I hereby give notice that an ordinary meeting of the Papakura Local Board will be held on:




Meeting Room:



Wednesday, 27 March 2019


Local Board Chambers
Papakura Service Centre
35 Coles Crescent


Papakura Local Board










Brent Catchpole


Deputy Chairperson

Felicity Auva'a



Hon. George Hawkins, QSO



Bill McEntee



Michael Turner



Katrina Winn



(Quorum 3 members)




Paula Brooke

Democracy Advisor


21 March 2019


Contact Telephone: 021 715 279

Email: Paula.Brooke@aucklandcouncil.govt.nz

Website: www.aucklandcouncil.govt.nz





Papakura Local Board

27 March 2019



ITEM   TABLE OF CONTENTS                                                                                         PAGE

1          Welcome                                                                                                                         5

2          Apologies                                                                                                                        5

3          Declaration of Interest                                                                                                   5

4          Confirmation of Minutes                                                                                               5

5          Leave of Absence                                                                                                          5

6          Acknowledgements                                                                                                       5

7          Petitions                                                                                                                          5

8          Deputations                                                                                                                    5

8.1     Deputation - Papakura Athletic Club                                                                 5

8.2     Deputation - Takanini Sikh Temple                                                                    6

9          Public Forum                                                                                                                  6

9.1     Public Forum - Takanini Residents Action Group (TRAG)                              6

10        Extraordinary Business                                                                                                6

11        Notice of Motion - Urgent request for repair of the Centennial Buidling (Coles Crescent) by Panuku - Hon. George Hawkins, QSO                                                  9

12        Papakura Ward Councillors Update                                                                          13

13        Chairperson's Update                                                                                                 15

14        Auckland Transport Monthly Update to the Papakura Local Board - March 2019 17

15        ATEED six monthly update to the Papakura Local Board                                      25

16        Papakura Local Board Grants Programme 2019/2020                                            31

17        Airfield Reserve Concept Plan                                                                                   39

18        Proposed kauri dieback mitigation in local parks in the Papakura Local Board area                                                                                                                                       49

19        Allocation of funding to Citizens Advice Bureaux                                                   61

20        2019 Local Government New Zealand Conference and Annual General Meeting 75

21        Feedback on draft Increasing Aucklanders’ participation in sport: Investment Plan 2019-2039                                                                                                                      83

22        Papakura Local Board Achievements Register 2016-2019 Political Term          133

23        Papakura Local Board Workshop Records                                                            163

24        Papakura Local Board Governance Forward Work Calendar - March 2019       177  

25        Consideration of Extraordinary Items 



1          Welcome


A board member will lead the meeting in prayer.


2          Apologies


At the close of the agenda no apologies had been received.


3          Declaration of Interest


Members are reminded of the need to be vigilant to stand aside from decision making when a conflict arises between their role as a member and any private or other external interest they might have.


4          Confirmation of Minutes


That the Papakura Local Board:

a)         confirm the ordinary minutes of its meeting held on Wednesday, 27 February 2019, as a true and correct record.



5          Leave of Absence


At the close of the agenda no requests for leave of absence had been received.


6          Acknowledgements


At the close of the agenda no requests for acknowledgements had been received.


7          Petitions


At the close of the agenda no requests to present petitions had been received.


8          Deputations


Standing Order 7.7 provides for deputations. Those applying for deputations are required to give seven working days notice of subject matter and applications are approved by the Chairperson of the Papakura Local Board. This means that details relating to deputations can be included in the published agenda. Total speaking time per deputation is ten minutes or as resolved by the meeting.


8.1       Deputation - Papakura Athletic Club

Te take mō te pūrongo

Purpose of the report

1.       Melissa Tipene from the Papakura Athletic Club, will speak to various aspects and aspirations for the club.


Ngā tūtohunga


That the Papakura Local Board:

a)      thank Melissa Tipene from the Papakura Athletic Club, for speaking about the aspirations of the club.




8.2       Deputation - Takanini Sikh Temple

Te take mō te pūrongo

Purpose of the report

1.       Rajinder Singh from the Takanini Sihk Temple, will speak to the activities of the temple.


Ngā tūtohunga


That the Papakura Local Board:

a)      thank Rajinder Singh from the Takanini Sihk Temple, for speaking to the activities of the temple.




9          Public Forum


A period of time (approximately 30 minutes) is set aside for members of the public to address the meeting on matters within its delegated authority. A maximum of 3 minutes per item is allowed, following which there may be questions from members.


9.1       Public Forum - Takanini Residents Action Group (TRAG)

Te take mō te pūrongo

Purpose of the report

1.       Ann Emery from the Takanini Residents Action Group, would like to speak to road concerns in Takanini.


Ngā tūtohunga


That the Papakura Local Board:

a)      thank Ann Emery from the Takanini Residents Action Group for speaking to road concerns in Takanini.




10        Extraordinary Business


Section 46A(7) of the Local Government Official Information and Meetings Act 1987 (as amended) states:


“An item that is not on the agenda for a meeting may be dealt with at that meeting if-


(a)        The local authority by resolution so decides; and


(b)        The presiding member explains at the meeting, at a time when it is open to the public,-


(i)         The reason why the item is not on the agenda; and


(ii)        The reason why the discussion of the item cannot be delayed until a subsequent meeting.”


Section 46A(7A) of the Local Government Official Information and Meetings Act 1987 (as amended) states:


“Where an item is not on the agenda for a meeting,-


(a)        That item may be discussed at that meeting if-


(i)         That item is a minor matter relating to the general business of the local authority; and


(ii)        the presiding member explains at the beginning of the meeting, at a time when it is open to the public, that the item will be discussed at the meeting; but


(b)        no resolution, decision or recommendation may be made in respect of that item except to refer that item to a subsequent meeting of the local authority for further discussion.”

Papakura Local Board

27 March 2019



Notice of Motion - Urgent request for repair of the Centennial Buidling (Coles Crescent) by Panuku - Hon. George Hawkins, QSO


File No.: CP2019/03767




Te take mō te pūrongo / Purpose of the report

1.       Attaching a notice of motion from Member Hon. George Hawkins, QSO recommending the board approve an urgent request for Panuku to repair the Centennial Building at 35 Coles Crescent, so that the facility can be used by the Papakura community.



Ngā tūtohunga / Recommendation/s

That the Papakura Local Board:

a)      request Panuku to repair the Centennial Building at 35 Coles Crescent, so that the facility can be used by the Papakura community.



Ngā tāpirihanga / Attachments





Notice of motion - urgent repair request for Panuku to repair the Centennial Building - Member Hon. George Hawkins, QSO



Ngā kaihaina / Signatories


Paula Brooke  - Democracy Advisor


Manoj Ragupathy - Relationship Manager Manurewa & Papakura


Papakura Local Board

27 March 2019



Papakura Local Board

27 March 2019



Papakura Ward Councillors Update

File No.: CP2019/00389




Te take mō te pūrongo

Purpose of the report

1.       A period of 10 minutes has been set aside for the Manurewa-Papakura ward councillors to update the Papakura Local Board on regional matters.



Ngā tūtohunga


That the Papakura Local Board:

a)      receive the verbal reports from:

i)        Councillor Daniel Newman

ii)       Councillor Sir John Walker.



Ngā tāpirihanga


There are no attachments for this report.     

Ngā kaihaina



Paula Brooke  - Democracy Advisor


Manoj Ragupathy - Relationship Manager Manurewa & Papakura


Papakura Local Board

27 March 2019



Chairperson's Update

File No.: CP2019/02567





Te take mō te pūrongo

Purpose of the report

1.       To provide an opportunity for the Papakura Local Board Chairperson to update the local board on issues he has been involved in over the past month.



Ngā tūtohunga


That the Papakura Local Board:

a)      receive the verbal report from the Papakura Local Board Chairperson.




Ngā tāpirihanga


There are no attachments for this report.     

Ngā kaihaina



Paula Brooke  - Democracy Advisor


Manoj Ragupathy - Relationship Manager Manurewa & Papakura


Papakura Local Board

27 March 2019



Auckland Transport Monthly Update to the Papakura Local Board - March 2019

File No.: CP2019/02569




Te take mō te pūrongo

Purpose of the report

1.       To update the Papakura Local Board about transport related matters in its area, including Local Board Transport Capital Fund (LBTCF) projects.

Whakarāpopototanga matua

Executive summary

2.       This month’s report includes updates on the works at the Takanini and Papakura park and rides, information on public consultations on the Speed Bylaw 2019, bus layovers in the town centre, and the public feedback report and final design for the road safety improvements for Rosehill.

3.       An update is provided on the Airport to Botany Rapid Transit link. The project team will be updating local boards between April and June 2019.

4.       The design for early improvements to improve access to Auckland Airport are outlined, especially in regard to Puhinui. Public consultation on the proposals is expected to be held between April and June 2019.

5.       Progress on the board’s LBTCF projects is included in the report. The board has allocated most of its fund for this term, with $249,606 remaining. The board has indicated that this may be applied to a project to design and construct a walkway and install lighting in Central Park.


Ngā tūtohunga


That the Papakura Local Board:

a)      receive the Auckland Transport March 2019 report.





6.       This report addresses transport related matters in the board’s area and includes information on the status of the Local Board Transport Capital Fund and the fund’s projects.

7.       The LBTCF is a capital budget provided to all local boards by Auckland Council and delivered by Auckland Transport (AT). Local boards can use this fund to deliver transport infrastructure projects that they believe are important but are not part of AT’s work programme.

8.       Any LBTCF projects selected must be safe, must not impede network efficiency, and must be located in the road corridor or on land controlled by AT (though projects running through parks can be considered if there is a transport outcome).

9.       AT is responsible for all of Auckland’s transport services, excluding state highways. AT reports on a monthly basis to local boards, as set out in the Local Board Engagement Plan. This monthly reporting commitment acknowledges the important engagement role local boards play within and on behalf of their local communities.


Tātaritanga me ngā tohutohu

Analysis and advice

Regional projects and activities

Update on Airport Botany Rapid Transit


10.     Technical work is continuing to confirm the preferred rapid transit route alignment. 

11.     The project team will be updating local boards between April and June 2019.


Early Improvements to Airport Access

12.     Puhinui Interchange:

·    the preliminary design has been completed and is being reviewed by AT.

·    procurement evaluation is underway for a contractor, which includes social procurement and sustainability criteria

·    resource consent pre-application meetings are underway

·    a paper was considered by the NZ Transport Authority (NZTA) Board in December 2018, seeking funding approval for the detailed design phase. This is waiting on a formal decision.

13.     Other early improvements:

·    concept designs are complete for the proposed Puhinui Road bus lanes, and Mangere Walking and Cycling Projects

·    the draft business case is on track to be completed first quarter of 2019

·    public consultation on the proposed early improvements is expected to commence in the second quarter 2019.


Board area projects and activities

Takaanini Park & Ride

14.     AT is currently in the process of delivering an at-grade park and ride at Takaanini Rail Station early in 2019.

15.     The park and ride will formalise the existing informal use of for overflow parking by commuters using the adjacent Takaanini Station.

16.     Full works started on 25 February 2019 and are expected to be completed by April 2019.

17.     Two local residents requested information on the works and these were answered to their satisfaction in the week ending 7 March 2019.


Papakura Park & Ride and bus expansion

18.     This project is included in the Auckland RLTP (2018-2028) as a funded project, with approximately $11.7 million allocated for the Park and Ride development in years 2018-2020. This includes $4.6 million to relocate the current bus station interchange in order for give AT Metro to sufficient capacity to operate the New Network effectively.

19.     AT and Aurecon have completed the Single Stage Business Case (SSBC) for Papakura Rail Station Access (including park and ride, bus, walking, cycling and on-demand services). Preliminary findings from the business case were presented to the local board at a workshop on the 21 November 2018, with a follow-up workshop on 13 February 2019 and the circulation of the draft SSBC to the local Board during the week beginning 25 February 2019.

20.     The SSBC recommends that at grade options for a further 117 car parks are the most cost-effective solution to deliver more parking. It also notes that options for the proposed multi-storey park and ride building score negatively based on land ownership and high risk to the timely implementation of the project

21.     The board has requested to attend an Auckland Transport Board meeting to present its case for the multi-storey carpark.


Safer Communities Project

22.     Papakura is one of three trial locations for the Safer Communities Project. This project is focused on improving road safety in local communities and promoting active modes of transport by improving pedestrian infrastructure

23.     Initial community consultation was carried out in October 2017, with feedback used to develop a priority list of projects to improve the ‘walkability’ in and around Papakura, including the town centre as a focal point.

24.     It was initially expected that the programme would deliver some quick wins in the 2018/19 financial year, but with the complexities of the programme, including work currently underway on the Papakura Park and Ride/ Papakura Station Access Project, this has had to be reconsidered.

25.     Currently consultants have been engaged to begin developing concept and scheme designs with consultation to follow.


Residential Speed Management - Rosehill, Papakura

26.     AT is undertaking a regional programme to deliver road safety improvements on local streets to create safer environments for all road users, including pedestrians and people on bikes.

27.     The Rosehill area, bounded by Chichester Drive, Park Estate Road, Rosehill Drive, and the side streets leading off Great South Road, has been identified as one of the top priority areas in the region.

28.     Improvements will include speed-calming measures such as speed humps, raised tables (some with zebra crossings), and raised intersections.

29.     Rosehill was prioritised for road safety improvements based on a number of reasons, such as safety concerns raised by local residents, local crash data, vehicle speeds on Rosehill streets and the location of community facilities and schools.

30.     AT has also prioritised other locations in Papakura for pedestrian safety improvements in AT’s Safer Communities project.

31.     The board was briefed on the current status of the project in a workshop on 20 February 2019.


Bus Lane/T2-3 Lane Great South Road, Takanini

32.     AT is in the process of planning and delivering improved bus priority lanes throughout Auckland, and in the board’s area, on Great South Road, Takanini.

33.     Since the initial briefing to the board in October 2017, this project has been revised, in part, due to local board feedback.

34.     In August 2018, the board formally resolved their preference for a T2-3 lane, for the cycle lane to be removed from the road carriageway and for parking restrictions to be implemented during peak hours only.

35.     This has been referred to the AT and currently has been included as part of the AT’s Integrated Corridors Programme.

36.     Currently consultation on the wider Integrated Corridors programme is expected to go out for consultation in September 2018.

Bus layovers on Opaheke Road and Chapel Street

37.     In mid-2018, bus layovers on Railway Street West and O’Shannessey Street were relocated to Chapel Street and Opaheke Road to address concerns raised by local businesses and residents about safety and visual amenity within the Papakura town centre.

38.     The relocation of the bus layovers displaced a number of time-restricted car parking serving the community service providers located on the corner of Opaheke Road and Chapel Street.

39.     The board requested that AT resolve the parking issues. AT has been working with the community services operating out of the Central Park and council’s Community Services  staff to resolve the parking issues.

40.     The community service providers have asked for disability parking and additional time restricted car parking spaces for their clients. This feedback has been included in public consultation which began on 4 March 2019.

41.     Once feedback from the public consultation is analysed, AT will report the findings to the board for consideration.


Parking Study

          The board provided guidance to AT to draft a scope and methodology for a parking study of the town centre. In February 2019, the draft scope was circulated to board members and the Papakura Business Association for feedback. The study began on 28 February and a report is expected by late July 2019.

Responses to resolutions

Bellfield Subdivision signalisation

42.     At the board meeting on 26 September, 2018, it was resolved that the board write a formal letter of complaint to the Auckland Transport Chief Executive and Exec GM Planning and Investment, to express the board’s dissatisfaction in Auckland Transport’s refusal to engage with customers concerned by the proposed Bellfield road traffic signals. The board, while aware that AT cannot change the resource consent, wishes to ensure that AT experts can explain to customers why the signals are necessary from a traffic management standpoint. (resolution number PPK/2018/165.)

43.     The board chair and the AT Chief Executive discussed this matter. The latter agreed to provide AT staff to attend a public meeting on the issue. The AT Elected Member Relationship Manager invited a team from AT, along with staff from council, to present at the meeting.

44.     Because the issue was first raised some time ago now, the concerns do not now seem to have the same public prominence. The Chair has proposed putting the public meeting on hold for the present, with the proviso that it may need to be called if there is a future need.


Takanini Residents Actions Group (TRAG) concerns

45.     At the board meeting on 26 February 2019, it was requested that AT present the board with options to improve safety around Takanini School including a raised pedestrian crossing, and that the AT Elected Member Relationship Manager meet with TRAG to discuss their concerns.

46.     A meeting has been set up with AT Community Transport to discuss how best to meet these requests, to ensure the right staff are able to address TRAG’s concerns.

Ngā whakaaweawe me ngā tirohanga a te rōpū Kaunihera

Council group impacts and views

47.     The impact of information (or decisions) in this report are confined to AT and do not impact on other parts of the council group.

Ngā whakaaweawe ā-rohe me ngā tirohanga a te poari ā-rohe

Local impacts and local board views

Local Board Transport Capital Fund (LBTCF)

48.     The LBTCF is a capital budget provided to all local boards by Auckland Council (AC) and delivered by AT. Local boards can use this fund to deliver transport infrastructure projects that they believe are important but are not part of AT’s work programme. Projects must also:

·    be safe

·    not impede network efficiency

·    be in the road corridor (although projects running through parks can be considered if there is a transport outcome).

49.     Through Auckland Council’s Long-term Plan 2018-2028, LBTCF funding has been increased to a total of $20.8 million per annum across all 21 local boards.

50.     The allocation for the board has therefore increased, with the updated figures for the remainder of this electoral term reflected in Table 1 below:

Table 1: Papakura Local Board Transport Capital Fund Financial Summary

Total Funds Available in the current political term


Amount committed to date on projects approved for design and/or construction


Remaining budget  (including additional funding)



51.     Table 2 below shows the status of projects to which the LBTCF has been committed and which projects are still awaiting allocation of funds.

Table 2: Status update on current Local Board Transport Capital Fund projects



Current status

Status change over last month

Funds allocated

Footpath links for McLennan Park

Construct 2 shared paths in McLennan Park linking the new roads to the north of the park to Artillery Drive

Funding Agreement is with Community Facilities for signing



Priority Projects 12 & 13; Papakura Greenways Plan - Elliot Street to Freelance Terrace.

Develop a pedestrian and cycling link from the town centre and existing boardwalk to the new Pescara Way footbridge over SH1

The project manager from Community Facilities updated the board on 20 February 2018



Covered Walkway

Covered walkways on Railway St West

Completed in this term








Awaiting funding allocation:

Central Park walkway & lighting

Install pathway & lights for commuters from King Edward Ave to Railway Street West through Central Park

Community Facilities has provided a Rough Order of Cost (ROC) of $300,000. Awaits a decision by the board




Local impacts and local board views

52.     Auckland Transport provides the board with the opportunity to comment on transport projects being delivered in the board’s area.

53.     The board’s views on any proposed schemes are taken into account during consultation on those proposals.


Auckland Transport consultations

54.     Consultation documents for the following proposals have been provided to the board for its feedback:

Safety and Speed Bylaw 2019 - Auckland Transport is proposing to reduce speeds on a large number of roads across the city, many of them in Papakura, particularly in Rosehill. The public can provide feedback on the named roads/speeds but can also propose speed restrictions on roads that Auckland Transport has not addressed. Public consultation is open until 31 March.

Proposed Relocation of Bus Parking and New Mobility Parking – Chapel Street and Opaheke Road - Auckland Transport is proposing to relocate the existing bus parking from Chapel Street on to Opaheke Road and also install two new mobility parking spaces outside the CAB on Opaheke Road. Public consultation is open until 21 March 2019.

55.     The public feedback report and the final design for road safety improvements for Rosehill was also circulated to members.



Traffic Control Committee resolutions

56.     Traffic Control Committee decisions within the board area are reported on a monthly basis.

 Table 3: TCC decisions for Papakura in January and February 2019

Street name

Type of Report

Nature of Restriction

Committee Decision

O’Shannessey Street, Great South Road

Permanent Traffic and Parking changes Combined

No Stopping At All Times, Removal of No Stopping At All Times, Give-Way Control, Flush Median, Edge Lines

Approved in Principle

Walters Road, Grove Road

Speed Limit Changes Report

50kmph Permanent Speed Limit

Approved in Principle

Conifer Grove

Permanent Traffic and Parking changes Combined

No Stopping At All Times, Road Hump, Footpath, Give-Way Control, Flush Median, Traffic Island

Approved in Principle


Tauākī whakaaweawe Māori

Māori impact statement

57.     The proposed decision of receiving the report has no impacts or opportunities for Māori. Any engagement with Māori, or consideration of impacts and opportunities, will be carried out on an individual project basis.

Ngā ritenga ā-pūtea

Financial implications

58.     The proposed decision of receiving the report has no financial implications.

Ngā raru tūpono me ngā whakamaurutanga

Risks and mitigations

59.     The proposed decision of receiving the report has no risks.  AT has risk management strategies in place for the transport projects undertaken in the Papakura local board area.

Ngā koringa ā-muri

Next steps

60.     AT will provide another update report to the board next month.




Ngā tāpirihanga


There are no attachments for this report.    

Ngā kaihaina



Peter Wilson – Elected Member Relationship Manager – Auckland Transport


Jonathan Anyon – Elected Member Relationship Team Manager – Auckland Transport

Manoj Ragupathy - Relationship Manager Manurewa & Papakura


Papakura Local Board

27 March 2019



ATEED six monthly update to the Papakura Local Board

File No.: CP2019/03762




Te take mō te pūrongo

Purpose of the report

1.       This report provides the Papakura Local Board with highlights of ATEED’s activities in the Papakura Local Board area as well as ATEED’s regional activities for the six months 1 July to 31 December 2018.


2.       This report should be read in conjunction with ATEED’s Quarter 1 report to Auckland Council (available at www.aucklandnz.com) and the forthcoming Quarter 2 report to the Auckland Council CCO Finance and Performance Committee (available 20 March). Although these reports focus primarily on the breadth of ATEED’s work at a regional level, much of the work highlighted has significant local impact. 

Whakarāpopototanga matua

Executive summary

3.       This report provides the Papakura Local Board with relevant information on the following ATEED activities: 

·         Locally-driven initiatives: Commercial project group implementation, Takanini business association pre-BID establishment project

·         Supporting local business growth

·         Filming activity

·         Young Enterprise Scheme

·         Youth connections

·         Local and regional destination management and marketing

·         Delivered, funded and facilitated events.



Ngā tūtohunga


That the Papakura Local Board:

a)      receive ATEED’s update to the Papakura Local Board – February 2019.





4.       ATEED has two areas of focus:

·    Economic Development – including business support, business attraction and investment, local economic development, trade and industry development, skills employment and talent and innovation and entrepreneurship.

·    Destination - supporting sustainable growth of the visitor economy with a focus on destination marketing and management, major events, business events (meetings and conventions) and international student attraction and retention.


5.       These two portfolios also share a common platform relating to the promotion of the city globally to ensure that Auckland competes effectively with other mid-tier high quality of life cities.


6.       ATEED works with local boards, council and CCOs to support decision-making on local economic growth, and facilitates or co-ordinates the delivery of local economic development activity. ATEED ensures that the regional activities that ATEED leads or delivers are fully leveraged to support local economic growth and employment.


7.       In addition, ATEED’s dedicated Local Economic Development (LED) team works with local boards who allocate locally-driven initiatives (LDI) budget to economic development activities. The LED team delivers a range of services[1] such as the development of proposals, including feasibility studies that enable local boards to directly fund or otherwise advocate for the implementation of local initiatives.


8.       ATEED delivers its services at the local level through business hubs based in the north, west and south of the region, as well as its central office at 167B Victoria Street West.


9.       Additional information about ATEED’s role and activities can be found at www.aucklandnz.com/ateed.


Tātaritanga me ngā tohutohu

Analysis and advice

Economic Development

Locally Driven Initiatives

12. Commercial project group implementation: Richard Knott Ltd completed the Papakura Framework for Action report in September 2018. This was approved by the local board on 26 September 2018. This will now be used by the Commercial Project Group to support its approach to the activities it undertakes.


13. Business Lab also completed the key messages report and the recommendations were shared with the local board at a workshop in September and approved by the local board at its October meeting. Staff engaged with the Local Board Communications team during Q2 to design the messages as requested by the local board. The Commercial Project Steering group continues to meet on a monthly basis and Auton Associates and Richard Knott Ltd have been retained to support the group during the current financial year.


14. Takanini Business Association pre-BID establishment project: The Takanini Business Association presented its plans for becoming a Business Improvement District (BID) to the September Local Board business meeting. The BID team will be inviting tenders to complete a business survey of the area using the $15,000 allocated by the local board. A draft scope for the survey work was developed during Q2 and ATEED will commission the research on behalf of the local board in Q3.


Supporting Local Business Growth

15. This area is serviced by the Business and Enterprise team in the South hub, located at Te Haa o Manukau. The team comprises of two Business and Innovation Advisors and administration support. The role of this team is to support the growth of Auckland’s key internationally competitive sectors and to provide quality jobs.


16. A key programme in achieving this is central government’s Regional Business Partnership Network (RBPN). This is delivered by ATEED’s nine Business and Innovation Advisors (BIA), whose role is to connect local businesses to resources, experts and services in innovation, R&D, business growth and management. 


17. ATEED’s BIAs engage 1:1 with businesses through a discovery meeting to understand their challenges, gather key data, and provide connections / recommendations via an action plan.


18. Where businesses meet the programme criteria and/or align to ATEED’s purpose as defined in the Statement of Intent, the advisors facilitate government support to qualifying businesses, in the form of:

·   Callaghan Innovation R&D grants (including Getting Started, project and student grants (https://www.callaghaninnovation.govt.nz/grants)

·   Callaghan Innovation subsidised innovation programmes


·   RBPN business capability vouchers (NZTE), where the business owner may be issued co-funding up to $5,000 per annum for business training via registered service providers. Voucher co-funding is prioritised to businesses accessing this service for the first time, in order to encourage more businesses to engage with experts to assist their management and growth.

·   NZTE services such as Export Essentials (https://workshop.exportessentials.nz/register/)

·   Referrals to NZ Business Mentors via The Chamber of Commerce.


19. During the reporting period, ATEED Business and Innovation Advisors met with five businesses in the Papakura Local Board area. One was for innovation advice and services and five for business growth and capability advice and services (one business saw advisors for both). From these engagements:

·   four connections were made to Callaghan Innovation services and programmes

·   two RBPN vouchers were issued to assist with business capability training

·   two connections were made to ATEED staff and programmes

·   twenty-two connections were made to other businesses or programmes.


Other support for new businesses

20. During the period, ATEED also ran workshops and events aimed at establishing or growing a new business and building capability. One person from the Papakura Local Board area attended an innovation clinic.

·    Innovation Clinic – 1.


Filming activity within the Papakura Local Board area

21. ATEED’s Screen Auckland team facilitates, processes and issues film permits for filming activity in public open space. This activity supports local businesses and employment, as well as providing a revenue stream to local boards for the use of local parks.


22. Between 1 July and 31 December 2018, a total of 312 film permits[2] were issued in the Auckland region. One of these permits was issued in the Papakura Local Board area. The Papakura Local Board area’s share of film permit revenue was $278.26[3] for the period (total for all boards combined was $46,729.13).


23. During the period, 75 permits were issued for TV commercials in the Auckland region, making up 32 per cent of permits issued. A third of total TVCs are destined for an international market. TVNZ ran a “New Blood” web series competition for up-and-coming filmmaking talent. The winner (as voted by the public) “Kura” was shot in Papakura and has been commissioned to create a full series for TVNZ On Demand.


Young Enterprise Scheme (YES)

24. The Auckland Chamber of Commerce has delivered the Lion Foundation Young Enterprise Scheme (YES) since January 2018. ATEED maintains a strategic role. During the period, there were 56 schools participating in the Auckland YES programme, representing 1,334 students completing the programme. There are currently no schools from the Papakura Local Board area participating in the YES programme.


Youth Connections – transfer to The Southern Initiative (TSI) / Western Initiative (WI)

25. Following an independent review, and with support from the major philanthropic funder, the Youth Connections programme transferred to The Southern Initiative (TSI) in November 2018. This transfer reflects the high numbers and concentrations of Auckland youth who are not in education, training or employment (NEET) in the southern and western initiative areas. ATEED supported the independent review, and is now working with the TSI team to support the transfer. In 2019, ATEED will partner to evolve the ATEED-led Youth Employer Pledge with Auckland-region employers.


Local Jobs and Skills Hubs

26. ATEED is the regional partner for the network of Auckland Jobs and Skills Hubs. These multi-agency hubs support employers at developments where there is a high and sustained demand for local labour and skills development. The Auckland network includes Ara (Auckland Airport development), CBD (Wynyard Quarter and city centre development), and Tāmaki hubs. During 2018, the Hubs placed nearly 400 people into work (more than half came off benefit), and over 1,800 people were trained. ATEED is the backbone organisation for the CBD Jobs and Skills Hub, where Māori represented over a third (37 percent) of job placements, and a further 30 percent were Pasifika.


27. The Ministry of Business, Innovation and Employment commissioned a review of the hubs in late 2018 which found that these pilots have been a success, and made recommendations to scale up and strengthen hubs operations in Auckland and nationally. Two new hubs will be open by June 2019, in Kaipātiki (Northcote), and Manukau (town centre) to support local employment and upskilling for these developments. ATEED supports employers and local communities to design and benefit from hub services, and is leading a schools-engagement project in the CBD Jobs and Skills Hub, which will identify options for connecting local schools and employers to grow awareness of employment and career pathways.



Local destination management and marketing activity

28. During the period, ATEED facilitated an opportunity for Papakura marae to host the Kangaroos for a cultural experience as a part ATEED's NRL media programme. Papakura marae used this opportunity to pilot their potential tourism product offering and profile the community in an authentic way. The team experienced a traditional Māori welcome, learnt the art of Māori weaponry, tasted a hāngi and learnt the haka. More than seven media outlets, including TVNZ, Seven News and the official NRL media channel picked up this story. One particular video posted on the Australian NRL Facebook page received more than 77,000 views. 


Regional destination management and marketing activity

29. Regional dispersal continues to be a priority for ATEED. During the period, ATEED’s Winter Campaign, Made for Winter showcased Auckland’s food and beverage stories from across the Auckland region, targeting domestic visitors. Traditionally, this campaign focused on CBD restaurants, however for the past two years, it has extended to the wider Auckland region. There were six videos in total, each one highlighting a specific Auckland food and beverage theme.


30. The videos all feature Sir John Kirwan talking to the creators of Auckland’s food and beverage  industry, getting to the heart of who they are, their story, their product and what makes Auckland’s Food and beverage proposition unique and special. The following businesses were featured in the videos:

·     Gourmet Hāngi video – featuring Rewi Spraggon, Hāngi Master

·     HIPGROUP – featuring Mike de Vries (Executive Chef)

·     Matakana Markets and Village - featuring stallholders, Nico from Honest Chocolat

·     Sawmill Brewery – featuring Mike Sutherland and Kirsty McKay (owners)

·     Ben Bayley at The Grounds

·     Kai Pasifika.


31. As part of the spring media programme, ATEED partnered with travel, foodie and leisure influencers, bloggers and media personalities to create high-end, inspirational and visually impactful content illustrating Auckland as a top spring/summer destination. The core narrative was Auckland’s unique food and beverage offering, complimented further by entertainment experiences. Influencers took their audience on a journey as they explored some of the greater Auckland region’s food experience and offerings, such as the Ōtara markets, Auckland Airport region, Chelsea Bay, Takapuna, Matakana, Kumeu, Kingsland, Mission Bay and a number of other Auckland areas. The influencer content was supported with an editorial partnership with Fairfax and NZME highlighting the wider region’s experiences.


Delivered, funded and facilitated events

32. During the period, ATEED delivered the Auckland Diwali Festival which was held at Aotea Square and Upper Queen Street from 20-21 October 2018. There was an attendance of 59,900 down by 7 per cent from the 2017 festival, due mainly to the event being held on Labour Weekend. Results from the customer survey showed an overall customer satisfaction score of 87 per cent, with 89 per cent of people surveyed agreeing that the festival increased pride in Auckland and 95 per cent agreeing that the festival makes Auckland a more enjoyable place to live.


33. During the period, residents of the Papakura Local Board area were also able to enjoy events funded or facilitated by ATEED across the Auckland region, including the FIBA Basketball World Cup 2019 Asian Qualifier, Pan Pacific Youth Water Polo Festival, New Zealand International Film Festival, Auckland On Water Boat Show, Rugby League New Zealand vs Australia and Australia vs Tonga games, Auckland Diwali Festival, ASB Auckland Marathon, Auckland Tuatara Baseball home games, the ITM Auckland SuperSprint, Monster Energy S-X Open Auckland, Farmers Santa Parade, and the Wondergarden.


34. A full schedule of major events is available on ATEED’s website, aucklandnz.com. 


Ngā whakaaweawe me ngā tirohanga a te rōpū Kaunihera

Council group impacts and views

35.     ATEED assesses and manages its initiatives on a case-by-case basis and engages with the council group where required.


Ngā whakaaweawe ā-rohe me ngā tirohanga a te poari ā-rohe

Local impacts and local board views

36.     Local Board views are not sought for the purposes of this report. Local Board views were sought for some of the initiatives described in this report.

Tauākī whakaaweawe Māori

Māori impact statement

37.     The proposed decision to receive the six-monthly report has no impact on Māori. ATEED assesses and responds to any impact that its initiatives may have on Māori on a case-by-case basis.

Ngā ritenga ā-pūtea

Financial implications

38.     The proposed decision of receiving the report has no financial implications.

Ngā raru tūpono me ngā whakamaurutanga

Risks and mitigations

39.     The proposed decision to receive the six-monthly report has no risk. ATEED assesses and manages any risk associated with our initiatives on a case-by-case basis.

Ngā koringa ā-muri

Next steps

40.     ATEED will provide the next six-monthly report to the Local Board in August 2019 and will cover the period 1 January to 30 June 2019.


Ngā tāpirihanga


There are no attachments for this report.    

Ngā kaihaina



Samantha-Jane Miranda, Operational Strategy Advisor (ATEED)


James Robinson, Head of Strategy and Planning (ATEED

Manoj Ragupathy - Relationship Manager Manurewa & Papakura


Papakura Local Board

27 March 2019



Papakura Local Board Grants Programme 2019/2020

File No.: CP2019/02806




Te take mō te pūrongo

Purpose of the report

1.     To adopt the Papakura Grants Programme 2019/2020

Whakarāpopototanga matua

Executive summary

2.      The Auckland Council Community Grants Policy guides the allocation of local, multi-board and regional grant programmes to groups and organisations delivering projects, activities and services that benefit Aucklanders.

3.      The Community Grants Policy supports each local board to review and adopt their own local grants programme for the next financial year.

4.      This report presents the Papakura Grants Programme 2019/2020 appended as Attachment A for adoption.


Ngā tūtohunga


That the Papakura Local Board:

a)      adopt the Papakura Grants Programme 2019/2020 provided as Attachment A.





5.      The Auckland Council Community Grants Policy guides the allocation of local, multi-board and regional grant programmes to groups and organisations delivering projects, activities and services that benefit Aucklanders.

6.      The Community Grants Policy supports each local board to review and adopt their own local grants programme for the next financial year. The local board grants programme guides community groups and individuals when making applications to the local board.

7.      The local board community grants programme specifies:

·      outcomes as identified in the local board plan

·      local board grant priorities

·      which grant types will operate, the number of grant rounds and opening and closing   dates

·      any additional criteria or exclusions that will apply

·      other factors the local board consider to be significant to its decision-making.

8.      Once the local board grants programme for 2019/2020 has been adopted, the types of grants, grant rounds, criteria and eligibility with be advertised through an integrated communication and marketing approach which includes utilising the local board channels.

Tātaritanga me ngā tohutohu

Analysis and advice

9.      The aim of the local board grant programme is to deliver projects and activities which align with the outcomes identified in the local board plan. The new Papakura Grants Programme has been workshopped with the local board and the board’s feedback incorporated into the grants programme for 2019/2020.

10.    The new grant programme includes:

·      grant round dates which exclude decision dates coinciding with the local government elections in October 2019.

Ngā whakaaweawe me ngā tirohanga a te rōpū Kaunihera

Council group impacts and views

11.       The grants programme has no identified impacts on council-controlled organisations and therefore their views are not required.

12.       Based on the main focus of an application, a subject matter expert from the relevant council unit, will provide input and advice. The main focus of an application is identified as arts, community, events, sport and recreation, environment or heritage.

Ngā whakaaweawe ā-rohe me ngā tirohanga a te poari ā-rohe

Local impacts and local board views

13.       The grants programme has been developed by the local board to set the direction of their grants programme. This programme is reviewed on an annual basis.

Tauākī whakaaweawe Māori

Māori impact statement

14.       All grant programmes respond to Auckland Council’s commitment to improving Māori wellbeing by providing grants to organisations delivering positive outcomes for Māori. Applicants are asked how their project aims to increase Māori outcomes in the application process.

Ngā ritenga ā-pūtea

Financial implications

15.       The allocation of grants to community groups is within the adopted Long-term Plan 2018 -2028 and local board agreements.

Ngā raru tūpono me ngā whakamaurutanga

Risks and mitigations

16.       The allocation of grants occurs within the guidelines and criteria of the Community Grants Policy. Therefore, there is minimal risk associated with the adoption of the grants programme.

Ngā koringa ā-muri

Next steps

17.       An implementation plan is underway and the local board grants programme will be locally advertised through the local board and council channels, including the council website, local board facebook page and communication with past recipients of grants.


Ngā tāpirihanga






Papakura Grants Programme 2019/2020



Ngā kaihaina



Marion Davies - Grant Operations Manager


Shane King - Head of Operations Support

Manoj Ragupathy - Relationship Manager Manurewa & Papakura


Papakura Local Board

27 March 2019





Papakura Local Board

27 March 2019



Airfield Reserve Concept Plan

File No.: CP2019/03857




Te take mō te pūrongo

Purpose of the report

1.       To seek approval of a concept design for a new park space at 27 Kauri Heart Avenue, Takanini.  

Whakarāpopototanga matua

Executive summary

2.       This parcel of land was vested for the purposes of being a recreational reserve with the development of the surrounding residential area.  It is currently a grassed lot with no further amenities.

3.       Public consultation was conducted on 28 April 2018, which provided input that was used to develop the concept design.

4.       The draft and final concept plans were workshopped with the board on 18 July 2018 and 19 September 2018, respectively, where the board showed support for the design.

5.       Through the course of the public consultation and local board workshops, it was evident there was confusion in the name of the site as there is already a reserve commonly known as “Airfield Park” along Airfield Road.  It is recommended that this site be known as “Kauri Heart Park” to differentiate the two separate public spaces.



Ngā tūtohunga


That the Papakura Local Board:

a)      approve the final concept design proposal dated September 2018 (Attachment A), as the preferred site arrangement for a new playground and associated recreational space as referred to as Kauri Heart Park.





6.       The Takanini area has developed quickly since 2015 as a new community, making for a new neighbourhood with a diverse range of residents.

7.       The site is within 1km of two other reserves. Takanini Reserve is 550 metres away and features a skate park, while Bruce Pulman Park is 400 metres away and features full sport fields and a recreation centre.  With these adjacent amenities, and the size of the site being limited to ~4,000 square metres, it is most suited as a neighbourhood park. 

Tātaritanga me ngā tohutohu

Analysis and advice

8.       The concept design includes the following key components:

·   mixed play equipment for different age groups (swings, climbing net structure, carousel, climbing tower)

·   learn-to-ride circuit

·   picnic shelter with electric BBQ

·   site furnishings (park signage, benches, rubbish bins, picnic tables)

·   landscaping with mounds and shade trees.

9.       The design was carefully considered for safety.  The lot currently has roadways on two sides, which led to setting the primary play space back from this traffic. 

10.     The picnic shelter amenity was added to promote eating and gatherings in the park, and was stationed near the play equipment so that adults can clearly observe the play space.  This arrangement keeps the sightlines short and direct without being detrimental to the user’s experience. 

11.     All assets were considered for their required maintenance and the final design reflects a low-to-moderate upkeep for this park.

12.     The alternative design option that was presented at the 18 July 2018 local board workshop is attached as Attachment C for the board’s reference.  This alternative option was not advanced as it separated the picnic shelter from the play space and the overall cost was higher. 

Ngā whakaaweawe me ngā tirohanga a te rōpū Kaunihera

Council group impacts and views

13.     The consequential increase in maintenance and audit requirements once the play equipment and landscaping is installed has been discussed and accepted by the Community Facilities Operations team.

Ngā whakaaweawe ā-rohe me ngā tirohanga a te poari ā-rohe

Local impacts and local board views

14.     Feedback from community consultation indicated support for developing this vacant site to a neighbourhood park.  The residential lots are limited in space and having a shared green space was a welcome idea.

15.     Two draft concept plans were presented at a local board workshop on 18 July 2018 at which time members expressed a preferred option.   

16.     A revised final concept plan was presented to the subsequent local board workshop on 19 September 2018 which was also met with support.  It was at this meeting that the local board requested staff to review available funding.

Tauākī whakaaweawe Māori

Māori impact statement

17.     Auckland Council is committed to meeting its responsibilities under Te Tiriti o Waitangi/the Treaty of Waitangi and its broader statutory obligations to Māori. Iwi will be engaged through developed and detailed design phases.

Ngā ritenga ā-pūtea

Financial implications

18.     The rough order of cost for the final concept plan was $530,000 as detailed in Attachment B. This estimate is only for the physical works and based upon averages in 2018. 

19.     The suggested funding value is $600,000 to allow for remaining professional service fees, physical works, and contingency.

20.     Currently there is no funding allocated for the execution of the concept plan. Funding for the project will be sought from the regional growth budget.  Allocation of this funding is subject to approval of the growth programme by the Governing Body and will be confirmed as part of the 2019/2020 work programme.

Ngā raru tūpono me ngā whakamaurutanga

Risks and mitigations

21.     There is a risk of construction costs continuing to grow and exceed funding allowances.  This has been mitigated by preparing a concept design that is $55,000 below the suggested budget to reduce the likelihood of a budget shortfall.

Ngā koringa ā-muri

Next steps

22.     Staff will continue to discuss funding options with the board as part of the development of the next 3 year work programme.


Ngā tāpirihanga






Kauri Heart Concept Plan



Rough Order Of Cost



Discounted Concept Plan



Ngā kaihaina



Kim Graham, Growth Development Specialist, Community Facilities


Rod Sheridan - GM Community Facilities

Manoj Ragupathy - Relationship Manager Manurewa & Papakura


Papakura Local Board

27 March 2019



Papakura Local Board

27 March 2019



Papakura Local Board

27 March 2019




Papakura Local Board

27 March 2019



Papakura Local Board

27 March 2019



Papakura Local Board

27 March 2019



Proposed kauri dieback mitigation in local parks in the Papakura Local Board area

File No.: CP2019/02531




Te take mō te pūrongo

Purpose of the report

1.       To endorse high level kauri protection actions for local parks and reserves within the Papakura Local Board area, ahead of the development of a detailed kauri dieback mitigation programme in mid-2019.

Whakarāpopototanga matua

Executive summary

2.       To prevent the spread of kauri dieback and protect healthy kauri, staff have analysed all local parks and reserves in the Auckland region and developed recommended high level mitigation measures for each park.

3.       This interim report provides the results of the prioritisation of local parks and reserves in the Papakura Local Board area. The report also seeks endorsement of the recommended high level kauri protection actions prior to the development of a detailed programme of works.

4.       A detailed kauri dieback mitigation programme will be presented to the board for approval at a business meeting in mid-2019. The report will identify specific works for each park and the associated implementation costs and timeframes.

5.       There are approximately 350 local parks throughout the Auckland region that contain kauri. Protection of healthy kauri is the primary objective of council’s kauri dieback management approach.

6.       Following the introduction of the natural environment targeted rate, additional funding is available to support the management of kauri dieback in the Auckland region. This funding is prioritised to support the protection of high value (Category A) kauri ecosystems and minimise the risk of spreading kauri dieback.

7.       In the Papakura Local Board area there are five local parks or reserves that contain kauri ecosystems. All of these parks have been analysed and allocated to one of four kauri dieback management categories, as summarised in this report.

8.       Kirk’s Bush has been classified as the only Category A park in the local board area. This park is of high recreational value and contains a high value kauri ecosystem. Investment will be required to ensure that diseased kauri are contained and do not become a source of infection.

9.       Recommended mitigation measures are high level and focus on asset solutions, which could include track upgrades, re-alignment or re-routing of tracks, installation of boardwalks, and installation of hygiene stations. Non-asset solutions such as awareness raising and education will also be undertaken.

10.     A list of all the local parks in the local board area that contain kauri, and recommended high level kauri dieback mitigation measures is appended to this report as Attachment A. A copy of the recreational assessment for the Category A park has been appended to this report as Attachment B.

11.     Further investigations are required to determine the exact nature of the necessary kauri protection works for each park in the local board area, as well as the costs and achievable timelines. These investigations will be completed in April 2019 and the results presented to the board as part of the detailed kauri dieback mitigation programme at a mid-2019 business meeting.


Ngā tūtohunga


That the Papakura Local Board:

a)      endorse the following high level kauri protection measures for local parks and reserves:

i)        undertake a detailed investigation to determine appropriate mitigation measures (such as track upgrades, track re-alignment, track re-routing, or other physical works), and consider temporary closure until mitigation works are completed to prevent potentially infected kauri ecosystems in Category A park Kirk’s Bush from becoming a source of infection.

ii)       note that Category B park area at Butterworth House is closed to the public.

iii)      note that the Category C parks are considered to be low value kauri ecosystems with medium value recreational use, thus making them a lower priority for mitigation investment at this stage. These parks are:

·    Central Park Reserve

·    Massey Park – Papakura

·    Ray Small Park

b)      note that a detailed kauri dieback mitigation programme with costs and timelines will be developed and submitted to a local board business meeting in mid-2019 for approval.





Natural environment targeted rate funding to support the management of kauri dieback in local parks

12.     In June 2018 the Governing Body adopted Auckland Council’s ten-year budget for the period 2018-2028. This included a natural environment targeted rate which will provide $311 million of additional investment towards environmental outcomes over the next decade (resolution GB/2018/91).

13.     Funding has been identified within the plant pathogen workstream of the natural environment targeted rate programme to support the management of kauri dieback. Along with existing local board renewals budgets, this funding will support the provision of physical works such as upgrades of tracks in parks with high-value kauri across the local parks and reserves network.

14.     Funding from the natural environment targeted rate will be integrated with existing renewals budgets where available. This funding will be focused on tracks, or sections of tracks where kauri are located within 30 metres of the track, and where the park has been identified as high priority (Category A) in accordance with the categorisation process detailed in the analysis and advice section of this report.

Overview of the kauri dieback mitigation programme

15.     There are approximately 350 local parks throughout the Auckland region that contain kauri. The funding available from the natural environment targeted rate will not be able to provide for the protection of all kauri in the region. 

16.     To manage investment across the region, a risk-based prioritisation approach has been applied. Local parks have been analysed in terms of kauri ecosystem value, recreational value and kauri health status, noting that the council’s primary objective is the protection of healthy kauri.

17.     This report focuses on the results of the prioritisation of local parks and reserves and the high level kauri protection measures recommended for each prioritisation category.

Tātaritanga me ngā tohutohu

Analysis and advice

Establishing kauri dieback management prioritisation categories for local parks

18.     There are five local parks and reserves within the Papakura Local Board area that contain kauri.

19.     Each park was assessed and prioritised on the following basis:

·        the value of the kauri ecosystem, which was classified as high, medium or low. A kauri ecosystem value was assigned by council ecologists based on the work undertaken by Singers et al (2017): Indigenous terrestrial and wetland ecosystems of Auckland

·        the health status of the kauri, which was noted as infected, possibly infected or symptom free. This information was sourced from the council’s active surveillance programme, which includes soil sampling

·        the recreational value of the park, which was identified as high, medium or low. Staff analysed key recreational activities such as recreational trails, active transport, visitor destinations, volunteer activity and sports and recreation use. Reviews of reserve management plans (if applicable) and any other relevant strategic documents were undertaken.

20.     Each local park has been assigned to one of four kauri dieback management prioritisation categories, as shown in Figure 1.























Figure 1: Kauri dieback management prioritisation categories.


21.     The recreational assessment for the Category A park Kirk’s Bush has been appended to this report as Attachment B. This assessment has also identified key stakeholders with interest in the parks. For high and medium recreational value sites, the assessment also describes service outcomes. Examples of service outcomes include connections, access to existing leased areas and facilities, and any planned development.

Identifying high level kauri dieback mitigation measures for local parks and reserves

22.     In the context of kauri dieback mitigation, kauri-safe means that a track has a dry, mud-free surface 100 metres along the track before and after the location of kauri or kauri roots. This can be achieved in a variety of ways including boardwalks, box steps, applying soil confinement membranes and providing aggregate cover.

23.     All five of the local parks that contain kauri within the local board area have been analysed and allocated to one of four kauri dieback management categories, as summarised in Table 1 below.

Table 1: Kauri dieback management categorisation of local parks in the Papakura Local Board area.


Kauri ecosystem value

Park recreational value

Number of parks

Proposed mitigation measures


High to medium

High to medium

Kirk’s Bush

Upgrade or re-align tracks or track sections where needed, or undertake other works to protect kauri.

Temporary closure may be required until works are completed.


High to medium


Butterworth House

Indefinite closure of tracks.



High to medium

Central Park Reserve

Massey Park – Papakura

Ray Small Park

Install hygiene stations at strategic locations if needed.





No mitigation measures.


24.     Further investigations are required to determine the exact nature of the works recommended, their costs and feasible timelines for delivery. Investigations will be undertaken by a team of asset management experts and biosecurity staff.

25.     Category A parks are those with high to medium kauri ecosystem value and high to medium recreational value. Selected tracks in these parks will be upgraded and/or provided with asset solutions that meet recreational outcomes and are kauri-safe. The only Category A park in the Papakura Local Board area is Kirk’s Bush, which contains infected kauri.

26.     To help prevent Kirk’s Bush from becoming a source of infection, recommended actions may include temporary closure until mitigation works are completed.

27.     Investigations began in February 2019 and will be completed by April 2019. Findings will inform the development of a detailed kauri dieback mitigation programme which will be submitted to a local board business meeting in mid-2019 for consideration and approval.

28.     Category B parks are those with high or medium kauri ecosystem value and low recreational value. Tracks in these parks will be recommended for indefinite closure. The only Category B park in the local board area is Butterworth House (adjacent to Kirk’s Bush), which is closed to the public.

29.     Category C parks contain low value kauri ecosystems with medium to high recreation values. Tracks in these parks may be recommended to have hygiene stations installed at strategic locations if considered necessary.

30.     Category D parks contain low value kauri ecosystems with low recreation values. No action will be recommended for these parks. There are no Category D parks in the local board area. A list of all the local parks in the local board area that contain kauri and recommended high level kauri dieback mitigation measures is appended to this report as Attachment A.

Ngā whakaaweawe me ngā tirohanga a te rōpū Kaunihera

Council group impacts and views

31.     The recommendations in this report have been developed through collaboration between council’s Environmental Services department, Parks, Sports and Recreation department and Community Facilities department.

32.     Representatives from these key departments are working as part of a dedicated and ongoing project team to ensure that all aspects of the kauri dieback mitigation programme are undertaken in an integrated manner.

Ngā whakaaweawe ā-rohe me ngā tirohanga a te poari ā-rohe

Local impacts and local board views

33.     In September 2018 a workshop was held with the local board on the natural environment targeted rate work programme and included discussion on kauri dieback management. The board were supportive of protecting kauri and preventing the spread of kauri dieback disease within their local board area.

34.     Closing tracks in parks or reserves will have an impact on recreational activities available to communities in the local board area. Recreational assessments were undertaken to help determine the recreational value of each local park. Along with kauri ecosystem value and health status, park recreational values form the basis of the categorisation process used to determine suitable kauri dieback mitigation measures.

Tauākī whakaaweawe Māori

Māori impact statement

35.     Kauri is a keystone species that supports a distinct New Zealand forest ecosystem, sustaining indigenous flora and fauna. Kauri is a taonga species. Auckland Council, in partnership with mana whenua, have a responsibility for the protection of the spiritual, economic and ecological values associated with this taonga and the ecosystems it supports.

36.     Tāmaki Makaurau mana whenua kaitiaki kaimahi representatives have stressed the importance of the kauri species and expressed a desire to work more closely with the council and the Department of Conservation. Staff will work with mana whenua on the approach to kauri dieback on a site by site basis, where appropriate.

Ngā ritenga ā-pūtea

Financial implications

37.     In May 2018, the Governing Body approved a natural environment targeted rate to support environmental initiatives, including addressing kauri dieback. The rate will raise $311 million over the duration of the Long-term Plan 2018-2028 (resolution GB/2018/91).

38.     The costs of the mitigation measures proposed in this report will be supported by the natural environment targeted rate. Where track works are already programmed in the renewals budget, additional works required to protect kauri, such as removing muddy sections of track where kauri are at risk, will be funded by the natural environment targeted rate.

39.     Detailed design work will be undertaken as part of the kauri dieback mitigation programme development for the local board area. This work will identify the level of funding required and clarify funding sources for the recommended works.

Ngā raru tūpono me ngā whakamaurutanga

Risks and mitigations

40.     Closing tracks in parks and reserves, whether temporary (until upgrade works are completed) or indefinitely (where upgrade works are not recommended) will have an impact on the recreational activities available in the local board area. This may result in additional recreational pressure on other parks and reserves.

41.     To mitigate this risk, information will be provided to the public about alternative recreational activities. As part of the kauri dieback education campaign, the public will be provided with information about the reasons for the closures and the objectives of the kauri dieback mitigation programme.

42.     There is also a risk of non-compliance, where mitigation measures are disregarded by the public, particularly with respect to track closures (where tracks continue to be used despite closure notices) and hygiene stations (where hygiene stations are not used, or not used correctly).

43.     Risk mitigation includes the provision of appropriate information and effective implementation of track closures, including signage, physical barriers and other site-specific measures such as barrier planting.

Ngā koringa ā-muri

Next steps

44.     Following the local board’s decision on the recommendations provided in this report, staff will develop a kauri dieback mitigation programme for each park in the local board area. The recommended mitigation measures will include an indicative cost and delivery timeframe.

45.     A report detailing the recommended kauri dieback mitigation measures for local parks in the Papakura Local Board area will be submitted to the board for decision at a mid-2019 business meeting.


Ngā tāpirihanga






List of local parks and reserves in the Papakura Local Board area and recommended high-level kauri dieback mitigation measures



Recreational assessment of Kirk’s Bush Reserve



Ngā kaihaina



Phil Brown– Biosecurity Manager


Gael Ogilvie - General Manager Environmental Services

Mace Ward - General Manager Parks, Sports and Recreation

Barry Potter - Director Infrastructure and Environmental Services

Manoj Ragupathy - Relationship Manager Manurewa & Papakura


Papakura Local Board

27 March 2019



Papakura Local Board

27 March 2019



Papakura Local Board

27 March 2019



Allocation of funding to Citizens Advice Bureaux

File No.: CP2019/03443




Te take mō te pūrongo

Purpose of the report

1.       To seek feedback from the Papakura Local Board on the proposed new model for allocating funding to Citizens Advice Bureaux (CAB), and on increasing the baseline grant to Auckland Citizens Advice Bureaux Incorporated (ACABx) by $200,000 in 2019-2021.

Whakarāpopototanga matua

Executive summary

2.       There are 32 CAB sites in the Auckland region, which are operated by 11 separate CAB organisations. Bureaux staff and volunteers offer free information, advice, referral and client advisory service to local communities.

3.       Local boards hold relationships with their local bureaux, which report on service usage and other matters of interest to the community.

4.       In 2018/2019 council granted $2.067 million to ACABx, which was conditional on staff and ACABx jointly developing a new funding model to be agreed by 1 April 2019. This amount included an additional $200,000 on a one-off basis to the baseline funding of $1.867 million. 

5.       The new model developed with ACABx is population-based with a deprivation factor to reflect communities with high needs and access constraints.

6.       Feedback is sought from the Papakura Local Board on the new funding model and the retention of the additional $200,000 to baseline funding of $1.867 million provided to ACABx in 2018/2019, in accordance with the template in Attachment A.

7.       Local board feedback will be included in the report to the Environment and Community Committee in May 2019 to approve a new funding model for CAB.


Ngā tūtohunga


That the Papakura Local Board:

a)      provide feedback on the new model for allocating funding to Citizens Advice Bureaux (based on 90 per cent population and 10 per cent deprivation)

b)      provide feedback on increasing the baseline grant to Auckland Citizens Advice Bureaux Incorporated by $200,000 in 2019-2021.





8.       Auckland Citizens Advice Bureau Incorporated (ACABx) was established in 2012 to provide a support structure for funding from council and other bodies, as well as the development of a strategic direction for the service in the Auckland region.

9.       Currently there are 32 Auckland CAB sites in 18 local board areas as outlined in Attachment B. There are no sites in Franklin, Great Barrier and Upper Harbour.

10.     Auckland bureaux are members of ACABx and Citizens Advice Bureau New Zealand (CABNZ). The role of CABNZ is to support membership standards and influence development of social policies and services at a national level. 

11.     In 2018, a joint working group of council staff and ACABx was established to develop a new funding model for Auckland bureaux.

Auckland Council funding of CAB

12.     In 2018/2019, council granted $1.867 million to ACABx, which distributes funding to bureaux to provide services across Auckland.

13.     Through council’s 10-year Budget 2018-2028, an additional one-off grant of $200,000 was approved to maintain and develop the service in the 2018-2019 financial year (resolution number GB/2018/91). The ACABx board have distributed $90,300 of this grant to bureaux facing financial pressure (Helensville, CAB Auckland City, Māngere). The remaining funds will be used to test new ways of delivering the service and develop a regional network provision plan.

14.     Council provides accommodation for bureaux at minimal cost under community lease arrangements, which is equivalent to a $641,000 subsidy per annum. In addition to the funding through ACABx, some local boards also provide grants to bureaux for specific purposes.

15.     The Environment and Community Committee set four conditions for the 2018/2019 operational grant, as shown in Table 1 below (resolution number ENV/2018/48):

Table 1: Funding conditions 2018/2019

Funding condition

Progress to date

A joint review between Auckland Council and ACABx of the funding model

·    Joint working group established

·    Considered what to include in the funding model

·    Agreed a new funding model and transitional arrangements

Updated Strategic Relationship Agreement to include the development of a regional network provision plan

·    Revised Strategic Relationship Agreement signed between Auckland Council and ACABx with scoping and timeline for regional network provision planning to be agreed by June 2019

Improved reporting and access to consistent data on the service provided at regional and site level


·    Council, CABNZ and ACABx jointly developed new report templates for bureaux to provide data and commentary on their activities 

·    CABNZ is currently rolling out an improved database and data collection system (CABNET) which will impact the Q3/Q4 reports for 2018/2019

Strengthened and more strategic relationships between local boards and bureaux

·    The revised Strategic Relationship Agreement sets out guidance on the relationship between local boards and bureaux

Tātaritanga me ngā tohutohu

Analysis and advice

Current funding model

16.     The current model allocates the funding received by ACABx to sub-regional clusters of bureaux based on 2013 census population data.

17.     The current funding model was implemented by ACABx with support from council as an interim approach to transition from legacy council funding to regional funding.

Council staff model

18.     In April 2016, the Regional Strategy and Policy Committee resolved to:

‘seek information from staff regarding a review of the service after consultation with the 21 local boards on the issues raised by the Māngere-Ōtāhuhu Local Board regarding Auckland Citizens Advice Bureaux Incorporated funding, to achieve greater equity and fairness, taking into consideration social issues in local communities across Auckland’ (resolution number REG/2016/22).

19.     A review of CAB services was undertaken, and council staff developed a revised funding allocation model using 70 per cent population, 25 per cent client usage, and 5 per cent deprivation. This model responded to the review findings and focused on funding to achieve greater equity and fairness.

20.     This model was not supported by ACABx who strongly objected to the introduction of client usage as a funding factor.

New model from joint working group

21.     The joint working group have developed a new funding model for bureaux using:

·        90 per cent population, using annual Statistics New Zealand population estimates

·        10 per cent deprivation to increase the capacity of bureaux to meet the complex needs of communities with higher levels of deprivation. This will support the development of new service approaches to increase the access to CAB services within these communities.

22.     ACABx advise that this model will be difficult to implement at the current funding level as funding will be reduced to bureaux in the north, central and Ōtara. Some bureaux are experiencing financial pressure and any decline in funding would lead to a significant reduction in services.

23.     If the annual grant of $1.867 million is increased by $200,000 per annum, ACABx have indicated that the new funding model could be implemented without service reductions if bureaux continue to receive funding at the 2018-2019 level at a minimum. To further moderate the redistribution impacts of the new funding model at a bureau level, population-based increases in funding would be capped at 10 per cent for 2019-2021.

24.     The application of the new funding model is shown in Table 2 below:

Table 2: New funding model allocations


2018/2019 Actual

New model
(current funding)


New model (plus $200,000)

Percentage difference between 2018/2019 Actual and New model plus $200,000






Hibiscus Coast










CAB North Shore (5 sites)





WaiCAB (5 sites)





CABAC (10 sites)





Māngere (3 sites) 





Manurewa (2 sites)










Pakuranga (2 sites)















Note: Based on 2018-2019 funding allocated. Excludes provision for premises lease payments to Auckland Council and ACABx fee (2 per cent)

25.     The new funding model developed by the joint working group is the preferred model for implementation in 2019-2021. During this period, the regional network provision plan will be developed, and council’s level of investment can be confirmed and provided for as part of the 10-year Budget 2021-2031.

26.     The new model supports The Auckland Plan 2050 outcome, ‘Belonging and Participation’:

·        Focus area two Accessible services and social and cultural infrastructure that are responsive in meeting people's evolving needs

·        Focus area six Focusing the council’s investment to address disparities and serve communities of greatest need.

27.     The criteria applied to assess the models were developed by the joint working group. Consideration is given to equity, responsiveness to population growth and community need. Under the Auckland Plan 2050, adopting an equitable approach means prioritising the most vulnerable groups and communities to achieve more equitable outcomes. An assessment of the funding allocation model is shown in Table 3 below:

Table 3: Funding model assessment


X   does not meet

ü   partially meets

üüfully meets

Current model

Council staff model

New model from joint working group

(preferred model)





Population growth




Community need





ACABx used the current funding model to transition to regional funding from legacy arrangements

Uses latest population estimates to reflect future growth

Deprivation factor supports equity for populations with complex issues and access constraints

Client usage as a proxy indicator of community need which takes into consideration that service users do not necessarily just access services in the area they live


More equitable across Auckland with population-based funding covering all the region except Great Barrier Island

Uses latest population estimates to reflect future growth

Targeted deprivation factor (NZDep2013, deciles 8-10) supports equity for populations with complex issues and access constraints

Provides platform for Auckland Council and ACABx to work together to develop a regional network provision plan

Supported by ACABx if additional funding is retained


The legacy cluster funding arrangements do not provide for service development

Relies on 2013 census data

Does not target funding for populations with complex issues and access constraints

Not supported by ACABx because client usage data does not consider the range of complexity in interactions from simple information requests to lengthy interviews

Redistribution of bureaux funding within current funding envelope could lead to service reduction unless alternative funding is sourced

Redistribution of bureaux funding within current funding envelope could lead to service reduction unless alternative funding is sourced


28.     A comparative overview of the funding models is provided in Attachment C.

29.     ACABx support the new model conditional on the retention of the additional 2018-2019 one‑off funding of $200,000 as part of the baseline operational grant. This increased funding level would ensure that no bureaux would lose funding when the model is implemented in 2019-2020. Increased funding enables the inclusion of the Franklin population in the new funding model.

30.     ACABx has indicated that the funding for deprivation will be allocated to bureaux for initiatives to enhance access to services and to trial the development of new service models.

31.     Staff support the new model as it starts to address equitable services across Auckland through population-based funding and targeted deprivation. The model provides a platform for future service growth and the development of a regional network provision plan for CAB services.

32.     Staff support the addition of $200,000 to the ACABx baseline grant from 2019-2020 to implement the new model and extend service funding across the region. All bureaux will receive their current or increased level of funding if council increases baseline funding by $200,000.

Ngā whakaaweawe me ngā tirohanga a te rōpū Kaunihera

Council group impacts and views

33.     Council staff from across the business work cooperatively on matters concerning CAB.  Council departments and units that were consulted on the new model and involved in regional network provision planning include:

·        Community Facilities and Community Places – administration of the leases for CAB premises and facility operation

·        Libraries and Information – some CABs are co-located with libraries

·        Service, Strategy and Integration – expertise in service design and integrating service offers.

Ngā whakaaweawe ā-rohe me ngā tirohanga a te poari ā-rohe

Local impacts and local board views

34.     Local boards provided input to the 2017 review of CAB services, which has informed the development of the new funding model. Local boards generally agreed that a higher level of funding was required to maintain services, and that any funding model needed to consider the area’s demographics and other needs in addition to overall population. 

35.     Overall, local boards reported that they had a good relationship with bureaux, that they were providing valuable, wide-ranging services to the community, and that there was room to improve reporting, service responsiveness and equity of funding.

36.     Feedback is sought from the local board on the proposed new funding model and the retention of the additional $200,000 to baseline funding of $1.867 million provided to ACABx in 2018-2019.

37.     Local board feedback will be included in the report to the Environment and Community Committee in May 2019 to approve a new funding model for CAB. The report will also reflect views on the implementation of the new model from ACABx consultation with bureaux.

Tauākī whakaaweawe Māori

Māori impact statement

38.     CAB services are available to all, and there is currently limited targeting of services to groups, including Māori.

39.     Staff and ACABx have worked together on development of the new model and no specific engagement with Māori was undertaken.

Ngā ritenga ā-pūtea

Financial implications

40.     It is recommended that the additional $200,000 is retained in the ACABx baseline grant, bringing the annual total to $2.067 million in 2019-2021. This excludes any consumer price index adjustment. 

41.     The Māngere-Ōtāhuhu Local Board has provided funding from 2015-2018 to Māngere CAB to operate a CAB agency in Ōtāhuhu. Reliance on the local board funding would reduce under the new model, as the Māngere CAB would receive increased funding of 12 per cent if the $200,000 is retained in the ACABx baseline grant.

Ngā raru tūpono me ngā whakamaurutanga

Risks and mitigations

42.     In applying the new model without the retention of the additional $200,000, funding to the following bureaux would decline:

·        Helensville (-9 per cent)

·        Wellsford (-4 per cent)

·        CAB North Shore (-19 per cent)

·        CAB Auckland City (-2 per cent)

·        Ōtara (-10 per cent).

43.     If the grant is increased by $200,000 per annum, no bureaux would face a reduction in funding.

44.     There is a risk of reduction in CAB services in some communities if funding declines to bureaux. To mitigate this risk, it is recommended that the additional $200,000 is retained.

Ngā koringa ā-muri

Next steps

45.     Local board feedback will be included in a report to the Environment and Community Committee in May 2019 to approve a funding model.

46.     Staff will work with ACABx to scope a regional network provision plan project by June 2019. The plan development will involve bureaux and other stakeholders in setting the direction for the CAB service from 2021 onwards.


Ngā tāpirihanga






Local board feedback template



Map of bureaux locations by local board



Comparative overview of funding models



Ngā kaihaina



Sibyl Mandow - Advisor - ACE


Graham Bodman - General Manager Arts, Community and Events

Manoj Ragupathy - Relationship Manager Manurewa & Papakura


Papakura Local Board

27 March 2019



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Papakura Local Board

27 March 2019



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Papakura Local Board

27 March 2019



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Papakura Local Board

27 March 2019



2019 Local Government New Zealand Conference and Annual General Meeting

File No.: CP2019/02584




Te take mō te pūrongo

Purpose of the report

1.       To inform local boards about the Local Government New Zealand (LGNZ) Conference and Annual General Meeting (AGM) in Te Whanganui-a-Tara Wellington, from Sunday 7 July to Tuesday 9 July 2019, and to invite local boards to nominate elected members to attend.

Whakarāpopototanga matua

Executive summary

2.       The LGNZ Conference and AGM takes place at the TSB Arena, Te Whanganui-a-Tara Wellington from 1.30pm Sunday 7 July to 12.30pm on Tuesday 9 July 2019.

3.       Local board members are invited to attend the conference. As the venue for 2019 is in Te Whanganui-a-Tara Wellington and given the cost of elected member attendance, staff recommend that one member per local board attend.

4.       The Governing Body can select up to five Governing Body members to attend the conference.

5.       In addition to the official delegates, LGNZ requires prior notice of which local board members plan to attend the AGM. Members wishing to attend are asked to register their intention with the Kura Kāwana programme by Friday 12 April 2019 so that this information can be provided to LGNZ.


Ngā tūtohunga


That the Papakura Local Board:

a)      nominate one elected member to attend the Local Government New Zealand 2019 Conference and Annual General Meeting in Te Whanganui-a-Tara Wellington, from Sunday 7 July to Tuesday 9 July 2019.

b)      confirm that conference attendance, including travel and accommodation, will be paid for in accordance with the current Auckland Council Elected Member Expense Policy.

c)      note that any members who wish to attend the AGM must provide their names to the Kura Kāwana programme team by Friday 12 April 2019 to ensure that they are registered with Local Government New Zealand.





6.       This year, the LGNZ conference and AGM will be held at the TSB Arena, Te Whanganui-a-Tara Wellington, from Sunday 7 July to Tuesday 9 July 2019. The AGM will commence at 1.30pm on Sunday 7 July 2018, with the conference programme commencing at 4.30pm on that day and concluding at 12.30pm on Tuesday 9 July 2019.

7.       The conference programme has the theme ‘Riding the localism wave: Putting communities in charge’. The high-level programme is attached in Attachment A.

8.       The AGM takes place on the first day of the conference. The LGNZ constitution permits  Auckland Council to appoint four delegates to represent it at the AGM, with one of the delegates being appointed as presiding delegate.

9.       Elected members who hold LGNZ roles are:

Mayor Phil Goff

Metro Sector representative on the National Council

Councillor Penny Hulse

Chair of Zone One and Zone One representative on National Council, Member Conference Committee

Deputy Mayor Bill Cashmore

Auckland Council representative on Regional Sector

Councillor Wayne Walker

Auckland Council representative on Zone One

Councillor Alf Filipaina

LGNZ Te Maruata Roopu Whakahaere

Councillor Richard Hills

Member Policy Advisory Group

Waitematā Local Board Chair Pippa Coom

Member Governance and Strategy Advisory Group

10.     Traditionally the four AGM delegates have been the Mayor, the Chief Executive and two Governing Body members who hold LGNZ roles. 

11.     The Governing Body will consider an item on AGM attendance at its meeting on 28 March 2019 which includes the recommendation that Mayor Phil Goff be the presiding delegate and the other three delegates be comprised of either:

·        two members of the Governing Body who hold a formal representation role with LGNZ and the Chief Executive, or

·        one member of the Governing Body who holds a formal representation role with LGNZ and the Chief Executive, and a local board member.

12.     Delegates in 2018 were:

·        Mayor Phil Goff

·        Deputy Mayor Bill Cashmore

·        Councillor Penny Hulse

·        Local Board Chairperson Pippa Coom.

Tātaritanga me ngā tohutohu

Analysis and advice

13.     Local board members are invited to attend the conference. As the venue for 2019 is in Te Whanganui-a-Tara Wellington and given the cost of elected member attendance, it is recommended that one member per local board attend.

14.     This means that a maximum of 26 Auckland Council elected members would attend the conference.

15.     Delegates who attend are encouraged to report back to their local boards.

16.     In addition, local board members can attend the AGM as observers, or as a delegate (depending on the Governing Body decision), provided their names are included on the AGM registration form, which will be signed by the Mayor.

17.     LGNZ requires prior notice of which local board members plan to attend the AGM. Members wishing to attend are asked to register their intention with the Kura Kāwana programme by Friday 12 April 2019 so that this information can be collated and provided to LGNZ.

Ngā whakaaweawe me ngā tirohanga a te rōpū Kaunihera

Council group impacts and views

18.     The Governing Body will also consider an item on conference attendance at its meeting on 28 March 2019 which includes the recommendations that the Mayor is appointed presiding delegate to the AGM and that three other delegates be appointed (one of which may be a local board member).  It is recommended that these delegates also attend the LGNZ conference, along with any other Governing Body members up to a total of five attendees.

Ngā whakaaweawe ā-rohe me ngā tirohanga a te poari ā-rohe

Local impacts and local board views

19.     The LGNZ Conference has relevance to local board members and their specific roles and responsibilities and is in line with the purpose provided for in the elected member development budget.

Tauākī whakaaweawe Māori

Māori impact statement

20.     The LGNZ National Council has a sub-committee, Te Maruata, which has the role of promoting increased representation of Māori as elected members of local government, and of enhancing Māori participation in local government processes. It also provides support for councils in building relationships with iwi, hapu and Māori groups. Te Maruata provides Māori input on development of future policies or legislation relating to local government. Councillor Alf Filipaina is a member of the sub-committee. Te Maruata will hold a hui on 6 July 2019.

Ngā ritenga ā-pūtea

Financial implications

21.     The normal registration rate is $1410 (early bird) or $1510 (standard).

22.     Costs of attendance for one member from each local board are to be met from the elected members’ development budget, as managed by the Kura Kāwana Programme.

Ngā raru tūpono me ngā whakamaurutanga

Risks and mitigations

23.     The key risk is of delayed decision-making impacting costs and registration choices. 

24.     The sooner the registration for the nominated local board member can be made, the more likely it is that Auckland Council can take advantage of early bird pricing for the conference and flights, all done via bulk booking. 

25.     Delayed information may also impact registration into preferred conference streams or events.

Ngā koringa ā-muri

Next steps

26.     Once members are confirmed to attend, the Kura Kāwana programme will co-ordinate and book all conference registrations, as well as requests to attend the AGM.


Ngā tāpirihanga






Programme for 2019 LGNZ conference and AGM



Ngā kaihaina



Linda Gifford, Programme Manager Kura Kāwana


Louise Mason - GM Local Board Services

Manoj Ragupathy - Relationship Manager Manurewa & Papakura


Papakura Local Board

27 March 2019



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Papakura Local Board

27 March 2019



Feedback on draft Increasing Aucklanders’ participation in sport: Investment Plan 2019-2039

File No.: CP2019/01135




Te take mō te pūrongo

Purpose of the report

1.       To seek local board endorsement and feedback on the draft Increasing Aucklanders’ participation in sport: Investment Plan 2019-2039.

Whakarāpopototanga matua

Executive summary

2.       To respond to population growth and demographic change, Auckland Council has developed a plan for how it will invest in sport for the next 20 years.

3.       The Increasing Aucklanders’ participation in sport: Investment Plan 2019-2039 seeks to:

·     increase participation in sport by targeting communities of greatest need and addressing disparities

·     deliver a broad range of programmes, services and facilities that respond to the diverse needs of Auckland’s communities

·     address population growth and changing sport preferences through regular assessments of, and changes to, programmes, services and facilities to maximise participation. 

4.       The draft plan was endorsed by the Environment and Community Committee in December 2018 for public consultation [CP2018/07771].

5.       This report invites local boards to formally indicate their support for the draft plan and any additional feedback on the draft plan they would like the committee to consider prior to the plan’s adoption.

6.       Staff have engaged with local boards informally at various stages throughout the development of the plan. Local boards members’ views and concerns have helped shape the key components of the plan.

7.       A summary of consultation feedback will be prepared for the Environment and Community Committee for consideration. Final decision on the adoption of the plan will be sought in May 2019.


Ngā tūtohunga


That the Papakura Local Board:

a)      endorse the draft Increasing Aucklanders’ participation in sport: Investment Plan 2019-2039 and provide any additional feedback for consideration of the Environment and Community Committee.




The plan sets out a new investment approach, which better responds to growth and the changing needs of Aucklanders

8.       Auckland is experiencing rapid population growth and social change. Our diverse communities have different preferences and requirements for sport and recreation activities.

9.       The draft Increasing Aucklanders’ participation in sport: Investment Plan 2019-2039 is the council’s response to these changes. It sets out a new approach to regional investment in sports facilities, programmes and services for Aucklanders over the next 20 years.

10.     The plan will:

·     target communities of greatest need and address disparities

·     deliver a broad range of programmes, services and facilities that respond to the diverse needs of Auckland’s communities

·     address population growth and changing sport preferences through regular assessments of, and changes to, programmes, services and facilities. 

11.     The draft plan has three main sections:

·     Section one: ‘Why we invest’ explains the reasons for having an investment plan and the strategic context.

·     Section two: ‘What we invest in’ explains the outcomes sought from the council’s sports investment, the scope and focus of that investment and the principles that will guide future investment decisions.

·     Section three: ‘How we will work’ explains the investment framework that will be adopted to achieve the outcomes.

12.     The development of the draft plan involved several Governing Body decisions, local board engagement, public consultation and research.  The attached draft plan provides the chronological timeline for developing the plan.

Tātaritanga me ngā tohutohu

Analysis and advice

Adoption of the plan will contribute to multiple strategic outcomes

13.     Sport is one of the key areas the council invests in to deliver on the ‘Belonging and Participation’ outcome in Auckland Plan 2050.

Belonging and Participation

·    Focus Area 7 – Recognise the value of arts, culture, sports and recreation to quality of life

·    Direction 1 – Foster an inclusive Auckland where everyone belongs

·    Direction 2 – Improve health and wellbeing for all Aucklanders by reducing disparities in opportunities.

14.     The draft plan focuses on delivering a single outcome: increasing Aucklanders’ participation in community sport. This aligns with the vision of the Auckland Sport and Recreation Strategic Action Plan 2014-2024: ‘Aucklanders: more active, more often.’

15.     The multiple benefits delivered to local communities through increased sport participation will also contribute directly to the health, social and economic outcomes for Aucklanders as set out in the local board plans.

Achieving the desired outcomes requires putting people at the heart our investment

16.     The plan sets out a targeted, people-centric approach to increase sport participation in Auckland. Future sport investment will focus on meeting the needs of three distinct groups of people:


People who already play sport:


There will be more fit-for-purpose facilities and programmes to keep them actively involved in sport.



People who play a new sport (like futsal)



Currently there are limited opportunities to play, but in the future, there will be more fit-for-purpose facilities and programmes that cater to new and emerging sports.




People who currently do not participate in sport


Auckland Council will create more opportunities and make it easier for them to take up sport.


17.     A key step towards increasing sport participation rates in these targeted groups is through addressing disparities.

18.     Decision-makers will use a set of principles to prioritise multiple investment projects. ‘Equity’ has the highest weighing to ensure all Aucklanders enjoy the same outcomes. The full list of principles includes:

·     Equity (40 per cent of assessment) – Sport investment should ensure equity of outcomes across the population regardless of age, gender, ethnicity, socio-economic status or where people live.

·     Outcome-focused (30 per cent) – There needs to be a clear line of sight between each investment and the outcomes it delivers.

·     Financial sustainability (30 per cent) – Investment decisions need to be financially sustainable for council and sports organisations.

·     Accountability (10 per cent) – Auckland Council has responsibility to act in the best interests of Auckland.









There will be changes to the way we currently invest in sport

19.     The draft plan sets out four key shifts in our approach as illustrated in Figure 1 below.

Figure 1: Key shifts







20.     Figure 2 below explains the reasons for these key shifts, the problems they will tackle and the benefits for Aucklanders. 

Figure 2: Intervention logic map


21.     The plan will ensure robust, evidence-based decision-making and ongoing monitoring of benefits delivered to our communities.

22.     Performance data will be collected to measure the return on investment. This will be shared with investors and ratepayers.

Ngā whakaaweawe me ngā tirohanga a te rōpū Kaunihera

Council group impacts and views

23.     Once adopted, the plan will have a direct impact on council’s internal investment processes, particularly regarding how future projects will be assessed and monitored.

24.     Parks, Sport and Recreation staff have been engaged throughout the development of the draft plan. Their feedback, particularly regarding how the proposed changes can be adopted in practice, has helped shape the investment framework and the scenarios in the draft plan.

25.     Parks, Sport and Recreation staff have also facilitated the council’s engagement with the sport sector through Aktive, the council’s strategic partner for sport. The general feedback is supportive of the new investment approach to improve participation and deliver better outcomes for Aucklanders.

Ngā whakaaweawe ā-rohe me ngā tirohanga a te poari ā-rohe

Local impacts and local board views

The local boards have an important role to play in shaping the draft plan

26.     The local boards have an important role to play in the council’s sport investment. They:

·     set outcomes and priorities for local sport investment through local board plans

·     identify local sports facility and programmes needs and advocate for investment through the Long-term Plan and Annual Budget processes

·     have allocated decision-making responsibility for local sport facilities and initiatives including:

-     the specific location, design, build and fit-out of new local sports facilities within budget parameters agreed with the Governing Body

-     the use of local sport facilities and initiatives including leasing and changes of use

-     local recreation and sports programmes

·     manage local and sub-regional facility partnership relationships, funding or lease agreements and performance reporting

·     work together to support facilities that benefit several local board areas.

27.     Staff have engaged with local boards informally at various stages throughout the development of the draft plan. Local boards members’ views and concerns have helped shape the key components of the plan.

Previous engagement with local boards showed general support for an investment plan

28.     Staff met with local boards between February and April 2018 and sought informal feedback on the key components of the plan.

29.     Feedback from local boards was generally supportive of a new investment plan for sports facilities to ensure consistency, efficiency, transparency and outcome delivery.

30.     Challenges relating to population growth, land supply and budgetary constraints were highlighted. Local boards also noted challenges specific to their areas and populace.

31.     Feedback showed a strong preference to have a flexible approach to accommodate diverse local needs.

Formal local board feedback is sought between February and March 2019

32.     Staff are seeking to understand local boards’ views on the draft plan and request a formal decision at local boards’ business meetings during February and March 2019.

33.     Staff would particularly value local board feedback on the following parts of the draft plan (refer Attachment A), which are likely to have the most bearing on local board decision-making:

·     the key shifts in the council’s future investment approach in sport (page 4)

·     the benefits of sports to Auckland communities, particularly Te Ao Māori (page 9)

·     the difference between equity and equality in the context of sport investment (pages 22-23)

·     the proposed investment framework (pages 24-36).

Tauākī whakaaweawe Māori

Māori impact statement

34.     Sport participation contributes directly to the following ‘Māori Identity and Wellbeing’ outcome in Auckland Plan 2050:

Māori Identity and Wellbeing

·      Direction 1 – ‘Advance Māori wellbeing’

·      Focus area 1 – ‘Meet the needs and support the aspirations of tamariki and their whanau’

35.     According to Sport New Zealand data weekly sport participation of Māori in Auckland (76.8 per cent) is similar to European (76.3 per cent), but higher than Asian (70.7 per cent) and Pasifika (69.1 per cent).

36.     Research also show pockets of sedentary Māori who do not have adequate opportunities to participate in sport. They will be a target group for investment.

37.     Feedback from the Mana Whenua Forum and Aktive Māori Advisory Group during public consultation on the discussion document informed the development of the plan.

38.     A key area of focus was the delivery of outcomes through increased Māori participation. Means of achieving this goal include partnerships with iwi and Māori organisations, to manage demand efficiently and to use sports programmes and facilities as a social hub to strengthen cultural and community connections.

39.     Partnerships will draw on Māori-centric models and collective models of learning so that key Māori concepts become embedded in sport service design and delivery.

40.     Staff will seek further feedback from the Mana Whenua Forum and Aktive Māori Advisory Group as part of the consultation on the draft plan.

Ngā ritenga ā-pūtea

Financial implications

41.     Once adopted, the plan will guide all council investment in sport.

42.     An immediate focus will be to establish a clear and contestable process for the allocation of the $120 million Sport and Recreation Facilities Investment Fund established in the Long-term Plan 2018-2028.

Ngā raru tūpono me ngā whakamaurutanga

Risks and mitigations

43.     Staff have identified reputational and operational risks associated with the adoption of the draft plan. These risks will be mitigated through regular communication and engagement with key stakeholders.





Some people might worry the plan will change arrangements already in place, or ongoing council investment.

Clear communication with key stakeholders and funding recipients that the plan will guide decisions on future investment only, unless a current project is already scheduled for review.



The transition to the new investment approach will be operationally complex. It impacts multiple teams across the council, and new business processes, guidance and forms will need to be designed to support it.


Detailed implementation planning will be required to ensure the transition is as smooth as possible. Changes will be phased in over the next three to five years.


Ngā koringa ā-muri

Next steps

44.     Staff will undertake public consultation from February to March 2019.

45.     The consultation will be conducted in various forms:

·     local boards will be asked to formally indicate their support for the draft plan during business meetings and provide any additional feedback

·     the public will be invited to submit their feedback via ShapeAuckland

·     targeted interviews will be conducted with community groups including Māori, Pasific and Asian people

·     the sport sector will be invited to provide their formal views through Aktive.

46.     A summary of consultation feedback and a final plan will be prepared for consideration and adoption by the Environment and Community Committee around May 2019.

47.     Implementation of the plan will occur in stages over the next three to five years, depending on council budgetary and planning processes. An indicative timeline of the potential changes is presented in section three of the draft plan.

48.     Figure 3 below shows the next steps in a flow chart.

Figure 3: Next steps



This plan will inform the development of other investment plans

49.     The draft plan sets out an overarching investment framework to help decision-makers prioritise investment between different sports.

50.     Separate, but related plans are being developed to guide council’s investment in golf and play facilities. These plans will be consistent with the overarching framework set out in Increasing Aucklanders’ participation in sport: Investment Plan 2019-2039


Ngā tāpirihanga






Draft Increasing Aucklanders’ Participation in Sport: Investment Plan 2019-2039



Ngā kaihaina



Nancy Chu - Principal Policy Analyst


Kataraina Maki - GM - Community & Social Policy

Manoj Ragupathy - Relationship Manager Manurewa & Papakura


Papakura Local Board

27 March 2019









































Papakura Local Board

27 March 2019



Papakura Local Board Achievements Register 2016-2019 Political Term

File No.: CP2019/02573





e take mō te pūrongo

Purpose of the report

1.       To provide an opportunity for members to record the achievements of the Papakura Local Board for the 2016 – 2019 political term.

Whakarāpopototanga matua

Executive summary

2.       An opportunity to note the achievements of the Papakura Local Board for the 2016 – 2019 political term.



Ngā tūtohunga


That the Papakura Local Board:

a)      request any new achievements be added to the Papakura Local Board Achievements Register for the 2016 - 2019 political term.



Ngā tāpirihanga






Papakura Local Board Achievements Register 2016-2019 Political Term



Ngā kaihaina



Paula Brooke  - Democracy Advisor


Manoj Ragupathy - Relationship Manager Manurewa & Papakura


Papakura Local Board

27 March 2019






























Papakura Local Board

27 March 2019



Papakura Local Board Workshop Records

File No.: CP2019/02577





Te take mō te pūrongo

Purpose of the report

1.       To note the Papakura Local Board record for the workshops held on 20 February, 6 and 13 March 2019.

Whakarāpopototanga matua

Executive summary

2.       Under Standing Order 1.4.2 and 2.15 workshops convened by the local board shall be closed to the public. However, the proceedings of a workshop shall record the names of members attending and a statement summarising the nature of the information received, and nature of matters discussed.  Resolutions or decisions are not made at workshops as they are solely for the provision of information and discussion. This report attaches the workshop record for the period stated below.



Ngā tūtohunga


That the Papakura Local Board:

a)      note the Papakura Local Board Workshop Records held on:

i)        20 February 2019

ii)       6 March 2019

iii)      13 March 2019.



Ngā tāpirihanga






Papakura Local Board Workshop Record 20 February 2019



Papakura Local Board Workshop Record 6 March 2019



Papakura Local Board Workshop Record 13 March 2019



Ngā kaihaina



Paula Brooke  - Democracy Advisor


Manoj Ragupathy - Relationship Manager Manurewa & Papakura


Papakura Local Board

27 March 2019







Papakura Local Board

27 March 2019




Papakura Local Board

27 March 2019





Papakura Local Board

27 March 2019



Papakura Local Board Governance Forward Work Calendar - March 2019

File No.: CP2019/02575




Te take mō te pūrongo

Purpose of the report

1.       To present to the Papakura Local Board the six months Governance Forward Work Calendar.

Whakarāpopototanga matua

Executive summary

2.       The Governance Forward Work Calendar is a schedule of items that will come before the local board at business meetings and workshops over the next six months. The Governance Forward Work Calendar for the Papakura Local Board is included in Attachment A.

3.       The calendar aims to support local boards’ governance role by:

i)    ensuring advice on agendas and workshop material is driven by local board priorities

ii)   clarifying what advice is required and when

iii)   clarifying the rationale for reports.

4.       The calendar will be updated every month, be included on the agenda for business meetings and distributed to relevant council staff. It is recognised that at times items will arise that are not programmed. Board members are welcome to discuss changes to the calendar.



Ngā tūtohunga


That the Papakura Local Board:

a)      note the Governance Forward Work Calendar as at 20 March 2019.





5.       The council’s Quality Advice Programme aims to improve the focus, analysis, presentation and timeliness of staff advice to elected representatives. An initiative under this is to develop forward work calendars for Governing Body committees and local boards. These provide elected members with better visibility of the types of governance tasks they are being asked to undertake and when they are scheduled.

6.       There are no new projects in the Governance Forward Work Calendar. The calendar brings together in one schedule reporting on all of the board’s projects and activities that have been previously approved in the local board plan, long-term plan, departmental work programmes and through other board decisions. It includes Governing Body policies and initiatives that call for a local board response.

7.       This initiative is intended to support the board’s governance role. It will also help staff to support local boards, as an additional tool to manage workloads and track activities across council departments, and it will allow greater transparency for the public.

8.       The calendar is arranged in three columns, “Topic”, “Purpose” and “Governance Role”:

i)    Topic describes the items and may indicate how they fit in with broader processes such as the annual plan.

ii)   Purpose indicates the aim of the item, such as formally approving plans or projects, hearing submissions or receiving progress updates

iii)   Governance role is a higher-level categorisation of the work local boards do. Examples of the seven governance categories are tabled below:

Governance role


Setting direction / priorities / budget

Capex projects, work programmes, annual plan

Local initiatives / specific decisions

Grants, road names, alcohol bans

Input into regional decision-making

Comments on regional bylaws, policies, plans

Oversight and monitoring

Local board agreement, quarterly performance reports, review projects

Accountability to the public

Annual report


Community hui, submissions processes

Keeping informed

Briefings, cluster workshops


9.       Board members are welcome to discuss changes to the calendar. The calendar will be updated and reported back every month to business meetings. Updates will also be distributed to relevant council staff.

Tātaritanga me ngā tohutohu

Analysis and advice

10.     This report is an information report providing the governance forward work programme for the next six months.

Ngā whakaaweawe me ngā tirohanga a te rōpū Kaunihera

Council group impacts and views

11.     The council is required to provide Governance Forward Work Calendar to the Manurewa Local Board for their consideration.

Ngā whakaaweawe ā-rohe me ngā tirohanga a te poari ā-rohe

Local impacts and local board views

12.     All local boards are being presented with a Governance Forward Work Calendar for their consideration.

Tauākī whakaaweawe Māori

Māori impact statement

13.     The projects and processes referred to in the Governance Forward Work Calendar will have a range of implications for Māori which will be considered when the work is reported.

Ngā ritenga ā-pūtea

Financial implications

14.     There are no financial implications relating to this report.

Ngā raru tūpono me ngā whakamaurutanga

Risks and mitigations

15.     This report is a point in time of the Governance Forward Work Calendar. It is a living document and updated month to month. It minimises the risk of the board being unaware of planned topics for their consideration.

Ngā koringa ā-muri

Next steps

16.     Staff will review the calendar each month in consultation with board members and will report an updated calendar to the board.



Ngā tāpirihanga






Governance Forward Work Calendar - March 2019



Ngā kaihaina



Paula Brooke  - Democracy Advisor


Manoj Ragupathy - Relationship Manager Manurewa & Papakura


Papakura Local Board

27 March 2019






[1] This activity is subject to local boards prioritising local economic development, and subsequently allocating funding to local economic development through their local board agreements.

[2] This does not reflect all filming that takes place in studio, private property or low impact activity that wouldn’t have required a permit.

[3] This includes Local Board fees only, other permit fees directed to Auckland Transport (Special Events) and Regional Parks. Figures exclude GST and are as per the month the permit was invoiced, not necessarily when the activity took place.