that the existing sports fields are retained. Continued sale of sections of land from the overall land holding would degrade the strategic value of the site and make a quality master planned form of development harder to achieve.

19.     Panuku will look for opportunities to secure certainty over the long term future of the Avondale Racecourse and the playing fields leased by the council, this will include continuing to work with key stakeholders such as the Avondale Jockey Club and the council family to seek positive outcomes.


Local board views and implications

20.     On-going consultation with the Whau Local Board has been undertaken to ensure the Unlock Avondale HLPP and subsequent projects are consistent with the views of the Local Board. In particular it is noted that the strategic moves are strongly related to the outcomes identified within the Whau Local Board Plan 2017.

Māori impact statement

21.     Mana whenua will play an integrated cultural, social and economic role in unlocking the potential of Avondale.  Engagement with mana whenua has contributed to defining the overall goals of the project. Mana whenua have a strong historical footprint in Avondale and seek to build on this association through involvement in development which recognises their values and draws on Te Aranga design principles. Increasingly, as Treaty Settlements are reached, mana whenua through cultural and commercial redress can be leaders in the revitalisation and place making.  It is important that their input into decision-making processes enables these opportunities for mana whenua contribution within the market and does not foreclose them. Opportunities may extend to joint ventures, land purchase and development.

22.     The 12 Tāmaki Makaurau mana whenua iwi and hapū listed below have interests in the broader Avondale area. Panuku will endeavour to work in partnership with these iwi/hapū towards best care for land, water and people throughout planning and implementation of land development in Avondale.

·          Ngāi Tai ki Tāmaki

·          Ngāti Maru

·          Ngāti Paoa

·          Ngāti Tamaoho

·          Ngāti Tamaterā

·          Ngāti te Ata

·          Ngaati Whanaunga

·          Te Akitai Waiohua

·          Te Kawerau ā Maki

·          Ngāti Rehua

·          Waikato-Tainui

·          Te Ahiwaru

23.     Mana whenua engagement on the Unlock Avondale project has resulted in the articulation of a cultural narrative specific to the area. The cultural narrative provides a very high level touch point on the association of mana whenua with Avondale and the wider surrounding area. It is envisaged that the cultural narrative provides context for on-going discussion with the mana whenua as part of future implementation and in particular through;

·          The expression of mana whenua cultural associations

·          Pursuing development consistent with Te Aranga Design, in conjunction with mana whenua principles and guidance.

·          That a people-centred environment is favoured that supports community building and an awareness and respect for the natural environment.

·          That improved stormwater management should be an integral and visible part of the projects.


24.     A number of specific projects have been identified through the development of the HLPP. These projects relate to the management of Council’s property portfolio in the area. They detail how the sale of excess council land could be used to facilitate positive regeneration outcomes and detail sites where acquisition may be appropriate.

25.     To protect the Council’s position in any future property negotiations these projects remain confidential at this stage and are not included in this open report.







Unlock Avondale - High Level Project Plan





John Carter - Senior Project Planning Leader for Unlock Avondale, Panuku Development Auckland


Mike Bush – Project Director for Unlock Avondale

Toni Giacon – Manager of Stakeholder Engagement

Glenn Boyd - Relationship Manager Henderson-Massey, Waitakere Ranges, Whau


Whau Local Board

27 September 2017